Chapter 220 Obscene

  Jian Heng couldn't believe the result that old Lynch came up with, he once again asked old Lynch solemnly, "Are you sure?"

  Old Lynch was a little annoyed by Jian Heng's question and said directly: "Sure, sure! Am I a veterinarian or are you a veterinarian!"

"Of course it's you! But a raccoon that slipped into my house in the wild... no... you said it has no parasites or fleas on it. If I don't doubt it, it would be weird!" Jian Heng looked at it with his own eyes. He continued to eat fish, instant noodles like a good baby.

"I have already vaccinated against rabies. As for the parasites in your body, if you feel worried, you should give them medicine. There are really no fleas. You are also a rancher. You still don't know if there are fleas." ?” Old Lynch said that the man had already sat back in the car, rolled down the window of his old pickup truck, stuck out his head and looked down on Jian Heng.

   "I reserve the right to question your results!" Jian Heng is a little confused now. Is it possible that a raccoon wandering around in the wild has no signs of parasites in its intestines and no fleas on its body?

   After speaking, Jian Heng took two steps and reached out to take a bottle of potion and a few pills from Old Lynch.

"You can give it mixed with the pills, one tablet a day, for three days in a row. This spray can get rid of fleas, but when you use it, you need to wear an Elizabethan protective cover to prevent it from licking itself. My own hair, and, there are many animals in your house, it is best to shut it in a separate room when spraying."

   After finishing speaking, old Lynch waved at Jian Heng, and then disappeared as soon as he stepped on the gas.

Back in the house, Jian Heng picked up the carp. Anyway, he removed the gills and scraped the scales. The whole fish was finally unloaded into a dozen pieces, which could not be cooked in one pot. As a last resort, Jian Heng had to divide it into two pots. , A big carp was braised in soy sauce, and then some dough was pasted on the side of the pot. Both pots were covered with a circle, so it is considered a carp pot sticker.

   "Wow, it smells so good!"

  Jian Heng has just started cooking here, and the long-legged barley wheat just came back, followed by Denver and Pooh.

The barley and wheat were moved by the smell of fish, but Denver didn't like fish. He raised his head proudly and sniffed the air with his nose. He couldn't tell any smell of meat or bones, and he didn't even say hello. Instead of hitting, he turned his head and trotted towards the cafeteria with Xiao Pao.

  Jian Heng saw the virtue of Denver a long time ago, and shouted at its back: "Eating a bunch of fish will kill you!"

   This is completely disregarding the fact that Denver is a lion, and he is born to eat meat. If Denver could talk to others, he would definitely yell at Jian Heng: Although lions are domesticated, they still have dignity, okay? Who has ever heard of lions eating freshwater fish for nothing?

   "Only fish?" Seeing that Denver ran away without looking back, Xiaomai knew that the food he ate today must not suit Denver's appetite, and it was extremely unsuitable. If not for Denver, he would not have run so fast.

   Guess what to eat today at the speed of leaving Denver. I have to say that wheat has also developed an exclusive life skill.

   "Is there enough fish? I'm sure you guys like it." After Jian Heng finished speaking, he motioned for the two sisters to wash their hands and eat.

Pooh had already spotted the raccoon at this time, but it didn't know how to go up to say hello, so it straightened up, stretched out its front paws in the way of a bear, and kept waving in the direction of the raccoon, whining. A hoot of enthusiasm.

   I have to say that Pooh is a cheerful and good boy who likes to make friends, and he doesn't mean to bully raccoons with their low social status.

See, I also saw a raccoon. Denver didn't even raise his eyelids. For Denver, an inferior creature like a raccoon is not worthy to go up and say hello by himself, but Pooh is different. He is very happy to see a raccoon, and immediately It showed a friendly gesture.

The raccoon probably didn't know what he was thinking at this time. As soon as Denver and Winnie entered the door, the raccoon felt as if the temperature in his body had been taken away by someone. For the raccoon, it relied on its keen Animals instinctively sense that these things cannot be provoked by themselves, and after provoking them, they may not even know how to die.

If it is in the wild, the raccoon has already run wildly, maybe it can run out of the US border, and it will not stop until Canada. It is a pity that the current situation is that two extremely powerful guys occupy the door. There is nowhere to run!

"What are you doing in a daze, Pooh greeted you!" Seeing that Instant Noodles hadn't reacted at all to Pooh's overtures, Jian Heng raised his foot and kicked Instant Noodles' **** lightly. foot.

   Now the soul of Instant Noodles being kicked by Jian Heng has come back, looking at Pooh who is about to think about how to show surrender, recognize a big brother, or if it is impossible to recognize a godfather, it will be fine!

  Unexpectedly, when he looked up and saw the strong man showing his favor to him, he suddenly felt warm on his body, as if he suddenly felt the warmth of a big animal family.

At this time, the instant noodles were a bit like an old farmer who had never gone out of the township or county in his life. He suddenly saw a high-ranking provincial official standing in front of him, smiled and stretched out his hand to himself, and shouted "Brother, let's go!" Long time no see, how are you doing, poor? How about I find a way to make you millions?

  Instant noodles are almost like this now! Even if there is a difference, it is not much difference!

After a while, the raccoon ran over directly, this time on all fours, ran to Pooh's side, hugged Pooh, and began to lick Pooh's fur. The flattery on his face made Jian Heng look a little bit up.

  Now Pooh is also licking the instant noodles, look how Pooh is licking, sticking out his little pink tongue, the time is not long, and he pauses once or twice from time to time.

  Looking at how Pooh licked the instant noodles, he wished he could pull out the whole tongue in his mouth, and licked from Pooh's neck all the way to his forehead, and then fell to the other side of his neck.

Let's put it this way, Jian Heng has worked as a cowboy for several years, and has seen countless cats and dogs, even cows and horses licking things, but he has never seen any animal, or even the same race of raccoons, that can lick their hair out. A kind of cheap to unparalleled state.

   "It's all about licking, why can you lick it in a different kind of obscenity and vulgarity?" Jian Heng looked at it for a while, sighed, and said something to the instant noodles.

   "Okay, stop licking, I'm so disgusting that I can hardly eat anymore."

   After speaking, Jian Heng stretched out his feet and separated Pooh from the instant noodles.

   "Where did the raccoons come from? Didn't you say that you don't want raccoons in the ranch?"

  The two sisters went out and found a raccoon in the room, and immediately asked Jian Heng curiously.

Jian Heng spread his hands: "What can I do, this thing has been following me, desperately trying to please me, and I am too embarrassed to shoot it, so let it follow, I just asked Lynch , the old guy said that there are no fleas on it, and after observing it, it did not find any parasites in the stomach, and it has also been vaccinated against rabies."

   "oh! so-cute!"

At this time, Instant Noodles opened his eyes and kept looking at the barley and wheat. It wasn't that he couldn't tell the twins apart. For humans, barley and wheat are difficult to distinguish, but for animals, it is very simple, such as Denver and Wheat. Pooh never misses them, they smell more than they look.

Now instant noodles are judging the relationship between the two female human beings in front of me and the thighs that I want to hug tightly. Of course, instant noodles do not have the ability to think about this relationship subjectively. This is what instant noodles have learned in nature. Survival instinct comes out.

   It is because of this shameless spirit that instant noodles have survived for so long, so subconsciously it sees the barley and wheat and weighs who is stronger and who is weaker between the two.

  Always be ready to seek refuge with the strong. This is the survival principle of instant noodles in the raccoon population, and it is also the survival principle for it to face strong enemies in the wild.

Soon it judged that Damai was obviously closer to Jian Heng, one of the thighs it had climbed on, so the instant noodles naturally walked towards Damai, stretched out its two little paws, and touched Damai's. On the legs, a small face is full of fawning expressions.

  Barley and Wheat, who were already fascinated by this product, couldn't bear it. After hearing that it had been certified by a veterinarian, it was free of fleas and parasites, so they immediately picked it up.

  The two of them stretched out their hands to caress the hair of the instant noodles at the same time and said, "***, you are so good!"

   "Don't bark, it has a name, it's called instant noodles!"

  Although the raccoon is called ***Jian Heng, I think it’s good, but the name I decided on is Instant Noodles, and the veterinarian has recorded it, so it’s better not to change it.

   Of course, Jian Heng likes the name instant noodles.

  (end of this chapter)

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