Chapter 234 Friends

If you don't know this news, Mr. Yao can still sit and chat with Jian Heng. Now that you have such news, how can you sit still, let alone Mr. Yao, together with the eyes of the middle-aged man who came They all had a bit of a look on their faces, how could the old man like this have the interest to chat with Jian Heng, he probably wished he could be in the tropical rainforest and search for the green tree python himself.

  Mr. Yao wanted to leave, but Jian Heng would not force him to stay, that is, after a few words of politeness, Jian Heng sent the two of them away, returned to his room, and began to take a small nap.

When I was sleeping in a daze, I heard a knock on the door, opened my eyes, sat up from the bed, and listened carefully, it was indeed the knock on the door of my own house, so Yi Gulu got out of bed, came to the door and opened the door.

"How did it come here?" Jian Heng saw that the person standing at the door was either Mr. Yao or a waiter, but Sun Siwei, and he couldn't help but subconsciously looked at his watch. When he realized that it was only after two o'clock, he couldn't help but I was amazed, because it was only more than two hours before I talked with Sun Siwei, and this guy rushed from the provincial capital to Shanghai.

  Sun Siwei smiled and stretched out his hand to push Jian Heng away from the door: "What's the matter, is there a chick hiding in the house now? I said your life is not very healthy."

   "What kind of chick is there!"

Jian Heng let Sun Siwei in with a smile, then closed the door of the room, followed him to the small refrigerator in the room, opened the door of the small refrigerator, stretched out his hand and bent down to 'take' it out from inside. Putting two bottles of mineral water in his hands, he walked to Sun Siwei's side and handed over a bottle.

  Sun Siwei took the mineral water and said casually: "It's not cold!"

Sun Siwei just said something casually, but this sentence was exactly what Jian Heng didn't consider, so Jian Heng immediately wanted to remedy it: "If you drink some drinks, you still pick and choose. Besides, what time is it now? Use the refrigerator to drink it." It’s already good, who would foolishly turn on the refrigeration!”

  After speaking to the end, a voice rang in Jian Heng's mind: Hey! Why do I explain this to him, it is better to talk about it directly.

   "Okay, let's not mention this, I will stay in Shanghai for a few days this time, and I just asked you to come for a stroll together," Jian Heng said.

  Sun Siwei said: "Didn't you say that you still have some serious business with me? Come and listen!"

  Sun Siwei unscrewed the bottle cap at this time, then made a click sound, and then began to look around at the furnishings of the business double room where Jian Heng lived.

"I may be in Shanghai with a friend, or maybe BJ will partner to open a body shaping club, or a fitness studio or something. Now the location is undecided, the prospect is unknown, and the time has not been given yet, so let's talk about this matter It may not be possible to do it. But just in case, if I really want to do it, I still lack a person who can hold it!" Jian Heng said.

Sun Siwei glanced at Jian Heng, as if he wanted to say something. It was obvious that Sun Siwei was very sensitive at this time. A man who took his face seriously would not accept other people's charity, especially a man in his twenties. How many young people don't have ambitions? Even if you are a little bit down now, it's not like a classmate came over and offered you a job, which would make Sun Siwei tearfully grateful. Who in their twenties would not want to stand up straight in front of their friends and classmates!

Seeing that Sun Siwei wanted to say something, Jian Heng quickly raised his hand to interrupt: "I'm just mentioning this matter first, whether it can be done or not is up to two, even if it is done, it will take half a year, at least it will be over a year As for the matter, you know that there are not many people who have good friends with me in China, so I thought of you first."

When Sun Siwei heard what Jian Heng said, he thought it would take half a year, and he couldn't help but feel at peace. It turned out that the feeling that Jian Heng provided himself with a job suddenly disappeared because of the obstacles in finding a job. Most of it.

   "Hey, your boy's behavior is quite strange. You don't trust others, and you still do business with others?" Sun Siwei glanced at Jian Heng, and sat on the armrest of the sofa with his head sideways.

   "No, your boy's temperament is not someone who doubts a person but can do business with him!" After thinking for a while, Sun Siwei pointed his finger at Jian Heng again, turned it twice and said.

Jian Heng explained: "It's not that I don't believe him, it's just that the two of you are in business together, and you have to put all your little thoughts in the sun. It can't be done. Let’s have a black eye. To be honest, if it is placed in Europe, where various laws and regulations are perfect and substantial, if I am not afraid of my eyes being black, I can just find an accounting company to check the accounts every once in a while. But in China, I dare not Is it?"

He stretched out his hand and patted Sun Siwei's shoulder: "If I let go directly, even if the original partner didn't have the heart to play tricks, maybe they will after such a long time. In fact, whether it makes money or not is a trivial matter. I don’t want to be like many friends who do business together, the business gets bigger and bigger, but the friends are gone, don’t you think?”

Hearing Jian Heng's explanation, Sun Siwei understood Jian Heng's thoughts. After thinking about it, he felt that it was in line with his understanding of Jian Heng, and the domestic atmosphere, let alone investing in a company with a black eye. Even if you stare at it all day long, if someone is playing a black hand, as long as you are tough enough and strong enough, what's the novelty of reaching out to take your property?

   "Are you going to put the villain first and then the gentleman?" Sun Siwei said with a smile.

   "That's right!"

Jian Heng patted his palms and smiled, then said seriously: "You know that we don't have many friends in China. My sister is a teacher and my brother-in-law is a civil servant. It is impossible for me to lose my job and watch my business. So, you are what I thought of First person!"

   "I'm not in this business at all. You asked me to exercise. Look at me. Do I look like a fitness person?" Sun Siwei spread his hands.

Jian Heng said: "Let's put it this way, I don't want you to understand business, let alone change your career to fitness, I just want you to be in this company, whether it's the deputy store manager or the assistant store manager. You have to reflect my presence in this company!"

   "I understand what you mean!" Sun Siwei thought for a while: "I just want to be a dog's head! It's just that I really have no interest in entering the fitness industry."

  Sun Siwei doesn’t work out. He knows that there are many gyms in first- and second-tier cities in China, but because he doesn’t work out, he doesn’t understand this industry, and he doesn’t even think this industry is a serious job.

"That's right! The dog's head is a good description. Fitness is really popular in China. China's social development, you have to look at the United States. In the future, our domestic fitness industry will be similar to that of the United States. In fact, it is the same as the Internet. Americans For starters, we in China rely on the market and population base to copy the successful experience of the United States for a reason.”

   Jian Heng laughed.


In an instant, Jian Heng straightened his face again: "However, I'm just a plan here, and it's still under discussion, and many things haven't been finalized, so if I can't get it done in half a year, he won't be able to do it, and you can't do it either." You can't blame me! Don't quit your job first, I didn't open it here, you have to blame me, let's talk about it first!"

Hearing that Jian Heng threw out these words, Sun Siwei completely let go of his doubts. He is now unemployed, and Jian Heng's business will be at least half a year away from now. If he knows that he is now looking for a job There's trouble, so why put a job in half a year?

Sun Siwei has been in contact with the society for only one or two years, and his social experience, how can we see the mystery of it now, sometimes he has done good things, but because he hurt the self-esteem of the recipient, or dignity, thus turning good into bad.

Jian Heng will not insult the dignity of his friends. In terms of dignity, everyone behaves differently. For example, Sun Siwei is not willing to work for a friend. If you want to help a friend, you can’t pretend to be the savior of the family, like giving alms . No matter how rich you are, no matter how righteous your name is, no matter how good your intentions are, you have no right to violate the dignity of others.

Like Zhang Jialiang, what he thinks is to identify the boss, follow him carefully, and fight his luck. If Jian Heng doesn't hurt his self-esteem, he has to look like a boss, and at the same time, he has to give others a light, or show a little Bright future.

The same thing, such as the position in the Shanghai store, and Zhang Jialiang Jian Heng can use the tone of the boss to tell the younger brother, but it cannot be applied to Sun Siwei. Do it, I'm afraid that Jian Heng will immediately have the same image as the two politicians in people's minds.

  (end of this chapter)

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