Chapter 316 Darkness

   "It's really bad luck!" Jian Heng threw the small backpack in his hand on the bed, and then lay down on the bed.

   Arrived here, Jian Heng was going to buy the nearest ticket to fly to China, who knew it would be two days at the earliest, so Jian Heng had to find a hotel nearby to stay.

   Lying on the bed and turning back and forth a few times, Jian Heng raised his legs and entered the space, ready to see how Jack, who had been transformed by himself, trained the group of serfs in the space.

  As soon as he entered the space, Jian Heng was stunned by the scene he saw. A group of serfs in the space were stumbling around, as if they had escaped from a refugee camp.

   "What's the matter? Jack..." Jian Heng raised his hand and 'moved' Jack in front of him.

  Jack is also loose now, and he said weakly: "Sir, we have no salt to eat, and we are weak!"

"How could this happen?" Jian Heng was a little puzzled, cows and horses are living well in the space, why this group of people can't do it, fortunately he came in early, if it takes a while longer Yes, these guys may really hang up like this.

  As a slave owner, Jian Heng still cares about his own property. Fortunately, salt is not a difficult task. Jian Heng has it in his space, not only salt, but also various seasonings.

  Brought the salt bag over, Jian Heng prepared a cup of salt water for everyone to restore their strength, first fed it to Jack, and then Jack fed it to the next person.

  After about half an hour, all the little slaves in the space came alive again.

At this time, Jian Heng returned to his room in the space, went up to the second floor and began to look around. Looking at it this way, Jian Heng realized that at some point, some grass nests appeared around the farmland. Dig a hole, then use a wooden frame to build a roof on the hole, and then cover it with grass. To put it simply, this is a primitive home, similar to the nests built by humans in the Stone Age.

  Among all the grass nests, there was one that was the largest, almost twice the size of the others. Jian Heng didn't need to ask, he knew that the largest grass nest must be Jack's place.

   Seeing such a situation, Jian Heng felt that his interest had come. He was particularly curious to see what would happen when the lackey Jack took power here.

  Going downstairs again, Jian Heng walked out of his restricted area. Unlike the inside of the restricted area, the outside area is now in full swing. Dozens of former gangsters are now busy under Jack's management.

  Seeing Jian Heng approaching, Jack the lackey immediately ran up to him with a trot, nodded and bowed to Jian Heng four or five meters away: "Great master, your most devout servant Jack is waiting for your orders!"

"Good attitude!" Jian Heng stood on the edge of the field with his hands behind his back. Although he felt that Jack's words were a bit disgusting, it was the first time in Jian Heng's life that someone flattered him so lowly. I have to say This is a very novel experience, which is both creepy and refreshing.

   "You are too much!" Jack's waist was still bent.

  Jack himself doesn't know what kind of psychology he has for the man in front of him now, he is mixed with fear, excitement and even a little gratitude.

For Jack, it has been six or seven days since he arrived in this strange place. During these six or seven days, Jack tasted the taste of power for the first time. The feeling of being a leader under one person but over dozens of people, that feeling, the wonderful taste of power, soaked into his heart silently. Even Jack was a little afraid of going back to the old days, when he was a kid.

  Because power is the most unsolvable poison in the world. Once you taste it, no one can escape its corruption, whether it is a person or an organization.

  The running dog Jack knows that everything he has comes from the man in front of him, so for him, the man in front of him is his heaven and his god.

   "Master! There is one thing I don't know if I should say it or not?" Jack saw his master watching the labor scene with relish, and carefully raised a little opinion.

  After giving his opinion, Jack lowered his head obediently, and stood one meter behind Jian Heng without saying a word.

  Actually, Jack didn’t know that Jian Heng had been observing himself with great interest, because Jian Heng wanted to see how long it would take for a person to go from cowardice to tyranny at the shortest distance.

   "Say!" Jian Heng spit out a word softly.

"Master, these slaves don't have the right tools at hand, so the efficiency of labor is not high. If possible, I think you'd better give them some shovels, picks, etc." Jack continued to lower his head, his hands hanging by his body side.

   Jian Heng smiled and asked back: "Do you want me to get you a harvester?"

   "Don't dare, I thought wrong!" Jack immediately admitted his mistake without any hesitation.

   Originally, Jian Heng wanted to scare him, but seeing his appearance, his forehead started to sweat, and he immediately lost the intention to tease him.

   "I see, I will consider this matter" Jian Heng said lightly.

  The lackey Jack stood behind Jian Heng with his hands hanging down, without saying a word.

   Jian Heng glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Lynch. He hooked his fingers at the lackey Jack, and motioned him to step forward: "How is Lynch doing?"

   "What a wild dog lacks is a whip. Soon I will be able to train him to be the most loyal serf of his master!" Jack said confidently after only one glance at Lynch.

  Jian Heng is very satisfied, because now he finds that Lynch does not dare to be lazy in his work, and he does not have the old bossy appearance at all.

   What Jian Heng didn't know was how Lynch had been tortured these past few days. As the old saying goes, it’s scary for an honest person to go crazy, because he’s not venting his anger for a while, he’s venting the anger that’s been suppressed and accumulated in his heart for a long time. Think about it, most of the anger that has been suppressed for so long has been vented on Lynch by Jack. Lynch is strong enough to be alive now.

   Originally, Lynch also thought he was a tough guy, but after being hungry for a few days and being beaten ten times a day, Lynch soon turned from a dragon into a caterpillar.

  Seeing Lynch like this, Jian Heng couldn't help remembering that when he was going to do the diamond business for the first time, even Ben wasn't qualified to sit with him. Now he suddenly turned his head around, and Lynch actually became his own little servant.

   "By the way, take the time to ask if this guy has any other property, let him explain it all."

  Suddenly, Jian Heng remembered what he had gained from this trip, and felt that this guy Lynch might not know where his property was hidden.

  The running dog Jack bowed again at this time: "He has confessed all these, but most of them are bank account numbers and the like...".

When Jian Heng heard that Jack actually thought of something that he hadn't thought of, he was overjoyed at once, reached out and patted the lackey Jack on the shoulder, and then took out a paper and pen from his pocket: "Go, let him take him away." Know that everything is written down, and if something is wrong, or something is wrong, then you have to remind him well."

   "Good master!" said the lackey Jack.

   Jian Heng saw that he seemed to have something to say, so he asked, "What do you want to say?"

  Jian Heng decided to show more smiles to the dog legs who are capable of doing things.

  At this time, Jian Heng came to a tomato field. The tomatoes in the entire tomato field were already ripe, and they looked particularly pleasing hanging on the stalks.

  Picked two at random and handed one to the lackey Jack, took the other in his hand and wiped it on his body twice, and Jian Heng bit it down.

   "What I want to say is, can you let Victor do his job, because he is also a deterrent to others" the lackey Jack asked.

   "Who is Victor?" Jian Heng was a little puzzled.

Just when the lackey Jack was about to go back to the house, suddenly a figure rushed towards this side, shouting at the same time: "I am from the FBI, I am an American, hurry up and take me away." let go!"


  The figure has not yet rushed in front of Jian Heng, the lackey Jack went up to meet him, and kicked the rushing Matil away: "If you dare to bump into the master, you will die!"

   "Henry Jean! I am a secret agent of the FBI. I was behind the observation window when you entered the customs last time. The woman who confronted you is called Selina...".

  Even if he was kicked to the ground by the lackey Jack and rolled a few times, Mathieu kept showing his identity, as if the American National Organization was in the sky.

  At this moment, the lackey Jack's henchman handed over a whip made of grass stems.

  The running dog Jack turned around, holding the whip in both hands: "My master!"

  Jian Heng did not expect that Jack would be able to weave a whip out of turf in a few days. It looks quite strong, and there are dark black blood stains on it. It seems that he has used it a lot these days.

Seeing Matilton reminded Jian Heng of the previous incident, and he took out a real cowhide whip with three cross-braided horsewhips from the restricted area, and handed it to the running dog Jack: "Use this to tell him that the United States A man is a bird! I am a **** here!"


  Jack took the whip, held it in his hand, and walked towards Martial.

   "I am... America... Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"I'll make you an American, I'll let you run into your master!..." With each whip, Jack seemed to exert all his strength, and each whip was a bloodstain. After ten or so whips, Martial never said anything It's American or something.

   "Okay, every time he says it next time, just let him know that this is how Americans are treated here!" After speaking, Jian Heng glanced at Mathil who was lying on the ground like a dead pig.

   "Bah! Give back to the Americans, you Americans do the most bad things in the world, scum!" Suddenly, Jian Heng scolded himself.

   "By the way, who is that Victor you said?" Jian Heng remembered the question Jack the lackey had just asked.

   "The former Jack the Ripper changed his name to Victor for fear of having the same name as me...".

what! Jian Heng said: When did you foreign devils learn to avoid taboos?

  But he couldn't help but frown when he didn't want to think of his skinny and belly-like appearance.

  The running dog Jack bit the bullet and said: "Everyone here knows Jack, no, Victor's cruelty, it is because of his help that Lynch...".

  Maybe it was because of the beating of Martial, which made Jian Heng more angry, and Jack, the running dog, tried his best to please him, so Jian Heng gave him face.

   "Okay, forget about it!"

   "Thank you, master!"

  Jian Heng now looks at the small piece of fruit and vegetable field in front of him, and then at the slave laborers who are busy opening new fields for themselves, and suddenly feels that the slave society is not as dark as it is written in the books!

  (end of this chapter)

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