Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 277: rent a plane

  Chapter 277 Rent a plane

The half-bowl of blackberries was gone within two minutes in his hand, and Jian Heng ate half of it, and most of it went into the mouths of Pooh and instant noodles, especially Pooh, who not only ate the blackberries but also became greedy. Added a blackberry box.

   "Okay, okay, just wait, I'll get you some more, look at your worthless appearance!" Jian Hengyi bent down and stretched out his hand, and pulled the box out of Pooh's arms.

   Just about to enter the space to pick a box for Pooh, when he looked up through the window, he saw Sun Siwei and He Ye walking towards the room side by side.

  Seeing that the two came back, Jian Heng stopped entering the space, went to the door, opened the door and waited for them.

   "Why are you back now?" Jian Heng looked at his watch and opened his mouth to ask.

   "It's time to eat soon, why don't you come back?" Sun Siwei smiled and stretched out his hand to pull Jian Heng away: "Don't block the door, you know if it's cold outside!"

   Jian Heng turned his body sideways, let the two of them go in, and followed him into the room. As for the bodyguard behind him, Jian Heng was in no mood to care about him at the moment.

  As soon as He Ye entered the door, he said to Jian Heng: "In the afternoon, I want to hire a helicopter to take us around here and see the snow scene along the way. What do you think?"

   "Leave this to me. If you want to take a helicopter here, you won't have to pay for it." Jian Heng said with a smile while taking out his mobile phone.

   I made a call, asked where nearby I could rent a helicopter, and called one by one. There are quite a lot of helicopters in the United States, especially where almost all of them are large and small ranches. Many slightly larger ranches are equipped with helicopters. For them, helicopters are a kind of production equipment, not something noble Show off tools.

   In China, if you want to rent a helicopter, it costs tens of thousands of dollars for an hour with a person and a helicopter. In the United States, it is much cheaper. It cannot be said to be cheaper than a taxi, but the average middle class can rent it to take off and take to the sky twice.

But something went wrong today, and Jian Heng didn’t rent a helicopter after making a round of phone calls, so he put down the phone and said helplessly to the two of them: “I’m sorry, you guys, all the places I know of that have helicopters today It’s rented out, so you can’t blame me for this, if you want to blame, you can blame those bounty hunters!”

  Sun Siwei was a little disappointed when he heard it, but he said: "It's understandable, if you can't rent it, forget it!"

  He Ye heard this, thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone: "Wait, I'll make a call, maybe I can get one for free."

  Jian Heng knows that he has many connections, and he knows many people in the United States. He knows more people than half of the Americans like Jian Heng, and his level is much higher.

  After two or three minutes on the phone, He Ye put down the phone with a smile: "Yes, but it's not a helicopter but a propeller plane that will come over in a while, about half an hour."

   "A propeller plane?"

Jian Heng was a little skeptical that this kind of propeller plane could hold three people, because in his impression, when the word propeller plane popped up, it was a fighter plane, two-seater or one-seater, not only that, The propeller planes owned by farms and pastures are used for spraying pesticides or for other purposes, and it is impossible to accommodate many people.

   "Well, a propeller plane," He Ye said with a smile.

   "Can the three of us sit down?" Sun Siwei asked.

  Hearing Sun Siwei's question, Jian Heng understood that this person had the same idea as his own. When he heard the propeller plane, he immediately thought of it as the one with two seats and one seat.

  He Ye said with a smile: "Sit down, let alone the three of us, even if there are two more people to sit down, of course, let's not talk about a big fat guy like Sun Yue in cross talk."

  A plane came over and took everyone up for a walk, Jian Heng was still very happy, and asked the two of them: "What's the matter, how was listening to the story in the bar?"

  As soon as he mentioned listening to the story, Sun Siwei said: "Are you still willing to mention this?"

  Jian Heng asked in surprise: "What am I ashamed to mention?"

   "The story they tell is much more exciting than yours. Really, you should go to the bar and listen to how they tell the story of the wolf king!" He Ye said.

  Sun Siwei said: "Other people say, Mr. He translates for me from time to time, and I am a little fascinated by what I listen to. This wolf is too powerful, and most people don't have its IQ!"

   "Story, you still take it seriously!"

Jian Heng understands this kind of thing too well, it’s like several people passing on a message, starting to go astray from the second one, five or six good things can be passed on to you as bad things, as for the story of the wolf king, it naturally feels even more unreliable up.

   It’s not that Jian Heng has never heard of this story. At first, he thought it was a bit plausible, but later it became more and more confusing, and it became like a fairy tale like Journey to the West. Jian Heng had doubts in his heart.

"So many bounty hunters and so many ranchers have failed to catch a single wolf. Not only have they failed to catch a wolf, they have been beaten to death by guerrilla attacks by the wolves. Do you still think this is not a miracle?" Sun said. Siwei believed in the stories he heard, or he was willing to believe in the magical wolf king.

   Isn't there a saying that people only believe what they want to believe. Now Sun Siwei is quite willing to believe in the authenticity of the wolf king, which satisfies his taste.

He Ye smiled. He was curious, but he didn't completely believe in such things as the revenge of the wolf king and the shadow of the **** of death. He also felt that sometimes what people said was Those that have undergone secondary processing should not be trusted, let alone fully trusted.

   "Get something to eat, I'm a little hungry." Sun Siwei touched his stomach and said something to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng originally wanted to complain that he was not full of hot pot, but thinking that he was a guest, he swallowed his words: "Do you want some?"

  He Ye waved his hand: "I don't need it!"

Glancing at the bodyguard, he found that he had a dead face at him, then shook his head, then turned and went to the kitchen, took a loaf of bread and broke it into three portions, gave one piece to Sun Siwei, and kept a piece for himself , and then handed the remaining piece to He Ye.

   "French stick!" After He Ye reached out and took it, he opened his mouth and bit it.

   "This baguette is well made," He Ye said.

  Sun Siwei was also chewing beautifully at this time: "Well, this bread is a bit like the one we ate when we were young!"

   "You did it?" He Ye asked.

   "Where do I have such a skill, I bought it from outside. There is a famous bakery in the small town to the west. When Barley and Xiao are greedy, they will buy some," Jian Heng replied.

   "It is rare to eat such bread in China," said Sun Siwei.

   Jian Heng naturally understood what he meant, a lot of bread and various additives were added for taste or something. Not to mention anything else, as long as you go to the supermarket, you will understand the string of additives behind the bread. But the bread here is baked by the old method, without any additives, and the taste is similar to what you ate when you were young, it is the original taste of flour baked.

   I have to say that Americans who run small businesses are quite honest. Honesty here does not mean that all small business people are like this, there are also bad guys who are shoddy.

This is just to say that most of them do business very reliably. If there is no such random addition over there, there is no such thing. There are also regulations marked in a prominent position. Wherever you go, mark a string of oddly small characters: The right to interpret this belongs to our shop.

   The three of them ate a piece of bread, and He Ye looked up at his watch: "Find a flat place so that the plane can land! Grass or concrete is fine, and it's better to be concrete, which is more flat."

Jian Heng thought for a while: "Okay, then let's go to the west. There is a concrete field over there with a length of about 300 meters. It should be enough, right? It's not far from here. It takes about 20 minutes to walk, and three or four minutes to ride a motorcycle." Minutes will do”

   "It's almost time, let's go!" He Ye stretched out his finger and tapped the watch on his wrist, signaling that it was almost time for everyone to go out.

  Jian Heng took a look and felt that it was almost time to go, and he had to go riding a snowmobile, and there must be some spare time to go there.

  So the three of them and the bodyguard went out of the house to pick up two snowmobiles. The two of them drove towards the simple concrete floor with Jian Heng leading the way.

  (end of this chapter)

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