Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 287: Woo Yong's own guy

  Chapter 287 Wu Yong's own guy

  Placing the phone to his ear, Jian Heng didn't even notice the beeping blind tone coming from his ear, and his mind was full of one thought: O'Brien's ranch is going to die!

  The ranch of the O'Learyn family is coming to an end, and Jian Heng has no way to stop it. Not only is he incapable, but Jian Heng has long since disliked this old boy.

But as long as the Internal Revenue Service is involved, then the crime is almost a certainty. Even if Old John's luck exploded in the end and he jumped out of this muddy pit, he would have to die for half his life if he wanted to keep the ranch. It is absolutely impossible.

Now that the ranch has been targeted by the IRS, the only result is an auction. Jian Heng doesn't want to find someone like O'Brien to be his neighbor, so now he is planning to see if he can get him. arms.

But thinking about the situation of O'Brien's ranch, Jian Heng scratched his head again, because although the O'Brien family's ranch is not large, only more than 900 acres, the facilities inside are very good. The price of a big house is more than two million U.S. dollars, which is still the construction price, plus other equipment, such as tennis courts, etc. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to afford without seven or eight million U.S. dollars.

   Now Jian Heng naturally doesn't have the seven or eight million dollars, so he thought about it, so he thought of a way.

   "Hey! Wake up!" Jian Heng stretched out his hand and pushed Sun Siwei.

  Sun Siwei opened his eyes and asked in a daze, "What's the matter, what's the matter!"

   "Go back to the house and go to sleep, you are really good, you can fall asleep with the handle of a shovel!" Jian Heng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Sun Siwei a few times.

  Sun Siwei was really sleepy this time, and his sleepy eyes could barely open. Hearing what Jian Heng said, he subconsciously dropped the shovel, and went back to his dormitory in a daze.

Jian Heng turned around a few steps, and said to the two sisters Damai and Mai: "I'll take him back and discuss something with He Ye. You can choose to do the work here slowly, or I can do it later. !"

  Barley said: "You go!"

   Maimai muttered softly about being lazy or something.

  Jian Heng didn't have the same knowledge as her, so he turned around and left the stable, followed behind Sun Siwei, seeing him enter his room, and then came to He Ye's room.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Come in!"

  Hearing He Ye's voice, Jian Heng grabbed the doorknob and twisted it lightly, then entered the door.

"What's the matter with you coming here so early?" Seeing that it was Jian Heng, He Ye turned his head from the basin curiously. After a pause, he picked up the towel and wiped his face, and hung the towel back on the towel rack After getting up, he signaled Jian Heng to sit down and talk.

  Jian Heng waved his hand and said, "It's very simple. Do you know the O'Brien Ranch? It's over there, with a big house and a very grand one."

  He Ye nodded: "I know, what's the matter?"

"Their family was involved in a Ponzi scheme, and even the people from the National Taxation Bureau were alarmed. They probably couldn't escape, and the ranch couldn't be kept. Don't you want to buy a ranch here? See if you are interested. If If you are interested, make plans earlier," Jian Heng said.

  He Ye thought for a while: "I have to think about this matter carefully!"

   "Well, I just want to inform you that if you are interested, you should make plans early. To be honest, their house was built by a famous teacher from the inside to the outside," Jian Heng said again.

   "The price isn't cheap, is it?" He Ye said.

Jian Heng nodded: "It's definitely not cheap. I estimate that their 900-acre pasture will cost at least seven or eight million yuan. If there are people bidding on the market, the last number may not impossible".

   "Okay, then I'll ask about the situation." He Ye took out his mobile phone as he said.

Jian Heng saw that He Ye was about to make a call, so he opened his mouth and said, "I just got the news this morning, and there is still some time before the auction. In fact, if it wasn't for my tight money, I would have wanted to take it down. That's fine." , the message has arrived, I should go too."

   As he spoke, Jian Heng waved his hand at He Ye, then left He Ye's room and returned to the stable to continue shoveling horse manure.

  The work on the stables was over, and Toby had also cleaned up the barn, and let Toby go back, Jian Heng replaced Toby to inspect the pasture.

  When everything was done, it was time for lunch. After lunch, at about 1:30 in the afternoon, Wu Yong came over.

Jian Heng drove the car directly, and took He Ye and three together to pick up the plane at the place yesterday. When the car arrived, he found that Wu Yong had already arrived, and the plane was parked on the concrete road, not only Wu Yong himself Came here with a family of four.

After introducing each other, Jian Heng finally found out that Wu Yong's wife is Sun Yan, and the two children are six years old and seven years old. Without asking, she knows that Sun Yan must be the wife of Wu Yong's later wife. Twenty-seven or eighty-eight looks very beautiful, and he is not the same age as Wu Yong.

   But it's not easy for Jian Heng to ask about this matter, and it's someone else's privacy, besides, this matter has a dime relationship with Jian Heng.

   After an introduction, Wu Yong said to Jian Heng and the others: "Guess what guy I brought here?"

   "What guy?" He Ye was a little confused.

  Wu Yong didn't hold back, stepped directly on the wing, and came out from the door with something in his arms.

  When he saw the thing in Wu Yong's hand, let alone Sun Siwei, even Jian Heng was taken aback. Because Wu Yong was holding a machine gun in his arms, and it was still the kind with chain ammunition.

   Good guy, this thing looks very majestic when you hold it in your arms!

"Why did you bring this thing here?" He Ye is naturally not like Jian Heng and Sun Siwei. He has not only seen this kind of gun, but also played with it. For He Ye, the gun he played with That's really too much. He has played at the airport in China, which is not uncommon.

   "Didn't Boss Sun say he wanted to play with guns, so I brought my own most precious guy to everyone, and let's see Boss Jane's collection by the way." Wu Yong smiled and slid down from the wing holding the gun.

  Jian Heng quickly said: "I can't talk about collecting anything, just a gun for the ranch, a few rifles, and a few pistols. I don't have any big guys like your family!"

   While talking, he stepped forward, ready to take the machine gun from Wu Yong's hand and have a look.

   Waiting to get closer, Jian Heng found out that the bullets currently attached to the chain bullets on the machine gun were fake, they were just for decoration, and they were hollow and without charge.

   "No bullets?" Jian Hengduo asked.

Wu Yong smiled and put the machine gun in Jian Heng's hand: "How can I put the bullets on it now, if this thing goes off fire, we can't get enough of it for a while! The bullets are all on it, Mr. Sun , shall we move?"

  Jian Heng immediately said after hearing this: "Let's go!"

   While talking, he handed the machine gun in his arms to Sun Siwei, and followed Wu Yong to the plane to get the bullets. In any case, Sun Siwei is a guest, so how could he, the master, let the guests do it without moving things?

Following Wu Yong to the door of the plane, Jian Heng was frightened by Wu Yong's posture. Originally, Jian Heng thought that the bullets he was talking about were just a few boxes, but now he saw two wooden boxes. Clearly printed bullet size specifications.

   "So much?" Jian Heng said casually.

While carefully moving the bullets out of the gun, Wu Yong replied: "That's a lot. There are two base bullets in total, two thousand rounds. It sounds like a lot, but you'll know it when you shoot it. It doesn't feel like a lot." It's over..."

Listening to what Wu Yong said, Jian Heng took over the bullet box. This thing is not light, it weighs about forty kilograms. Fortunately, Jian Heng has enough strength, and he put it on his shoulder as soon as he took it and sent it off. Put it in the back of the car.

   Waiting for the two boxes of ammunition to be loaded into the car, everyone squeezed into the car together, and then drove towards the pasture.

   Arriving at the ranch, Sun Yan took the two children to chat with Barley and Wheat, while Jian Heng took the bullets from the ranch, and at the same time took more than 20 parts of milk as rakes to practice guns together.

  Jian Heng has already thought about the location of the gun practice. On the other side of the quiet lake, there is a sunken hill, which is just right for the gun practice.

After arriving at the place, Jian Heng was in charge of teaching Sun Siwei. Among the five people at the scene, only Sun Siwei had hardly touched guns. The last time he touched guns, he was still in college military training. Of course, only five bullets were fired. In fact, it is no different from not playing.

  (end of this chapter)

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