Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 223: Micro impact

  Chapter 223 Micro-influence

   "Boss, what's the matter?" Toby asked.

  Jian Heng said: "It's nothing serious, wait until you finish eating. Did I tell you to train the horse in the morning?"

"I'm done eating!" Hearing what Jian Heng said, Toby immediately threw the remaining half of the hemp ball into his mouth, then took a napkin and tried the corners of his mouth to wipe off any residue that might have stuck to his mouth. Sesame, stood up and wanted to leave the restaurant.

  Jian Heng took a look at Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong, and found that they still had two steamed buns in front of them, and half a bowl of soup hadn't been finished yet, so he said, "Wait a minute, let's start after they finish eating."

  At this moment, Blanca whispered to Jian Heng: "Jin, please ask Melissa to marry me. My contract will expire in the middle of next year. I don't want to stay in the current company anymore."

   "You have to discuss this matter with Ms. Melissa. I don't want to interfere in her daily affairs, and signing you, her company may have to work harder," Jian Heng replied in a low voice.

Seeing that there was still a slight sense of disappointment on Blanca's face, Jian Heng comforted and said: "Don't worry, as long as you like it and you can pay the fee, you can always reshape your body here. I have an agreement with any company in the future. None of that will hurt that."

   After speaking, pouted his lips: "Including everyone."

   "I'm not afraid of this, but now without Melissa, I feel quite..."

  Speaking of this, Blanca said to Jian Heng: "Let's talk again when we have a chance."

   "No problem!" Jian Heng knew that it would definitely not be easy to tell about Blanca in front of Toby.

"How was the filming of yesterday's advertisement?" Jian Heng is fine anyway, so he just chatted, chatting with a big man like Toby, how could he be happy chatting with Blanca, even a blind man would know how to find Blanca Chatting enhances the joy of the mood.

  Blanca said: "Not bad!"

   "It's all the cosmetics of this brand, you said it's not bad, it looks like us Chinese" Jian Heng said with a smile.

   "It's only regional, not a global endorsement." Blanca shrugged slightly.

  Jian Hengxin said: The fate of people is really amazing. Two months ago, if there was this opportunity, Blanca could lie on the ground and roll happily, but now she is still a little unwilling, and feels that she is no longer her global spokesperson.

   "By the way, I missed your class yesterday, can I take a class or two with you next time you train them?" Blanca said.

"Okay! In the afternoon, from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, I will teach them a lesson." Jian Heng quickly agreed, without thinking about what would happen between her, a model, and these actors. Anyway, Blanca It's not their own food either, as long as they don't mess around in Jian Heng's ranch, Jian Heng is fine.

What Blanca said next brought Jian Heng's thoughts back on track, because Blanca began to talk about further body shaping, as if he told Jian Heng about some unsatisfactory aspects of his body, and then started discussing with Jian Heng How to improve this part, or is it necessary to improve.

  About ten minutes later, Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong finished their meal. Four of them rode on four, and brought all the half-tone cattle dogs with them.

   "Acridine! The pasture in the pasture is so good." Looking over the pasture along the way, Toby couldn't help but praised in amazement.

   "Is it good?" Zhang Jialiang asked.

  Toby asked rhetorically: "Isn't the pasture not good in this weather? There is still some greenery on the faint grass stems."

   As he said that, Toby bent down, stretched out his hand and pulled a piece of ryegrass into his hand, and pinched it at the root of the grass. After the turf was broken, there was a section of green as expected.

   "It's always been like this," Zhang Jialiang said.

Toby said: "All the grass on the Edwin Harrison Marcus pasture has dried up. After the first frost, it all fell to the ground. Look at the grass here. Although it is a bit crooked, the stems are still there. It’s green, it’s more nutritious than withered grass!”

  Jian Heng didn't notice this situation either. In fact, Jian Heng has never cared about how the grass grows on other people's pastures, because he didn't point out this thing for food, so he naturally cared less.

  Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong are both half-tones of half-tones, and they didn't think of this at all. Therefore, no one in the pasture found that the grass in their own pasture 'lived' longer than the grass in other people's pastures.

   Having such grass in winter means that costs are reduced and profits are increased, and it also means that everyone's workload is correspondingly reduced.

  If feeding silage, it is almost completely indoors, not to mention the shoveling of excrement, even if it is fed regularly, it will consume a lot of energy of the cowboy, especially at night.

   Now that such pasture lasts for another day, it means that the work is easier for one day. Since he has become a worker at the Silent Lake Ranch, he is naturally happy to see this situation.

  How did Zhang Jialiang know this, and he opened his mouth and asked again: "Then you said that this winter grass will be like this?"

   "It's hard, it's going to snow soon, and the grass will definitely freeze to death," Toby judged based on his own experience.

Seeing that Zhang Jialiang wanted to ask, Jian Heng immediately stopped him: "Okay, now I'm going to cut out all the horses and drive them to the stables. Lynch will come over to gel the horses in the afternoon. When you need my help, say One sound".

  Hearing Jian Heng's words, Toby also knew that his boss was going to test him, so he didn't say much, and began to assign tasks to Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong.

  Because he didn't know the level of Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong, let alone these half-toned cattle dogs, Toby's first cattle distribution failed.

  Jian Heng's face was not troubled. Seeing Toby looking at him with embarrassment and wanting to say something, he waved his hand generously and said, "You have done a good job."

This is Jian Heng's sincere praise. Jian Heng felt that if he didn't have the help of Daniel and Qianlong, if he wanted to be as good as Toby and let Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong cooperate with a few dogs, wouldn't it be difficult? Bit by bit.

   Now that Toby can do this, it proves that Jian Heng's salary is not free, and Toby's level is very good! And it's a level higher than Jian Heng's.

Hearing what Jian Heng said, Toby got off the horse and trained the dogs first. He did not train all of them, but picked two of the smartest ones, and taught them to listen to his commands and gestures. Simple, just a go, which means let the dog run in the direction of your finger.

It was a very simple thing, and the two cattle dogs quickly learned it. After returning to the horseback, Toby rearranged the tasks of Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong. Instead, they were positioned as helpers.

"Chapter! You come to the left, close to the deer herd" Toby shook the head of the rope with his hand to separate the horses from the bison. When he saw that the horses wanted to go back to join the cattle, he immediately let Zhang Jialiang blocked the confluence of the horses.

  Seeing that Zhang Jialiang was barely in place, he raised his hand and called Da Huang, who then rushed towards Toby's finger.

As soon as the cattle dog barked, the horses began to trot immediately, so that all the horses started to move. Toby asked Huang Xiaodong to follow behind Zhang Jialiang, and Erhei followed on the other side of the horses. tail, separated the horses from the herd in less than five minutes

  It was done very easily this time. The entire horse, a dozen or so horses, were easily separated from the herd. The ease made Toby a little unbelievable, as if these horses understood his thoughts.

  Jian Heng didn't intervene, and didn't give any instructions to Daniel and Qianlong, so Jian Heng made a little trouble just now.

   "This group of horses is very smart!" Toby drove the group of horses and said to Jian Heng who was riding with him.

Jian Heng didn't know if Toby really thought so, but Jian Heng could tell that these foals or semi-adult horses, judging from their current performance, were indeed slightly smarter than ordinary horses Some.

It's not just a good thing for a horse to be smart, just like smart children are generally more scavenger, and the same is true for horses, so now both Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong have a hard time driving, while Toby just rides side by side with Jian Heng, Move your lips from time to time.

  Jian Heng knew that Toby was training the two of them, and Jian Heng was also called out by old Anders in this way, so he naturally agreed with this method.

   Find a good helper! Jian Heng was determined.

  (end of this chapter)

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