Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 226: It's a matter of course

  Chapter 226 It's a matter of course

   "Don't go back at night?"

   After eating, Damai and Jian Heng sat in the living room and watched TV for a while. When it was about nine o'clock, Jian Heng said something to Damai.

   "Where does Ashley live?" Big Mac asked.

  Jian Heng pointed to the room next to his bedroom: "It's all right there, if she doesn't like it, she can choose the room."

   This was Jian Heng's impromptu idea, and everyone didn't have any preparations in their hearts. Jian Heng just saw that the two sisters were about to leave, so he blurted out the words.

  Balley listened and glanced at Wheat. Wheat, who was playing with Pooh, had actually been listening to the two of them with their ears upright. Now she saw her sister looked at herself and shrugged: "I don't care!"

  Since this is the case, then everyone should tidy up, turn off the TV, and the two sisters will go back to their rooms, take a shower and make the bed.

  Jian Heng rode Heidou, and sent the two horses of Barley and Wheat back to the stable. After waiting for Black Dou to ride back, he unloaded the whole harness, and Heidou knew to go back to the stable for the night.

   As for whether to go back to his cubicle or not, this is not what Jian Heng wants to care about at this time. At this time, Jian Heng's heart has already flown to the beautiful woman in his bedroom.

  Perhaps there is some unexplainable connection between the real twin sisters. Xiaomai lives next door, and Damai immediately does not have the phenomenon of being unable to breathe and having heart palpitations like last time. After Jian Heng took a shower, took off his bathrobe and put on the bed, the bodies of the two Chi Guoguo rolled into a ball.

   It happened that both of them were the kind with excellent physical strength. The general became a match, the general met a good talent, and in the end both lost. It can be said that they spent a very, very 'vigorous' night.

  The so-called yin and yang are compatible with each other, and it may be because both of them have good physical strength. After a night in Dunlon, they both seem to be full of energy when they wake up the next morning.

   Before the high officials crowed, Heidou knocked on the window, and Jian Heng and Damai woke up almost at the same time.

   "Good morning!" Jian Heng greeted the woman beside him, stretched out his hand to brush the hair on Damai's forehead, kissed her cheek lightly, and said softly.

"Good morning" Damai embraced Jian Heng's broad and solid back, smiled at Jian Heng, then closed his eyes, rested his head on Jian Heng's arm, sniffing the masculine breath on Jian Heng's body, At the same time, he couldn't stop feeling his lover's solid muscles like a sculpture.

  A person in his twenties, how can he experience the caress of a lover, and after a while, there is movement in the bedroom again.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Hei Dou came to the window in time, and kept knocking on the window. Originally, the owner would have opened the window at this time, but today Hei Dou had been knocking on the window for almost ten minutes, and the owner still didn't come to open the door.

  And with Heidou's ear strength, he could really hear the master in the bedroom, he could even hear the master's panting, and at the same time felt the voice of another person in the bedroom.

  Hei Dou knew it was the owner of Fire Lily as soon as he heard the voice, it sounded like he was yelling!

  Xi Law!

  Heidou felt a little dissatisfied, why didn't he come to open the window room for me even after getting up! So the black beans continued to knock.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Heidou continued to knock on the window, constantly reminding the master that now is the time for the two of us to go out for a walk, how can you hide in the house with the mistress of the fire lily and listen to her silly calls.

   Just as Black Bean was about to knock on the window again, suddenly the next window was opened.

  Wheat stuck his head out and yelled at the black beans, "Master won't let people rest. Now your horse is making trouble too. Can't you just run away and be quiet for a while, and let me rest for a few minutes?"

  Wheat not only talked, but when he got angry, he threw a small plastic ornament out of the house.

  Hei Dou saw something flying towards him, turned his head away, and then looked at Mai with eyes like a fool.

The sound insulation of Jian Heng's house is quite good, but it is only good. It is impossible for a family house to isolate all the sound once the door is closed, so this night, Mai Mai could hear the temptation of his sister from time to time. "Whispering", she kept her eyes open for as long as the young couple had been tossing, and when they finally stopped tossing, she fell asleep, but she still kept her eyes open without feeling sleepy.

   Finally fell asleep. Not long after, Heidou came to knock on the window again, and Maimai was awakened by the sound of knocking on the window. She subconsciously listened to the sound outside, wondering who was making trouble outside.

  Who knew that the provocative murmur sounded again at night, and now Xiaomai had to get up from the bed with two dark circles under her eyes, and vented her anger on Heidou.

It is impossible to sleep again. After closing the window, Mai Mai went into the bathroom to take a shower. When he opened the door, he saw Pooh and Instant Noodles squatting at the door of Jian Heng's bedroom. They seemed to be waiting. The master Jian Heng has come out.

  The noise in the corridor was naturally louder. Hearing the disturbing voice in his ears, Xiaomai felt a little annoyed, so he walked over and punched the door twice: "You guys can't stop!"

Jian Heng and Damai were in high spirits. Hearing Mai's voice, Jian Heng glanced at Damai, and Damai also glanced at Jian Heng. When the two looked at each other, they didn't know who caused it first. , The two actually laughed at the same time.

   And it's not just a normal smile, the two of you look at me, and I look at you, it seems that this smile is contagious, the two hugged each other so smoothly, hugged and laughed.

   "Two psychopaths!"

   Maimai standing at the door naturally heard the laughter from the bedroom, and heard the endless laughter of the two people in the room. After Xiaomai cursed, he dragged Pooh and walked towards the living room.

  At this time, Jian Heng didn't know why he was laughing, but after laughing, he looked at the barley in his arms, and suddenly felt that everything was so natural. Since last night, the whole process was very natural. It seemed that he and the woman in his arms were originally one. Although it was the first time that such an intimate relationship had occurred, there was no shyness, no sense of strangeness, and no sense of distance from Zhou Jun before. with her.

  If you use one word to describe it, Jian Heng feels that the harmony of water and milk fully expresses his feelings.

   "Do you want to continue?" Jian Heng smiled and asked the woman in his arms.

   "Forget it, it's getting late" because of Xiaomai's sound, Damai decided to get up early

  Damai feels the same as Jian Heng at the moment, and there is no barrier because the two are so close for the first time. She just feels that the state with Jian Heng is very relaxed and casual, and she is at the most comfortable point.

   "Then let's get up!" Jian Heng sat up, reached out and patted Damai's buttocks, and praised: "Wow, it feels so good!"

  Balley stretched out his toes and pinched them on Jian Heng's leg, but because Jian Heng didn't have much meat, when he saw Damai's feet stretched out, the muscles in his legs tensed up, and the toe skills of Damai were useless.

  Jian Heng has less fat on his body and his skin is tight, so it is a bit difficult for Damai to pinch his toes.

   "Hey, relax!"

"I'm not stupid, I'll be caught by you when I relax!" Jian Heng never thought that Damai would pinch people with his toes, and Jian Heng was not stupid enough to regard Damai as an ordinary weak little woman, As long as she clamps it down with a little force, the pain will be mild, and it may turn purple all of a sudden.

  A woman who can squat dozens of kilograms, who can underestimate her strength. So Jian Heng slipped off the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

  By the time the two walked out of the room together, another half hour had passed.

When they saw Mai in the living room, the two of them looked at each other and laughed again, because both Jian Heng and Damai were full of energy, only Mai now looked haggard, with two a black eye.

   "Two sluts!" Mai Mai raised a finger at each of the two to express her dissatisfaction.

  The two held back their laughter and walked to the door together.

  Xi Law! Sigh!

   Seeing the master come out, Heidou immediately expressed great satisfaction.

   "What's the matter with you, what kind of fun is there?" Jian Heng stretched out his hand and scratched Heidou's forehead, and said with a smile.

   Prepared the saddle for Heidou, and Jian Heng rode on Heidou again to the stable to bring the prepared saddles for the water lily and the mountain range, and led them to the door of the house. The life of the three of them just kicked off today.

  (end of this chapter)

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