Chapter 318 Delivery

Facts have proved that watching people being beaten is not a pleasant thing, and Jian Heng is not a pervert. After watching for two or three minutes, he stopped the lackey Jack, let him stop, and continued to manage this group of slaves, big and small. While working, I left the space and went to sleep with my big head.

  Then everything went smoothly, starting from Johannesburg, transiting through the port city, and then landed safely at the airport.

   After getting off the plane and exiting customs, Jian Heng saw He Ye standing with a short, fat man in his forties, talking and laughing.

   "Is it going well?" He Ye saw Jian Heng coming out, and brought a short, fat man to meet Jian Heng. The first sentence he met was not an introduction, but a direct question.

He Ye is rich, but he is not rich enough to throw more than six million US dollars out for a good time, not to mention that it is not only his money, but also other people's money. If something goes wrong, the money will be lost. On the one hand, the most important thing is to be ashamed. He Ye's loss of money is just a pain in the flesh, and if he loses face, it is a heartache.

   Jian Heng patted his suitcase with a smile, and didn't answer He Ye's words, but He Ye immediately understood, so the smile on his face became even hotter.

"Let me introduce, this is my good buddy Jian Heng, Jian Heng, this is my good friend, Mr. Liu Guangming, Mr. Liu, who is in the gem business." He Ye reached out and patted the short fat man on the shoulder, but the other hand Putting his arms around Jian Heng's shoulders, He Ye's actions made the relationship between the three of them clear at a glance.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three of them left the airport together. The car that came to pick them up this time was not He Ye's, but the Rolls Royce brought by the short and fat Liu Guangming. The opposite kind.

Along the way, the three of them chatted about some irrelevant topics, complaining from time to time that business is not easy to do, or that the United States is now planning to raise some kind of import tax, anyway, they are all topics that are not nutritious, and none of the three of them deliberately To mention the diamond thing.

  The car did not drive to the hotel, but turned to a very high-end office building.

  He Ye got out of the car and saw Jian Heng's puzzled face, so he explained with a smile: "Since everything has arrived, let's hand it over earlier, so that the money will be safe!"

   "That's right, you see, you didn't tell me anything, so I thought you were going to do something to me when you saw a change in money." Jian Heng joked.

  He Ye listened with a straight face: "You finally understand now, but it's a pity that it's too late to regret it!"

Jian Heng looked at He Ye's serious face, but there was a smile in his eyes that couldn't be concealed, so he said very cooperatively: "It turns out that's the case. For the sake of our friends, can you come and see me?" Money, even if you die, you will rest in peace."

   "See, this guy is desperate for money, desperate for money!" He Ye reached out and tapped Jian Heng, but he was speaking to Liu Guangming.

  Liu Guangming laughed twice, and said jokingly: "Who doesn't like money, Mr. Jian is a hero, a hero!"

  Hearing Liu Guangming's words, Jian Heng couldn't help thinking: You are a flatterer, you are several blocks away from the lackey Jack!

Jian Heng didn't even think about it, the running dog Jack would die if he couldn't shoot well, and Liu Guangming couldn't shoot well if he couldn't shoot well, you Jian Heng can't do anything to others, one is flattering with his life, and the other is just fun , how can there be comparability.

   "Let's go upstairs, now that you've said that, let's settle this matter quickly" Jian Heng got out of the car.

  The three of them got on the elevator together and reached the 18th floor. After several security checks, Liu Guangming took the two of them into his office.

   "Stop rambling, hurry up." As soon as he entered the room, He Ye saw that Liu Guangming was about to pour water, so he said immediately.

  Liu Guangming asked: "Then shall we start now?"

  Seeing that Jian Heng also nodded, Liu Guangming clapped his hands, then turned to the desk and picked up the phone: "Xiao Yang, tell Master Liu to come in!"

  Jian Heng was not polite, he sat down and opened the zipper of the box, then reached out and grabbed a few times in the box, and then grabbed out the velvet bag containing the diamonds.

  He Ye saw his puzzled face, and turned his head to look left and right, like looking at a Martian.

   "Look at me, have you ever seen someone as handsome as me?" Jian Heng threw the bag on the table with a snap, and said jokingly.

   "You just hid them in a box and brought them in?" He Ye couldn't believe his eyes.

   "How can I tell you this, what is the guy who eats?" Jian Heng laughed.

  Liu Guangming put down the phone and sat on the sofa, glanced at the bag on the table, and then asked Jian Heng, "Can we still cooperate with Mr. Jian in the future?"

   Jian Heng pointed to the diamond on the table: "You mean this?"

   Seeing Liu Guangming nodded, Jian Heng thought for a while and replied: "It depends on the situation, but it is probably not possible, because the goods are too dangerous to go away this time."

  Liu Guangming listened, stunned for a moment, then nodded again without knowing what he thought of.

   Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Guangming came in, and then a middle-aged man in his fifties opened the door and walked in.

   "Master Liu! Come this way" Liu Guangming stood up, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man came in, he was still carrying a small box in his hand, which was a bit like a cosmetic box carried by a woman. He walked to the table and opened it. There were some signed tools in it. There is a **** flannel.

  Master Liu spread out the flannel, then picked up the flannel bag on the table, untied it, poured out the contents, and spread it out on the flannel.


  After hearing a soft sound, like the sound of many small stones falling, a small pile of rough diamonds appeared on the flannel.

  The diamonds at this time are not good-looking, not bright at all, a bit like frosted glass, opaque, very inconspicuous.

  Master Liu picked up a piece and began to look carefully with tools.

The three people present are all staring at Master Liu at the moment, but they are in different moods. Jian Heng is thinking that this old man is very stylish, but he doesn't know how the craftsmanship is. He Ye is concerned about the purity of the diamonds. As for Liu Guangming's concern But there are many.

  After two or three minutes of observation, Master Liu put down the rough stone in his hand and nodded towards Liu Guangming.

   Seeing Master Liu's actions, Liu Guangming let out a sigh of relief.

  The three of them continued to chat without nourishment, but at this time a large part of everyone's attention was on Master Liu and Diamond, and the chat was a bit half-hearted.

  When all the rough stones were identified, Jian Heng's legs felt a little sore.

   "That's no problem, everyone has a happy cooperation!" Liu Guangming saw Master Liu's satisfied expression, and the smile on his face was as bright as flowers in April and May.

   "Does your money stay in the country or what?" He Ye asked Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng didn't even think about it: "Give me a transfer to the South African company!"

  Jian Heng plans to inject capital into his ranch in the name of a South African company after a while, and then transfer the shares of the ranch from one hand to another. Now if this money enters the United States, I don’t know how much money will be allocated by Trump.

   "By the way, do you have any well-cut craftsmen here?" Jian Heng suddenly remembered that he still had a pink diamond and a red diamond in his hand, so he opened his mouth and asked.

  Liu Guangming asked: "Who are you?"

   "I have a rough diamond, and I want to make a pair of rings. I want to find a good cutter to help me! The price is easy to negotiate," Jian Heng said.

   "How big is the rough diamond?" Liu Guangming asked.

  Jian Heng thought for a while and said: "About twenty carats, I don't know the exact weight, pink diamond, I want to divide it into two!"

   After saying this, everyone around was dumbfounded, including He Ye, all looked at Jian Heng with a look of looking at a fool.

   "Are you going to split the 20-carat rough pink diamond into two?" He Ye asked.

   Seeing Jian Heng nodded, He Ye stared at Jian Heng for another two minutes and sighed without saying a word.

  Master Liu asked after hearing this: "How about the purity?"

   "I don't know the details, but it should be very good. Why don't I show it to you in a few days?" Jian Heng said.

  Master Liu nodded noncommittally.

   "Are you going to sell it?" Liu Guangming asked.

  Jian Heng shook his head: "No, I'm going to give it away."

Jian Heng is going to divide this pink diamond into two pieces. In this way, each piece is only about ten carats. It is rare and not conspicuous at the same time. If it is replaced by a top-quality pink diamond of 20 carats, think about how big it is Influence. It's a pity that Jian Heng, a second-hand dealer, didn't know that the loss in diamond cutting was not small. A rough diamond of more than 20 carats was cut into two diamonds of about 10 carats? It's a good idea, but it's just an idea.

   "Barley and wheat?" He Ye asked.

  Jian Heng nodded: "If I don't send them, who else can I give it to?"

   "You really want to divide it into two!" He Ye nodded and said.

  (end of this chapter)

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