Chapter 295 Idol Comes

Jian Heng was driving the car, He Ye was sitting in the co-driver's seat, and Sun Siwei was sitting in the back seat with the bodyguards. The car was driving in the direction of the airport without rushing, and the three people in the car were It's a happy chat.

He Ye tilted his head and said to Sun Siwei: "Siwei, I think you should come to China with me, you are here with a 1 kilowatt light bulb, look at the sweetness of the small life here Adjust the oil, you don’t even have a girlfriend here, and it’s easy to get angry just looking at it.”

Sun Siwei quickly said: "Forget it when I go back to China. I still have to rent a house when I go back to China. Why don't I live here to eat and drink and improve my equestrian skills. I've already made up my mind that I won't hang out with Jian Heng in the future. Follow Zhang Jialiang and the others, and treat him like a cowboy for a few days!"

   Having said that, he turned to Jian Heng and said, "By the way, don't forget to pick a special saddle for me when you come back."

   "What do you want a special saddle for? How long can you stay here?" Jian Heng said.

Money is a small matter, but it’s a bit of a waste to buy a saddle for this kid. He can come several times a year, and he can stay for a few days at a time. .

  Sun Siwei retorted: "You don't need to pay, I will take it back to China when the time comes!"

  He Ye said with a smile: "There are no saddles in China now, don't worry. When you arrive in Shanghai, you call me. If I am here, I will take you to ride a horse. If not, I will have someone take you there!"

   "I want to have my own saddle, and it will look good when I ride a horse," Sun Siwei said with a smile.

  He Ye heard what he said, so he smiled and replied: "It's up to you! Then you will know how troublesome it is."

   "By the way, your kid has enjoyed the blessing of being equal to others, what do you think?" Sun Siwei reached out and patted Jian Heng's shoulder, and asked with his head closer.

  The corners of Jian Heng's mouth turned up, but he said, "How do you feel, it's just like this!"

  He Ye had already grasped the small expression on Jian Heng's face, and said cheerfully: "Yo, yo, look at his bear appearance, as if he won the Mark Six lottery."

   "It's not much worse than the Mark Six Lottery, isn't it? He's still short of millions of dollars?" Sun Siwei was reminded by He Ye and made fun of Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng also knows that at this time, he should shut up honestly and let these two **** make a fuss. If the quarrel is over, then nothing will happen. If you continue to explain, the more you explain, the more they will get excited.

   Sure enough, Jian Heng closed his mouth and let the two of them quarrel. After less than five minutes of arguing, the two of them also closed their mouths, and then the three of them started discussing things about the gym.

  Talking all the way to the airport, Jian Heng sent He Ye to the departure hall. When He Ye arrived at the gate, he suddenly turned his head and said to Jian Heng: "You should hurry up on that matter!"

   "I see." Jian Heng nodded.

Jian Heng naturally understood what He Ye meant, isn't it diamonds? He Ye wanted to see the diamonds sooner, and Jian Heng wanted to see the money sooner, so there was no delay in both. Things are naturally on the agenda as soon as possible.

  Waved at He Ye, seeing him enter the terminal, Jian Heng and Sun Siwei walked out, took the car and went home.

   "You should live more, anyway, he still needs to decorate and do other things, and we haven't paid for it, so don't mess with it," Jian Heng said.

  Sun Siwei nodded and said: "That's exactly what I meant, so just now Mr. He told me to go back early to look at the decoration or something. I made an excuse to learn how to ride a horse from you and go back later."

  Hearing what Sun Siwei said, Jian Heng understood that his classmates were not as brainless as he thought.

  What Jian Heng didn't know was that Sun Siwei had learned a good lesson now, because he had finally learned a little lesson from his bravery last time.

"Well, you don't need to worry too much about these things in the future, just take care of us. Whose drink, what kind of diet, how much exercise every day, you mainly control these things. up".

  Sun Siwei nodded and replied: "I know, I don't care about the things I shouldn't be in charge of, and I will help you take care of the things that should be in charge of me."

  Jian Heng hummed: "No matter who you are, there is no exception. If you don't come according to the plan, you just stop drinking. If it doesn't work, find He Ye. If He Ye doesn't care, just call me!"

Jian Heng is worried that a bunch of **** in the country will not know their last name if they have two bad money in their pockets. Of course, if it is Jian Heng, Jian Heng will definitely have the confidence to live, but he is afraid of Sun Siwei. I can't bear it.

"I must strictly follow the requirements." Sun Siwei also knew that what his classmates valued was that he was trustworthy. Otherwise, such an easy job, plus the salary, there would be no one to do it, and it would have to fall to him, Sun Siwei. on the head.

   Jian Heng sorted out the brochures in the space these days, and came up with a focus on the drink formula of the domestic body sculpting center. Now the most important thing is to see how hard Sun Siwei can do it.

The relationship between Jian Heng and He Ye has improved in the past few days, but Jian Heng is afraid that he is doing business with friends. In the end, like many friends who do business together, when it comes to money, they turn from friends to enemies. So at the beginning At that time, the scope of each person's responsibility was clearly clarified.

   Each of the two companies is in charge of one, and Sun Siwei no longer manages the affairs of the gym except for the drinks.

  The two chatted all the way, and when they entered the ranch, they found a small car parked in the parking lot not far from the entrance of the student dormitory. The car wasn't a fancy car, an ordinary Ford.

  However, this car attracted a lot of attention. From time to time, a few students who had already returned took pictures of the car with their mobile phones, and chatted with each other while taking pictures. Jian Heng discovered this after entering the door.

These actions of the students made Jian Heng very curious. He stopped his car, pressed the window and asked the students over there: "What are you doing taking pictures of the car? Does this old Ford have any special origins?" ?”

At this time, Sun Siwei also curiously put his head to Jian Heng's side, but he didn't want to hear the explanation from the students, he just saw two pretty women among these students, so he came over to admire them Girl, of course he was pretending to listen. In fact, this kid can't even understand serious English, so how could he understand the strong local accent spoken by these women.

   "Director Peter and Orlando came together." The woman who spoke was clasping her hands nervously as she spoke. It seemed that she was an elf fan.

  But Jian Heng didn't know who they were talking about Orlando, he just hummed, and in Jian Heng's opinion, the person he was talking about was almost a famous star, so he automatically filtered it out in his mind.

  Tell Jian Heng about Orlando, he must not know about it, tell him about Legolas, Prince of Elf, then Jian Hengken will know about it. Who hasn't seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy these days?

   "We didn't take pictures of people, and we didn't ask for a group photo, but can we take pictures of cars?" There was hope in this look.

  Jian Heng nodded: "It's fine to take pictures, but don't post them on the Internet. We must also pay attention to confidentiality. People come here because they don't want to be disturbed, so we have to understand them."

   "OK! Ok!" Several students happily stretched out their hands and made OK gestures.

   When remembering the students, what Jian Heng said was serious, but when Jian Heng stopped the car and saw the real person, he was really a little excited.

Seeing Peter Jian Heng didn't feel much, that's because Jian Heng didn't care about Peter the Great at all. People like him almost didn't watch the director when they watched movies. The director is a bit immune, but for Legolas, that feeling is a bit different.

  Although Jian Heng has been verbally saying that he doesn't like celebrities or anything, when the person in his childhood memory appeared in front of him, his thoughts still couldn't help but go back to that time, the era of the elf prince with fluttering hair.

   So much so that Jian Heng had to remind himself secretly: Jian Heng, calm down, he is a guest now, and you are the owner of the ranch!

Now, Peter the Great and Prince Elf are chatting with the sisters Damai and Wheat. Seeing Jian Heng walking in, Peter recognized the Asian at the head as the boss here, so he followed Damai and Mai and stood up politely. Orlando, which Chinese movie fans call Blossom, is famous for being popular, so he naturally stood up with a smile on his face.

handsome! really handsome!

   When Jian Heng shook hands with 'Blossom' Orlando, he couldn't help but praise in his heart.

The elven prince in his early forties is still full of vigor. Whether it is his figure or his clothes, he can see his requirements for himself. What the years have removed from him is only the childishness of his youth, and What was returned to him was the charm of a more mature man.

   Seeing him, Jian Heng understood what someone told him, that years leave wrinkles on women, but annual rings on men.

  At this time, Orlando is no longer the creamy handsome man he was when he was young, but the handsome man of a mature uncle, the handsome man with the thickness of time.

   "Welcome to Silent Lake Ranch, my boss here, my name is Henry Jean, you can just call me Jean." Jian Heng briefly introduced himself.

   "Hello!" Orlando said a sentence in Chinese with a smile.

   "Hello, hello!" Jian Heng said quickly.

  Handsome is handsome, but Orlando's Chinese is almost as good as you. After finishing speaking, Orlando talked with Jian Heng about a Chinese film he made.

  Jian Heng didn't know about this film, so he had to chat with the submissive and 'Blossom' classmates for a while, and of course he had to take care of Peter the Great at this time.

   It's just that Jian Heng didn't know at this time that Xiao Li's friend 'Hua Hua' is also a vegetarian.

  (end of this chapter)

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