Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 221: onboarding

  Chapter 221 Entry

   Mornings at Silent Lake Ranch are a bit lazy!

Toby drove the car into the gate of the ranch. For ordinary office workers in the city, it might be a bit too early to arrive at the company at 7 o'clock, but for the cowboys on the ranch, going to work at 7 o'clock is almost equal to today's boss. I have a holiday.

  Toby also wanted to come earlier, but he was too excited last night, and he didn’t find the job he was looking for for a long time. Now it has been implemented. Not only did he drink too much, but he also had a lot of fun with his wife twice when he got home at night, so he woke up a bit late. In addition, it was the first time he went to work, and Toby had to tidy up his appearance again, so after procrastinating, it was already past five past seven when he entered the ranch.

   At this time, there was almost no sound in the Silent Lake Ranch. It seemed that even the birds hadn’t gotten up here. Toby drove all the way to the front of a house that was smoking, and then saw someone coming out of the house.

   "Who are you looking for?" An Asian man in his twenties asked Toby in English with a strong accent.

Toby pricked up his ears carefully before he could understand what he said, but since we are all colleagues in the future, Toby jumped out of the car and first reached out to the young man: "My name is Toby- Blair, you can call me Toby, I'm here for work, Mr Jean asked me to come here today, oh forgot, I'm a cowboy".

  The young man who went out was Zhao Wei, and he immediately understood that the old foreigner in front of him was a new cowboy hired by his boss, to be precise, he was the little supervisor who was in charge of Huang Xiaodong and Zhang Jialiang.

Zhao Wei is also interested in cowboy work, and now there is a veteran cowboy standing in front of him, so maybe there will be something to learn from him, so Zhao Wei is very enthusiastic, grabbed Toby's hand and gently He froze, with a smile on his face.

   "Welcome, the boss mentioned you in the morning, and said that if you come, you can go directly to Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong. They are shoveling manure in the barn now." Zhao Wei stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the barn.

The barn is not too far away from the dining room and the exercise room, but it is not too close. It is about 400 meters away. Due to the undulating terrain, you can only see most of the roof of the barn from here, with a small area. the wall.

  Seeing the barn, Toby knew what he was supposed to do without being called. After saying thank you to Zhao Wei, he got in the car again, turned around and drove towards the barn.

  When Toby arrived at the barn, he got out of the car and saw an Asian man wearing a leather romper who happened to be pushing a cart of dung out of the barn.

   Just when Toby was about to say hello, the Asian asked first, "Mr. Toby Blair?"

   "It's me, it's me, are you?" Toby asked immediately.

The Asian put down the cart he was pushing, and wanted to reach out to shake Toby, but when he stretched his hand halfway, he saw that his gloves were still stained with cow dung, so he shrank back and was about to take off his gloves: "I am Zhang Jialiang, you You can call me Zhang!"

Toby took a step forward at this time, and directly shook Zhang Jialiang's gloved hand: "I'm glad to meet you, and we will all be colleagues in the future. What are you afraid of getting a little cow dung? We are cowboys, let alone hands. Even if you go out, you will smell of cow dung all over your body, it's unavoidable!"

Zhang Jialiang couldn't help laughing when he heard what he said. For the new boss, Zhang Jialiang was still a little worried, fearing that he wouldn't get along well with him, but seeing Toby's temper now, at least for now Not some weirdo. It seems to be easy to get along with.

   "Huang Xiaodong, Huang Xiaodong?"

  Zhang Jialiang saw that Toby was not bad, so he turned around and wanted to call Huang Xiaodong out so that everyone could get to know him.

  Huang Xiaodong is wearing his ears now, so he didn't hear Zhang Jialiang calling him.

   "Maybe he's wearing earphones, I'll call him" Zhang Jialiang explained.

  Toby stopped Zhang Jialiang and said, "I'll go change clothes first. I also brought a few clothes myself, but I don't know where I can change them."

Hearing what Toby said, Zhang Jialiang said: "Room No. 5 over there is your residence, and there is a key on the door. You go to see what is missing first. If you need anything else, tell the boss, and he will prepare it for you. of".

After thanking him, Toby followed the direction of Zhang Jialiang's finger to find his future rest room, opened the door with the key on the door, went in and took a look around, and found that there were almost everything that should be there. The things are not just some tools or something, and I happened to bring them today.

It took less than three minutes to look at it, and after throwing all the things in his car in, Toby put on the leather seat, put a pair of leather gloves under his armpit, and walked out of the dormitory, ready to throw himself into the dormitory. Go during your first day at work at Silent Lake Ranch.

Back in the barn, Toby and Huang Xiaodong just chatted a few words, they got to know each other and started working. The three of them buried their heads in shoveling manure, and it took almost half an hour to clear all the manure in the barn. The feces were all shoveled clean, not only shoveled clean, but also washed with water, and dried the ground with several heaters.

Taking advantage of the rest time, the three of them sat down and took off their leather backs, sat around the door of the utility room in the barn, drank tea, and along the way Toby began to understand the general situation of the ranch, such as How many livestock, daily schedule, etc.

"Nothing else?" Toby heard that the three of them were just cleaning up the barn, sweeping down the pigsty, and repairing the fence. He couldn't believe his ears, and felt that the job was too easy. Bar.

  For Toby, Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong felt that the animals pulled a lot of manure, and that was not a problem at all.

  Toby is a person who has worked on a large ranch. He has seen the pile of cow dung pulled by nearly 5,000 cows overnight. It looks like a hill. What is the dung now?

"Not at present, but there may be more things in the future. In the future, there will be some riding lessons on the ranch. At least twenty or thirty horses must be prepared. Our main task at that time is to ensure these horses..." Zhang Jialiang and Jane The constant relationship is over there, and he is easy to ask, so he knows Jian Heng's plan for the next step of the ranch's development.

Hearing what Zhang Jialiang said, Toby was relieved. If it was such a job every day, to be honest, if Toby was a rancher, he could do it with only one person, at most one and a half people The salary is good, and some cowboys are rushing to do it.

Now that three people do such a small job, for an old cowboy like Toby, it must mean that someone will lose their job when the boss reacts. Three people are obviously not enough, at least one or two people are needed to get busy.

While Toby was trying to figure out the bottom line, Jian Heng rode over on the black beans, leading the herd to the grazing position. Jian Heng trotted around with barley and wheat again, and when he came back, he cleaned the black beans. I remembered that a new employee was coming today, so I rode on Heidou to ask about it, and happened to see three people taking a rest.

  Seeing that Toby was chatting well with Zhang and Huang, Jian Heng smiled and slid off the horse.

   "Boss!" Toby stood up immediately.

   "It's okay, don't be so restrained." Jian Heng didn't wave his hand at the support, then hung the rein in his hand on the saddle on Heidou's back, walked to the side of the three and sat down.

   "I don't want to drink anymore, I just drank it!" Seeing that Zhang Jialiang was about to pour tea for himself, Jian Heng immediately waved his hand to signal that he would not drink it.

Jian Heng asked Toby, "Do you know about the general work? There are not many jobs at present, but there will be more soon. Let's start today. We will train the Lima of the herd, at least ten My plan is that these horses will come in handy next spring... ".

  Tobilo thought for a while and said, "From now to next spring? How about Zhang and Huang's horse training skills?"

   "Regardless of them, it's just me and you now, plus the McAvoy sisters at most, they still don't have much time, and my time is not too guaranteed...".

Hearing what Jian Heng said, Toby gave a conservative figure: "If this is the case, I can train seven to eight horses. If there are more, the level of training is hard to say. It just depends on the horses. In the current situation, if it is for tourists, my suggestion is to be more cautious and use old horses."

   What Toby said, Jian Heng also understands that whether it is a student or a tourist, the most important thing about horse riding or equestrian-related sports is safety, and nothing is as important as these two words.

  Although riding a horse in the United States requires signing an exemption agreement, it is always a bad thing to hurt someone.

  Toby means that the time is too short. It is best to buy those geldings with good character or horses after the age of eight. This is an old-fashioned suggestion, and it is also the best suggestion.

   "Let's see when the time comes. If it doesn't work, go buy it. That's fine, let's eat first." Jian Heng smiled and stood up.

  Toby said: "I ate it at home"

   "Let's feel it even if you don't eat it, just treat it as getting used to it in advance." Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Toby was also very curious about where he would eat in the future. Hearing what the boss said, he nodded and agreed.

   "Go pick a horse from the stable, Jialiang, take him there," Jian Heng said to Zhang Jialiang.

   "Okay!" Zhang Jialiang happily agreed.

  Jian Heng said: "From then on, I will leave most of the things on the ranch to you."

   "Don't worry, boss, I will do well." Toby cherishes this job opportunity very much now, so he naturally wants to show a kind of confidence in front of the new boss.

   "Boss, how do we arrange the livestock herd during the day?"

  Thinking of the trouble caused by the huge black wolf, Toby opened his mouth to ask the question he was most concerned about.

   Jian Heng listened and said: "We have no arrangements, we are not afraid!"


  Toby was stunned for a while, and then said: "My suggestion, let's send someone to take a look, and it's good to be prepared."

   "No need!" Jian Heng waved his hand, walked out of the door, whistled lightly, and the black beans rushed to the owner's side like a black whirlwind.

  (end of this chapter)

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