Chapter 293 Wandering

  Jian Heng looked at the person on the horse, waited for her to approach, then stretched out his hand and greeted her.

The person who came was Rebecca. The little girl must have not had a good rest these days. Now her eyes are a little swollen and her eye circles are a little dark. Of course, the family has undergone such a sudden change. If she can get better That's the weird thing.

   Rebecca came to Jian Heng at a distance of about two or three meters, got off the horse, took the rein in her hand, and said to Jian Heng: "Mr. Jean, can I have a private chat with you?"

"What's up?"

  He asked like this, but Jian Heng still raised his leg to signal Rebecca and himself to step aside.

  Rebecca saw Jian Heng walked for about ten meters and stopped. Because she was thinking about something, she almost bumped into Jian Heng's body. She stopped in a panic and said sorry repeatedly.

   "What's the matter, this doesn't seem like your character" Jian Heng asked eagerly.

   Rebecca said, "You know what happened in our house?"

Seeing Jian Heng nodded, Rebecca said again: "My mother is going to take us to leave here and go to Florida, but I don't want to leave here, so I have to find a job that can support me. Are you here Is there a suitable job for me?"

   After speaking, Rebecca opened her eyes wide at Jian Heng, waiting for Jian Heng's answer with some expectation.

  Jian Heng thought for a while and said: "There is work, but it is very hard. Either be a cowboy, or learn massage practice techniques, neither is easy...".

  Talk to Rebecca about where he needs manpower and salary, Jian Heng looks at Rebecca and waits for her answer.

  Rebecca was a little hesitant, because the salary offered by Jian Heng was less than her expectation.

  After thinking for a while, Rebecca couldn't make up her mind, so she asked Jian Heng, "Can I think about it again?"

   "Okay, but don't think about it for too long." Jian Heng nodded.

  Rebecca nodded after hearing this: "Thank you, Mr. Gene".

   "You'd better call me Gene, plus Mr. I sound a little awkward" Jian Heng smiled.

  Rebecca squeezed out a little smile from her face, then turned around and got on the horse, and disappeared from Jian Heng's sight in a short while.

   Just as Jian Heng watched Rebecca disappear, Sun Siwei and He Ye walked up and stood beside Jian Heng.

  He Ye looked at the direction where Rebecca disappeared, and jokingly asked Jian Heng: "Your relationship with women is very good. My girlfriend and sister-in-law at home also eat wild food outside."

   "What are you talking about, little girl of the O'Brien family?" Jian Heng pouted in Rebecca's direction.

  He Ye was a little puzzled when he heard this: "Don't you have nothing to do with his family?"

  Sun Siwei said: "You're still a girl, it looks like you are the same age as you?"

"Nonsense, this girl is almost eighteen. Also, an old man is an old man, and Rebecca is Rebecca. The two things should not be confused. Their family is this girl, which is quite interesting. Neighbors are good," Jian Heng said.

  Sun Siwei asked: "What did she ask you for? She sneaked aside and said."

   "Didn't something happen to her family? Her father has entered the house, and her mother is going to take her back to her natal home in Florida. She doesn't want to leave and wants to find a job nearby that can support her," Jian Heng said.

  Sun Siwei asked again: "Did you recruit her to work?"

   "I gave her two jobs to choose from, but she seems dissatisfied with both of them." Jian Heng shrugged his shoulders and said with a sigh.

Jian Heng also understands that Rebecca used to be lovable, but she was also a big lady. Although Old John was strict with his son, he still loved his daughter very much, so he had more or less the temperament of a big lady , I don’t know how hard it is to work for others outside.

  As for what kind of waiter she used to be, what kind of pocket money she earned was indeed able to train people, but her way of making money like playing is still far from supporting herself.

Jian Heng sympathizes with Rebecca very much, but sympathy belongs to sympathy. Jian Heng's here is a ranch, and the people to be recruited are also able to work. No matter how you look at it, Jian Heng is not obliged to support an idler. First, Rebecca It's not Jian Heng's relatives, and secondly, a girl like Rebecca who has never been tempered by society may not know how difficult it is to survive in society. The so-called matter of favor and hatred is the same everywhere, and Jian Heng doesn't want to give it to her. Such a thought.

   "Understood!" He Ye smiled and nodded.

   "Looking at the way you smile, I don't think I'm being treated!" Seeing his wretched smile, Jian Heng couldn't help but glared at him bitterly.

  He Ye laughed happily: "What am I doing again!"

   "You laugh obscenely," Jian Heng said.

  He Ye took two steps and put his arm around Jian Heng's shoulder: "Okay, let's go ride a horse."

   Just like that, the three of them went to the stables with a bodyguard, picked out a horse for each of them, and Jian Heng himself naturally rode the black beans, and everyone headed towards the depths of the ranch together.

   Going out for a walk can’t be a dry walk, Jian Heng has brought a gun, and when he is going to rest, he will shoot rabbits or something, and entertain himself along the way.

  Now the ranch, once out of the scope of the living activity area, don’t even think about galloping on the horse, just stretch out the horse and walk slowly in the snow.

  So it doesn't matter if you are good at riding or not, as long as you can sit comfortably on horseback.

As soon as he entered the depths of the ranch, Jian Heng slowly discovered a problem, that is, there were more footprints of small animals around him. As a person who used to live and work on the ranch, Jian Heng knew that the small animals here in his house looked like this year. A lot more.

  Just when he felt that there were more little guys grazing in his pasture, he was startled by Sun Siwei.

   "Look, look, there's a fox over there!" Sun Siwei's eyes became sharper, and he sat on the horse and turned his head to find a snow-white fox about twenty meters away from the crowd.

Not to mention the three of Jian Heng, even the white fox was startled by Sun Siwei's voice, and turned his head to look in Sun Siwei's direction, but the prey in his mouth fell to the snow all of a sudden, just by looking at it, he knew the fox Not lightly frightened.

   Waiting for the fox to react, he picked up the prey again, turned around, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

  Sun Siwei was about to take the gun at this time, but the gun was not taken off from the wrapped body, and the fox ran away and saw it.

   "Where's the fox?" Sun Siwei posed, only to realize that he, the hunter, was ready, but the prey was gone.

   "If you become a hunter, your whole family will starve to death with you. If you hunt, you will hunt. What's the matter with the sudden wail?" Jian Heng grinned and asked.

  Sun Siwei replied: "White Fox, White Fox!"

   "What's so strange, there are many white foxes here in winter, don't be surprised." Jian Heng picked his ears again.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Sun Siwei became quiet, but his silence didn't last long, and soon he pointed to a group of herbivores wandering outside the fence and made a comment.

   "The goats here are quite strange, with thick, big and long horns," Sun Siwei said.

  Jian Heng took a look and corrected him: "That's not a goat, that's an antelope!"

"Don't try to fool me. Antelopes are all light. Look at this group. They are all oily and pink. The flesh on their stomachs is almost like a swimming ring. What kind of antelope is there, and the color is right. No, it’s not good-looking at all if it’s so gray.”

  He Ye interrupted and said, "The antelope you are talking about is African, right?"

  However, He Ye was not too sure, so he turned to Jian Heng and asked, "There are antelopes in North America?"

   "Well, it's a bit ugly, but this group of antelopes are indeed antelopes. Sun Siwei is right, they eat so much fat!" Jian Heng looked at the group of antelopes and said with a sigh.

This herd of antelopes was not large, about twenty. Jian Heng took a rough look and found that there were not many rams in the prime of life, and most of them were ewes and lambs. The structure of the antelope herd was different from what I had imagined before.

  Now this herd of antelope seems to be preparing to enter the pasture through the gap in the broken railing of the old Walsh's house, and they are crowded at the gap one by one.

Generally speaking, the wild animals here are not afraid of people, and they rarely panic when they see people, so the group of antelopes did not panic when they saw Jian Heng, and they crowded into the gap of the fence one by one, just like a subway in China. , are squeezing in.

  Seeing this situation, Jian Heng took out his mobile phone and sent Old Walsh a message, and then gave him a location, telling him that the fence of their ranch was broken.

   It's not that Jian Heng doesn't want to help with repairs, one is that he has to climb over two fences to get there, and Jian Heng doesn't bring any tools with him.

  After notifying Old Walsh by phone, Jian Heng led the three of them to continue walking. Along the way, there were more and more things like rabbits and pheasants. Jian Heng and everyone got off their horses and started fighting.

  (end of this chapter)

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