Chapter 235 The way home

  The matter was discussed in general. Where did Sun Siwei get Jian Heng, and finally agreed. If Jian Heng's matter is completed in half a year, Sun Siwei will come over to help Jian Heng be the dog head of the company.

  Next, Jian Heng changed his room from a double bed room to a standard room, and the two brothers lived in the same room.

During the day, I have errands to do, and at night, I have a sleepover meeting or something. Either I go shopping or talk about the past, or I just comment on the beautiful girl I saw on the side of the road. Anyway, my life is very chic. It's like adding two unemployed vagrants to Greater Shanghai.

  However, the happy days came and went quickly, Mr. Yao’s affairs were done well, and the Public Security Bureau over there also notified Jian Heng that he could leave the country. Jian Heng was a little surprised when the outcome of the matter was approaching. He thought he would stay for a few more days, but after playing for only two days, he informed Jian Heng that you can leave.

   Playing in China is fresh and happy, but when he arrives in the United States, Jian Heng is starting to feel a little sluggish! Because it's snowing again in Montana.

  Jian Heng did not catch up with the first heavy snowfall in Montana, but he did catch up with the second heavy snowfall in Montana, and not only caught up with the snow, but also caught up with the big drop in temperature.

   It was precisely because of the snow that not only the airport in Montana was shut down, but also the airports in two nearby states.

  The snow might not last for a few days, but the forecast said it would be four or five days, so Jian Heng and Mr. Yao decided to rent a car and drive back to Montana by themselves.

Decided to drive back. The initial choice was an off-road vehicle. When he finally went to buy a car, Jian Heng felt that the ranch seemed to have insufficient cars. Finally, after thinking about it, he decided to buy another four-wheel drive off-road SUV. Want to get an ordinary, off-road or snowy road, Jian Heng began to think of hard-core off-road vehicles like the Prado.

Who knows that there is no production in the US market, not because the car is not good, but because the price of the Prado is too embarrassing in the US. The higher-level GX460 starts at 50,000 dollars, and it starts at 350,000 yuan in China. , for a little less money, the runners starting at $30,000 also have good off-road performance, and they are still V6 engines.

  In such a car market, how can Americans be stupid enough to buy Prados and Land Cruisers instead of the higher-level Lexus GX460.

Originally, he wanted to buy a second-hand one, but who knew that the two of them couldn't find a suitable one after searching for a long time. Either the car was in bad condition, or the asking price was too high. Jian Heng finally gritted his teeth and directly picked up a brand new one that was in stock. The car was equipped with everything it should have and should not have, and then early the next morning, he took Mr. Yao with him and set out on the road.

  As we get closer to Montana, the snow on the roadside becomes thicker, and the snow in the sky becomes heavier.

After several hours of driving, until noon, Jian Heng stopped the car at a gas station on the side of the road, first filled up the gas, then walked into the fast food restaurant at the gas station with Mr. Yao, and ordered something to eat .

   "What the **** is this weather!" As soon as the old man entered the fast food restaurant, he couldn't help stamping his feet twice to move his already stiff body, and cursed God in Chinese.

   "It's just a coincidence!" Jian Heng also said with a wry smile.

Originally, Jian Heng missed the first heavy snowfall, and Jian Heng felt a little regretful, but now that the first heavy snowfall has just finished, it finally stopped, and Jian Heng also returned to the United States. When the wet air flow met, not only a snowstorm was brewing, but it also blocked Jian Heng's way back to the ranch.

   The two found a seat by the window and sat down, each ordered a steak, and then waited for the waiter to serve.

"There is no one in this ghost shop." Mr. Yao looked around and found that there was no one else in the shop except his own table of guests. Apart from a few cars, there was almost no human habitation. Now Mr. Yao thinks that the United States is a country with vast land.

"The further you go to the back, the fewer people there are. Some roadside shops are closed. If you want to have a hot meal in the future, you have to rely on the self-cooking hot pot we brought." Jian Heng sucked a little With a slightly frozen and stiff nose, he said in a buzzing voice.

There was no one in the store, so the things ordered by the two of them were served very quickly. The waiter put two plates in front of the two of them, and added a cup of coffee for each of them, and then returned to the back of the counter, and then Lie down and doze off.

   It took 20 minutes to eat a meal, and then Jian Heng took the kettle from the car again, and asked the waiter to make a small pot of coffee for himself, and then started on the road again.

After noon, Jian Heng's car entered the territory of Montana. Sure enough, the snow was getting heavier. The snow on the roadside and on the road also began to pile up, and the road became more and more bad. Fortunately, Jian Heng's car had already installed anti-skid chains, and the speed of the car was also reduced.

Because of the heavy snow, everyone's speed is quite slow. In this way, there are few people on the road, and there are gradually more cars. There was a long strip of light on the road. Everyone in this company kept a distance of about ten meters. Everyone braved the snow and slowly crawled towards their destination like turtles.

  The sky was so dark that it was almost impossible to distinguish between day and night. As for how to find the way, we had to follow the marks of the car in front. Fortunately, the roadside signs were not covered by heavy snow, and we could still distinguish the fork in the road.

   "Old man, why don't we find a place to rest for the night in front?" Jian Heng saw that it was almost impossible to see the scenery 20 meters ahead under the snow, so he turned to ask old man Yao.

Now Jian Heng felt a little regretful in his heart, and felt that it would be fine if he didn't have that impulse. Wouldn't it be good to just stay in Los Angeles for a few days? Bringing Mr. Yao along is asking for trouble.

  The old man thought for a moment and asked, "How much longer?"

   "At this speed, it will take at least ten hours. Even if we get to the ranch, it will be late at night." Jian Heng estimated.

   "If you can drive, let's drive back first! This place will take a long time to stop, so why not bite the bullet and drive forward," Old Master Yao said.

   At this moment, Jian Heng suddenly heard a loud noise coming from behind his car, and he couldn't help but subconsciously turned his head to look, but with a visibility of only 20 meters, he couldn't see what was going on behind him clearly.

  Boom! Boom!

   Following the sound of dominoes colliding one after another for a while, a voice suddenly sounded: "The car has crashed!"

   When everything stopped, Jian Heng didn't get out of the car immediately, but drove his car forward.

   It's not that Jian Heng is indifferent, but that at this moment you have to get out of the car and look back at the car accident that happened behind you. With such visibility, you are making a joke of your own life.

   After driving for more than 300 meters, Jian Heng couldn't see the shadow of the fog lights of the rear car in the snow from a long distance, so he stopped the car.

   Get out of the car fully armed, Jian Heng said to the old man: "I'll go to the back to have a look, you always come down to move around, don't stay in the car all the time, it's better to stand outside the guardrail."

   "What are you going to do?" Old Master Yao asked loudly.

  Jian Heng stretched out his hand and pointed behind him: "I'll go to the back to see if there are any casualties, or where I can help!"

   After finishing speaking, he motioned for the old man to go outside the road guardrail, and then walked carefully towards the place where the car crashed.

When he arrived at the place, Jian Heng discovered that it was a large truck that was traveling too fast. When it saw the vehicle in front, it braked abruptly and directly hit the small car in front. The car stopped after hitting a dozen cars.

When Jian Heng walked to the scene of the car pot, he could still hear one or two bangs from time to time. It was that the owner of the car with Ma Daha behind bumped into the big truck that had stopped, and the cars behind him started to stray again. 'Candied haws'.

   I have to say that the American people have quite a lot of experience in danger. Almost all the people who crashed left the car immediately. After getting out of the car, they stood outside the guardrail one by one, and began to take out their mobile phones to call for help.

  Jian Heng looked around and found that no one was seriously injured in the car accident, only four or five people were slightly injured.

   Originally, Jian Heng wanted to see who wanted to go with him, but when he heard others asked, many people did not follow and were waiting for rescue, so he turned around and returned to his car.

   Got into the car, Jian Heng took off his coat, turned around and found that the old man was not in the car, so he stretched out his head and called the old man again.

  Old Master Yao heard Jian Heng's voice, and climbed in again from outside the guardrail.

  As soon as he got into the car, Mr. Yao asked, "How is it?"

"Just a few minor injuries, and I don't know what kind of crazy the truck driver is. Such a heavy snow drives the car so fast..." Jian Heng started the car, commented on the reckless truck driver, and drove along the road. Lu Ji crawled at the speed of a tortoise.

  Although the car drove slowly, it was considered God's blessing. Even if there was a small car accident on the rest of the way, it was not serious. Although the car was slow, it moved a little bit towards home.

It took far more than ten hours to drive so slowly. Jian Heng stopped here and there. It was not until the early hours of the next morning that he saw the signboard of his ranch, and the gate of the ranch was almost closed. The snow covered it up.

   "What the **** is the weather here!"

  Old Master Yao got out of the car and saw that everything was covered in snow, so he couldn't help but said with a bitter face. For a Chinese who was born in a temperate zone since he was a child, the coldest time in winter is only four or five degrees below zero. My good guy, it's more than ten degrees below zero all of a sudden, it must be a bit unbearable.

  (end of this chapter)

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