Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 502: not worth it

  Chapter 502 Not interesting

  Jian Heng looked at the backs of the two of them, and said puzzledly, "Are you leaving now?"

According to Jian Heng's understanding, these federal agents have to ask more questions, they have a bit of professionalism, they can find something from their own words, and then what, who knows these two, they have been running for so long It took less than ten minutes to ask for the way, and it was over.

  Wu Yong despised Jian Heng a little when he heard what Jian Heng said. He opened his mouth and asked, "What's the matter? You've developed feelings for them after getting along with them. Would you like to keep them for lunch?"

   Without waiting for Jian Heng's answer, the old Walsh who was standing next to him couldn't help laughing, looked at the two and said, "I used to think that you Chinese are all serious, but I didn't expect you to be so humorous!"

Hearing what Old Walsh said, Jian Heng and He Ye looked at each other helplessly at the same time. The Chinese or Chinese Americans in the American impression are all unsmiling, the numbers are amazing, or they are like clowns Characters, they all masked people, how could they know that the Chinese people's humor is not inferior to them.

Jian Heng knew that the old man did not have any malicious intentions, and he did not mean any racial discrimination. Wu Yong took a look at Old Walsh, but the old man did not realize this at all. There is a bunch of busy staff.

  Following Old Walsh's gaze, Jian Heng understood the old man's worry, so he asked Wu Yong, "What's the matter? I checked once before, why did I check again today?"

   Jian Heng's meaning is very clear, since I checked today's affairs a few days ago, I can save it.

However, as a businessman, Wu Yong doesn't think so. He didn't adopt Jian Heng's opinion. Although he respects Jian Heng a lot, business is business to him. There is nothing similar or possible. Just do it as perfect as possible.

Although he didn't intend to accept Jian Heng's opinion, Wu Yong still explained to Jian Heng: "The first step is to confirm the health of the mother's body and the greatest protection of the company's interests. This is Mr. Jefferson's request. You know what I mean. Human, has always supported the scientific research freedom of scientists...".

  Hearing Wu Yong's nonsense, Jian Heng squinted back at him, meaning: nonsense!

But Jian Heng didn't have strict requirements, he knew that he was far behind people like He Ye and Wu Yong in managing the company, not to mention these two people, even Zuo Tong could beat him in terms of management. street.

   There is also Jian Heng who has self-knowledge and knows that he is not that material, unlike some people who think that even if they master Apple and Microsoft, they will do better than other serious presidents.

   "When will it start?" After watching for a while, Jian Heng felt a little bored.

  Not only Jian Heng, but also the enthusiastic ‘crowd’ around were a bit bored, those who were riding on the railing, with their arms crossed, like Zhang Jialiang, Huang Xiaodong and Colter, all started yawning.

  Wu Yong took a look at Jian Heng, and said, "You are so boring, you are waiting to see how to inseminate a cow? It would be great if you have the time to go home and have a baby!"

"..." Jian Heng was speechless by his words. Jian Heng really wanted to have a baby, not counting the ones in the space. Those guys have passed their lovely ages, and now they are all my father's Jian Heng's. All ghosts are not fuel-efficient lamps.

   From time to time, Jian Heng would also think about what he and Damaimai's child would look like. Of course, this was in his heart. Jian Heng never said it in front of the two sisters, because he didn't want to embarrass them.

   At this moment, a staff member raised his hand in the fence, signaling to the people outside.

   "Boss, it's time to start." The staff member who was originally standing behind Wu Yong stepped forward and said something to Wu Yong.

  Wu Yong didn't answer the conversation, and pointed at Jian Heng: "This is the real boss, I'm just a part-time worker."

   "Don't talk!" Jian Heng smiled at the employee who spoke, and then said to Wu Yong: "Do your job honestly, what are you talking about at this time!"

Wu Yong is here to take care of Jian Heng's mood. Sometimes the success or failure of a businessman depends on such trivial things. Wu Yong is not a first-timer in the business field. At this time, even if Jian Heng doesn't mean it, He also needs to highlight it.

   "Then let's start." Wu Yong casually raised his hand.

Following what Wu Yong said, several staff members standing next to the car became busy, and after a while, a large round metal can was pushed out from the car. When it was opened, there was still smoke in it, and the smoke dissipated The shelf inside the jar was filled with long test tubes.

  The transfer of embryos went smoothly, and many of these people are veterans.

  Jian Heng didn't see any clues at the side. He felt a bit like checking the tires by himself, wearing a long glove that almost reached his shoulders or something.

   Originally, Jian Heng thought that this technology would be cool and dazzling, but who knew it was extremely boring and worthless in terms of appreciation.

   "I thought it was very high-tech, but this is what it's all about?" Jian Heng was a little disappointed.

Wu Yong looked at Jian Heng with strange eyes: "What do you think it is? Lightning and thunder, it looks like someone is going through a catastrophe? The technology of this thing is in the early stage, and it is almost finished in the laboratory. That's how it came out! Alright, things are settled here, let's go to your house."

  When he heard that Wu Yong was going to his home, Jian Heng was subconsciously unhappy.

"Don't worry, I won't mention anything else this time, okay?" Wu Yong couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw Jian Heng's appearance. Now he thinks that Jian Heng is really interesting. Of course, the premise is that you have to become friends with him. Because Jian Heng has a high tolerance for friends.

   "You'd better not mention anything, if you do, I will really kick you out" Jian Heng said resentfully.

   "I promise not to mention the sheep, anyway, it can't escape."

Wu Yong laughed a few times before he said: "I want to get some fish back this time. My wife and children like to eat fish from your lake. It's really strange. I also raise fish there, and the fry It is also carefully selected, why is it not as delicious as the fish in your lake."

   "All hairy crabs are called hairy crabs. Why are they so expensive in Yangcheng Lake? Isn't it the same reason? The water quality in your lake is not as good as mine."

   Mentioning this, Jian Heng was very proud.

  The two of them were going back to the ranch, one went to the car and the other to the horse.

  Wu Yong stopped Jian Heng: "What kind of horse are you riding, drive!"

   "Not interested, you can drive by yourself, I'll ride a horse" Jian Heng didn't want to ride in the same car with him.

  As soon as he heard that Jian Heng was going to ride a horse, Wu Yong's eyes began to cast around. He didn't know anyone else, he only knew Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong, but they both came here on horseback.

   "Jialiang, lend me your horse!"

  Seeing that Zhang Jialiang was going to refuse aloud, Wu Yong immediately said: "Didn't you like my figure? Lend me the horse and I will give it to you. I will bring it to you next time."

   Zhang Jialiang heard it, and immediately said: "Deal!"

   As he spoke, he stretched out his finger on his mount.

   "You really spent your money!" Jian Heng was a little speechless.

  The figurines that Zhang Jialiang likes can’t be bought yet. There are still some at Wu Yong’s. It’s definitely not something that can be solved by one or two hundred dollars. It costs such a high price to ride a horse, and Jian Heng doesn’t know what to say.

   Now, the two horses crossed the old Walsh's ranch side by side and entered Jian Heng's ranch.

"This horse is really good, no wonder Mr. He can't stop boasting!" After riding for a while, Wu Yong felt that the horse under his crotch was a steed. Whether the horse can be ridden well depends on how many people the horse can understand. Now Wu Yong After riding for a while, I felt that I had only issued half of the instructions in many cases, and the horse had already realized it and followed it. This made Wu Yong feel that he suddenly had a feeling of unity between man and horse.

   "The horses in China are different from this one," Jian Heng said.

  Wu Yong asked puzzledly: "Different?"

"It's different! Domestic horses are for play. Here are horses for both riding and herding. The two are not the same, and the domestic horses are more beautiful. You can't tell from the photos, but you can look at them twice. The difference came out by comparison, the horses in the ranch had shorter necks, bigger heads, stronger chest and buttocks, while the domestic horses had more beautiful bodies and light steps..." said Jian Heng.

  Although there are some war horses in China, the battlefield on this horse is mainly for watching the battle. There are no kings and archbishops riding horses to kill people, so Jian Zhenhua's horses are mainly beautiful and calm.

   "Don't think about it, you don't have any money." Jian Heng saw Wu Yong's eyes and understood what he was thinking.

  Wu Yong smiled awkwardly.

  (end of this chapter)

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