Chapter 224 Put a long line

  Toby adapted to the diet of the ranch much faster than he thought. After three or four days, he was sitting in the dining room like everyone else, eating with relish on a plate.

But Toby is far inferior to the level of instant noodles in the ranch. After a few days, whether it is Zhao Changshan, Zhang Jialiang, or the students in the ranch, they all know the raccoon of instant noodles, and get along very well with instant noodles. harmony.

Under Toby's leadership, the ranch began to be organized. Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong couldn't do things, such as taking the cattle under the leadership of Daniel and Qianlong to graze and graze. It took Toby a few days. It has also been done, Toby and Daniel have been able to 'communicate' effectively, so every morning, now Jian Heng's task is to accompany the two sisters, Big Mai and Wheat, for a walk, and inspect the pasture along the way.

   Now Jian Heng is busy with the work at hand while listening to Toby's report.

  Toby wants to talk about two things today, one is his horse training these days, and the other is about the issue of home-made horse harnesses in the future, such as bridles and so on, requiring him to do it himself.

"The condition of the horse is better than I expected. The horses in the pasture are smart and have a high degree of acceptance. They may remember their movements after a few corrections. The time is much less than that of ordinary horses..." Toby He spoke highly of the horses in the ranch. To be honest, Toby has seen smart horses, but it is really rare for so many smart horses to gather together.

  The overall IQ of the horse herd is a level higher than that of ordinary ranch horses. Naturally, smart horses are trained with twice the result with half the effort. Now Toby is starting to enjoy this kind of horse training time.

"Well, try to train as many horses as possible!" Jian Heng himself has also trained a wild horse, and it is indeed more acceptable than the horses he trained before. Jian Heng is also thinking about this issue these days, is it in the space? Staying for a long time can also increase IQ.

  Now this idea is just in Jian Heng's head, and he is not planning to do any research or anything.

At this time, Jian Heng's attention was not entirely on Toby. Most of his energy was now on the oven in front of him. They were all marked with cross marks, and the fish skin was already showing a caramel color. It seemed that this big grilled fish was almost finished.

   "Boss, we can make small items such as bridles and reins by ourselves, and in the process of self-made, we can also deepen everyone's understanding of work." Toby brought up the issue of harnesses again.

  Toby didn't have the nerve to tell Jian Heng that his two cowboys lived too comfortably.

   "You have decided on this matter. If you need money, you can write a list, or you can bring the invoice to pay the bill." Jian Heng would not care about such a small matter. Hearing Toby's mention, he delegated the authority.

   What Toby wanted was Jian Heng's words.

Both things were settled, and Toby decided to talk to the boss about something else: "Boss, the pasture over there has lost a few more cows these days, this time it's cows, except for the pasture over there, the African eagle The ranch has also been taken care of by wolves and lost seven calves!"

   "Didn't attack other pastures?" Jian Heng became a little interested when he heard this, put down the clip in his hand, and turned to look at Toby.

Toby shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. I think these wolves are very vengeful. The ranch they attacked was the African Eagle Ranch except for the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch. No other ranch was affected. losses, not even the wolves."

   For Toby, going to the bar for a drink at night has become a part of life, so Toby is naturally the most informed person outside of Silent Lake Ranch.

   "A group of bounty hunters are also trash snacks, they can't do such a small thing well!" Jian Heng heard the words and slandered the bounty hunters who were wandering around the town these days.

Whether alone or with friends, there are already more than a dozen so-called bounty hunters. Apart from contributing to the bar in the town, Jian Heng has not found any use for this group of people. .

   This group of bounty hunters has been in the town for several days. It is almost a joke to say this, because half of the bounty hunters in so many days have never seen what that group of wolves looks like.

  Toby said: "Speaking of bounty hunters, someone was injured by a pack of wolves yesterday." As he spoke, he gestured on his leg: "Such a long wound, you can see the bones!"

   Speaking of this, the image of himself and Hei Lang looking at each other flashed in Toby's mind. When Hei Lang's cold eyes jumped out of his mind, Toby couldn't help shivering.

Jian Heng didn't notice Toby's reaction, he had already turned his head to look at his grilled fish at this moment: "This is a very normal thing, if you have the ability to beat wolves to get money, if you don't have the ability to do dangerous work , isn’t that courting death? You can’t just allow people to beat wolves, but not wolves to eat people. Is there any reason for doing this?”

  Jian Heng didn't know that it was the four-eyed black who did this, even if he knew that Jian Heng would not be able to kill the four-eyed black, maybe he would have to think about getting something out of it. For Jian Heng, if you provoke something you shouldn't, you have to bear the price.

   "Then we haven't sent anyone to watch the herd? Although the situation seems to be the case now, it's just in case to send someone to watch the herd," Toby asked again.

This is the third time Jian Heng has heard about Tobiti. He thought for a while and said, "Forget it, you should make up your own mind. From now on, these matters will be in your hands. I will only care about buying cattle and spending money. ".

   Originally, Jian Heng was going to say what kind of pie to send, but Toby repeatedly mentioned that it is not easy to dampen the enthusiasm of employees as a boss, so he let Toby follow his own ideas.

   Having been affirmed by the boss, Toby already had a plan in his heart. After everything was said, Toby stood up and resigned first.

  Jian Heng didn't give it away either, he just said goodbye and continued to grill his own fish.

   "Acridine! It tastes good!"

  Just as Toby was sent away, Jian Heng heard Zhao Changshan's voice, turned his head and saw that he was walking towards him with a small bamboo basket.

   "What are you doing here without cooking?" Jian Heng curiously stopped what he was doing, and asked Zhao Changshan who was walking over.

  Zhao Changshan did not answer directly, and put down the basket in his hand: "The eggs we produce ourselves are five or six at most, let you try something new!"

   Without waiting for Jian Heng to speak, Zhao Changshan sniffed his nose, stretched his head to look at the charcoal in Jian Heng's oven, and opened his mouth and said, "Hey, it's still oak charcoal!"

   "It's still the best Oak Oak!" Jian Heng said.

   "It's not good to use this kind of charcoal to bake this thing. It's better to use fruit charcoal. It will naturally have a fruity fragrance when roasted!" Zhao Changshan said.

   "Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Jian Heng said.

   Zhao Changshan said: "You didn't ask!"

   It is true that this branch was picked up, but it was not picked up from the ground, but from Erhu's mouth. Two days ago in the afternoon when Jian Heng went out for a walk with black beans, he found that Erhu was 'cutting wood'.

   "Okay, let's not talk about this. Anyway, this charcoal is good, but it's not good for grilling fish. It's a pity!" Zhao Changshan looked at the charcoal and looked at the fish again.

  As a professional chef, Zhao Changshan couldn't help curling his lips when he saw Jian Heng's grilled fish, and refrained from giving his boss a bad review.

   "By the way, eat the eggs. They are absolutely delicious. They are better than eggs laid by other pasture chickens. They are big and their shells are white," Zhao Changshan said.

   "After it's delicious, I'll make it for everyone to eat every morning!" Jian Heng said.

   Zhao Changshan said immediately after hearing this: "We only have a few chickens now. Now we are not mainly eating, but saving eggs to hatch chicks, and waiting for the chickens to flock. How many eggs do you want to eat?"

   "Okay, you can do whatever you want." Jian Heng heard this, and it turned out that this anxious person ran over to talk to him about eggs.

To be honest, Jian Heng has eaten eggs laid by hens with high-ranking officials. The whites are clear and the yolks are orange-yellow. distance.

What I ate before was all given by the old Walsh and Anderson's family. I saw that my chickens also laid eggs. Now because of Zhao Changshan's arrival, I can't eat it. Of course, I can't eat it now because I can eat it openly. It is a long line to catch big fish.

  (end of this chapter)

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