Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 276: escape from birth

  Chapter 276 Escape from birth

  When the golden eagle's claws were about to catch the two tigers, there seemed to be a strange grin in Jian Heng's ears.

I don't know if this voice was made by myself for the golden eagle, or if the golden eagle actually made such a voice. Anyway, for just such a moment, Jian Heng didn't know what he was thinking. came to mind.


Erhu's response was very simple. Just when the two sharp claws of the golden eagle were close to closing on it, Erhu turned his head and turned around easily. The small gray body under the green coat twisted and slashed, and easily slipped from the eagle's claws. It flashed out, and in the process of flashing out, the body rolled up, and the whole body rolled like a standard lazy donkey.

  Generally turned his belly to the sky, and the powerful hind legs of the two tigers kicked out at the same time, kicking the golden eagle like Bruce Lee's flying legs.


   Another eagle cry came from the golden eagle's mouth, but this time there was no ambition, let alone arrogance, this time there was only a heart-wrenching wail!

  The golden eagle didn't know what happened. It just felt that its body suddenly flew into the air, spinning in the air, and then fell to the ground like a parabola, splashing a burst of snowflakes on the ground at the same time.

If the falling trajectory of the golden eagle can be included in the textbook, it is completely a physics problem. The falling speed of the golden eagle, plus the effect of external force (two tiger's feet), and then find the landing speed or the distance of the landing. Yes!

The golden eagle's kick was not light, and it fell ten meters away. When it landed on the ground, the golden eagle didn't react for a long time. This kick caused internal injuries, or something, anyway, for about twenty seconds, the golden eagle was almost motionless.

   Waiting for the golden eagle to come back to its senses, flapping its wings and flipping over, I guess I was also in a daze, looking straight at the two tigers running towards it, I felt a little at a loss for a while.

  While wandering around in the sky, the golden eagle didn't feel the aura of the two tigers, but now, as the two tigers got closer and closer on the ground, the two tigers' pressure on the golden eagle became more and more powerful.

At the beginning, the golden eagle was able to erect its feathers to intimidate and intimidate, but when the two tigers were only two meters away from it, the golden eagle suddenly became honest, and just shrunk its head and rolled its body into a ball , stood honestly on the ground, and at a quick glance, it was a brown plague chicken.

The two tigers jumped up in front of the golden eagle, stretched out their foreheads and moved close to the golden eagle's body and began to sniff. They smelled the eagle's **** from their foreheads. Like wood carvings.

  After sniffing, Erhu didn't know what kind of madness was going on here, he bit the biggest tail feather of the golden eagle, put it in his mouth and started chewing.

The golden eagle suddenly struggled, because a great sense of fear surged in its heart, as if this terrible thing was about to eat itself alive, and the survival instinct drove it to flap its wings and prepare to eat itself. Straight into the blue sky, at this moment, if this golden eagle understands what regret is, it must regret that it has robbed other sites, and feels that there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to hell.

  The struggle of the golden eagle was destined to be a meaningless act. When the two front legs of the two tigers pressed on the golden eagle, the golden eagle knew that his situation was over, and today next year would be his memorial day.


   Just when the golden eagle was so desperate that it was about to give up resistance, a sound like a pig humming came over. The golden eagle only felt that the force on its body loosened instantly, so it turned its head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The golden eagle's eyes were not covered, and when he turned his head, he saw a fleshy little bear running towards him, humming happily while running, and beside the little bear was another Just like a raccoon. Why the golden eagle can't make up his mind, because whether it's Pooh or instant noodles, they are all wearing vests like the two tigers.

  Pooh heard the eagle cry, and slipped out to watch the excitement. As for the instant noodles, he was almost Pooh’s little follower. When Pooh came out, it naturally came out with him.

  Pooh, who was about to come out to watch the excitement, saw that the excitement was actually caused by the two tigers, his excitement soared immediately, and he ran towards this side with joy.

Erhu originally liked Pooh very much, but because Pooh is a bit too boring, as soon as he saw Erhu, Pooh immediately showed a creepy fascination with Erhu's two long ears. , Once or twice is okay, every time I come, Erhu is a little unhappy to see Pooh.

Pooh is stupid, he doesn't care about it, he doesn't have the awareness that others are bothering him, and Erhu can't keep in touch with Pooh like this, so many times, although Erhu is a little dissatisfied, he still doesn't Like Denver, do Pooh and wince.

   Pooh rushed over and threw himself on Erhu again, and they began to 'scramble' intimately.

The instant noodles stopped at a distance of two meters from the golden eagle. For an animal like it, the golden eagle is one of the biggest natural enemies, although the golden eagle in front of me is a bit out of date Meaning, but Instant Noodles didn't think about being the dog that bullied it for the time being.

As soon as the two tigers and Pooh got entangled, the golden eagle naturally got out of trouble, but at the beginning, the golden eagle didn't have the courage to slip away all at once. The awe of animals for superiors is much stronger than that of humans. At least at least it must be at the level before the Daze Township Uprising. I don’t know if the emperor and general Xiangning are kind!

Pooh and the two tigers entangled for almost two minutes, and then the golden eagle moved step by step to a distance of two meters between the two, and was about to flap its wings and escape from the sky, when suddenly it heard two cooing sounds .

  Instant noodles are actually observing the movements of the golden eagle, natural enemy! Naturally, it was obvious that the golden eagle wanted to run away. At the beginning, the instant noodles were not sure, but when the golden eagle flapped its wings, no matter how stupid it was, it could see that something was coming from it, and immediately Raised his voice twice.

The feeling of instant noodles to golden eagles is now a bit like a lion that has just grown into a lion looking at a hyena. When the lion was young, the hyena was one of the biggest natural enemies of the lion cub. When it is an adult, many lions like to chase Hyena, with childhood hatred. At this time, Instant Noodles was thinking that Pooh would do more evil to the golden eagle, so that he, who was watching the fun, would be more cheerful.

Seeing that the golden eagle was about to run, the two tigers got a little more spirited as expected, and rushed towards the golden eagle that was fluttering its wings. One pushed the golden eagle, and immediately pushed the golden eagle to a big horse, and quickly put it away again. Wings filled with plague chicken.

  Pooh didn’t know what to do with Er Hu’s lack of fun at this moment, but suddenly his interest turned to the golden eagle, and he immediately went towards the golden eagle with a bear hug.

   Good guy! This hug almost scared the golden eagle to death!

It's a pity that the golden eagle can't help it. It suddenly changed from a self-righteous king of the sky to an opponent who is ravaged by others. The pain caused by this kind of spiritual gap and the denial of Diaosheng are tormenting In the heart of the golden eagle, there was a slight twist, and he began to accept the abuse from Pooh and Erhu. If you can't resist, then enjoy it! A golden eagle also has such awareness in such an environment, it has to be said that nature is the best teacher.

Seeing the golden eagle being bullied by Erhu and Pooh in turn, Instant Noodles also bravely moved to the side of the golden eagle. After sniffing for a few times, he became more and more courageous, and began to stretch out his little black hand to pick up the golden eagle in retaliation. flight feathers on wings.

   Jian Heng took a look and felt that this was a bit too much, so he took a few steps forward and drove Pooh and Erhu away. As for why he didn't fight for such a long time, but only at this time, it was because Jian Heng was bored! This is the only thing that happens in the ranch all day long, most of it is repeated, and finally there is something new, there is no reason why Jian Heng is not happy to watch the excitement.

When Pooh and the two tigers were driven away, the golden eagle immediately flapped its wings and flew up. Although its feathers were damaged and its flight was not so straight, Jian Heng believed that even if it was naked and its hair was plucked, the eagle The golden eagle is desperate to fly.

   "Hey, where did the golden eagle come from?"

When Jian Heng was looking at the golden eagle leaping towards the sky, Zhao Changshan had already stood behind Jian Heng, tapped Jian Heng's arm twice, motioning to take the seeds, and then looked up. The golden eagle came up.

   "Maybe he was injured?" Jian Heng replied casually.

"When I think of golden eagles, I think of when I was young, when I went to Kazakh places to play, many Kazakh men played with golden eagles. Unfortunately, they are all protected animals now, and the state does not allow them to be caught. I want to raise them with a certificate, and I have to guarantee that they will be released to nature after three years. No wonder, with the improvement of life, many of the original customs have changed, and some new vulture breeders do not respect the three-day release of vultures. It's a tradition..." Zhao Changshan said.

   "Are you still going to the Kazakh place?" Jian Heng asked casually.

  Zhao Changshan said: "When I was young, I used to go there often. My father was driving at that time, and I ran a car or something."

   While the two of them were chatting, the golden eagle had already flown back into the sky, a little crooked, but at least half of its life was recovered.

  As soon as the golden eagle flew away, the two naturally dispersed. Zhao Changshan went back to the restaurant, and Jian Heng went back to his room.

  After entering the door, Jian Heng closed the door and walked straight to his study. Once he entered the study, he instantly stepped into the space.

Picking half of the open space, he buried the seeds in the soil by category, and Jian Heng began to water, just watering in this way, from seed to emergence, and from seedling to flowering and fruiting, waiting for Jian Heng to leave the space again At that time, there was already half a bowl of ripe blackberries in my hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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