Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 479: want to save beauty

  Chapter 479 Want to save the beauty

  Walking on the streets of this city, Jian Heng suddenly felt like making a movie, as if he was on a set.

But when Jian Heng sank his heart down, he felt the difference between this place and the film and television city he had been to. This place is life-like, and everyone he meets is living life, not It's acting, so Jian Heng's feeling is naturally very real.

Fortunately, these people speak Chinese. Although they have obvious accents, the general meaning is still understandable. The Mandarin in the space is similar to Mandarin, and the dialects here are not as obscure as those in the south. , which is almost equivalent to the difference between Shandong dialect outside, Northeast dialect and popularization.

   "Three nobles, would you like to go upstairs for a rest? We have the best snacks upstairs, as well as the most beautiful singing and dancing, and the famous actors from the Ferrone Theater are here...".

  Seeing Jian Heng and the others stopped at the door of their shop, a man dressed as a clerk stepped forward immediately. Jian Heng looks like a buddy, but he is not called a buddy here, and the title is a bit more modern.

   "Wait, is there a cleaner seat?" Blakely asked.

   "Yes, yes, the east box of our Sanshadao is very good, the location can not only watch the performance but also be quiet," Waiting Ying said immediately after hearing it.

   Seeing Blakely glance at him, Jian Heng nodded in agreement.

   This time when he went shopping, Jian Heng really made a fool of himself. Whether it was shopping or anything along the way, Blakely and Selina paid for it, because Jian Heng, the main god, has no money! Not to mention lack of money, it was only today that Jian Heng knew that there was such a thing as money in this world.

The money here is divided into copper coins, silver coins and gold coins. The biggest one is the black stone coin, which looks like a crystal product and is not easy to lose. However, it is very common to see black stone coins on the market, because it is only used for large-scale transactions. In Jian Heng's view, the purchasing power of coins is a bit like the millions in the outside world. Under normal circumstances, whoever has nothing to do has millions of dollars in their pockets, and there are no super luxurious nightclubs here.

  The three of them went upstairs with Dai Ying, and after entering the private room, Selina threw a gold coin to Dai Ying: "Put some of the special fruits, and the rest is a tip for you!"

  Wait Ying was stunned for a moment: "Dear guest? Here, the fruit in our store doesn't cost a single silver coin to put on a table."

   "I said that the rest is for you, just give me two or three snacks and fruits." Selina was not interested in talking nonsense with him.

After Ying heard it, he immediately ran away to Zhang Luo with a thousand thanks, couldn't he be excited, this female guest rewarded him almost a year's salary at once, just like the real world, you work as a server in a karaoke bar Well, a gentleman rewarded you ten yuan in one fell swoop.

Selina sat back on the half-lying chair and saw Jian Heng looking at herself curiously, so she explained: "We used to have fun like this before, and sometimes a long life will feel boring, so if there is nothing to do, just go Take a trip to the world of mortals, make a fool of yourself, and return to the temple when you feel better."

   "Don't talk, the show is about to start." Blakely seemed to like watching the show very much.

  The play here is not a drama, but a drama. There is no singing, only dialogue, but the actors are very hardworking, and their kung fu looks lively. Fighting, somersaulting, etc. come as soon as you say it.

  Especially with a little bit of adult pornography, for example, when a man with a wretched appearance on stage plays a role in teasing a woman, he will directly lift up the woman's long skirt to reveal the slender pink legs inside.

  Even if they can’t be called pink legs, no matter if they are blue legs or green legs, they are all youthful, invincible, slender and beautiful legs, which always attract bursts of applause from the audience. Although vulgar, but on this occasion, it is a joy to watch.

   It’s like what Lao Guo said. If you want to hear the philosophy of life from cross talk, you really think too much. Listening to cross talk pictures is just fun, and it’s over when the music is over. There is no profound truth. The original source of cross talk is market culture. It is the most important thing to relieve boredom and entertain you. It will never be made into a symphony. When it is made into a symphony, cross talk will almost die.

   What kind of elegance is playing in the market, the owner who opens this kind of shop is looking for death.

  Snacks and fruits came up soon, Selina said three, but the waiter still came up with five or six, and half the table was set up.

   "The color is not bad." Jian Heng glanced at the snacks in front of him and said, picked up a piece at random, and before he put it to his mouth, the rich orchid fragrance hit his face.

   After taking a bite, I immediately felt that this dessert was soft and tender, not made of flour, but gelatinous, with a cooling effect like mint.

"Not bad!"

   After trying a few pieces in a row, Jian Heng found out that the dim sum in a small shop on the side of the space was better than what he ate outside by a few grades, so he couldn't help but praise it aloud.

  Daiying hasn't left here yet, and was pouring tea for three people, when he heard a smile and said: "If the guest likes, I will prepare two boxes for the distinguished guest."

   "Smart, give this young man another reward" Jian Heng laughed.

  Blakely smiled slightly, conjuring a silver coin out of nowhere, and landed on the table in front of the young man with a snap.

Ding! The silver coin rolled a few times and landed in front of Waiting with a crisp sound.

   "Thank you for your reward!" Waiting for the silver coins, he thanked him again.

  Waiting for waiting and retreating, the three of them watched the performance with peace of mind. The performance was divided into two performances, and the stage was not empty between the two performances. A few weirdly dressed people came up to juggle.

   "Here are a few, throw them for fun!" Blakely grabbed a handful of coins for Jian Heng, and threw them into Jian Heng's arms.

Jian Heng saw that the smallest was the silver coin, and it was also the most numerous. There were three or four gold coins, and they were thrown together casually. He picked up a silver coin and threw it into the following like Selina and Blakely. On the stage, a few jugglers saw a box throwing three silver coins, so they directly bowed deeply to Jian Hengsan.

   "I finally realized what it's like to be an uncle," Jian Heng said with a smile.

Selina said: "Is it cool? Do you know why we are not happy to go back to that world? Here we are goddesses, really goddesses! We are nothing when we go back. A policeman can hold us for questioning for a long time. Here I can do whatever I want!"

   "Do you really do whatever you want?" Blakely winked narrowly at Jian Heng.

   "Aren't you two still going to be the new emoticons?" Hearing that the two said to do whatever they want, Jian Heng couldn't help but think of the popular emoticons of doing whatever they want.

   Just as the two of them were joking, they suddenly heard a commotion downstairs, with people screaming continuously.

  Jian Heng, Selina, and Blakely immediately sat up from the recliner, put on their shoes and stood by the railing, looking down to see what happened.

As soon as the three of them stretched their heads, they found a fat man with brocade sable fur appeared in the middle of the field. This fat man knew at a glance that he had money in his hand, not the master with two moneys. He must be a rich man, even Jian Heng I don't know how much this man is worth, but from this man's attire, he can also find a bit of the shadow of boxing champion Methaway. The so-called showing off wealth should be high-profile.

This fat man is indeed very high-profile. The gemstones hanging around his neck are the size of a fist, and they are shining with light. He puts one on almost every finger. The most funny thing is that this guy is wearing fur outside. When his legs are exposed, he is Fluffy bare legs, only a pair of big floral pants underneath.

   "Why is this grandson dressed like this!" Jian Heng joked curiously to Selina and Blakely beside him.

   After speaking, Jian Heng looked at the fat man downstairs as if he was watching the excitement, but he didn't notice that Selina and Blakely were looking at him with playful eyes.

   It seems that this is not the first time that the fat man's servant has done this. He removed all the tables and chairs beside him, leaving only the middle one.

  After the fat man sat down, one of the attendants yelled at the surroundings: "My Highness is going to watch a play here today. If you like it, follow along, and if you don't like it, go and play!"

   If you don’t say anything, it’s really horrific, and the people around you don’t exist.

  At first, Jian Heng thought that someone would jump out, but he didn't expect that no one on the first floor made a sound.

  The fat man's voice was heard again: "Little beauty, can you sing "Liu Ying Xing"?"

Hearing the fat man's words, Jian Heng couldn't help but looked over, and saw that the original female lead came out, standing pretty on the stage, while the fat man looked at the female lead with playful eyes, as if he wanted to It's like seeing all the clothes on the leading actress.

Seeing the appearance of the fat man, Jian Heng couldn't help but suddenly wanted to play a hero to save the beauty. Although the women on the stage were not beautiful, they were far worse than Selina and Blakely, but even if it was a relief What a bore, who let this fat man come to the door.

   Turned around and asked Selina: "What kind of play is "Liu Ying Xing"?"

  Jian Heng, who was about to save the beauty, heard the fat man say the title of the play, and there was a sensation in the whole small theater. The originally silent theater suddenly burst into applause.

And the only one with a bitter face was the leading actress standing on the stage. Not only was her little face pale from being frightened, her hands were still clutching the corners of her skirt so hard that her knuckles turned white It felt like someone would take off her skirt in the next second.

  Selina said: "This joke is about the story of a military prostitute, an extremely obscene drama, full of temptation...".

Blakely interjected: "The main purpose is to use the drama to show the woman's figure, the verbal teasing, and the half-covered temptation. It's like crossing a river in one of the sections, and the woman will slowly put on the long skirt as the river gets deeper. Lift it up, and finally reveal half of the body... ".

   City will play!

   As soon as Jian Heng heard it, he felt that these dudes were good at playing.

  (end of this chapter)

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