Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 233: mission package thrown out

  Chapter 233 The mission package thrown out

  At this time, thoughts kept turning in Jian Heng's mind, and after deliberation, he finally turned to the mutated green tree python. He couldn't help thinking of what He Ye said earlier, that this group of people has a lot of energy, so he wondered if he could ask these people to do a favor or something.

  Although Jian Heng doesn't mind the space living like this for a lifetime, wouldn't it be better to have one that can complete everything in the secret space? Once such a thought appeared in his head, no matter how Jian Heng tried to get it out of his mind, it was already impossible. This idea kept turning around in Jian Heng's head.

  Quan Heng paused for a while, and Jian Heng organized his own language: "What do you want me to say, it's hard to say!"

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Mr. Yao's eyes lit up, but seeing Mr. Yao next to him, he smiled: "Then take a moment and talk slowly."

  How can Mr. Yao not understand that the two groups of people in this family have something to discuss after dinner. They don’t have the eyesight at such an old age, so they’re going back as they live.

So the four of them ate very quickly, and within twenty minutes, the four of them finished eating and left the table. Mr. Yao and Mr. Yao wanted to know that Jian Heng had got the news, while Mr. Yao wanted to return as soon as possible. Resting in his own house, by the way, he left a few people with a chance to talk about things.

  Old Master Yao glanced at Jian Heng and returned to the house. He closed the door without even coming, and suddenly grabbed Jian Heng's hand: "There is news, isn't it?"

   "Ouch, ouch, let go quickly, you are so old, why are you still in such a hurry" Jian Heng said while breaking the old man's hand on his arm.

  The middle-aged man next to Mr. Yao was the first to react, and helped Jian Heng soothe Mr. Yao's spirit: "Master, please let go first!"

  Master Yao came back to his senses, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, Jane, I'm sorry, I was a little too excited."

  Jian Heng said immediately: "I'm just saying that there is hope for this matter, not certainty. Let's figure this out first! I don't make any absolute promises."

"I know, I know, it's good to have hope. To be honest, we don't have too much hope. As long as you take care of me, Jane, we will be grateful." Mr. Yao sat down tremblingly while talking. On the bag rack next to the door.

The middle-aged man saw that he directly helped the old father and son Yao, and wanted to help him to the sofa. Jian Heng saw that he didn't look at him anymore, so he hurried to help, so Jian Heng also walked in three steps and two steps Next to the old man, he stretched out his hand to help.

The two put old man Yao on the sofa and sat down on the left and right. The old man was already in tears, and he wiped his tears while talking: "After searching for so long, I finally got some news. What is it? It's a little bit, and it's a hope, isn't it... ".

  Jian Heng listened to the old man rambling on for a long time, but he couldn't hear a few complete sentences clearly.

  Seeing the old man crying like this, Jian Heng couldn't bear it again, and felt that it was unreasonable for him to calculate such an old man.

  Especially when someone has given me two books for free.

  But the old man always cried like this, not only sad but also sad, so he began to persuade the old man: "Grandpa, I'm not saying that this thing will definitely work for adults!"

   "Is it useful for babies under one year old?" Master Yao immediately grabbed Jian Heng's hand again.

  Jian Heng was strangled by the old man again and grinned: "How do you know?"

  Mr. Yao's face became even more joyful when he heard it: "As expected, as expected, you didn't lie to us!"

   "Okay, don't be too happy, old man, I didn't say that you don't need anything to do this. Although I may not guarantee it, I still need two things."

After such a short period of hard work, the little bit of guilt in Jian Heng's heart disappeared without a trace. Now he not only handed over the matter of the mutated green tree python to Mr. Yao and his group, but also handed over the matter of the crane to them. , There is a saying that one thing does not bother two masters.

   "What, as long as we have what we have, we will not be stingy." Old Master Yao and the middle-aged man next to him immediately said at the same time.

  At this time, the two of them subconsciously thought that what Jian Heng wanted was money, but Mr. Yao knew that Jian Heng still had several plans for his ranch.

"It's not asking for money, it's two things, both are common, the red-crowned crane, no matter how big or small, one is enough, and there is another special difficulty, the green tree python, or the green tree python that has mutated into blue, very rare in the world , even some of them are sold at extremely high prices!"

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, the two people who were looking forward to Jian Heng suddenly looked at each other.

  Master Yao stared at Jian Heng, and Jian Heng felt a little hairy, and then asked softly: "Are you really going to set up an altar and become the suzerain of the Shaw Sect?"

  Jian Heng was stunned by the old man Yao, the Xindao Sect is bad enough, now let’s make another altar, and still be the suzerain? One person's sect, self-proclaimed suzerain?

  Don't say you did it, even if you think about Jian Heng, you will feel a sense of shame rushing over your face. How could Jian Heng do such a thing without a bottom line, and he wouldn't even think about it.

"It's nothing, it's just that you need these two things to match that taste!" Having said that, Jian Heng opened his mouth and laid an ambush: "The only thing I'm looking at now is to need two, as for what else is needed, that one I can only find out what medicine is written on the remaining prescription after the two things arrive."

After listening to the old man Yao, he didn't think it was too strange. Anyway, for them, in this era, it is a strange thing to talk about any sect or sect. In addition, there is a historical inheritance. In their opinion, it is not surprising at all Pass. It's like Chinese medicine, which is a little bit close to witchcraft when it develops. There are such things as rootless water and rootless trees in medicine introduction. Some are deceiving, but some are still reasonable.

"Red-crowned cranes are easy to find. There are many crane breeders in Jiangsu and Northeast China, but the green tree python is more difficult! It is definitely not easy to buy in the market. People who can afford this kind of thing are generally not short of money. Then We have to go to the place of origin to try our luck first, and see if there is such a thing in the old forest," said the old man Yao.

   "Do you still know this thing?" Jian Heng asked curiously.

  Red-crowned cranes are not new, but green tree pythons are something that most people can't think of. Even Jian Heng found out that this thing is a mutated green tree python after he got a description and went to Baidu.

   "What's so special about this thing? If you made this request thirty years ago, my uncle would have raised one himself," said the pale middle-aged man.

   "Oh!" Jian Heng felt overjoyed in his heart, and couldn't help but congratulated himself for making the right choice.

"Now we're going to send people to the tropical rainforests of Indonesia and Australia to catch it. It's just a matter of luck. It's like what you young people say about face. Thirty years ago, I came across it in three days. One, some people may not be able to come across one even if they stay for three years, but since there is hope to cure children’s diseases, buy it if you can’t find it, grab it if you can’t buy it, and even if we grab it, we will grab one back.” Medicine The old man said firmly.

   "This matter is quite difficult, so you don't have to worry too much," Jian Heng said.

"It's really not something that comes quickly!" The middle-aged man explained to Jian Heng with a bitter face: "Actually, each of us is worried about giving birth to a child now, and there is only a fraction of the chance. One healthy baby can be born, and the others are born with defects, and more than half of them are demented children... ".

Jian Heng's eyes almost popped out when he heard this. He didn't expect that Mr. Yao hadn't explained it to himself last time. It turned out that these people are not married to close relatives and there is a problem. After so many generations of reproduction, the body of these people It seems that there is a gene in the middle, and the chance of giving birth to a healthy baby is much lower than that of normal people.

  Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Jian Heng sighed in his heart: If you want to teach, you can teach. Look at the marriage of close relatives who is still playing with big risks, let's take it off now!

  (end of this chapter)

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