Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 246: New Project Wrestling Mavericks

  Chapter 246 New project, Mavericks

Following Jian Heng's GO, this group of people immediately rushed towards their target, like jumping sky monkeys, ready to go back to experience a massage after the fall, no one thought about it, such an easy thing Jian Heng can let them Dry?

  It was the bull and the deer who calmed down a little, and began to fight against their own goals as soon as they lowered their heads.


   A group of people who had just sworn to it just now, had been doing it for five or six minutes, jumping from left to right and running around, constantly exhausting their energy.

   It looked quite lively, but it turned out that none of these people could get close to the cow and the deer. Even if someone grabbed the horn, the bull moved forward with brute force, and immediately made these students fall a perfect butt.

   Just relying on these buttocks, he suddenly fell out of more than a hundred square meters of open space.

Evan, who used to think he had a little skill and strength, is now being played crazy by the Mavericks in front of him. The Mavericks can't talk about any skills, but simply point their heads at him. When Evan stepped forward Well, it pushes forward fiercely. If Evan firmly grasps the horn, the calf will try its best to pick it up. Every time it picks up, Evan will fall down.

   These two tricks have already dropped Evan nearly ten times in five minutes. As for other people, there is a limit to how much better than Evan is.

  Jian Heng folded his hands, happily watching and enjoying himself, and turned a training session into a circus performance.

It’s not without reason that Jian Heng did this, I couldn’t think of it before, but once Mr. Yao’s book is given, Jian Heng doesn’t need to explore many things that have been summarized. Beast law, which simply talks about how to use these beasts, and how to use beasts to defeat beasts.

   It’s just that the owner of the space, Banshou, used it to fight, kill, and seize power, but Jian Heng used it to train people, do tricks for fun, and earn money along the way.

  Looking cheerfully for about ten minutes, almost everyone exhausted their energy, and each of them directly leaned on their knees and gasped, looking at the calf in front of them, like a stray dog.

As for Maverick, he also looked at the people in front of him, seeing that these humans seemed to be exhausted, so he stretched out his head on the ground worn out by these students, found grass and started to chew, took a few mouthfuls of grass, and slowly Chewing slowly, it seemed that he was mocking the people in front of him with a kind of wordless sarcasm.

   "No, it is impossible to overturn these calves!"

  Evan, who was full of confidence just now, suddenly lost his mind again, and his point of view changed from easy to impossible.

"This calf is different from other calves. Not only is it strong, but it also has a special ability to maintain balance. Every time it grabs its horn and pushes hard to one side, it can use all its strength on the horn to push you back in an instant. ...".

There is a strong actor who has been working on a ranch since he was a child, and has quite a lot of experience in tying calves, but now he can't do anything with calves. The weight of the horse knocked the calf down, but now that there was no horse, he didn't know what to do.

"Not too possible!"

  Another student raised his own question.

  Jian Heng naturally knew that they couldn't fall, if they could, Jian Heng would let them come?

Jian Heng planned to let them play this game for several days, not to mention them, even if the old cowboy came over, he might not be able to tie up these calves. Da Niu Qianlong was not just watching them for nothing. It also worked hard.

   "Coach, it's impossible to fall down, right?"

  Blanca also took a breath at this time, and asked Jian Heng with a bitter face.

Jian Heng shrugged his shoulders, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, found a calf, stood in front of it, squatted down slightly, and after looking at it for a while, he jumped forward and hugged it all at once. After grabbing the calf's neck, he hugged the calf's neck with both hands, put his left shoulder on the calf's chin, hung on the calf's body with his whole body weight, and then swept the calf's legs with his two legs.

  In just ten minutes, Jian Heng put the calf down.

   After everyone stood up in a daze, Jian Heng walked in front of another calf, this time he directly grabbed the horn with both hands, and with the strength of his own arm, he directly twisted the calf's head to the side and pressed it to the ground.

  This momentum is quite a bit like a king holding a tripod.

  In less than five minutes, Jian Heng used four methods and fell down four calves. All the students who were talking about the impossible at first opened their mouths and looked at Jian Heng with stupid eyes.

   They tried for ten minutes and exhausted all their strength, but they couldn't make them retreat half a step. Now they were thrown like a toy by the head coach.


   After regaining consciousness, I don't know which flatterer said hello first, and everyone applauded.

Jian Heng was beautiful in his heart, and after enjoying it for two seconds, he stretched out his hand, pressed it in the space, and waited for the applause, and pretended to say: "Some of you have the right method, but you are not decisive in what you do, and your strength is not used. To the point, my strength training is not to train dead flesh one by one, I want to mobilize your whole body, what should you do if you mobilize your whole body? Use your whole body strength to fight against the calf... ".

After talking for about three minutes, I actually fooled these people for three minutes, because without Da Niu and Qianlong around, these people could overthrow Mavericks, but it took a lot of effort, but Jian Heng acted as a hindrance, or Someone wants to overthrow Niu Lu in front of Daniel Qianlong? It was like playing around.

   Maverick is happy, but Daniel and Qianlong are not happy either, because Daniel Qianlong has no interest in talking to anyone except Jian Heng.

  Toby can drive the herd of cattle because Toby is an old cowboy, and he knows how to get along with animals.

   If you speak clearly, you will be able to coax!

   "Then hurry up and teach us!" Blanca's hands hurt from clapping, and now she has a kind of admiration for Jian Heng, and she feels that everything Jian Heng says is right.

   "Okay, then I will talk about the first method!"

Speaking of which, Jian Heng set up his posture, and began to tell the students how to throw a cow, and the essentials of the movements. In fact, they were all made up by Jian Heng now, because during the process of falling, Jian Heng felt that his muscles were about to lose weight. If you don't have any strength, you will naturally introduce which one, so that while demonstrating and explaining, a group of students also listened with gusto.

   After finishing speaking, Jian Heng clapped his hands and said, "I think it's impossible for you to wrestle a cow in the morning. Let's do this, two people in a team, two people fall together, Blanca, you and".

Speaking of Blanca, Jian Heng glanced at all the students. Originally, it was an odd number, and there would always be someone left. Instead of having intimate contact with an old man, Jian Heng decided that he should be in a group with Blanca. .

"You and I are in the same group! Let's rest for a while, and continue to fall." At this point, Jian Heng remembered again, returned to his snowmobile, turned away from everyone's gaze, and grabbed a bottle from the space Apple pear juice comes out.

   Distributed the disposable cups to everyone, and Jian Heng poured a small cup for everyone present.

   "Drink it, I specially prepared this for you, it is good for physical recovery, it can also stimulate muscle growth, and at the same time prevent excessive muscle soreness and make you unable to sleep tonight," Jian Heng said.

After so many days of special training, everyone understands that the most special formula here is the so-called functional vegetable juice. In their impression, this thing is formulated with a mysterious oriental secret technique , As for the ingredients that cannot be detected, they are also a kind of oriental mysticism.

   Sometimes Jian Heng feels that these foreigners who believe in God are easy to deceive. Anyway, if you can’t explain it, you can attribute it to God’s will first.

   After taking Jian Heng's juice, these people drank it all in one gulp. After finishing drinking, everyone smacked their lips, feeling that today this thing is much better than before.

   "Coach, today's vegetable juice is much better than usual!" Evan opened his mouth and said.

  Jian Heng said: "Of course, this is an advanced formula. Generally speaking, students who do ordinary training don't need to drink this!"

He said this on his mouth, but he said in his heart: It’s a ghost if it’s not better than that. In the past, you drank mixed vegetable juice. Think about the taste of celery juice with carrot juice and some tomatoes. Is it good to drink three juices together?

   After drinking the juice, Jian Heng led them to practice again. In a group of two, it was very difficult to throw the calf, but it was not impossible, and everyone's interest came up again.

  People are like this, there must be difficulty, but the hope of conquest must also be seen, so that the interest can be high.

  (end of this chapter)

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