Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 288: cool machine gun

  Chapter 288 The coolness of the machine gun

  Jian Heng was teaching Sun Siwei the precautions for holding a gun, such as not pointing the muzzle at people or something, and then emptied the magazine for Sun Siwei to practice.

For everyone who is familiar with guns, the first thing is to understand its dangers. Some people have a natural idea about the use of guns out of curiosity or a habit when they first come into contact with guns: they think guns What's the problem? Isn't it just pulling the trigger to shoot the bullet out?

  Because of psychological paralysis, it often leads to serious consequences, just like when recruits are training, there will always be one or two recruits who habitually hold their guns up like they see on TV when they finish shooting.

  If the recruits do this, they will definitely be beaten by the veterans for a while, and the next time they do this, they will remember the beating. It is not without reason that the veterans did this, because holding their guns like this, if they accidentally fire, it will kill people.

  The correct method is always to point the muzzle toward the ground, not upward, let alone pointing at people.

  Sun Siwei became a little impatient with Jian Heng's training, and he couldn't help muttering: "Okay, okay, I've practiced a movement for a long time, and I haven't fired a single shot yet!"

Without waiting for Jian Heng's answer, He Ye opened his mouth and said, "This is your responsibility. You know, I have seen with my own eyes that the squad leader was beaten to death during recruit training because there were unfinished bullets in the chamber, and then the gun was accidentally fired. The mouth was raised again, and the last one caught fire and caused a tragedy! The last group of people followed the unlucky ones."

  Hearing He Ye's stern face, Sun Siwei shut his mouth.

Jian Heng then said to Sun Siwei sternly: "You must develop the habit of using a gun. A gun is not a kitchen knife. If something happens to this thing, the lightly injured or the seriously injured will die, and it will happen in an instant. You can’t be sloppy! Practice the habit of holding a gun, which is something that will benefit you all your life.”

Jian Heng is now teaching Sun Siwei how to play with guns, that is to say, he is by his side when holding a gun. Even if it is not for others, he must also think about his own safety. If you wave the gun with high spirits, you might take a life away!

   Don’t think it’s a joke. Jian Heng heard the truth. There was a Chinese who had just arrived who was born with melon eggs. He killed a person just like that. He is probably still sitting in prison now. Manslaughter.

  Sun Siwei was also greedy at this time, he was playing with an empty gun, but He Ye was holding a machine gun with both hands, click! despair! despair! Hitting the milk bottle, the gunshots sounded like cats scratching their hearts, which made Sun Siwei feel uncomfortable.

  He Ye fired about a dozen rounds, but he lost interest. He put down the trigger with both hands, and shook his hands.

   "Try this?" Wu Yong took out a part from his pocket, and said to He Ye with a smile.

  He Ye knew at a glance that this was a part of the gun mechanism. After this thing was installed, the semi-automatic machine gun, that is, a machine gun that could only fire once, could fire continuously.

To say that the United States is also quite weird. It is stipulated that only semi-automatic weapons can be sold, but it is legal to sell parts that are converted from semi-automatic to automatic. It has not been recovered, so it means that there are still a large number of semi-automatic weapons that can be converted into automatic weapons scattered among the American people.

   "Forget it, I'll replace Jian Heng, let him play." He Ye pressed his arm with one hand, and shook his other hand twice to move his arm, which was a little sore from the shock of the machine gun.

  Hearing what He Ye said, Jian Heng came over automatically, took He Ye's place, and asked Wu Yong, "How do you pretend?"

   "Come on, I'll teach you!" Wu Yong hung the small parts on the trigger, and it will be ready in two or three seconds.

When Jian Heng saw the installed things, he immediately understood that this thing is a small mechanical button. When it is pressed, the hook of the button hanging on the trigger will pull the trigger at a certain frequency. In this way, it is semi-automatic. The machine gun can fire combos like an automatic machine gun.

   "Try?" Wu Yong asked.

Jian Heng nodded: "Try it!" After speaking, Jian Heng pulled out the empty bullet chain, then checked the chamber of the gun, and saw that there were no bullets in the gun, then turned around and walked towards the rake .

The rake is the milk bottle brought by Jian Heng. This thing sounds very luxurious. I use milk as a rake, but don’t forget that this is Montana, a pastoral area. The milk here is a bit cheaper than water. A bottle of milk is not worth much.

  The rake is not only because milk is cheap, but also has a color compared to water. It is easier to distinguish when shot with a gun, and the trajectory of the splash on the ground is also easier to distinguish.

  Replaced ten milk bottles, Jian Heng turned around and walked back, then took a new ammunition belt from Wu Yong, and pushed it into the barrel of the gun.

  At this time, He Ye said to Sun Siwei: "See? This is how you know how to use guns!"

   "What?" Sun Siwei asked without knowing why.

  He Ye said: "What were you looking at just now, didn't you see Jian Heng's operation?"

   Unexpectedly, He Ye explained it to Sun Siwei again.

  At this moment, a series of crisp rattling sounds came out from the simple raking yard, which sounded like an old-fashioned typewriter, only louder.

The speed of the machine gun is hundreds of rounds, and the bullets are quickly shot out. From the eyes of the people next to it, it is only a blink of an eye. Although the shooting equipment cannot be compared with a real automatic machine gun, even if the rate of fire is only one-third, it will be three or four hundred rounds per minute. Once Jian Heng hugs it out, it will only take twenty or thirty seconds. So he fired up the two hundred rounds of chain bombs.

  Looking at the rakes in the distance, one of the honorable ones did not fall.

The result is not unusual. No one can say that playing with a machine gun can knock down several bottles at once. This thing has a heavy recoil and it is difficult to aim accurately, let alone when it is firing continuously. . If this can be done accurately, then the accuracy is too exaggerated, let alone Jian Heng, who just finished, Wu Yong, who often plays, can't do it.

   "Are you cool?" Wu Yong asked Jian Heng proudly.

  Jian Heng nodded, took out the belt, and then checked the magazine, and found that the last bullet inside had been ejected, so he closed the magazine and released his hands from the machine gun.

  I didn’t feel it when I was playing, but when I let go, I felt a little uncomfortable in the palm of my hand: “It’s cool, but it’s a lot of recoil.”

"Machine guns, and mine is still an old gun, so the recoil is naturally stronger. Now if you buy this gun in a gun store, you need a special gun license. I bought it before. If you buy it now Do you know how much this certificate costs now if you buy it and others don’t sell it at all?”

Speaking of this, Wu Yong stretched out his hand and gestured for a number of six: "This number is required, and there is a very strict background check. I originally expected the president to come to power to make it easier, but who knew that this person just let go of the buying crowd... ".

  Wu Yong complained about the president with Jian Heng when he said this.

It’s hard to say about the current president. There are two factions in the United States. Those who like it are very fond of it, and those who don’t like it hate it. Regarding his way of governing, it is not only a headache for the opponents of the United States, but also for allies. There are also big differences in the United States.

  Anyway, no matter how you say it, it is right to be dissatisfied with the US government and the president for anything. For the American people, the government and the president have always been blamed, and there is no one who will not be scolded! Just like Wu Yong now, if he can't buy a machine gun, he can blame the president.

  In short, as long as the president in the United States is on stage, there is not a "wise and powerful" president. They are all wretched and scolded.

   "Do it again!" Jian Heng stretched his hands and grabbed the handle of the machine gun again.

  Wu Yong helped re-hung a bullet chain, and then put the hatch cover on the box, and Jian Heng moved the trigger.

   Tap! despair! despair!

  The sound of a typewriter sounded again, accompanied by the sound of machine guns, and the bullets hit the small slope, causing a cloud of mud and fog, and at the same time, the adrenaline of the whole person soared.

   Another shuttle bullet was thrown out, and Jian Heng secretly vowed in his heart that he would also get this thing to have a good time!

   As for the certificate Wu Yong mentioned, isn’t it a matter of tens of thousands of dollars!

  (end of this chapter)

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