Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 266: space garden

  Chapter 266 Space Garden

  Finding a shovel and carrying it on his shoulder, Jian Heng found a corner and entered the space. When Jian Heng stood still in the space, he stared at the space for a while.

  Even with a not-so-great IQ, Jian Heng could tell that it seemed a bit difficult to plant these seeds in space with just a shovel.

   It cannot be said that it is difficult, but the workload is relatively large!

   Don’t be afraid of difficulties, there is always a way to explain. There are tractors in Jianheng Ranch, as well as equipment for cultivating the land. The grass in the pasture is all planted. Although the cultivator is rarely used, it is a standard accessory on many pastures, but the plow in the pasture is more The ones on the farm are a little simpler.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng took out the shovel again and ran towards the warehouse.

The snow on the road in the ranch has just been shoveled, and Jian Heng does not ask for shoveling of the snow on the ground, and God has no intention to shovel the snow these days, so the tractors are all at rest, and naturally there are no people in the warehouse .

Stepping into the warehouse, Jian Heng suddenly felt the difference from before. After having Toby, all the machines were neatly arranged, the tractor was placed on the side, and the trailer machine was placed directly opposite the tractor. And arranged according to commonly used and very used, the more commonly used things are closer to the tractor.

   There is also a small detail, some unused tools have been maintained, and some connections are specially lubricated. All of this proves that Jian Heng's hiring Toby is an extremely correct choice.

   After closing the warehouse door, Jian Heng raised a hand and sent a tractor into the space, and then sent a plow into the space.

Back in the space again, Jian Heng checked the oil of the tractor, and found that the oil in the tank was still enough, then hung the plow to the back of the tractor, and as soon as a few components were connected, Jian Heng began to work here .

The plows on the ranch are not as dense as those on the farm. Usually, there are only six or seven plow shovels for one plow on the pasture. The total width is about four meters.

  The advantage is that the plow can be done very deeply. For example, when Jian Heng plows down now, he plows directly to a depth of tens of centimeters, almost turning the grass and roots together.

   After dragging back and forth a few times, almost several acres of land were dug out. Jian Heng felt that it was almost done, so he washed the tractor and plow with water, and then sent the two things back to the warehouse.

   After sending the two farm tools back to the warehouse, Jian Heng entered the space again, ready to grow his own vegetables.

   Who knew that as soon as Jian Heng entered the space, the door of the warehouse opened, and Toby walked in with Huang Xiaodong pushing a snowmobile.

   "Who's here?" Seeing that the door was unlocked, Toby asked first after entering.

   After waiting for a while, no one answered, so Toby turned around and looked around, wondering if there was a thief or something.

  Tobi is a careful person, and quickly discovered the strangeness of the tractor, and also found some sloppy water stains on the plow, and found traces of soil on some plow surfaces.

   "Who used a tractor to plow the land?" Tobi scratched his head and said his deduction to Huang Xiaodong.

  Huang Xiaodong asked in puzzlement: "What kind of land was plowed at this time, but now the ground is as hard as a rock."

  Toby also knows, but the tractor and plow in front of him are obviously just used by someone.

   "Strange!" After thinking for a long time, Toby couldn't figure out how to explain this matter, because the matter was too weird, so he had to let it go temporarily.

Everything else was normal. Toby took down the tool box from the tool rack and began to repair the snowmobile. During the patrol just now, the snowmobile driven by Huang Xiaodong suddenly failed to start. Fortunately, Toby Bian quickly joined him, and used his snowmobile to tow the broken one back.

After dismantling the guard, Toby immediately discovered the reason. There was something wrong with the wire of the spark plug. There was a fight, but soon new problems arose.

  However, these things did not bother Toby. Half an hour later, he found the root cause. Once the matter was resolved, the roar of the snowmobile rang out again.

  Huang Xiaodong was doing the layman's work next to him. Seeing that Toby's side had almost dismantled the snowmobile to nothing but the frame, and then quickly restored it, he immediately expressed admiration.

   "Toby, you are really good, you can repair this thing, why do I think you are omnipotent?" Huang Xiaodong didn't mean to flatter Toby, but sincerely praised the old cowboy.

Since Toby came here, almost everyone has no free time, and the daily work is full. In addition to the work on the ranch, they are also making various harnesses by themselves, including weaving whips and making bridles. , or even make your own leather chaps.

  Since Toby came to the ranch, Huang Xiaodong felt that he spent every day studying, and every day he had a deeper understanding of the profession of cowboys. He began to understand many things that he didn't understand before.

Toby wiped the oil on his hands with a towel, and said with a smile: "If you work on the ranch for another ten years, you will be able to do everything twice. In fact, things like machinery are complicated and simple. , whether it is a snowmobile or a car, the general principle is actually the same! If you understand one, the others are almost the same, and you will become a great cowboy if you learn slowly.”

As an American, Toby was exposed to machinery much earlier than most Chinese children. As long as the old Americans are middle-class, they usually have lawnmowers, cars, and even boats in many families. He watched his father solve the problem since he was a child. Various mechanical problems, after a long period of time, he can naturally solve many small mechanical problems.

  Many Americans are like this, so American car companies don’t care about minor car faults, because American people can solve minor faults by themselves.

  The two people outside were tossing the snowmobile, and Jian Heng had already started to grow vegetables.

Jian Heng's method of planting vegetables is very simple. Sprinkle seeds and fill soil, and sprinkle some space water along the way, so whenever Jian Heng steps away from a seed nest, there will be a vigorous plant growing behind him .


   After almost half an hour of hard work outside, Jian Heng couldn't take it anymore. Tiredness is one aspect, and the main thing is the boring repetitive work.

You must know that Jian Heng has god-like control in the secret space, and he lives like Thanos in "Reunion 3". With a single finger, a pit will appear on the turned-up land, and with another finger sweep, A seed fell into the pit, and finally with a snap of the fingers, Tu Gai covered the pit by himself, and watered it with a thought.

At the beginning, this kind of god-like feeling was really good, but once repeated hundreds of times, the action of praising again began to make people feel tired, not to mention that no one here appreciates Jian Heng's " divine power'. If we were to find some beauties to cheer on, it would probably not be enough for Jian Heng.

Originally, he planned to plant all the plowed land, but Jian Heng lost his patience after ordering a little half, and then ordered some seeds at random. Anyway, he ordered some common vegetables. As for the rest of the land, he had to let it go. It was empty first.

   "Finally, there is something to eat hot pot at night." Jian Heng looked at the land he planted, and comforted himself a little.

  Picked some ripe vegetables and saw that there was enough for hot pot tonight, Jian Heng lifted his foot into the space.

   As soon as Jian Heng came out of the space, he immediately heard someone's voice, so he subconsciously retracted into the space like lightning.

  Jian Heng didn't expect that there would be someone in the warehouse at this time, so he was a little careless for a while.

Huang Xiaodong happened to be able to see the place where Jian Heng came out from the corner of his eye. As soon as Jian Heng came out of the space, he had a feeling and immediately turned his head to look over, but when his eyes moved over, Jian Heng had already Back in space again.

   "What are you looking at?" Toby saw Huang Xiaodong was a little dazed, so he asked.

   "I seemed to see someone flashing past just now." Huang Xiaodong raised his arm and scratched the back of his head: "But when I turned around, I couldn't see anyone again. Maybe I blinked myself."

  (end of this chapter)

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