Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 243: shadow of death

  Chapter 243 Shadow of Death

After the meal, there is an hour of rest and digestion time as usual. All the students chat together in small groups, and most of them start to build snowmen, have snowball fights and so on. A group of people play with a child like.

   Naturally, Jian Heng cannot have time to play. If it is snowing, he can play, but now that the snow is over, he has no time to play.

Because he needed to shovel snow, Jian Heng took the tractor out of the warehouse, hung the snow shovel on the front and started to shovel the snow. The first thing to shovel was the land from the gate of the ranch to the sports area. Just go there, and each trip can almost push out a three-meter-wide road.

Sisters Damai and Wheat also drive a tractor with a snowplow attached to the tractor, and follow Jian Heng's tractor. When Jian Heng pushes past, their snowplow It can sweep away the residual snow on the ground pushed out by Jian Heng to prevent the ground snow from freezing and slipping.

In light snow, a snowplow can handle it, but now there is such a heavy snow, about sixty centimeters thick, that it is not easy to handle it with a snowplow. It is necessary to push the snow before sweeping it, so the two tractors went forward together. After a while, it took about 20 minutes to clear a road about six or seven meters wide from the sports field to the gate of the ranch, exposing the original road surface.

The ranch has been cleared, but the road leading to the main road at the gate of the ranch also needs to be cleaned, otherwise it would be a waste of sweeping inside, so Jian Hengsan started to clean the road outside again, or there is a machine to do the job What's more, the snow removal project for the entire road went very quickly and smoothly.

   It took only a quarter of an hour to get to the side of the main road. It was a coincidence that when we reached the fork in the road, Jian Heng met the old Walsh who was also clear of snow.

  The old man is also sitting in the tractor now, but the old man has to push the snow alone first, so the tractor is currently hung with a snow pusher, so there is still a layer of snow marks falling on the ground.

   "Jean!" Old Walsh saw Jian Heng's tractor coming, and immediately stopped the tractor and reached out to greet Jian Heng.

   "Old Walsh, how are you doing these days?" Jian Heng also pushed open the door, walked out and greeted Old Walsh.

  The two got together at the intersection and chatted like this. The old man poured Jian Heng a cup of coffee from his coffee pot, and then the two chatted with the hot coffee in their arms.

As an old man who has lived in Montana all year round, Old Walsh seems to be very resistant to frost. In this weather, he only wears a down jacket with a thick sweater inside, and his lower body is just a pair of jeans, and at most there is a pair of underpants. of.

  Thinking about the weather of minus seven or eight degrees, the old guy doesn't feel cold in such a dress.

Look at Jian Heng again, now there is a pair of underpants inside, a pair of line pants on the inside, and a pair of thick jeans on the outside, not to mention the upper body, thermal underwear, towels, and a three-piece windproof jacket. The cold wind on the legs kept penetrating into the flesh, and I would stamp my feet from time to time when standing outside.

"It's okay, I forgot to tell you, a group of wild horses came to our ranch. Although the number is not large, only seven, but the quality is very good! It's really strange, there hasn't been such a good thing in almost 20 years. "Old Walsh saw Jian Heng, and immediately remembered to show off the wild horses that ran in from his ranch.

  Jian Heng heard the words and said with a smile: "Wild horses, there seem to be a lot of wild horses this year, and a lot of our family has come here, but I don't know which one has run into the wild horses."

  Jian Heng is going to pretend to be confused by pretending to understand.

  Old Walsh was about to speak, when the two sisters, Barley and Wheat, yelled at the two people on the side of the road: "We are going back to class, you can chat here."


  Jian Heng looked at his watch, and it was almost time for class, so he waved his hands at the two of them.

Old Walsh smiled at the two sisters, and then said to Jian Heng: "There are several, and the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch is the most talked about. They didn't slander us last time and drove them away. The wild horses they let go, now the few mares that disappeared from their ranch have returned, not only have they come back, but they have brought back more than 20 horses. The thing is that none of the fifty or so mares seem to be pregnant now, so they're losing money by comparison."

"It would be nice if the mare came back, but this man's heart will not be satisfied!" Jian Heng curled his lips inadvertently, and said in his heart: "It would be nice if I returned your horse, and I will pick and choose. Believe it or not, I will take it away again." Your herd?

Old Walsh didn't know that the person in front of him was the one who caused the crime. He smiled and remembered another thing: "They can't laugh now. Do you know that they have lost more than a hundred cattle so far? The original breeding cattle Almost half of them died, and about 30 calves died, and the loss is still rising, not even the loss of the Eagle Ranch in North Africa!"

   "There are so many?" Jian Heng asked in surprise.

   When he left, so many cattle hadn’t died yet. Why did so many cattle die in less than a week?

  Old Walsh sighed: "This is a thorn in the head. Now there is a pack of wolves, led by the shadow of the wolf king Death, it has become a rancher's nightmare!"

  Speaking of the wolf king, Old Walsh used death-shadow, and letting an old rancher use this word to refer to a wolf king aroused Jian Heng's curiosity.

   "So awesome?"

"You know the equipment of the Edwin Harrison-Marcus Ranch, right? In addition to the North African Eagle Ranch, six helicopters, more than a hundred cowboys, entered the forest to hunt down the wolves of the Shadow of Death, six days were spent The pack of wolves slipped around six times like fools, left behind twenty-five cattle dogs, and then came out in disgrace!" When Old Walsh talked about this, his face no longer seemed to mention the Wolf King before. His disdain was replaced by a solemn expression.

"No way?"

  Jian Heng thinks this thing is a bit weird.

Old Walsh nodded: "The only good news is that as long as you don't provoke them, the shadow of death's wolves will not invade your pasture. We don't mean to be afraid of them, but a pasture like ours, It doesn’t take a few times, one time can cost us half our lives!”

  If what old Walsh said is true, the wolves of the shadow of death are really very powerful. As long as you come here last time, the small and medium-sized ranch will really lose half of its life, and even the small and medium-sized ranch will face the crisis of bankruptcy all at once.

Cattle and sheep come first in the ranch. Almost all private small and medium-sized ranchers operate in debt. The price of cattle and sheep is actually like a noose around the neck of the rancher, which is completely untied for ordinary ranchers. That is unrealistic. If the price of cattle and sheep is good, the noose should be loosened, and if the price is not good, the noose should be tightened. As for losing half of the cattle and sheep at once? Nine times out of ten it would end up putting the ranch up for sale.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful wolf king. Is this Cheng Jing?" Jian Heng said the word Cheng Jing, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in Jian Heng's head, wondering if this could be What about the four-eyed black that I let out?

"The bounty has reached 100,000. I heard that not only the bounty hunters in the United States, but also some people from Europe came to get the 100,000 dollars. In addition to the ranch's reward, the police also gave a 30,000 dollar bounty. A total of 130,000 US dollars, as long as you get the head of the shadow of death, there will be a reward of 130,000 US dollars, and there are reward orders posted on the door of Sarah's bar, as well as a picture of the wolf king," Old Walsh said.

   Just as the two were chatting, a car horn sounded suddenly, and the two turned to the direction of the horn sound and looked over at the same time.

  Jian Heng knew who was coming at a glance. It was a small van, and he knew who was coming just by looking at the slogan that said no more dirt on it.

  The slogan reads: If you want to build a house faster, you have to find Celesto! There is also a small slogan below: Ceresto - your good friend!

  There is also a photo of Ceresto next to it, the kind that is particularly gratifying, and it is an advertisement on a telegraph pole in China, which seems to be the level of a wealthy woman seeking a child.


  Ceresto's car came in front of the two and honked the horn.

   "Gene! Walsh!"

   "Okay, I won't talk anymore, there will be class later" Jian Heng saw that Ceresto had come, and knew that it was getting late, and he had to end the conversation with Old Walsh.

  Jian Heng was about to leave when he heard Ceresto say, "Have you heard the news yet?"

"what news?"

   Jian Heng stopped and asked.

   "I heard that John O'Brien may be involved in a Ponzi scheme!" Ceresto said in a low voice.

  (end of this chapter)

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