Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 317: to liquidate

  Chapter 317 Liquidation

   Watching his little slaves busy for a while, Jian Heng felt that it was meaningless, so he lifted his legs out of the space.

  Maybe it was because he had a slave for the first time in his life, Jian Heng felt a little excited, lying on the bed in the hotel and couldn't sleep no matter what, so he put on his clothes and walked out of the hotel for a walk around.

  While strolling, Jian Heng was looking for a hardware store in the surrounding area, ready to buy some tools. No matter how worthless slaves are, they belong to his own small property. He still counts on these people to farm for himself, and the necessary tools must be given.

Like shovels, shovels, etc., when he arrives in China, Jian Heng plans to throw a few curved plows into the space, and add a few cows to give the little slaves in the space a whole. A self-sufficient smallholder economy emerges.

"These South Africans are so lazy!" Jian Heng wandered around for a long time, but he didn't find a single store open. It's been a few days since Christmas, and if it's the second day of the new year in China, there will be stores open for business. By the way, here, Christmas has passed for a few days, and all these shops are still closed.

  Jian Heng walked another two blocks, and was about to turn his head, but found a row of shops that seemed to be open not far ahead, so Jian Heng walked over.

Before he arrived at the store, Jian Heng put a smile on his mouth, because in these open stores, the doors are all written in Chinese. If you pass by a small store in Yiwu, Lishui Supermarket, etc., you can tell that this is China at a glance. shop opened by people. No matter where they go, the diligence of the Chinese people is first-class.

  Find a grocery store, and Jian Heng walked in. Unlike other stores, there were no customers in the grocery store. The boss and his assistant were sitting at the counter watching TV.

   "Welcome! Chinese?" Seeing Jian Heng coming in, the boss immediately stood up and greeted with a smile.

   "Well, boss, do you have shovels, hoes, etc.?" Jian Heng smiled at the boss, and then said.

   "There is a shovel, but there is no hoe, who would use that now?" The boss stretched out his hand and pushed the buddy while speaking, and the buddy stood up reluctantly. It seemed that the program was very attractive to him.

  The boss asked: "How much?"

   "Give me forty first," Jian Heng said.

   "It's so much, may I ask, are you doing the project in South Africa, or are you buying the land?" the boss asked.

  Jian Heng asked back: "Why do you ask that?"

"Whether you are engaged in engineering or buying land for planting, let me advise you, don't buy a shovel, go directly to the machine, those black people can't do the work at all, work for one day and rest for three days, and get one day's wages to play hands All the money in the store has been spent... It seems that you have just arrived here, and I will remind you that you are all compatriots," said the boss.

   "I know that" Jian Heng has experienced the laziness of blacks, not to mention blacks in Africa, even a large part of blacks in the United States have this virtue. Of course, it is impossible to say that all blacks are lazy.

   But in general, blacks are lazier than other races. In terms of hard work, East Asians are definitely the first overall, and blacks are the last.

"Let me take a look." Jian Heng is not interested in discussing with the boss whether black people are lazy or not. What he wants now are tools. After walking around the boss's shop, Jian Heng took two more pliers and another Bundles of wire and things like saws and axes.

   "Should I send it to you?" the boss said.

Jian Heng was thinking about what to do, when he turned his head and saw a tricycle selling in the shop next to it, which is the kind used by many courier boys in China, so he stretched out his finger: "I'll buy one later ".

   "Hey, the old money can finally sell one," the boss said jokingly.

  Jian Heng laughed and said, "What's wrong?"

"This thing can't be sold here at all, because the cars here are too cheap. You can buy a good second-hand car with this amount. Who would buy this? There are few regulations on cheap cars, and it is much more convenient than in China. , You can go anywhere with a car, except for a few places such as the military zone, there are no restrictions, and you cannot enter with a license plate from other places..." said the boss.

  Jian Heng finally found out that this boss can really speak, and he can pull out a lot of things when he catches them. So I settled the bill quickly, and the boss enthusiastically gave me a discount.

With a lot of ill-gotten wealth in his pocket, Jian Heng spent the money generously. He bought the small car without any bargaining price. After walking a few steps with the things he just bought, Jian Heng turned back .

   "Boss, give me another manpower," Jian Heng said.

  The boss was a little stupid: "I said brother, who needs to use manpower these days, isn't it tiring to pedal? It's really good to use electricity."

   "It's not me!" Jian Heng replied.

After walking several tens of meters, Jian Heng remembered that there is no charging place in his own space, and there is no oil to provide, even if he could provide it, Jian Heng would not provide it, because that thing pollutes the environment, if it pollutes himself What about the space? If the person is gone, he can be arrested again. If the space is polluted, who can he find to purify it?

   "Okay, it's late at night, and I have to give you back the money," the boss muttered.

  Jian Heng raised his hand: "Don't look for it anymore, just see how many cars you can buy with the remaining money, and exchange it for a car."

  The boss was amused when he heard it: "Okay, let me change three for you, okay?"

Seeing Jian Heng nodded, the boss immediately helped Jian Heng take off the things on the car and put them on the rickshaw, and then put the single front wheels of the other two cars in the small car one by one, thus forming a rickshaw. Drag two.

  Watching Jian Heng leave, the boss looked at Jian Heng's back and muttered: "Idiot!"

  What Jian Heng didn’t know was that one electric car could be replaced by at least four manpower cars. He was cheated by fellow Chinese in Nanqing.

  But Jian Heng is in a good mood now, and he didn’t worry too much about the price. He rode a tricycle and turned into the alley when he saw the alley.

After everything was settled, Jian Heng returned along the original road. Who knew that he had just walked less than 50 meters, a group of half-grown children, about ten people, the oldest looked like sixteen or seventeen, and the youngest was only ten years old. There are men and women, directly blocking Jian Heng's way.

  Jian Heng saw the black muzzles of the guns in their hands, and looking at the calm expressions on their faces, it was obvious that this was not the first time these half-grown children had done this.

   "Take out all the money in your body!" Among the sixteen and seventeen-year-old children, one who seemed to be the leader said fiercely to Jian Heng.

   "Slave!" Jian Heng was overjoyed when he saw these little things, and then blurted out.

  When the boys heard this, they immediately became angry: "What did you say?"

   As soon as the words were finished, Jian Heng snapped his fingers, and a dozen little guys disappeared out of thin air, but this time Jian Heng left their clothes behind, and of course, all the pistols were left outside.

Continue to walk forward. When going out of the alley, Jian Heng raised his head and found the brightly lit airport in the distance. As soon as he saw the airport, Jian Heng remembered the two policemen who handed him over to Lynch's gang, so he felt 'bad' Meaning', I remembered that my Land Rover was still at the airport, so I hailed a taxi and went straight to the airport.

   Arrived at the airport, after eating something, Jian Heng started to turn around. After walking for about two hours, when Jian Heng left the terminal and walked towards the parking lot, by coincidence, Jian Heng found the target.

  There is a way to find no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

The two policemen are sitting on the same chair and eating, each holding a huge hamburger while eating and chatting enthusiastically. For them, what they did to help Mr. Lynch brought them extra rich rewards, They kidnapped a Chinese in exchange for 5,000 US dollars each. The two wished to have such a business every day.

   Just when Jian Heng found two policemen, one of the policemen also found him. After seeing Jian Heng, the policeman's face froze, and after a while, he stretched out his leg and kicked his companion: "Dude, over there!"

  The policeman had no intention of hiding his intentions at all, and Jian Heng could hear the voice.

   Seeing the two policemen throwing away the burgers in their hands and walking towards him, Jian Heng turned around and dodged into the entrance passage of the parking lot.

  The two policemen quickly followed up after seeing it. They didn't use their guns, and followed Jian Heng into the passage.

   "Hello! Let's meet again"

   As soon as the two sturdy policemen entered the passage, they saw that Jian Heng did not run away, but waited for the two of them with their arms folded. One of them grinned and said, "You are not small!"

   Another policeman raised his eyebrows: "You tried to attack the policeman and grab the gun, and then we shot you dead. Is this reasonable explanation?"

   Jian Heng smiled and nodded: "Well, it's reasonable!"


  Following Jian Heng's snap of his fingers, the two policemen who touched their holsters found that the guns in their holsters were gone, and then looked up to find two pistols in the hands of their opponents.

   "We are the police! You have to consider the consequences!"

   "There are cameras everywhere here, you can't escape," another You Zi insisted.

   "Maybe there are outside, but not here, I have observed it." Jian Heng snapped his head up, and put the two of them into the space.

  Humming a little tune, Jian Heng walked out of the passage, turned to his parking place, drove his Land Rover, left the airport and went straight to the hotel where he was staying.

  As soon as he returned to the room, Jian Heng couldn't wait to enter the space.

As soon as he entered, Jian Heng found that he didn't need to order at all, the lackey Jack had already started to work. What made Jian Heng laugh even more was that the clothes on the two policemen were gone, and Jack the lackey and his little lackey were wearing them. Not only the two policemen, but also the clothes of the half-grown children who were robbed were all stripped off. The people in the space who are wearing clothes now are the lackey Jack and his few lackeys except Jian Heng.

  Now the two policemen have completely lost their arrogance outside. They have been beaten to pieces by Jack, like two dead pigs, and they can't even cry out in a good tone.

   "My respected master!" The lackey Jack saw Jian Heng coming, and immediately threw the whip in his hand to himself. The lackey came up with trot.

   "Go ahead and greet me, I brought some tools." Jian Heng raised his hand, and the shovel and tricycle appeared in front of Jack.

   "These untouchables are really lucky!" Jack glanced at them and flattered him again.

  Jian Heng felt that the flattery was not very good, so he clicked his tongue and waved Jack to continue working, while he himself watched Jack beat up two burly black policemen.

  (end of this chapter)

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