Chapter 447 New Ideas

Jian Heng tapped his 'feet' lightly with his hand, which is exactly the foot of his own statue. When he looked up at his huge sitting statue, his face showed no sense of pride at all. Not only is there no sense of pride, but also a look of bitterness.

  After listening to Mrs. Curtis narrate the whole story, Jian Heng finally understood that from now on, this space is no longer his leisurely place.

According to Mrs. Curtis's words, Selina and Blakely had given birth to ten children one after another after a tender relationship. Now, except for the youngest daughter who is too weak, the ten children are her own. Each controls a sub-force.

At the beginning, out of fear of the power of Sumo's meeting with his father, these brats were able to be honest. Even if there was friction, it was just a small fight. His courage is getting bigger and bigger, and the fights are getting bigger and bigger every time.

As the courage became more and more fat, Jian Heng's sons had a particularly courageous second child, who claimed to be the second child of the Dark God, and came up with the idea of ​​enshrining Jian Heng's temple. Zhan Wei already has it, and replaces his own father's with his own statue, and plans to let brothers and sisters know that from now on, he has the final say.

   "Thank you for your hard work." Jian Heng sighed, then turned his head and smiled at Mrs. Curtis.

  Mrs. Curtis smiled nonchalantly: "If you come back, then all my persistence will be meaningful!"

Jian Heng raised his head, raised his head again, looked up at his own sculpture, then turned his head to look at the statues of Selina and Blakely sitting next to him, and then looked from the two statues in turn. The statue next to a woman rowed past.

   "Is that what they look like?" Jian Heng asked Mrs. Curtis without thinking.

  Jian Heng thinks this is too weird. He only came once with Selina and Blakely, but these two women give birth one after another. How come their own tadpoles are also activated in batches?

  Really, if it weren’t for the statues of these children looking like the old Jian’s family, Jian Heng would have thought that he was a green-hat **** of space, and several groups of children could be born with one job.

Mrs. Curtis naturally knew what Jian Heng was referring to, and replied with a smile: "Well, everyone's appearance is shaped according to their adult appearance, your appearance is worse, that is according to our memory And they are carved out of their appearance, but that's what they look like!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Curtis still had a kind expression on her face, and recalled: "They were very playful when they were young, and they often ran around in this hall. I don't know when, They gradually grew up, had their own personality, and had their own power, so most of them changed, and I didn't even recognize them. Selina and Blakely also, they both Corrupted by unbridled forces...".

Jian Heng thought for a while: "Let them all come. I will meet them here a year later, including Brackley and Selina. Can I inform you? Don't they all think they are gods? Then I will Just find something for them to do, just now their father and I are very short of money, let's find something new that meets my requirements."

Jian Heng felt that these brats were too noisy, so he had to find some work for them, and then remembered that he saw old Walsh’s forage species today, so he decided to find some difficult jobs for these brats. Otherwise they will be sick.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng suddenly felt that the change in space might be more beneficial to his life outside. It's better to count on these people like Jack, the peacekeeper, than to count on their own brats who have 'divine power'.

   "As long as you want, they will come, because only you have the only **** here," Mrs. Curtis said.

   Just when Jian Heng was about to say something, he suddenly heard arguing outside, and a young woman's voice sounded at the door.

   "Let me in!"

   "You can't go in, Lord God said that no one can enter without his order!" Hena's voice sounded at the same time.

   "Hena! You know who I am" the young woman roared violently.

  Mrs. Curtis said to Jian Heng: "Your little daughter is here!"

   After finishing speaking, he yelled towards the outside: "Hena, let her in!"

As soon as Mrs. Curtis's voice fell, a muscular young woman came into the room. The young woman had long black hair in curls hanging down behind her, holding a long javelin in her hand, standing on her body. Wearing a brown leather armor, he strode in with bare feet, very heroic.

Just seeing this girl, Jian Heng knew that this must be his daughter, because her face was at least five points similar to her elder sister Jian Anan and younger sister Jian Ningning, and no matter where she looked, she looked like the same girl. A ten-dozen Chinese girl, she doesn't have the sense of sight of a mixed-race girl at all.

   When the girl entered the door, she saw Mrs. Curtis sitting cross-legged, and a young man in strange clothes standing at the foot of the statue.

   "Ms. Curtis!"

  Although she greeted Mrs. Curtis, the girl stared at Jian Heng motionlessly, with surprise, confusion, and anxiety on her face.


  At this time, Jian Heng was really embarrassed. He was only twenty years old, and now suddenly there appeared a daughter who looked almost as old as himself, and the youngest daughter lived for more than a thousand years.

The youngest daughter, Jian Heng has heard Mrs. Curtis say that this girl is also a hardy girl. She was born by Blakely, but she doesn't like her mother, and among all the brothers and sisters, she is the most beautiful girl. is the weakest.

It's a bit like when the printer is printing to the end, the printer doesn't have much ink. When it comes to her, whether it is strength, agility, or explosive power, the resistance to blows is far inferior to that of her brothers and sisters. She is not well-known among her brothers and sisters, and she doesn't even get a temple in the society.

  It’s not like the elder brother and the second brother. Now one directly proclaims himself the God of Light, and the other proclaims himself the God of Darkness. The temple is as magnificent as that of their father. The only sibling that can compare with them is the forest goddess temple of the eldest sister.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this little daughter has a special expectation for her father whom she has never met. When Jian Heng's disdain, the so-called dark god, is about to seize Jian Heng's temple, she stands firm. Temple Priest here.


  The girl stood for a long time before asking excitedly.

  Jian Heng felt sorry for this girl after hearing Curtis's narration, so he smiled: "Don't we look alike?"

   "I can't see it!" The girl saw Jian Heng suddenly smiled, and she laughed too, but tears of grievance welled up as she smiled, and she reached out to wipe it away, but it wiped more and more.

   Jian Heng felt a pain in his heart, walked over and gently hugged the girl into his arms, and patted her on the back: "Okay, okay, everything will be fine!"

   Who knew that Jian Heng hugged her, but the girl burst into tears, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances of these years.

   Jian Heng comforted her well, then took out the wallet from his pocket, and took out the photos of Jian An'an and Jian Ningning from it.

   "Look, these are your two aunts, do you think they look alike?"

  The girl took the photo, looked at it and nodded.

  Although the two are related by blood, Jian Heng still feels embarrassed, and it's because the girl shows admiration for Jian Heng.

  Seeing that the "daughter" who looks as old as himself is happily playing with his mobile phone and playing match 3, Jian Heng said to Mrs. Curtis: "Pick out some of the most heroic fighters!"

  Looking into Mrs. Curtis's eyes, Jian Heng said: "I want to give them more power! They need the ability to guard this place."

  When Mrs. Curtis heard this, she immediately turned her head and gave instructions to Hena outside.

  Jian Heng made a dodge, and when he came back again, he already had a few jars in his hand.

  Mrs. Curtis also stood up at this time: "We need a solemn ceremony!"

   "Up to you!" Jian Heng nodded and said.

Hearing what Jian Heng said, Mrs. Curtis asked people to get ready. About fifteen minutes later, the whole hall was rearranged. Sixteen huge braziers illuminated the whole hall. On the steps on both sides of the entrance of the main hall, countless flags lit up, as well as countless golden armored warriors.

  When Jian Heng walked to the door and looked down the stairs, he saw a winding fire dragon, accompanied by countless armored warriors standing upright.

  Suddenly I remembered what Han Gaozu said in the history books after Xiao He built the Weiyang Palace: Today is the joy of knowing the king. I also remembered that Xiao He's son of heaven takes the world as his home, and he is not strong enough to be majestic!

   Tasting these two sentences at this time, Jian Heng was deeply moved

  The scene in front of him now makes Jian Heng see all the fierceness, not to mention the soldiers standing under the steps waiting to gain strength.

Soon under Hena's arrangement, the brave fighters who performed in the battle were picked out, lined up at the gate of the temple, and then entered the temple one by one. After a series of complicated and solemn ceremonies, Drank a bowl of water.

Thinking that his place would be robbed by someone, even if the person robbed was his son, Jian Heng was extremely upset, so he created two hundred "Little Space Supermen" in one breath, and they were still used. Compound drink.

  The main battle strength of the main temple was once again established by Jian Heng, not only to make suggestions, but also to be far more than a hundred times and a thousand times the original.

  As Lao Tzu, Jian Heng couldn’t possibly kill his own brats. We Chinese pay attention to the fact that tiger poison does not eat its offspring. But what these 'bad boys' have done is really unreasonable. Some people think that my father, Jian Heng, is going to die, and come to dig his own house. If you don't clean it up, it's fine!

  The next step is that Jian Heng is going to start to deal with the unfilial sons in his family. Those who are planning to demolish the house are the culprits, but those who stand by and watch are not good birds!

  (end of this chapter)

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