Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 267: frolicking

  Chapter 267 Frolicking

Squatting until they left, Jian Heng came out of the space again. When he got to the door, he stretched out his hand and pulled the door, only to find that the door was locked by two guys. Fortunately, Jian Heng had a space, so he first entered the space and then came out The click is outside the door.

  Out of the warehouse, Jian Heng returned to the door of the restaurant.

   Just about to enter the door, saw Zhao Changshan coming out, and just wanted to say hello, but Zhao Changshan spoke first: "Where did you go, did Jialiang find you?"

   "What did he ask me for?" After thinking about it, he realized that it must be the matter of the great director, so he changed his words and asked, "Where is Jialiang?"

   "How would I know, I came here two hours ago and wandered around and I don't know where I went. You should call him if you want to find him," Zhao Changshan said.

Taking out the phone, Jian Heng dialed Zhang Jialiang, made an excuse that he had gone out for a walk, and then asked something, such a question was really about the big director, he had already signed the contract, Zhang Jialiang naturally He is not qualified to sign a contract, and he couldn't find Jian Heng, so he is in a hurry now.

   So Jian Heng hurried to Zhang Jialiang's dormitory again and signed the contract.

When he went out, Jian Heng saw that it was not too early, should he ask He Ye and Sun Siwei to get up for dinner? Thinking of this, Jian Heng walked to the door of Sun Siwei, and started to talk softly. knocked on the door.

   "Four-dimensional, four-dimensional!" Jian Heng knocked on the door for a while, but no one echoed from inside, so he couldn't help knocking harder on the door.

   "Don't knock! Whoops!"

   Soon there was an impatient voice from the door, and he was so angry when he got up, it seemed that if it wasn't through the door, he would almost beat someone up.

   "Eat now!"

   "Don't ask me to eat, I'm really sleepy," Sun Siwei said lazily.

  When Jian Heng heard this, he asked loudly again: "Don't call you?"

   "Don't call me!" Sun Siwei couldn't bear Jian Heng's nagging in the room, so he threw out a sentence, covered his head with the quilt, and let out an annoyed sound just like that.

  Standing at the door of Sun Siwei in a daze for a while, Jian Heng had to turn around and move to the door of the dormitory where He Ye lived, and just knocked on the door twice, but He Ye didn't come out, but his bodyguard came out from another room.

   "You better stop knocking. Based on what I know about him, he drank so much wine at noon today that he won't get up without sleeping for ten hours," the bodyguard said blankly.

  Jian Heng heard that this would take ten hours, so he asked, "Then what will the two of them do for dinner today?"

  The bodyguard said: "This matter is easy to handle. You can get me two fast food later. Anyway, there are microwave ovens in this room, and everyone can heat it up by themselves."

   After hearing this, Jian Heng thought the idea was good. The best thing is that Zhao Changshan can send it over when he is ready without having to do it himself.

   "Okay, then let the kitchen bring you the meal later, can you have four dishes and one soup?"

   "Yes!" The bodyguard nodded after listening, and then looked at Jian Heng with a very calm look after answering.

   Jian Heng wanted to say something at first, but he didn't want to say anything when he saw his face, so he nodded at this person and turned to leave.

   After walking a few steps, he heard the sound of the door closing behind him. It seemed that the bodyguard waited for Jian Heng to turn around, and he turned back to the room himself.

   was about to leave the row of rooms in the dormitory, but was stopped by Mr. Yao.

"Where did you go today?" Mr. Yao heard Jian Heng's voice a long time ago. He didn't come out to disturb him when he saw him chatting with others. Now that there was no sound outside, he immediately opened the door and took Jian Heng blocked.


Who knew that Jian Heng hadn't answered yet, so Mr. Yao didn't want to listen any more, and said to Jian Heng with his hands behind his back: "Proficiency in industry is based on diligence and lack of play. Craftsmanship comes from practice. Although I said these days that you learn It's fast, but you can't find an excuse not to come, do you know that I have been waiting for you for almost an hour?"

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went to visit the ranch in the afternoon, but I didn't think of it, please forgive me!" Jian Heng directly apologized first.

Hearing the old man's words, Jian Heng remembered that he didn't practice massage today, and after apologizing, Jian Heng remembered and asked: "No, they should go home today, and they don't want to go home They all went to the town to drink and play, how can anyone come for a massage?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, let's go, come with me, I will continue to teach you the following techniques!" After speaking, the old man didn't wait for Jian Heng to speak, and walked towards the massage room with his hands behind his back.

   Jian Heng thought about it, anyway, there is nothing left to eat for the hot pot at night, since the old man wants to teach, he should learn it by himself!

  So he hummed and followed Mr. Yao, walking towards the massage room.

The two came to the massage room one after the other. The two first took a shower and came to the massage bed. The old man first showed Jian Heng how to press a few side points while pressing. Ten minutes later, the old man asked Jian Heng to experiment with himself.

  Jian Heng smeared oil on the back of the old man, and then stretched out his hand to press the first acupuncture point taught by the old man today, ready to start.

  At this moment, the old man raised his head, turned his head and asked, "What are you doing?"

   "According to the acupoints you mentioned above?" Jian Heng was taken aback by the old man's action, and retracted his hands like lightning.

   "Start from the first step, and practice from the beginning what I taught you in a few days!" After finishing speaking, the old man stretched his old face to the hole of the massage table, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, relaxed his limbs and lay down comfortably.

Now that the old man said so, Jian Heng started to press it from the beginning. From the beginning to the end, it took a total of forty minutes. Jian Heng only took a break in the middle, so that he could bring what he learned a few days ago to today's old man. I did everything I taught.

"How about it?"

   Jian Heng picked up the towel next to him and wiped his hands, then asked the old man.

   Didn't hear the answer, Jian Heng repeated a sentence here, hoping that the teacher would give his opinion on his technique so that he could improve himself or something.

  After asking three questions in a row, Jian Heng didn't hear an answer, so he walked to the side of the massage table, stretched out his hand and gently pushed the old man.

  As soon as I got started, I realized that Mr. Yao actually fell asleep comfortably.

   "I'm going!" Now Jian Heng seems to understand something, why the old man let himself learn to press it at the beginning, and has been teaching it until today.

   Jian Heng thought of this, and when he saw the half cup of tea brewing on the old man's shelf in a blink of an eye, he suddenly became childlike, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


  stretched out his hand, and patted the old man's back. The palm hit the back, and there was oil on the back. Although it didn't hurt too much, the sound was very loud.

Ok! snort!

  The old man was suddenly shocked by this stimulation, he woke up from his sleep, sat up all of a sudden, and then asked in a daze: "What's the matter, what's the matter?".

   "You are incontinent." Jian Heng stretched out his finger to touch the tea water he had just splashed under the old man, and said jokingly.

  The old man sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then stared blankly at the puddle of water on the massage table.


Jian Heng saw that Mr. Yao actually stretched out his finger to touch the water stains on the massage table, put it in front of his eyes and began to look at it, so he immediately made a look of disgust, jumped to the side, with a very contemptuous expression He looked at Mr. Yao.


  Old Master Yao put down his hands after saying a word, and rolled over from the massage table.

   "Old man, you are covering up too much, right?"

Master Yao took a look at Jian Heng, and threw the towel in his hand towards Jian Heng: "Do you know how many years I have been in this business? I learned this from my family when I was a teenager, and I started to give jobs to my family when I didn't have jobs before. My elders, I have been doing this for almost my whole life, I can’t tell what kind of water is it? I am an old man who is so powerful, and pee smells like Longjing?”


  Jian Heng was directly amused by the old man's words, and gave a thumbs up to the old man: "You are really good, I can tell the difference!"

"That's it for today, come and press tomorrow." The old man picked up the remaining half cup of tea, took a sip after he finished speaking, and then said with a bit of regret: "You have wasted so much on a good cup of tea, you Do you know how much this pot costs!"

   "Longjing is rotten, what a pity" Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Old Master Yao took a look at Jian Heng, with a silly look: "Hurry up and get out, what do you know!"

   Jian Heng smiled and put on his clothes, and when he was about to walk out of the massage room, he suddenly heard Mr. Yao cough behind him, so he turned his head.

"It's good, what's lacking is the heat, and I won't have anything to teach you a few more times, and the rest you have to rely on your own comprehension, besides, you still need to learn some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine." Mr. Yao Said sternly.

  Jian Heng listened and shrugged his shoulders: "I just learned to press barley, and I don't rely on this to make money!"

   After finishing speaking, Jian Heng didn't wait for the old man to say anything. He stretched out his hand and pushed the door open and walked out. As soon as the door opened, a gust of cold wind swept in. Jian Heng shivered from the cold, and instantly felt refreshed.

  Thinking about Master Yao’s gossip, he was secretly happy for a while, but when he thought that he would not only press barley, but also press wheat every day, Jian Heng couldn’t laugh anymore.

To be honest, Jian Heng is not an upright gentleman, and he is not prepared to be an upright gentleman. Facing his naked sister-in-law once a day really made Jian Heng feel like a deer, and once he almost made a fool of himself. After thinking for a while, it really made Jian Heng Figured out a workaround.

  (end of this chapter)

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