Chapter 294 Trap?


  Jian Heng reached out and patted Sun Siwei on the back, and opened his mouth and said, "Okay!"

Ok! Sun Siwei hummed and raised his head, looking at Jian Heng with a confused expression.

"Okay, go take a shower, get out!" Seeing that he was comfortable and fell asleep, Jian Heng felt furious, and thought: Dude is as tired as a dog, and he's just serving you two. .

"Oh!" Sun Siwei sat up all of a sudden, and was about to get out of bed. When he looked up, he saw another beautiful woman with blond hair lying on her stomach. He got up his bathrobe and hurriedly put it on and ran outside.

  Jian Heng finished his work here, and said to Mr. Yao: "Mr. Yao, I'm going back to cook."

   "Don't rush away, there is the last one left, Lina! Come in." Without waiting for Jian Heng to answer, the old man yelled towards the outside.

  In an instant, I heard the little model outside replying, and within three seconds, this one appeared in front of Jian Heng.

  Seeing her coming in, Mr. Yao pointed at Jian Heng. Although he didn't say a word, the little model immediately understood Jian Heng's meaning, quickly took off his robe and lay down on the massage table.

   Jian Heng had to talk to He Ye and Sun Siwei outside, then turned back and pressed the little model. After half an hour, Jian Heng's side was over.

  Master Yao just opened his mouth: "I..."

"Forget it, I really don't have time today, look at what time it is now, you can go to the cafeteria to eat, I have to light a fire to cook. Well, that's it for today, goodbye!" said After Jian Heng took off the massage robe, he put on a coat and walked out of the massage room, leaving Mr. Yao sulking in the room.

  He Ye and Sun Siwei were sitting in the locker room chatting while waiting for Jian Heng to come back. Seeing Jian Heng coming in from the outside, Sun Siwei had a weird smile on his face.

   "I'm going to go, it turns out that this profession still exists in the world!" Sun Siwei looked at Jian Heng eagerly and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

   "Is it useful to tell you?" Jian Heng glanced at him, then began to change his clothes and asked.

"Why is it useless? If I knew it earlier, I would have cried and shouted to worship Mr. Yao as my teacher. This is simply a job tailored for men. I don't do anything all day long. My job is to touch girls, and I can also accept girls." The money!" Sun Siwei said with light in his eyes.

Jian Heng glanced at him: "Just like you, you can do this job for half a year at most, and you will be an adult yourself. Look at your worthless appearance just now. You almost put a pyramid in your bathrobe. That's all. Dingli is embarrassed to say that he wants to learn this craft? Let me tell you, the old man is not accepted by everyone. If you want to learn it, it depends on your determination."

   Having talked about this, he glanced at Sun Siwei again: "You are still far behind. If I hadn't laid an ambush for you just now, your kid's nosebleed would almost come out!"

"Foreign women are really open. I, a native of a small place in China, have never seen this kind of posture. A few girls sat there, their robes were not tight, and there was still a vacuum inside. After this, it's not bad that he didn't die on the spot," Sun Siwei said cheekily.

   Now that there is no one around, this guy's skin has thickened, not at all like the blushing like a monkey's **** when he saw the girl's naked body just now.

"Your current shame has been used just now. You may have been divorced three or four times. How can you not have a girlfriend!" Speaking of this, Jian Heng patted Sun Siwei on the shoulder: "It's been hard for you these years Yes, after returning to China, find Mr. He, He Ye knows a lot of people who can help you solve this problem."

  He Ye replied with a smile, "I can't bear this responsibility!"

   After finishing speaking, he urged Jian Heng to say, "Okay, don't talk about it, go back quickly, I still have something to do, by the way, you have a computer in your study, can you access the Internet?"

   Seeing Jian Heng nodded, He Ye said again: "That's okay, lend me a loan, I have some things to contact with the country."

   "Success!" Jian Heng had already changed his clothes at this time, closed the cabinet door, and then walked to his house with the two of them, of course, and He Ye's dead-faced bodyguard.

   Half way down the road, Jian Heng heard the sound of a helicopter overhead, looked up and saw two helicopters flying over not far away, one after the other.

   "Those trash bounty hunters again?" Sun Siwei asked as soon as he saw the helicopter.

  Jian Heng shook his head: "No, the National Guard of Montana."

  At this time, Jian Heng saw clearly the logo on the helicopter. In fact, it can be seen without the logo, because the aircraft is not the same as the civilian aircraft, and the logo on the fuselage makes it easier to determine.

   What flew over were two Lekota general-purpose helicopters. How many people were inside couldn't tell, but the appearance of these two helicopters showed that the state government decided to come forward to solve the problem of wolves.

  The equipment of the National Guard ranges from combat aircraft to helicopters. As a force directly under the governor's leadership, they represent the will of the state. Because the National Guard does not even have the leadership of the president, and the Ministry of National Defense only has the authority of guidance but not leadership, so the National Guard only obeys the orders of the governor. In Chinese, it is a local armed force belonging to each state.

   "It would be a shame if you can't win such a big battle." Sun Siwei said, looking at the helicopter directly above his head.

   At this moment, Jian Heng saw a soldier in the helicopter waving at him, so he also waved at him with a smile.

   "There's no shame in this. As an American politician, you are not afraid of losing face." Jian Heng smiled and said, "When it comes time to lose face, they will definitely find a suitable excuse."

  He Ye said at this time: "Okay, let's go quickly, wait until you earn money to buy a helicopter and keep it at home! Go back now, I still have something to do."

   "I forgot about this, hurry up" Jian Heng stopped looking at the helicopter immediately after hearing this, and walked home.

  At home, Jian Heng cooks here, Sun Siwei helps, He Ye goes to the study to deal with domestic affairs, as for Barley and Wheat, they continue to play with their sewing machines, and continue to make flowered jackets for the little ones at home.

  While waiting for the meal to finish, Mai Mai helped clean up the bowl, and then asked Jian Heng, "When will you give me a massage today?"

  As soon as she said this, He Ye and Sun Siwei couldn't help but froze for a moment.

   "He gave you a massage?" Sun Siwei asked curiously after hearing He Ye's whispered translation.

  Mait didn't think there was anything wrong. Hearing He Ye's literal translation, he nodded naturally and asked, "Is there a problem?"

  Sun Siwei immediately shook his head and said in broken English: "No, no, I just think his massage techniques are good, but I don't know which one is better than Mr. Yao."

  This kid is quite clever sometimes, and he immediately found an excuse and took cover.

   "I don't know, Mr. Alison Yao and I are not happy to press it," Xiaomai shrugged and said.

When Sun Siwei heard it, how could he not understand, just like the massage, Sun Siwei put himself in Jian Heng's seat, and he didn't want his daughter-in-law to be touched all over by a man in the name of massage, and It's still the kind that I touch every now and then.

  But when he thought that Jian Heng wouldn't even let his sister-in-law be trusted, he immediately began to slander: Yue Buqun is a hypocrite! He keeps saying that he has nothing to do with his beautiful sister-in-law. As the old saying goes, his sister-in-law's **** is half that of her brother-in-law's. You are so good. A brother-in-law rubs her whole body over and over again every day?

  Thinking of this, Sun Siwei glanced at Jian Heng again: Scum! How could such a good child become like this when he ran to a capitalist country!

   Looking at Da Maimai's hot figure and outstanding looks, Sun Siwei thought enviously: I also want to be such a scum!

As soon as he saw Sun Siwei's small eyes, Jian Heng knew that this guy's brain must be crooked again. He put his hand on Sun Siwei's shoulder and said in Chinese: "I think you should hurry up and find a girlfriend when you return to China. In fact, if you are not in a hurry, women who have stumbled are fine, if you continue like this, you will be mentally abnormal."

   "Fuck you, uncle!" Sun Siwei laughed and scolded you directly: "You are a pervert."

The barley and wheat were finished first, and Jian Heng continued to chat while drinking a small wine. After drinking until more than eight o'clock, He Ye and Sun Siwei walked back to the dormitory. Naturally, Jian Heng started to work. come alive.

Some things are very exciting at the beginning, but after a long time, once this freshness passes, coupled with the effect of the fragrance of concentration, Jian Heng can slowly make the old man focus on his work, only seeing the guests and not paying attention The boundary between men and women.

  But soon, what Mai Mai said immediately made Jian Heng tremble with fright, and almost sat down on the ground: "Jin, I will be your girlfriend with Alison!"

  Jian Heng glanced at Damai next to him, and saw her smiling at himself: "You decide."

  As soon as Jian Heng heard it, a voice sounded in his heart: No, this **** must be a trap!

  (end of this chapter)

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