Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 281: halloween eve

  Chapter 281 Halloween Eve

  Stretching out the chopsticks in his hand, Jian Heng scoured the basin, and found that the basin was either bones or balls, and there were meatballs or radish balls, not a single fish ball.

  Jian Heng was a little unwilling to give up, raised his head and looked into the basin, scooping while looking.

  He Ye raised his head and picked up a big bone, put it in the bowl and sucked it, saw that Jian Heng was still sticking his head out, so he asked, "Don't fish it, the vegetables are gone long ago!"

"I only ate two!" Jian Heng also noticed that there was not even a leaf left of the small green vegetables, and the rest were meatballs except for the bones. Can't get it anymore.

"You are eating too slowly. We are concentrating on vegetables and fish balls. I have to give you a thumbs up here. To be honest, your food is really good, but if you want to say it is super good, today's Small green vegetables are one, and there is fish, which is delicious but not greasy, and the ones grown in the lake are even more delicious than wild fish," He Ye said.

  He Ye has tasted too many things, and he praised them all, which proves that the things produced by Jian Heng are at least superior in taste.

Jian Heng naturally understands this, and also understands that the food produced in the space is better than the food produced in the greenhouse on the ranch, and the food in the greenhouse watered by the water in the space is better than the food in the nearby greenhouse. Eat better.

To use Jian Heng's explanation, it means that the things in the space are almost produced naturally, and they are pollution-free and pollution-free, while the conservatory is a bit worse. Although it exceeds the taste of the season in a normal climate, but It is so much worse than the ones produced by the space, and there is no need to go into details about the things produced by ordinary greenhouses.

  Take tomatoes as an example, a serving of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the difference in taste between eating in winter and eating in summer can fully explain the problem. The seasoned tomatoes taste sour and sweet, while the red ones produced in the greenhouse are red, but a little bit like chewing wax.

   "Next time put more vegetables or something! You are too stingy, you can't get enough of vegetables!" Sun Siwei said with his mouth wide open.

  There were no outsiders on the table, barley and wheat had been eaten long ago, and now they went out to prepare for Halloween at night, so Sun Siwei spoke a little more freely, and laughed at Jian Heng, and he didn't have so many worries.

Naturally, Jian Heng would not be polite to him, and directly said: "Look at your appearance, you have to be believed by others if you say that I abused you. It's not that the food is not enough, and the bones and meat are not stopping you from eating. What."

   Thorn! Spike!

Sun Siwei took a few mouthfuls of the soup in the bowl, then raised his head and said, "Don't say it, the vegetables in this pot of chowder are really the best. The fragrance of the gravy has the taste of vegetables, which is a must! A must!" what!"

   "If you still want to eat it at night, then we'll make it again. What a good thing chowder is," Jian Heng said.

   "Continue tonight!" Sun Siwei raised his chopsticks and pointed at the basin: "Don't reheat it, just put vegetables in this soup."

  He Ye smiled and said: "Siwei is right, let's continue at night, anyway, it saves time and effort."

   "That's fine!" Jian Heng heard that both of them made such a request, so he stopped carrying it, and went to the empty space to dig some small green vegetables later and throw it into the pot at night.

   After lunch, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Jian Heng went to the restaurant to fetch seven or eight pumpkins, and then he, He Ye, and Sun Siwei started carving pumpkins to prepare for Halloween at night.

  The Halloween we Chinese say is actually the eve of All Hallows’ Day, the English is Halloween, and the Halloween is actually all-hallows’day, and makeup and begging for candy are all things on the eve of Hallowe’en. As for Halloween, there is nothing particularly fun.

Jian Heng has engraved a few times here, and gained experience. When engraving, he first used a marker pen to draw a draft on the pumpkin. He Ye's family has a foundation in art, like the education he received, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Speaking of how good it is, it must have been in contact with it and played with it, so he needs to make a manuscript when he carves pumpkins, and he can just carve it with a knife.

  The only one who struggled was Sun Siwei. His pumpkin lantern didn't draw a draft, and he didn't have any plans in his mind. After carving for a long time, he just dug a crooked hole in the pumpkin.

   Horror is not scary at all, it is quite disgusting.

  He Ye looked at Sun Siwei's pumpkin and said, "You just dug a hole? Is it the eyes or the mouth? Why can't I see it at all?".

"I haven't carved it yet!" Glancing at He Ye's work, Sun Siwei felt that his engraving was a bit too much, so after saying a word, he took two steps back, wondering where he would start next time dig.

   "Why do you say you want to carve pumpkins this Halloween?" Sun Siwei suddenly had this question in his mind.

  Jian Heng didn't think about this question. In fact, he has never been very interested in festivals. How can people who are not even interested in celebrating festivals be interested in learning about the origins of festivals.

At that time, He Ye began to concentrate on carving his own pumpkin and explained: "Halloween in the United States originated from Irish immigrants. Originally, they did not carve pumpkins, but radishes. It is much easier to engrave, so pumpkins gradually replaced carrots. In fact, the festivals of Halloween and Ghost Festival were celebrated in several islands of England before, and later spread to British colonies, which formed Halloween. But Tirck-or The custom of -treat was not brought over by the Irish, but the custom of the Christian Church... ".

   "Damn it, you even know this?" Sun Siwei originally asked casually, and didn't expect anyone to answer, but seeing He Ye's eloquent words, he couldn't help but praise him.

  Jian Heng scorned Sun Siwei with disdain: "What you said sounds a bit flattering, maybe he made it up, anyway, we don't know if it's true or not!"

"If you don't believe me, go check it out!" He Ye didn't care, shrugged his shoulders with a smile, peeled off the pumpkin's lid, put on disposable plastic gloves, reached into the pumpkin's stomach, and began to take out pumpkin seeds and seeds. The broken flocs inside.

"Besides a few customs, there used to be a custom of wrapping apples in toffee juice, but there's a horrible thing about this custom. Some people put blades in the apples, so that children would bite them. Sometimes it hurts the mouth, and I don't know where this ghost habit came from, because it hurts the children, and then this custom gradually disappeared," He Ye continued while busy.

At this moment, Jian Heng's pumpkin lantern is also ready. Jian Heng's draft lantern here is not so beautiful, let alone has any characteristics. Anyway, the nose and eyes are complete, and the pumpkin's mouth is wide open. Yes, and two or three small teeth were carved out. Generally speaking, the jack-o-lantern is okay.

  The jack-o-lanterns of He Ye’s family are more distinctive. The face of their pumpkin is completely like a clown’s face. The carving is very delicate, and the eyes all have pupils.

   As for Sun Siwei’s jack-o-lantern, I won’t talk about it. One word is ugly, two words are ugly, three words are ugly and crazy! It looks like a pumpkin with five tubes growing on its face. Fortunately, this thing is not a beauty contest. After hollowing out the flesh, it is enough to put candles on it.

Each dug two pumpkins and hung colored lights in front of the house. Besides the colored lights, a small skull was hung under the porch for decoration, and a puppet witch was placed on the side of the room. After everything is done, wait for the sun to set, the lights will come on, and the candles in the pumpkin lanterns will be lit, and the festive atmosphere will suddenly rise.

All the festive arrangements were done, and a few people reheated the leftover chowder at noon. Jian Heng put in twice as many vegetables as at noon, and added some big bones to continue cooking. Who would have thought of waiting for it to come out? Sometimes it was swept away again.

  After eating their fill, everyone started to dress up. Jian Heng was dressed up as a ghost. It was a simple skull mask and a black leather drape over his shoulders.

  He Ye put on makeup, pretending to be the clown in Superman.

Sun Siwei is pretending. To be honest, Jian Heng doesn't know what he is pressing. He has a pink face, a black dress, and a devil's red horn on his head. The glowing one, but he is quite satisfied. , I don't know what aesthetic it is.

  (end of this chapter)

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