Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 296: A bowl of Malatang

  Chapter 296 A Bowl of Mala Tang

  Wheat took Jian Heng's arm lightly, leaned his head on Jian Heng's shoulder, and said in a coquettish tone: "My dear, shall we keep him?"

  Jian Heng glanced at Mai Mai beside him, stretched out his hand to gently comb her hair, and then said softly: "He's not a puppy or a cat, let's stay if we say so!"

  Finding out that the elf prince is also a vegetarian, Jian Heng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After thinking twice, he decided to stick to his principles and not eat anyone who doesn’t eat Chinese food.

  Of course, Orlando didn’t say he wanted to be here, but he just heard Peter the Great talking about the magic of this place, so he came here with a curious heart.

Although they didn't say they want to stay, Jian Heng still has 120% confidence in the attractiveness of his ranch. The bigger reason is that Jian Heng has a deeper understanding of space because of the two booklets written by Mr. Yao. , the formulated drink is naturally more targeted than the original, and at the same time more powerful.

If it wasn't for the fact that the mutated green tree python and the red-crowned crane hadn't arrived yet, Jian Heng could even concoct a drink to reduce the age of the human body. Of course, this is only on the surface. Next year, even if there is such a thing, Jian Heng dare not take it out, so he can only secretly drink it with his family.

Leaving the sports area, Jian Heng went home with Damai and Mai side by side. Along the way, we can see the difference in personality between the two sisters. Damai is relatively calm. He is a little clingy to Jian Heng, and wants to maintain an intimacy with Jian Heng all the time, otherwise He Ye and Sun Siwei will see that their relationship has taken a step further.

   "I really like him, he is handsome and polite" Xiaomai still kind of wants that elf prince to appear in the ranch often.

  Barley interjected at this time: "Yesterday we are in business, so we have to follow the rules. It is impossible to specialize because of him alone. I also like him quite a lot, but business is not good enough to confuse personal emotions."

   "Did you hear that? Look, the eldest daughter-in-law has a vision!" Jian Heng looked at Mai with a smile, and praised Barley.

   Maimai pouted for a moment, then stretched out her hand to hug Jian Heng's arm even tighter.

The three of them walked back home quickly while chatting, Jian Heng started to cook, Damai and Maimai helped, and from time to time someone sent a kiss or something, which made Jian Heng feel that the kitchen was much warmer than before .

Peter and Orlando first visited Peter's dormitory, and Orlando was shocked by the simplicity of the dormitory. He never thought that Peter the Great in Hollywood would sleep on such a bed. It is more like a military camp than a dormitory.

  Looking around, I found that there is no privacy here at all. There is only a gauze curtain between the beds, which is not only revealing but also revealing.

   "This place is really as magical as you said?" Orlando originally believed it 50% in his heart. If the words hadn't come from Peter the Great, he wouldn't have believed even 1 point.

"At least this is the result of the research. I have seen reports from research companies that they are quite high in terms of fat loss and muscle gain. Not only that, but the main actors in the film I am newly producing are very effective here. Great, and after the physical examination, their physical functions are maintained quite perfect, and all physical indicators are excellent, so I decided to come here to have a try so quickly..." Peter took out the clothes in the bag and put them in the In the cabinet in front of the bed, while explaining to Orlando.

  Orlando also put the small bag he brought on the adjacent bed, and also started tidying up.

  Because he was Jian Heng's childhood idol, Orlando got a chance to spend the night in the ranch for free, and his single bed was next to Peter the Great's bed.

   Waiting for the two of them to make the bed, an electric bell sounded in their ears.

  The students who were 'sorting' things in the dormitory, immediately stood up and walked outside.

   "Let's go, eat!"

  Sean Barrett and Simon Rogers passed by Peter the Great and the Elven Prince, and reminded them softly.

  The two nodded to them when they heard the words, then stood up from the bed, walked out side by side with Sean and Simon, and chatted with each other while talking.

When he learned that the two of them were homeless on the street, the elf prince was a little surprised. He couldn't believe that the two young people who were full of confidence and vigor now turned out to be homeless on the street before. The bum! If someone tells the elf prince that these two are little rich men, the elf prince will believe it.

  Sean kindly woke up: "Orlando, we mainly eat meat here, you need to tell Mr. Zhao."

  Sean knew that the elf prince was a vegetarian, so he kindly reminded him.

  The elf prince smiled slightly: "I have already talked to Mr. Zhao, and he said that he would specially prepare a special diet for me."

  Peter asked curiously: "Do you eat meat every day?"

   "We mainly eat meat and carbohydrates! With a small amount of vegetables and a lot of fat," Sean said.

   "How do you keep in shape like this?" The elf prince couldn't believe it, how could he maintain such a figure after eating so much?

  Simon replied with a smile: "When you get to the restaurant, you will know what we eat every day!"

  Sean also deliberately added a sentence: "I'm not used to it at first, but after eating a few meals, I promise you will fall in love with the food here, it's very good."

  The four of them walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the restaurant. When they were waiting for the four of them to arrive, they found that there was an orange tray in the restaurant, and they were queuing up to order food.

  The elf prince and Peter the Great also imitated the others, and stood at the end of the line with trays.

  Everyone in the restaurant lined up quietly. No one gave way to the two big stars, and the two big stars didn't show any signs. Everyone behaved normally, as if there were no celebrities or ordinary people here.

  When it was almost the turn of the Elven King and Peter the Great, they were a little surprised, because the ladies who were in front of them each packed a tray of things.

   One even expressed dissatisfaction with the chef: "My braised pork is a bit short, and there are too many side dishes!"

   "Okay, okay, can I make it up for you?" The young chef smiled and picked up the spoon and scooped three more pieces of meat from the pot in front of him and put them on the lady's tray.

   Now I saw the lady walking forward with a smile on her face.

  Orlando swears in the name of God, the food in the hands of this not-so-fat lady is enough for her for a day.

   "Orlando!" Zhao Changshan just came out at this time, and saw that the elf prince was also in line, so he waved to him: "You don't need to line up, come here."

   Hearing what he said, the elf prince took his own tray and walked to the place designated by Zhao Changshan.

At this moment, Zhao Changshan turned around and took out a large sea bowl from the house, and said while holding it: "Don't worry, the pots are all special, only put a little vegetable oil, besides, we don't have macaroni here, so I I put a few noodles and sweet potato vermicelli, and the rest are my own green vegetables, milk cabbage, and some natural spices... ".

  When the elf prince took the tray, he smelled the aroma of vegetables, which he had never smelled before, and it was very attractive.

   "This is?" the elf prince asked curiously.

  Zhao Changshan said with a smile: "In our China, this is called Malatang!"

For Zhao Changshan, the memory of the elf prince Legolas is much stronger than that of Jian Heng, because Zhao Changshan was a young man at that time, and he was too fascinated, so when the elf prince came, he resorted to all kinds of tricks. I made a bowl of the most heart-warming Malatang ever for my idol.

  The elf prince found a seat with the bowl of Mala Tang and sat down, then sat upright and waited for Peter the Great to come over.

  Emperor Peter the Great prepared the dishes very quickly, but he was different from others, others asked for more, only he kept saying that enough was enough, thank you and so on.

  (end of this chapter)

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