Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 245: new project

  Chapter 245 new item

  Back to the ranch, first saw how old Moseresto's work was doing.

When Jian Heng arrived, he found that the group had cleared an open space. The cement piles that had sunk in the ground had been exposed to the ground, and there were some threaded steel buttons on them. Some people were carrying the wooden shelves upright. Snap buckle.

  In short, the people at the scene were working in full swing, and there was no sign of laziness at all.

   After walking around the greenhouse construction site, Jian Heng returned to the restaurant.

   Seeing Zhao Changshan come out, Jian Heng opened his mouth and asked, "Have the three of Toby returned?"

   "I haven't come back yet. You didn't see that the snowmobile was not at the door. Why did you have something to do with them?" Zhao Changshan stopped and took a cigarette out of his pocket.

   "It's okay for me to find them. I want to use a snowmobile. You can tell them when you come back. The next thing is to ride a horse. I have requisitioned the motorcycle, and five vehicles will be requisitioned." Jian Heng said.

   "Okay, I see." Zhao Changshan responded, seeing that Jian Heng was about to leave, he immediately called out to Jian Heng twice, and walked two steps forward to Jian Heng's side.

"Let me tell you, boss, Zhao Wei is not a cook, talk to Mr. Yao and ask him to be an apprentice to Mr. Yao. If he is disobedient, just tell me what I said, and ask Mr. Yao to slap him! "Zhao Changshan is now doing Jian Heng's job.

  Zhao Changshan knew very well in his heart. He knew that he was only a third- or fourth-rate chef. difficult!

   I also understand that not everyone has the same luck as Zhao Changshan. He helped Jian Heng when he was not making a fortune, so that he has the current business.

  Besides, it is impossible for Zhao Changshan to hand over the business to his nephew, and he still takes care of his family. Besides, even if Zhao Changshan wants to hand it over to his nephew, it is not something he can decide. It is not Zhao Changshan who decides in the end, but the real owner of the ranch in front of him.

  Huang Xiaodong jumped out based on his ability to do things. Zhao Wei is a nephew here. Zhao Changshan wanted to let him find a good craft, and heard a group of students praise Mr. Yao's craftsmanship. It would be strange if Zhao Changshan wasn't tempted.

  To be honest, Zhao Wei didn't think of this matter at first, it was Zhao Changshan's idea, Zhao Wei couldn't think of it now, and now he feels that he is so happy in his childhood.

   How could Jian Heng not know, but it’s hard to say anything about Zhao Changshan. We Chinese pay attention to this, and relatives will help if they can.

  He stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Changshan's shoulder: "Brother, I can't make up my mind about this matter. It's the old man Yao who has the final say. The old man has seen Zhao Wei, but he declined it!"

   Speaking of this, Zhao Changshan didn’t understand. He Zhao Changshan came and Jian Heng gave him the freedom to hire people. Why doesn’t Mr. Yao have this freedom when he comes?

  Besides, everyone is a craftsman, knowing that learning something really depends on talent.

   "Hey, hey!" Zhao Changshan thought of his nephew and sighed again: "This kid looks smart, but he's actually quite stupid!"

   "Zhao Wei is not bad, at least he will not retreat when things happen, but there is no work suitable for him in the ranch for a while." Jian Heng comforted Zhao Changshan again.

  Zhao Changshan also understands that his nephew is worried if he doesn't push his work, and it will show up outside, but it won't work if he puts it in the pasture.

  Compared with Huang Xiaodong, he has no job in his eyes, and he can't find work by himself. Compared with Zhang Jialiang, he is even worse. It is a difference in level. No wink is wrong with the boss!

  Zhao Changshan knew that if something really good happened, the first thing Jian Heng would think of would not be Zhao Changshan, but Zhang Jialiang, who was currently an apprentice under Toby. There is nothing wrong with this matter, because there is an intimate reason in it.

   This is not forming cliques, no matter which society distributes benefits according to this kind of kinship relationship, this is the case in ancient and modern China and abroad!

   "That's the only way to go!" Zhao Changshan said.

   Seeing Zhao Changshan's appearance, Jian Heng changed the subject: "By the way, Halloween is almost here, do we have anything to prepare for?"

   Zhao Changshan replied after hearing this: "Balley and Wheat mentioned it, you were not at home at the time, and no one could make a decision, so I just waited for you to come back and make a decision!"

   "Let's do it, anyway, no matter what the festival is, it's right for everyone to have fun." Jian Heng thought for a while, and felt that everyone was working hard and didn't have time to have fun, so he just took advantage of this festival to make everyone lively.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng made a decision: "For the money, let's spend 10,000 knives and decorate the pasture. Maybe there will be little ghosts coming to play or make trouble."

   "10,000 knives can do a lot of things, is everyone's dressing expenses included?" Zhao Changshan asked with a smile.

  Jian Heng glanced at him: "With so much money, you don't even want to pay for a dress-up fee, you are too slamming, I despise you!".

   "The landlord's family has no surplus food." Zhao Changshan replied happily when he thought of his current income and was now happy.

"Okay, I'm going to class, it seems like the three of them should be back soon, tell them, I'm going to use the snowmobile in 20 minutes" Jian Heng looked at the watch on his wrist and said .

  Zhao Changshan nodded to show he understood, so Jian Heng turned around and walked towards the drill room.

  When we got to the exercise room and pushed open the door, Jian Heng found that Damai was leading everyone to warm up together, jogging around the exercise room, and each body was already slightly sweating from running.

Mai Mai is now squatting in a corner of the exercise room, playing with Denver. As for instant noodles and Pooh, I don’t know where to play. The two tigers have disappeared a day ago, and Xue is not willing to stay when she stops. Playing in the drill room, only Denver used to stay in the drill room, yelling twice to encourage these people.

  Walking to Mai Mai, he squatted down and chatted with Mai Mai for a while, waiting for Da Mai to lead everyone to finish the warm-up class, and then Jian Heng stood up.

   "Follow me for those who were named yesterday. Let's go outside today. Remember to put on your clothes and don't forget your goggles. Sunglasses without goggles will be fine too," Jian Heng said.

  Evan listened and asked: "Is it still rolling tires?"

   "I won't roll the tires today, I'll show you something fun today," Jian Heng said with a smile.

   I heard it was fun. You look at me, I look at you, and finally all eyes fell on Blanca.

  Blanca saw that everyone was looking at her, so she shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands to express that she didn't know what was fun. When everyone thought that Jian Heng said it was fun, they couldn't help but shivered, because when the tire flipped, the head coach also said that he was taking everyone to have fun.

   It was useless to be afraid, not to mention that there was still curiosity and a bit of surprise in the fear, so they went back to their residences one after another. Those who had goggles wore goggles, and those who didn’t just took sunglasses or something.

  About ten minutes later, several people gathered at the door of the restaurant.

   "Get on motorcycles, follow me! You can form a team freely, two people in one car, don't drive too much, the rest will be useful." Jian Heng had already ridden a snowmobile at this time.

  Blanca looked at it, and directly embraced Jian Heng's waist without any politeness, and sat on the back seat of Jian Heng's motorcycle.

  Jian Heng glanced at her, and then shifted his gaze to the people beside him. Seeing that everyone had automatically formed a team of two, he started the motorcycle and took the lead to get into the snow.

  Following the footprints left by the herd of cattle on the snow, Jian Heng chased all the way. When everyone was guessing whether today's activity was skiing, the herd of cattle appeared in everyone's sight.

Thirty to forty meters away from the herd of cattle, Jian Heng stopped his motorcycle and motioned for Blanca to get off, and everyone else got off and waited here, while he rode his snowmobile towards The herd drove past.

   "What do you want us to do?" An actor asked puzzled.

"do not know!"

  Blanca said: "Anyway, I don't think it's a good thing!"

  Evan said: "That's up to you? Everyone knows that this exercise must consume more energy than flipping a tire!"

   Everyone thinks that Evan is talking nonsense. Practice is naturally getting harder and harder, and there is no getting easier.

   Everyone didn't want to talk to Evan, so they watched Jian Heng's movements without saying a word.

   Walking to the herd, Jian Heng directly instructed Daniel and Qianlong to drive out several half-sized calves and a half-sized stag with two or three forks protruding from the antlers.

   After driving these things in front of several people, Jian Heng stopped the motorcycle.

After turning off the ignition, Jian Heng stood on the snow: "Today's task is simple and simple. Each person has one goal. The deer belongs to Blanca. You can use any method, hugging, throwing, and topping. I just want to One result, throw them to the ground, as long as you can knock them to the ground, your training today will be considered complete."

   Several people, you look at me, I look at you, with an unexpected look, who would have thought that the head coach called him here to let him wrestle with a few bulls and deer in the snow.

   "Are you sure?" Evan asked while gearing up.

   It was difficult for him to fall a half-calf, but it was definitely not difficult.

   "I'm sure, as long as one of you can do this, the training this morning will be over. Not only is it over, but you can go back and find Mr. Yao for an hour's massage immediately," Jian Heng said.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone, and said seductively: "Some people here have experienced it, and some people have not had the opportunity to experience it, but I guarantee that those who have not experienced it will not regret it, and those who have experienced it will understand that a whole set of massage is not an experience class. comparable".

   "Then let's start quickly, I've been waiting for a long time, and I didn't get a place to experience this morning." One of the short and stocky black actors said a little funny.

   "Okay, everyone find a calf, Blanca, you are the deer, the cow is not yours..." Jian Heng directed everyone to find the target, and gave orders to Daniel and Qianlong.

  (end of this chapter)

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