Chapter 244 Industry

When Jian Heng heard about the Ponzi scheme, he scratched his head subconsciously. The Ponzi scheme is simply a financial fraud. It promises high profits, and then uses the new customers' money to pay the old customers' interest, and then it keeps getting bigger and bigger. When the organizers can no longer afford to pay back, the scam will naturally detonate.

This thing is definitely no stranger to the Chinese, because there are large and small examples of Ponzi schemes happening all the time in China, such as illegal fund-raising, they are all this kind of goods, using high interest rates as bait to attract social funds, almost It has become a social cancer just like pyramid schemes.

  Many people plunged in, not because they didn't know it was a scam, but many people knew it and still plunged in, because they believed that they would not be unlucky to be the last receiver.

  "Ponzi scheme, no way?" Old Walsh couldn't believe it. Although he didn't get along with a bad old man like John, Old Walsh still didn't believe that he would fall into a Ponzi scheme.

  Ceresto said: "I also heard that the IRS is now checking his accounts."

  As soon as they heard about the Internal Revenue Service, everyone present could not help but tighten their hearts.

  In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service is a more terrifying existence than the FBI. As long as it is targeted by it, it means trouble is coming. Usually, many Chinese who have just immigrated to the United States come to the United States with small thoughts, and then think that they can challenge the IRS with their own "smartness", but in the end they will find that they want to evade taxes under the nose of the IRS. It's all miserable.

  A fine ten times that of the light one, and a prison sentence for the severe one. Let's put it this way, Americans have some special black market taxes, that is, whether you sell powder or ice, you can buy 'tax stamps' with the money you get. These tax stamps are anonymous and do not report loss, but they can When you are caught, you will not be aggravated by tax evasion.

  So, everyone understands that Americans are very shrewd in collecting taxes. If Jian Heng didn't have the monster of space, he wouldn't challenge the IRS.

"Okay, let's go! You hurry up and work, I happen to have something to do when I go out." Jian Heng didn't want to be entangled in this way anymore. He just heard that there was a picture of the shadow of the wolf ritual death, Jane Heng Heng decided to go and see if it was his own black eyes. So where is the mood to discuss with them about Old John being entangled by the IRS.

   "Let's talk next time!" Old Walsh dropped a sentence, and turned to his tractor.

Jian Heng drove the tractor for a while, letting Ceresto go first, and he followed behind. After returning home, Jian Heng hurriedly unloaded the snow pusher without coming, and jumped on the pickup truck. All the way to the town along the road just shoveled out.

Sure enough, Jian Heng saw a reward order at the door of Sara's bar, about the size of an A3 paper, half of which was a photo of the wolf king's shadow of death, half of which was the content of the reward order, and next to it was a reward order issued by the police station .

Looking at the photo for a while, Jian Heng was not sure if this so-called wolf king was his own four-eyed black. The guy in the photo had four eyes, and black was black, but the difference between the whole body and four-eyed black was too big. When he grows up, he doesn't look like a dog at all, he is completely a wolf, even worse than a wolf.

The size of this wolf king is not much different from the male wolf next to him, but in the photo it looks stronger than all the male wolves nearby, and the fur on his body is more than twice as long as that of ordinary male wolves. This makes the mane on its neck look a bit like a lion, coupled with Dongku's eyes, it is particularly majestic.

   After looking at it for a while, Jian Heng and his own dog compared it, and he eliminated the thoughts in his mind. The difference is too big. Besides, why do you have to bear the burden on yourself when you have nothing to do? If you are not sure, then it is not. As for what bites someone or destroys the livestock, it has nothing to do with me.

After getting rid of this idea, Jian Heng wanted to turn around and go home, but at this moment, Sarah just came out, holding the phone in her hand and talking non-stop. It seemed that she was calling someone, and she looked a little angry .

  As soon as he went out and saw Jian Heng, he immediately waved to Jian Heng, and after a few phone calls, he turned off the phone.

   "Why don't you go in?" Sara said to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng explained: "I came here to see that. I didn't expect a wolf to be so valuable."

   As he spoke, Jian Heng smiled and pointed to the reward order at Sara's door.

Sarah turned her head and looked at it: "It's getting more and more valuable. The Devon Harrison Marcus Ranch is going crazy. How long has it been? In less than two weeks, so many cattle died. If they die like this, it will be strange if their ranch has cattle to sell when it’s time to sell the cattle next year.”

   Speaking of this, Sara moved closer to Jian Heng, and said jokingly in a low voice: "I don't want it to be killed so soon. If he doesn't die for a day, my business will improve."

Speaking of which, Sara explained to Jian Heng that since the reward order came out, the business of her bar has improved several times, and as the amount of the reward order has increased, the number of hunters who came to get the reward There will naturally be more and more predictable ones, because now not only bounty hunters from the United States are here, but even a bounty hunter from Europe is also here.

  Bounty hunters, there are very few people who are not greedy for alcohol. Americans are good at alcohol. From time to time, they have to drink a sip or two, and put it on the group of bounty hunters. It is almost the point where no one is greedy.

   Not only the bounty hunters, but also some good-for-nothings followed. For a while, the price of beer in the bar went up, not to mention the accommodation.

  Jian Heng didn't expect that a wolf would bring extra income, so he said with a casual smile, "Maybe everyone in the town thinks the same as you?"

   After speaking, I remembered an example, that is, the Loch Ness monster. As soon as this rumor came out, the originally unknown small lake immediately became a holy place for exploration. Now this wolf king named by a group of Americans as the shadow of death has gradually brought many foreign visitors to Xiao, just like the water monster that does not exist in Loch Ness.

   "That's natural. If there are more people, our income will be higher. As for the loss, no one likes them anyway, right?" Sarah said very straightforwardly.

   People who are acquainted with each other naturally don't need to think a lot when speaking, let alone cover up anything.

  Sara’s words naturally refer to large ranches like the North African Eagle and the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch, that is, intensive corporate ranches. Their existence threatens the interests of small and medium-sized ranchers, destroys their interests, and at least makes many people feel bad.

   Naturally, many people will applaud in their hearts, because everyone thinks that they have lowered the market price of beef and lowered their own income.

   "That's the same! Anyway, I wish they went bankrupt." Jian Heng also answered with a smile.

   Originally, it was just casually, but a thought suddenly popped up in Jian Heng's mind: If the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch goes bankrupt, can he get some benefits?

You must know that the Edwin-Harrison-Marcus Ranch is much better than the Silent Lake Ranch both in terms of pasture and location. Irrigated eighty percent of the pasture, let's just say the best piece of pasture in the whole neighborhood is the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch.

  It can barely be compared with the North African eagle, but the North African eagle is a large investment, 45% of the pastures are irrigated.

But soon Jian Heng shook his head. Behind such a big ranch, there is a big and round gold master. The size is not something that Jian Heng can provoke. If he has a net worth of more than one billion, he will not be able to let it go at all. In other people's eyes, don't look at O'Brien when he saw everyone's eyes reaching up to the sky, but when he saw the benefactors of these two families, he immediately smiled like a grandson, rushing to curry favor with others, and no one paid attention his.

  Seeing that Jian Heng was in a daze, Sarah said, "Why don't you go in and have a drink?"

   "No, I still have class in the morning!" Jian Heng waved at her as he spoke, "Let's go, it's almost time!"

   "Wait, do you have any Halloween activities there? If not, come to my bar to have fun?" Sara asked immediately when Jian Heng turned around to leave.

   Jian Heng listened to Halloween? He stopped in his tracks immediately: "It's Halloween so soon?"

   "The day after tomorrow is Veteran's Day. After Veteran's Day, it will be Halloween in a few days. Is it possible that you haven't prepared activities yet?" Sarah asked strangely.

   Jian Heng sneered: "If you don't mention it, I will forget about it!"

  Halloween is nothing more than a holiday. As for spending time on the ranch, that’s not enough. A group of Chinese people get together, and no child can celebrate Halloween!

"Let's see!" Jian Heng didn't know how to answer Sara for a while, so after replying to her, he waved at her, turned around and walked to his pickup, jumped on the pickup, and headed towards his ranch. The direction opened.

  (end of this chapter)

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