Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 507: lively town

  Chapter 507 Lively town


  Jian Heng felt that since the establishment of this town, it probably has never been so lively.

Didn’t you say that in Montana, if you drive out of the city and see a person on the road, you will feel fresh, how can you see such a busy time, honestly, there is no Black Friday shopping festival in Kalispell every year so lively.

   Good guy!

  Jian Heng was beating drums in his heart. When he arrived in the town, Jian Heng suddenly felt like he was going to a domestic market. There were dark heads everywhere, not to mention the cars parked on the side of the road.

  Ceresto, who came here with Jian Heng, looked like a countryman entering the city, looked left and right, and asked Jian Heng after a while: "What's wrong with your town?"

No matter how much he thought about it, Ceresto never thought that there would be so many people in this small town. In the past, people would come out here during the day, and even in bars, he would meet seven or eight people. There are many cattle dogs on the ranch.

   "This is a long story. It seems that you haven't received any business from here for a long time." Jian Heng said casually with a smile.

  Ceresto smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders: "I really want to pick it up, but unfortunately there is no other business here except your business."

Ceresto understands that many pastures here were hit by disasters last winter, and they are lucky to survive this year and sell their cattle until the end of the year. There are a few who are willing to continue investing in construction, and there are many If the things in my house are broken, I have to find three or five friends to fix it myself. Who would spend money to find a construction team? Let’s keep the ranch first.

   "Okay, this job is very simple!" Jian Heng said.

The job this time is really simple, but it’s just that Celesto has never done it before, and the materials used are different from the original ones. This time, the main materials are stone, and the drawings are sent from China. The foundations of a simplified Chinese-style hall are each raised from the ground by more than one meter, ensuring that there are nine to ten rows of steps to the ground.

   "I know it's easy, but your time limit is too tight," Ceresto said.

Jian Heng stretched out his hand and patted Ceresto: "How tight is it? It's not enough to give you two months with a few stone platforms? It's not for you to repair the pyramids. Besides, each stone is only three or four It looks like a hundred catties, and it’s really easy to get started with the crane and so on.”

Ceresto could only smile wryly when he heard what Jian Heng said: "If it's as simple as you said, why did you come to us? You know that this job is not as easy as it seems on the surface. The filling soil inside is very particular, not to mention anything else, just looking at the large volume of construction essentials you gave me, I have a headache, the pad soil inside needs to be more than ten layers... ".

"Okay, okay! You, you want to work when you don't have a job. If you have a job, you can talk about this and that. Don't say anything. Take the picture back today, study it carefully, and wait for the stone material. Get ready to start work as soon as you arrive." Jian Heng reached out and patted Celesto on the shoulder, and then motioned him to go to the bar with him for a drink.

  Ceresto smiled wryly and shook his head: "Not today, I have to let everyone work overtime today, and try to finish the current work as soon as possible, so that I can take over your work as soon as possible."

   "Okay, then I won't keep you." Jian Heng didn't greet him politely either.

  The two chatted for a few more words, watched Ceresto leave, and then Jian Heng crossed the road on his own and walked towards the bar.

   Haven't reached the entrance of the bar yet, when I saw two strong men come out twisting together like twists and turns, they quickly wrestled into a ball. Some people in the surrounding crowd were no strangers to it, while some happily started cheering with wine in one hand, cheering them up.

Now it's very common to do things like this. Since these bounty hunters came, fighting is such a trivial matter, and you have to come to the bar several times a day. They are all big and three rough men. I have to find something to vent my excess energy.

  Jian Heng only glanced at the two of them before walking inside.

   "Watch the way! Beachy!"

   Before Jian Heng entered the door, suddenly a strong white man walked up to him. He was about 1.9 meters tall and weighed at least two hundred kilograms. He looked like a butcher in a game.

   "Don't be mean!" Jian Heng replied.


  Following Jian Heng's words, the people around him immediately let out a booing sound. This sound was not for Jian Heng, but for the strong man.

As a person who has been there, or a bounty hunter who has been in the town for several months, many people know that the Asian in front of him is not as timid as ordinary Asians. Not only is he not timid, but he is very courageous. There is nothing wrong with being bold, but the idea is solid. Many old bounty hunters call Jian Heng Bruce Lee, that is, Bruce Lee.

Obviously this strong man is a newcomer, looking at Jian Heng with tinted glasses, he didn't expect that Jian Heng would dare to talk back when he refused to let him go, so he immediately stretched out two 'carved' arms to grab Jian Heng's shoulders. Come.

  Jian Heng didn't tangle with him at all, he stretched out his hands like lightning, clasped the strong man's wrists and then turned around, directly throwing a standard shoulder throw to the strong man like throwing a sandbag.


Not only did the strong man fall, but Jian Heng stretched out both hands and grabbed the strong man's jacket with one hand and his belt with the other, and threw the strong man from the door to the outside with all his strength. Four or five meters away.

   "Ooh! It hurts!"

A group of good people immediately started yelling, teasing the strong man one after another, but the strong man didn't talk too much, he knew that he had encountered a problem, what kind of place is Montana here, and he still wanted to provoke trouble if he couldn't beat it ? He didn't know how he died, so he really wobbled up, staggered and pretended to be drunk and left.

Jian Heng heard a familiar voice called the most joyful, followed the direction of the voice, and saw several familiar faces, the one wearing a peaked cap was Xiao Li, the one wearing a cowboy hat was the elf prince, and Two of them also belong to the ranch, but Jian Heng forgot what their names are, and they are quite famous, but Jian Heng doesn't like to watch their movies, which is not to his liking.

   A few people dressed like this did not know if they were lying to themselves, or they felt that they were not famous enough. Jian Heng recognized them at a glance, so what about others?

Fortunately, in the United States, except for those crazy fans, there are very few people who excessively chased and intercepted idols. The wine was not bad.

Smiling at them, Jian Heng walked to the front of the bar. The bartender had known Jian Heng's habits for a long time, and asked if it was the same. Seeing Jian Heng nodding, he quickly put a glass of whiskey on Jian Heng's table. In front of Heng.

  After taking two sips, Jian Heng noticed that the two adjacent tables in the bar were all ranchers of the same color, and seven or eight of them were very conspicuous.

   "What happened again?" Jian Heng bent down, and the bartender who approached asked.

   The bartender smiled and said, "You don't know, they are going to sue the National Guard!"

   "What's the reason?" Jian Heng was a little confused, thinking that these old men committed another crime because of their insanity, and they had nothing to do to trouble the National Guard.

  In Jian Heng’s opinion, these kids are not doing very well these days, but they have a good attitude.

  Although it is said that the National Guard has no achievements in beating wolves these days, and the ranchers have confessed to wolves in order to protect themselves, how can they have any achievements?

But I have to admit that these guys are at least serious. Not to mention anything else, even if they walk out of the door now and look up at the sky, they will definitely see National Guard helicopters or It's a drone flying across the sky.

"Why?" The bartender pointed at the top of his head: "The planes fly back and forth in the sky, scaring the chickens in these pastures to stop laying eggs. It's better not to lay eggs. Many chickens are scared to death several times a day, so these people Counting the damage, suing the government and making them pay for the damage!"

   Before the bar finished speaking, the loudest boos rang out in the entire bar.

As soon as Jian Heng looked up, he found that a reporter asked a question on the TV in the bar. When the spokesperson of the state government was asked about the progress of the removal of the wolf king, he used the sentence "positive progress, the results are obvious" to laugh, which aroused the excitement of everyone in the bar. dissatisfied.

   Politicians, if they don’t talk about running the train, they may think that this day is wasted.

  (end of this chapter)

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