Chapter 503 Fishing

  The two returned to the ranch. Jian Heng found a fishing rod for himself and Wu Yong each, carried the fishing box and took him to the lake.

   "Don't get a bait? Even if you get some flour crumbs to make a bottom, when will you be able to catch fish?...".

He considers himself a seasoned fisherman. When he saw Jian Heng’s equipment, Wu Yong felt that he was a bit of an amateur. I won’t talk about it in winter. The fish hole in their lake opened up and jumped up, but now Wu Yong I feel like I still have some say.

  Jian Heng looked back at him, and said helplessly: "Why do you talk so much nonsense, even an old lady can't keep up with you?"

  Wu Yong couldn't help being startled when he heard this, he thought for a while, and actually nodded in agreement with Jian Heng's point of view, and hummed: "Don't say it, it's true!"

  Jian Heng was even more speechless this time. He originally planned to come back to this guy, but he didn't expect that he would simply admit it directly, and still acted like he was not ashamed and proud.

  Suddenly interrupted by Wu Yong's words, Jian Heng really didn't know what to say, so he sighed, closed his mouth honestly for the time being, and walked forward alone.

  Wu Yong saw Jian Heng walking a few steps in front of him, and immediately stepped forward to catch up.

After standing side by side with Jian Heng, this guy said solemnly: "Don't be impatient, old brother, I am holding back too much. Although I was driven here with a lot of money in my pocket, I am not familiar with the place. Let's do some business, I don't have that network of contacts, let alone the local customs here. My brother, I saw the local boss who fled here with my own eyes, and he was cheated in less than two years Empty, and finally ended up being a wife and children, so I just invested a little money these years, and honestly, the daily income is not enough for the family's expenses. I can't tell your sister-in-law about this matter, every time I go back There is a smile on my face, and every time she asks me, I am full of good, very good, but I know the pain in my heart, every time I see the decreasing numbers in the bank, my heart is always empty... ".

Jian Heng didn't expect that Wu Yong's saliva would start to spit on his own words. Hearing other people's love is nonsense is nonsense, but listening to people like Wu Yong talking about his life is wealth, so Jian Heng said Without saying a word, he listened to Wu Yong talking about his psychological journey when he came to the United States.

   "I originally thought that a poor man like me would have a hard time in the United States, but I didn't expect you to be so rich and still live a hard life in the United States. I really convinced you." Jian Heng said with a smile.

Wu Yong said: "To a certain extent, coming here without money is a physical hardship, but when I first came here, I was still full of spirit. I always felt that I came to the United States and everything would be fine. But we are different. We were huddled in China. When we came to the United States, we had nothing but money to do some business? Let’s put it this way, as far as I see now, nine out of ten losers, no contacts, no sources of information, People here still have a sound legal system, what kind of business are they doing? There are not many of these so-called banana people who have ever believed in them. In these years, I can say a few complaints except Mr. He, but what kind of person is Mr. He? Brother, it's natural for us to get along, don't blame me for talking too much, brother, I've been suffocated all these years!"

  Wu Yong's eyes were a little blurred while talking, as if he had fallen into some kind of contemplation.

   "By the way, how did you come out of China? I was suddenly curious, but it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient." Jian Heng wanted to change the topic.

Wu Yong smiled and said: "There is nothing to say, like the people of our era who started their careers and who did not do anything against their will. To put it in a nice way, it is the original sin. In fact, they are all putting gold on their faces, the original sin Is it a crime? Later, my business got bigger and I got in the way of others. Someone paid half of the market price for less than the company that took me. How could I be willing to sell it at that time? Isn’t this a clear money grab! At that time, I Too arrogant, to put it bluntly, I have two bad money in my pocket and I don’t know what my last name is, and I was driven to the United States in the end. If it wasn’t for Mr. He, I would almost come out of China, then..." .

  Hearing what Wu Yong said, Jian Heng understood. As a small businessman, Jian Heng doesn't like having a mother-in-law on top of his head, or a mother-in-law who can really take care of your family, but there is no way to do it, the domestic environment is like this, no matter how rich you are No matter how big the industry is, can it still go to the government?

  Ling Yi, the county magistrate who broke the family and destroyed the family, is almost the same now.

When he came to the lake, Jian Heng put down the fishing box, opened it, and took out a small shovel from it. After digging on the ground twice, he dug out a red earthworm. When he held it in his hand You can still see it twisting and turning.

   "There is this!" Wu Yong said as he snatched the small shovel from Jian Heng's hand, and dug under his feet, and soon he also dug a red earthworm.

   "Why can't we have this?" Jian Heng said.

"Yes, yes! Good guy, it looks better than the ones sold in the store..." Seeing the earthworm, Wu Yong seemed to have forgotten all the unhappiness he just remembered, and the small shovel in his hand quickly After a while, seven or eight red earthworms were dug out.

   Jian Heng saw that he was about to dig, so he stretched out his hand and stopped him: "Enough, this thing won't run away, next time I want to go fishing and dig again, why dig so much at once?"

   "That's right!" Wu Yong happily threw the shovel back to Jian Heng, while he carefully put the earthworms into the box.

  With the bait, the next two people naturally went fishing. Jian Heng moved a smooth small stone under a tree and put it under his buttocks. He put on earthworms and started fishing.


  Glanced at Jian Heng, Wu Yong said disdainfully. After speaking, Jian Heng ignored him, so he carried the fishing box and began to pick out good fishing spots along the lake according to his own experience.

  As for why there is a rock under Jian Heng's butt, while Wu Yong is sitting on a fishing box, it is not Jian Heng's politeness, but the fishing box that Wu Yong grabbed directly.

   Soon, Wu Yong found a good place, put on the bait, sat on the fishing box and started fishing.

  Wu Yong just threw the hook into the water. When he looked up, he saw that Jian Heng had already reeled in the pole. A palm-length fish was hanging on the fishing line.

   "Shit luck!" Wu Yong said in a low voice, and then looked at his fishing buoy intently.

  Being a bit bored, Wu Yong turned his head and found that Jian Heng had actually taken the bait again, and now Wu Yong was a little unbalanced.

After waiting for a while, he turned his head and found that another fish came up from Jian Heng's place. Now Wu Yong felt that he was going crazy. With Jian Heng's fishing posture, Wu Yong knew at a glance that he was a rookie among rookies. When this seasoned fisherman has yet to catch any butts, the rookie catches three in a row. This is really unbearable for uncles and aunts.

  Wu Yong is very conceited about fishing. When he first came to the United States, he got out of the trough of life through poor fishing for several months. Now he is no better than a rookie. How embarrassing is this for him?

  When Wu Yong saw that Jian Heng had caught one, Wu Yong finally 'thought' to understand: this guy is lucky to find a fish nest!

  So in line with the principle that Jian Heng should not be monopolized, Wu Yong closed the pole and moved to Jian Heng's side, about five meters away, and sat under the shade of another tree.

  In less than ten minutes, Wu Yong’s heart was on fire, because since he sat under the tree, he had caught a total of two, one of which was a small fry, and it was a bit embarrassing to say it was a fish.

   "You cheated!" Wu Yong shouted at Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng looked at him like a fool.

  Jian Heng is naturally cheating. To be honest, if you don’t cheat, you want to catch fish in this lake. The chances of catching fish in this lake are not much higher than going down to touch them. It is so easy to catch the bait if there are silver carp in the fish.

   "You can't sleep well and think the bed is crooked! You can't catch fish yourself and say others cheated, so why are you telling me how I cheated?" Jian Heng would not admit it.

Wu Yong simply threw away the pole, took the box and sat next to Jian Heng, and continued to babble: "The fishing rods are big, weighing more than five catties. I will take them home and cook them in soy sauce tonight! I want carp, really. No, herring is fine too!"

  Jian Heng is listening to a black thread!

  (end of this chapter)

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