Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 222: tormented meal

  Chapter 222 Suffering meal

Turning his head to look at the white lion less than one meter away from him, and then looking down at the so-called hemp ball in his hand, Toby felt that too much happened in his life today, which was unimaginable before. matter.

   The most unimaginable thing is not these, for Toby, the most unacceptable thing is the group of people sitting next to him!

   Omg! Have none of these people eaten? Or is Chinese food just so delicious? Hearing the sucking sound coming from his ears, Toby couldn't help slandering in his stomach.

  Toby is not opposed to Chinese food, but he feels that he also has the right to choose food, so whether it is the chef Zhao, or how the chef Feng recommends, he still chooses the so-called mochi ball with a sweeter taste.

The reason why he likes sesame **** is very simple. One is because it is deep-fried. As an American, he has a high acceptance of deep-fried food. The second reason is that he likes the aroma of sesame seeds on the top and the bread inside. sweet bean paste filling.

   So Toby’s breakfast on his first day at the ranch was two mozzarella balls! Mentally, he was tortured even more.

   Slowly eating hemp balls, Toby felt as if he had entered a refugee camp, or a special refugee camp that didn't have skinny bones, no clothes, and little shelter.

   This group of people are all dressed like dogs, but they all eat like they are fighting a war, or like a gang of pirates. There is no modern dining etiquette.

  Thinking of this, Toby turned his gaze to a girl in her early twenties sitting directly opposite him, with an indescribably beautiful figure.

  In Toby’s opinion, no matter who sees such a girl, his heart will be moved. It’s as if he mustered up his courage when he approached her in front of him, and he happened to be standing behind the girl when the restaurant lined up.

  She is so pretty that even a man needs courage to talk to her. To be honest, Toby has never seen such a beautiful girl in his life.

  But when this extremely beautiful girl picked up the plate and sat down at the table, it was like a different person.

  Look at her mouth is open now, and Toby sitting directly opposite can see her throat. A meat bun that was slightly bigger than the palm of an adult man, this beautiful girl stuffed it into her mouth after only two bites, and after taking a sip of the soup, the bun and soup in her mouth were gone.

   "Aren't you hungry after eating so little?"

  The girl sitting opposite Toby saw Toby looking at her, and she didn't feel embarrassed at all. She reached out and picked up another meat bun on the small plate in the tray, and put it to her mouth.

   Paused for a moment, then said to Toby: "Believe me, the mochi **** taste delicious at first, but in the end, it has to be this!"

Speaking of which, the girl turned the meat bun in her hand, and now Toby can even smell the smell of meat mixed with spices coming from the bun. This is a special smell. In the past, Toby was neither fond of talking nor talking about it. I don't like it.

  But now, Toby doesn't like to talk about it, because these people look too scary when they eat buns, and the restaurant looks a bit like a fan gang gathering.

Toby seldom watched the entertainment version, so he didn't know that the extremely beautiful girl sitting in front of him had just been named one of the top ten most beautiful supermodels in the world. As for who this girl was, it was naturally Bu Lanka, the other little models are still immature like a chick that has just left the nest, they can't even be called women, and they can't talk about attracting men's attention.

  After talking with Toby, Blanca continued to deal with the buns in his hand, and said while eating: "Oh, baby, I really miss you, the Chinese restaurants in New York are all rubbish!...Well, delicious!"

  Blanca went to New York yesterday to shoot a magazine for three hours, and ate Chinese food in New York once, and she immediately vomited. For example, where does Blanca know which Chinese restaurant in New York is authentic? She knows that others say it is authentic, and they are all Americans. These people think that authentic Chinese food is a few blocks away from the real authentic one.

  Although Toby likes to hear beautiful girls humming in his ear, this time he felt that the girl opposite was pretty, but the way she was eating was really scary.

Zhao Changshan has noticed Toby's situation for a long time. After all, for Zhao Changshan, the more devoted the big guys are, the happier he is. It's just a ghost.

  Feng Sanzhu also saw it, turned his head to Zhao Changshan and said: "Brother Changshan, let's cook less of his meal at noon? Let's talk about starving him for two days?"

"I still have to do it. If he doesn't eat, then there is Denver. Even if there is no Denver, there is still Pooh. Now there is another instant noodle, and his appetite like a little chicken is still not good." Something?" Zhao Changshan said.

  Fortunately, Toby didn't hear it. If he heard someone call a cowboy's appetite a chicken scorpion, he would definitely go berserk.

   "Master Zhao, bring me another bun!"

Just when Zhao Changshan was dissatisfied, Simon Rogers' voice rang out. The original big fat man has now become a small fat man. After the fat man with a three-layered chin lost weight, his appearance has improved, which is even worse than plastic surgery. Plastic surgery. From the original fat man, he became a vaguely handsome guy.

   "Take one more!"

Sean Barley, who was sitting next to him, has grown flesh now, not as thin as a bamboo pole. Hu En has grown flesh, but he has not become handsome. Sean's characteristics are a long way from being handsome. distance, but he has a special bad temperament, if only from the appearance, he doesn't seem like a good person.

  Hearing the voices of the two people, some of the students raised their hands one after another.

   "I want another one too!"

   "I want two here!"

  Zhao Changshan was very satisfied when he heard it, and said repeatedly: "There are, there are! When have I been so hungry to you!"

   As he spoke, he signaled Zhao Wei and Feng Sanzhu to go in and take two more drawers of buns from the steamer, and divided them up.

  Toby asked Branca carefully, "Don't you feel uncomfortable with your bloated stomach?"

   "What's the matter? As long as I have meat buns for breakfast, I will eat more than three buns. Today, four is considered a normal performance." Blanca said at this time, sucking the bun juice on her finger.

  A woman ate four steamed buns and drank almost a liter of that weird Chinese gravy soup and said it was normal! This made Toby at a loss as to how to answer the call.

   "Very good, very good!" Toby organized the words in his mind for a long time, and finally had to use very good to perfunctory.

  Blanka is not in the mood to think about what Toby thinks. For her, the current life is to let go of eating, and then happily make money and enjoy the moment! Who is in the mood to bother what a cowboy thinks.

  If it wasn’t on the ranch, Blanca would just smile politely when she met Toby. As for a decent conversation, unless she was under the camera, it was impossible in general situations.

At this time, Jian Heng stepped in. He came to find Toby and others to cut the horses from the whole herd. Of course, Jian Heng could do this by himself, but today Toby was the first. The first time he went to work, Jian Heng had to get a good feel for the employee, so Jian Heng decided not to participate, and asked Toby to bring Zhang, Huang, and the ranch's half-toned cattle dog to try.

As soon as Jian Heng came in, the students naturally greeted each other enthusiastically. They love and hate people like Gene. The love is because it is very cool to take this class, and the hate is because it will be so cool after taking Gene's class. .

  Walking across from Toby, he sat down on the empty seat next to Blanca. Jian Heng saw that Toby only had half a hemp ball in his hand, so he asked, "You eat so little?"

   "I'm not used to some Chinese food" Toby didn't say.

   Jian Heng listened and smiled: "Well, there is a process of getting used to it!"

  Jian Heng doesn't care if Toby is used to it or not. Once you drink a few bottles of water, don't get too used to Chinese food.

"Jin, is that Mr. Yao coming yet?" Blanca is becoming more and more interested in Chinese culture now, and she is also very curious about the new hot spot of meditation. On the top of her head, the old man ran away. So even if someone else told her, she couldn't help but ask again.

   Jian Heng said: "Maybe I won't come back, I have a lot of things to do."

  "It's a good learning opportunity." Blanca was a little disappointed.

  Jian Heng shrugged: "There is no other way!"

  Hearing that all the students hope that the old man Yao will come back, Jian Heng thinks that this course needs to be taught by someone, not necessarily the old man Yao.

  (end of this chapter)

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