Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 225: Backpacker

  Chapter 225 The Blame Man

   After Zhao Changshan was sent away, Jian Heng scratched his head and looked at the eggs in the basket, thinking about how to eat them.

   After thinking about it, I felt that after all, it was the first batch of eggs produced by myself. I still didn’t play tricks, boiled eggs directly, and what I ate was the original taste. I saw that the eggs produced by myself were different from other eggs.

Thinking of this, Jian Heng picked up the basket, took the fish and turned back to the kitchen, put the grilled fish on a square tray, put two pots, one big and one small, on the stove, the small pot was ready to make poached eggs, The cauldron is ready to be used as ingredients for grilled fish, slightly spicy, with potato chips, bean sprouts, green vegetables and the like placed inside.

When all these were done, Jian Heng saw that the time was almost up, so he put all the things on the table, thinking that he would come over after setting up the barley and wheat, but who knew that he would wait here For a while, the two sisters did not come over.

  Not to mention Jian Heng, even Pooh and Instant Noodles were a little anxious. Looking at the big plate of fish and delicious food on the table, they couldn't eat it, and screamed anxiously.

   "Where is it?" Jian Heng took out the phone and dialed Damai.

  Seeing that the instant noodles were holding Pooh's **** and trying to push Pooh onto the table, Jian Heng immediately stretched out his fingers for the instant noodles. The wretched guy has to find a backer for everything. Like this, he obviously wants to eat, but he must push Pooh to the front. If Pooh gets on the table and eats the first fish, then instant noodles Dare to pick and eat all the good things in the basin, anyway, Pooh will be the first to beat or scold.

  The simple and honest Pooh has no such intentions at all, it just wants to eat what is on the table now.

   It's a pity that Jian Heng stared at him, and Pooh immediately lost his accomplices. Not only did he fail to climb onto the table, but he couldn't get off even if he wanted to.

After all, Pooh is not that big. With the instant noodles hugging him, he got on the chair naturally, and then stepped on the instant noodles to climb up the table. Without the help of the instant noodles, Pooh had to use his two front paws to hold onto the chair tightly. The tabletop, kicking back and forth in the air with its hind legs.

   After kicking for a while, Pooh might feel tired, or maybe he gave up, so he straightened his hind legs and hung on the edge of the table with only two front paws, like a ham that was about to be dried.

  Jian Heng was talking on the phone with Damai at this time. The two sisters' class ended a little late today, and now they are doing the final stretching for the students.

   Wanting to talk to Damai again, Jian Heng noticed that someone was grabbing the corner of his clothes, looked down and found Instant Noodles looking at him calmly, but a little black hand was pointing at Pooh hanging on the edge of the table.

   "Damn, you can't help me..." Jian Heng blurted out into the phone, thinking that he was talking to his girlfriend now, and quickly said to the phone: "I didn't tell you, I talked to instant noodles."

  Whilst speaking, Jian Heng was about to hug Pooh down, who knew that Pooh couldn't hold on before he stepped forward, and fell to the ground like a big meat ball.

   "What sound?" Damai could hear it, the sound of the fleshy Pooh colliding with the floor.

   Jian Heng replied: "It's okay, Pooh fell off the table!"

"Oh!" When Damai heard that Pooh fell off the table, he immediately expressed that he understood. Damai had seen Pooh fall down not once or twice, and it was not uncommon for him to fall one or two meters away. He had already fallen off the table. Barley is out of consideration.

"Come back quickly, I'm waiting for you two to eat, don't let Denver follow you this time, let him go directly to the restaurant to eat, there is still nothing it likes to eat today" Jian Heng just wanted to put down the phone, and then remembered this matter , So I said something to Damai.

  Since that side is not over yet, Jian Heng can only sit at the table and play with his mobile phone while waiting for Damai and Xiaomai to come back.

   Pooh Jian Heng is not too afraid, but the guy who is afraid of instant noodles. Regarding the raccoon, Jian Heng always thinks that there are many germs on his body, and there are also many parasites in his body. At this time, it was no longer a question of whether the instant noodles were clean or not, but Jian Heng had some psychological problems.

  It’s like it is now. When eating, Pooh can mix a chair and sit at the table to eat, but instant noodles can’t be used. At most, he can mix a chair that can be used as a table.

Sitting and waiting for someone, Jian Heng's phone on the table rang. When he picked it up, he saw that it was from his lawyer Daniel. After connecting, Jian Heng learned about the matter of Mr. Yao's work visa. Done.

  Putting down the phone, Jian Heng began to think about whether to go back to China the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. By the way, he picked up Mr. Yao and brought back two books from He Ye.

   Just when Jian Heng was thinking about something, the instant noodles put Veneer on the table again, this time directly.

As soon as Pooh got on the table, he ran towards the big square plate of grilled fish. I was projecting, look at the excitement of this little thing, humming, refusing to eat when it got to the plate, and let out a small growl to express Facing a pot of delicious food, I am excited.

   With a roar, the instant noodles immediately covered his face!

   It was precisely because of this roar that Jian Heng woke up. Seeing Pooh on the table, Jian Heng stretched out his hand and grabbed Pooh by the neck and dragged him back from the side of the delicious food.

  Little Pooh looked at the delicious food that was getting farther and farther away from him, his two little eyes were full of disappointment, and his little **** twisted and refused to leave.

  Jian Heng put Pooh on the chair next to him, and looked at the instant noodles. At this moment, Instant Noodles pointed at Pooh, meaning that it was all Pooh's fault, and it had nothing to do with me. But Jian Heng would not be confused by it, so he guessed the culprit directly.

  Jian Heng looked at it, raised his foot and kicked the instant noodles lightly: "Can you be honest with me!"

  At this time, Barley and Wheat happened to come back, and saw Jian Heng stretching his legs and kicking the instant noodles lightly.

  Wheat said: "It's not good for you, people can't cruelty to animals."

   "I am educating it! You have risen to the level of cruelty to animals." Jian Heng said to Mai: "If you think I abuse it, it can go away. It used to be wild, and it doesn't have wild survival skills."

   Seeing that the two seemed about to fight again, Damai quickly said, "Okay, okay, Jane, let me tell you something serious."

   "You said" Jian Heng heard that it was a serious matter, and sat up a little bit upright.

  Barley said: "We are going to learn Chinese."

   "Good thing!" Jian Heng said: "Just learn!"

  Barley immediately said: "Then you will have to speak Chinese when you talk to us."

   "Do you understand?" Jian Heng asked a little suspiciously.

  Balley said: "You can speak English first, and then speak Chinese to us!"

  Jian Heng felt that this matter was simple, and it was just a few more words, so he patted his chest and agreed.

  Don't tell me that the two sisters are serious about learning Chinese. They will start right now. They pointed at the fish on the table and asked, "What is this Chinese called?"

   "Grilled fish!" Jian Heng said.


   "Grilled fish!" Jian Heng slowly began to correct the pronunciation of these two people.

  Two minutes later, Jian Heng said: "Let's eat first, and then we can learn after eating, shall we?"

   "Then how do you say eating in Chinese?" Mai asked.

"..." Jian Heng just didn't want to teach the two sisters to pronounce anymore, so he proposed to eat, but just now he patted his chest and said that he supported others in learning Chinese, so he couldn't just slap himself in the face in less than five minutes, so Jian Heng Heng began to teach again.

He taught while eating, and after a meal, Jian Heng found out a little way, that is, not to teach two-character words first, but to teach some simple words, such as: eat, drink, good, you, Me and the like, in this case, the pronunciation of these two American girls can be regarded as listening, and it is easy to correct.

   "Forget the eggs!"

During the whole meal, Jian Heng was entangled with barley and wheat on the fish. When he was almost full, he remembered that he had cooked a few boiled eggs. When he looked up to look at the boiled eggs, he found that there were only two left. As for the others, I don't know whether they were eaten by Pooh or instant noodles.

  Jian Heng's eyes turned on the two guys. Pooh looked like I didn't care at all, while Instant Noodles stretched out the little black hand and continued to point at Pooh, and regarded Pooh as a backer.

   "Forget it, wait until next time to eat"

  Whether eating it for himself or giving it to barley and wheat, Jian Heng felt it was unhygienic, so he stretched out his chopsticks and pushed the small egg plate in front of Pooh.

Seeing such a situation, Instant Noodles suddenly stretched out its small claws, grabbed an egg and stuffed it into his mouth. While eating, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the other one like lightning. on hand.

   During the whole process, Pooh just rolled his two small eyes, watching the two eggs being sent into his mouth by the instant noodles.

  (end of this chapter)

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