Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 446: god of return

  Chapter 446 The Returning God

Returning home as quickly as possible, Jian Heng got out of the car and got into the house. At this time, both Barley and Wheat were busy with their own affairs, and there would be no one else at home except Jian Heng himself. .

   After praying, the female warrior lightly touched the barrier with her head. When she stood up and turned to walk out, she found the blue-skinned girl in a daze, and frowned slightly.

   "What are you thinking about, don't think too much about things you shouldn't think about!" The female warrior reprimanded the blue-skinned girl.

The blue-skinned girl came back to her senses, and suddenly boldly asked the female warrior: "Knight Lina, will we be defeated? Will they tear down our temple and turn it into a temple for the Goddess of Tricks?" ?”

  The female warrior frowned even deeper, she was stunned for a while and sighed and said, "This is not something you have to consider! Do your job well."

  After speaking, the female soldier raised her foot, and after taking two steps, she stopped again and said without turning her head: "If things are really that bad, the high priest will send you to a safe place."

  After speaking, the female warrior stepped forward, ready to leave.

The blue-skinned girl suddenly remembered the strange man she saw just now, so she opened her mouth and said, "Knight Lina, I just saw a strangely dressed person appear here, and then got into the barrier again, staying in the barrier After a while, it disappeared in a flash!"

   "What!" Hearing the blue-skinned girl's words, the golden armored knight immediately shook her body, and her whole body seemed to be petrified.

   After a long time, the golden armored female knight came back to her senses, and asked the blue-skinned girl with a trembling voice, "Who did you say you saw?"

   "It's just that a person who is dressed in a strange way and whose skin looks a bit like the nobleman of the Thunderblade United Empire appeared here..." the blue-skinned girl said.

  Hearing the blue-skinned girl's words, the female warrior suddenly turned her head and walked to the blue-skinned girl's side, and lifted the blue-skinned girl from the ground: "Say it again!"

  The blue-skinned girl was startled by the action of the female warrior, and her whole body began to tremble.

  When the female warrior realized that she had hurt the blue-skinned girl, she immediately put her down, and said softly to the blue-skinned girl, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just that what you said is too important."

The blue-skinned girl coughed twice, and then told the female soldier what she had seen: "I came in to wipe the floor, and when I entered the door, I saw a strange young man standing in front of the relief over there. I asked him how he got in, but he didn't answer me...".

Hearing the blue-skinned girl's words, the female warrior seemed to come back to life all of a sudden, from a sad face when she entered the door to a radiant look now, and then she couldn't stop murmuring: "He's back, he's back Already!"

   "Who?" The blue-skinned girl asked curiously.

  A crystal teardrop slowly fell from the corner of the female soldier's eye, along the scar on her cheek and fell to her chin. Without waiting for the teardrop to fall, the female soldier raised her head and stroked the teardrop, and her eyes instantly became firmer.

   "Come on, follow me to the high priest!" The female warrior pulled the blue-skinned girl out of the corridor.

The two of them walked out of the corridor and went down the steps. After walking about 200 steps, there is a golden hall below. It may be because of the long time that the golden color on the outside of the hall has faded a little. Although the building is still majestic, it shows A three-pointer is bleak, and a two-pointer is down.

The golden hall is round, with a round wall and a round top. Surrounding the round wall are twelve huge statues, each of which is about 20 meters high, accounting for almost two-thirds of the wall. They are tall, with different postures, and each of them holds a different weapon. Although the gold paint on their bodies has fallen off, one can still imagine how majestic and magnificent this hall would have been if it had just been built.

  The female warrior pulled the blue-skinned girl along the stairs and walked into the hall, ignoring the eyes of the people around her.

  Humans with colorful skins appeared on the road from time to time. As soon as they saw the female warrior, they immediately stood on both sides of the steps and saluted her. But when their eyes fell on the blue-skinned girl, they were full of doubts.

   When meeting someone she knows, the blue-skinned girl looks at him with apologetic eyes, and smiles at him if she doesn't know her.

After entering the main hall, the blue-skinned girl turned her head and saw the huge and majestic sitting statue of the main **** behind her. At this moment, the golden sunlight fell on the face of the sitting statue through the round transparent roof. Lan Fu felt that the face of the main **** was vaguely familiar.

  The blue-skinned girl was just naive and not really stupid. After thinking about it for a moment, she guessed a little bit, and suddenly covered her mouth: "I saw the father of the gods, the main **** Jean."

   Seeing the staring eyes of the blue-skinned girl, the female warrior said with a smile: "Yes, he has not abandoned us, and he will come back soon!"

  Speaking, the female warrior glanced at the standing statues standing on both sides of the main **** with her eyes, and after a soft snort, she walked out of the main hall from the main entrance of the main hall with the blue-skinned girl.

The blue-skinned girl was led out of the main hall by the female warrior and walked down the steps to the left. It was the place where the high priest of the main **** lived and worked. It used to be the place with the highest power in the world. Whenever it was time to sacrifice to the main **** Jean, The kings and imperial families of the entire continent will gather here with reverence.

It's just that this place is no longer the grand occasion it was hundreds of years ago. It can be said that it is not only described as declining, but it is not easy to say. Even some fabricated evil gods are more grand than the sacrificial scene here. There are no believers. Without a source of income, the mighty father of the gods, the Temple of Jin is now only one step away from falling apart.

   Walking into the high priest's palace, the atmosphere in the whole palace suddenly became depressed, and everyone's face was covered with a look of sadness.

  If the high priest dies, then the only two remaining pillars of the main temple will fall down again. Supporting Hena alone will not be able to resist the God of Darkness no matter what.

  The female warrior rushed in directly with the blue-skinned girl, but the blue-skinned girl now looked like she was trembling, hiding behind the female warrior, and lowered her head.

   When we came to the bedroom of the high priest, more people gathered at the door.

   "Lina, what are you doing in a hurry!" A male soldier in gold armor scolded the female soldier.

   "Father, I have something to see the high priest," said the female warrior.

  The middle-aged male soldier shook his head: "The high priest has been favored by the Lord God and is about to leave us and return to the kingdom of heaven. Don't bother her at this time."

   "Our main **** is back!" the female warrior said loudly.


  All the soldiers standing in front of the house exclaimed loudly when they heard the words.

   "Who's out there? Cough, cough!"

   With the silence in the courtyard, an old voice came from the room.

   "High Priest, I have news to report to you!" the female warrior said loudly.

   "Come in, little Lina" said the old voice after a pause.

  At this time, everyone in the yard turned their eyes to the female warrior and the blue-skinned girl, and everyone's eyes were full of renewed hope.


  Jian Heng entered the study room here, closed the door and raised his foot to return to the space, but he didn't lift his foot out, and the phone in his pocket rang.

  After answering the call, Jian Heng's mood immediately improved again, because the call was made by the aircraft sales company, and they informed Jian Heng that the aircraft had arrived and he could go to the aircraft club for inspection.

   Putting down the phone, Jian Hengmei took a while to remember about the space, so she stepped into the space.

After Jian Heng's eyes got used to the space, Jian Heng was stunned again by the scene he saw. It was night, and the sky was full of stars above his head, but there were countless huge torches all around, illuminating this place like Daytime is normal.

   When he walked out of the barrier, Jian Heng looked at the old man lying on the canopy bed in surprise.

   "Mrs. Curtis!" Jian Heng took two steps.

  Mrs. Curtis looked at Jian Heng, and suddenly sat up straight: "I didn't expect to see you again one day!"


   At this moment, everyone in the corridor saluted Jian Heng.

"No need." Jian Heng said casually, and then walked in front of Mrs. Curtis, saw her face that was so old that it was almost skinny, and then walked back to the barrier again, taking a little bit of a crane The spit out water gave her a small mouthful.

Mrs. Curtis drank a sip of water, and she soon regained her energy, but both she and Jian Heng understood that her skin had reached its limit, and all Jian Heng could do now was to extend her life by a few minutes. Years of life.

Seeing that the old lady could walk on the ground, Jian Heng said to the old lady: "Tell me about the things here, if Wei and Jack are not dead, call them to me, I want to ask , It’s been so long, how is the matter I told you going?”

"It will take a year for them to get here at the fastest now." Curtis said with a smile: "They are different from before. The kings of the six kingdoms of the human world are all their descendants! The royal families of other races are half have their lineage".

  Jian Heng said lightly: "They don't have to come!"

   After speaking, Jian Heng saw the expression on the old lady's face, he was a little hesitant to speak, so he asked, "If you have any questions, just let me know."

   "Why didn't you come back to see us for thousands of years?" Mrs. Curtis couldn't help but feel sore when she asked this sentence, and two old faint tears fell down involuntarily.

   Jian Heng sighed and said, "I can't help myself!"

Jian Heng couldn't say that he had collected all the "Dragon Balls" from the Lancang River and was preparing to summon the Shenlong. Who knew that the Shenlong hadn't been summoned. These guys just got together and touched their heads, giving themselves the time in the space instantly. It has been tuned for more than two thousand years!

  This is still tiring to explain, it is better to keep a little mystery.

  (end of this chapter)

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