Chapter 282 about one

   "Why hasn't anyone come yet?" Sun Siwei was a little anxious, his neck hurt a little while sitting at the window and looking outside, and he couldn't bear it, so he asked Jian Heng.

Jian Heng doesn't know what's going on. Although he has lived here for several years, it's time for people to come here during Halloween. Old Anders doesn't like adults very much, but for the people in the town The children still like it very much. Every time it comes to Halloween, the children know that Mr. Anders has the best candy here, so every time Anders can give out a lot of candy on Halloween.

   "Maybe the ranch has changed people this year, so others don't know we celebrate Halloween?" Jian Heng thought for a while and replied.

  Sun Siwei was a little anxious: "Then what should we do? Shall we go to the intersection to say hello and lure a few children to come to the house? It's not a problem to always wait at home for the children to come to the door!"

Jian Heng was taken aback by his thoughts, and quickly said: "You must not do this, let me tell you that the United States is no better than China. Maybe within half an hour the police can be called to the house!"

In the United States, it is free to say that it is free, and it is not free if it is not free. It is like searching for some special words on the Internet in China, or it involves some special hobbies. Generally speaking, there is no problem, but in the United States, you If you search for these words, you have to be careful, maybe the police will come to your house and knock on your door soon.

   "That's all I said, it scares you." Sun Siwei didn't take it lightly.

After hearing this, He Ye solemnly reminded Sun Siwei, "You really have to pay attention. This is not a joke. Don't make trouble for Jian Heng, let alone make trouble for yourself. The laws in the United States are strictly enforced. You If you want to use domestic methods to solve it, you can only bring yourself humiliation."

   "I'm fine!"

   Seeing what Jian Heng wanted to say, Sun Siwei raised his hand and said, "Okay, I won't say anything!"

   "Don't say some ambiguous words here, if you get into trouble, you will know how annoying it is." Jian Heng solemnly instructed Sun Siwei.

Seeing what Jian Heng said, Sun Siwei finally listened to it, but soon he said embarrassingly: "I guess no one understands what I said, my English is sometimes my own I can't even understand it!"

"Okay, don't show off your English skills." After He Ye laughed at Sun Siwei, he turned his head and said to Jian Heng: "I said, you also want to find something to do, we can't just do it together." Why don't you just wait here? If no children come over tonight, will the three of us just stare here all night?"

   Jian Heng thought for a while and suggested: "Why don't we go to the bar? There must be a lot of people there tonight!"

   "Okay, that's a good idea!" He Ye nodded immediately after hearing this.

  When Sun Siwei heard that he was going to the bar, he nodded in agreement, so the three of them took their coats with a bodyguard, went out and got on their motorcycles to the restaurant.

   Before I got to the restaurant, I was overwhelmed by the excitement there. A large group of people were playing with fireworks in front of the restaurant.

   "I said why Damai and Xiaomai didn't go back, so I had a good time here." Jian Heng stopped the car and said to himself.

   "Jin, He, Sun, come quickly"

  While seeing the four of them, Xiaomai immediately yelled happily at them, waving the fireworks in his hand while shouting. The colorful fireworks spun in circles with Maimai's hand, splashing like fiery trees and silver flowers, very beautiful.

Tonight, Mai is dressed as a **** little nurse. The nurse's uniform can cover her leggings. Of course, it is very cold. It is impossible for Xiaomai to have bare thighs. She must be wearing clothes, but she used Skin-colored thick leggings replaced bare thighs.

  Even so, with her figure, the eyes of all the men were brightened, not to mention others, Jian Heng was all heartbroken at this moment.

   "Why did you come here?" Damai walked over at this moment and asked Jian Heng.

Damai dressed up conservatively tonight, as a female pirate, the one-eyed one, but for Halloween, a woman with a good figure should show off her figure, like a female pirate of Damai, without showing her thighs, but her chest can be seen It is a little 'turbulent', and the career line is particularly deep tonight.

   "What are you looking at!"

  Balley noticed Jian Heng's eyes, and clicked to instruct her boyfriend to look up.

   "Pretty!" Jian Heng immediately gave Damai a thumbs up.

  Boyfriend's compliment suddenly made Damai happy again, and happily took Jian Heng's arm: "Let's go and see my arrangement."

   Being dragged away by Damai, Jian Heng turned his head to Sun Siwei and He Ye and said, "You guys play for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go!"

  Dragged by Damai to the side wall of the restaurant, Jian Heng saw the 'paintings' all over the wall. It looks like a pain in the stomach at first glance, it still hurts in the second glance, and it doesn’t hurt anymore at the third glance, it hurts in the stomach!

Damai painted a pattern on the entire wall. You said that if you painted a picture of Jian Heng with beautiful mountains and rivers, you would not say anything. Who knew that Damai painted a demon here, which is quite big, more than three meters high. The fork in his hand directly touched the eaves. The devil was ugly and had a ferocious face. He was holding a **** girl with one hand, but there was no fear on the girl's face, but an affectation.

  The whole image is very American!

   Damai saw that Jian Heng's eyes were straightened, and immediately asked happily: "How is it?"

   "Good!" Jian Heng nodded immediately: "The painting is very good!"

I have to say that Damai still has a few brushes for painting. If he is in New York, he can be a street artist, the kind of person who smears spray paint everywhere. Jian Heng does not accept such a so-called artist. Yes, I think they are completely destroyers of the city.

But this happened to my girlfriend, so let’s talk about it. Although I think that barley has ruined a wall of my house, but after weighing whether to sleep on the bed or the sofa at night, Jian Heng is very firm. up the barley.

   "I'll paint all the walls in a few days!" Da Mai said.

Hearing this sentence, Jian Heng suddenly felt the pain in his heart, thought for a while and said: "It's not good if there are too many paintings, only this side makes the wall look special, if all the walls are the same, it will be messy. Moreover, spray paint pollutes the environment, so it is best to use it sparingly.”

   Just when Jian Heng was about to chatter, he suddenly heard the sound of a car, and turned his head to see a station wagon that is common in the United States slowly driving over.

   Looking at Jian Heng, he knew that this was someone who wanted candy, and he thought to himself: I'm going to go, someone finally came to ask for candy!

  As soon as this idea popped up, Jian Heng immediately felt something was wrong. Why is he still thinking about sending money out?

Here, because everyone lives in the ranch, the distance between homes is at least one or two miles, so when children want to play trick-treat, they are usually accompanied by their parents in a car. We can still chat.

  Of course, some people don’t just have their own children in the car, there are two or three less, four or five more. It's like this car coming over, good guy, when the door opened, a bunch of little carrots jumped out.

  The little guys are not very big, they look like seven or eight years old, and they are dressed in different ways. Some are dressed as skeletons, some are demons, and some are little witches.

Anyway, a group of children got out of the car, each with a small bucket in their hands. The children who pay attention to the shape are small pumpkin buckets, and the ones who are not particular about it are small red plastic buckets. Anyway, everyone has one, and everyone is like a villain. Yes, rushed to the door of the house, and then lined up one by one.


  The little guys lined up and immediately shouted the slogan trick or treat.

  Wheat had already made preparations. Seeing the children get out of the car, she immediately turned back to the house and took out the sugar jar that had been prepared.

  The children asked for candy, and the "driver" who brought the children over couldn't help but see Mai Mai's eyes light up. He stared at Mai Mai's thigh and secretly swallowed several times. He shyly moved to the front and began to strike up a conversation with Mai Mai.

I have to say that this coachman is very courageous, not only courageous, but also very confident. He doesn't even look at his waistline of almost four feet two, and with his almost neckless neck, he looks like a It looked like an ancient clock from a Chinese temple had turned into a spirit, and it actually had the face to talk to Xiaomai.

   That’s fine, she even tossed her hair before striking up a conversation with Mai, and she didn’t know what’s so good about her Mediterranean hairstyle.

  A man who is so narcissistic is invincible.

The children grabbed candy from the jar in Mai Mai's hand one by one, and this 'handsome Mediterranean man' chatted with Mai Mai one by one, why did he need a phone call, invited him to drink tea, etc., and did not arrive. A series of five sentences came out, which annoyed Xiaomai.

   "If you beat me, I'll go on a date with you," Mai said.

   The fat man looked at Mai Mai, then at himself, and said confidently, "How do you play?"

   "Boxing!" Wheat said.

   The fat man was actually very happy: "When?"

  Mait's eyes rolled: "Just tonight, when you are free, let's go to the bar in the town to fight!"

   The fat man immediately said: "Okay, I will take them around for forty minutes."

   "I can wait for you!" Wheat said.

   "OK!" The fat man readily agreed.

If Jian Heng was by the side, he would definitely laugh out loud. Although Jian Heng and Mai Mai were arguing and arguing, they were treated the same as Damai at that time. Let’s put it this way, now Mai said to take a woman to measure The top boxing champion may have to rely on a little luck, but it won't be a big problem to deal with this fat man.

  (end of this chapter)

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