Chapter 508 A crooked attack


   At this time, one of the old ranchers also saw Jian Heng. He talked to the people next to him, then stood up, walked to Jian Heng's side, and greeted Jian Heng.

   "Hi Thomas"

   Jian Heng turned his head and found that the rancher Old Thomas was walking beside him, so he smiled and nodded at him.

  Unknowingly, the white ranchers' front who had ignored Jian Heng together had begun to disintegrate.

  If we go back to a year ago now, no one would rush over to say hello to Jian Heng. At that time, even if Jian Heng sat at the bar for a whole day, ten people might not come to say hello.

One winter has passed, and some old ranchers have also seen Jian Heng's ability and arrogance. No matter where he is, he will always get everyone's favor. Of course, the helpfulness mentioned here is not the kind that loses money. This is stupid behavior in the United States.

  These ranchers understand that although they may not benefit immediately, they all know that it is a good thing to have such a friend.

So there is such a group of ranchers, or ranchers who have been taken care of by Jian Heng in winter, gradually leaning towards Jian Heng's side. This situation shows that Jian Heng is getting more and more integrated or that some people have gathered around him. The rancher is no longer the three horse-drawn carriages of Jian Heng, Old Walsh and Mrs. Anderson.

Thomas stood next to Jian Heng, leaned against the bar and continued: "Jean, we are discussing the matter of collectively suing the state government. The frequent dispatch of these helicopters and drones by the National Guard has caused some poultry in our ranch to have bad It also caused a lot of deaths. I don't know if your ranch has such a situation... ".

  Hearing Thomas talk about this matter, Jian Heng shook his head: "My poultry are all fine, and there is no case where eggs are not laid or died."

Thomas didn't believe it a bit. He thought that Jian Heng was worried about suing the state government, so he opened his mouth to persuade: "If there is anything, you must say it. This is a legitimate request for us. The government has no reason to do so. Dry, the losses they caused should be compensated by them... ".

  Jian Heng heard the meaning of his words, and couldn't help but asked with a wry smile: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who is afraid of things?"

Seeing Thomas' expression, Jian Heng knew that the old man still didn't believe it completely, so he could only say: "Well, you can ask Old Wash and Anderson's ranch, the poultry on my ranch is the same as theirs, and they have no loss If so, then of course I won’t be here.”

  After hearing Jian Heng's explanation, Thomas was half-doubtful. After chatting with Jian Heng for a few words, the old man returned to the table of the two old ranchers.

   Before he sat down, one of the middle-aged ranchers asked, "What did Gene say? Will he join?"

   "Jin said that none of the poultry on his ranch was affected. I don't believe it. He asked me to ask Old Walsh and Anderson," Thomas said.

   Another rancher heard this and said, "Maybe it's true. You see, neither the old Walsh family nor the Anderson family has heard anyone say that their chickens died."

"It really is!"

  So everyone said that it was indeed the case.

   "What's going on?" So this group of people quickly started discussing.

  But can this kind of thing be discussed? These people are not stupid, and soon someone suggested to ask, or it is better to go to the two to have a look.

  So these ranchers drank the wine in their hands, and when they passed by Jian Heng, they greeted Jian Heng and went to the direction of Old Walsh's house.

It's strange that Old Walsh received calls from these ranchers at home. The old man is monitoring his precious cows in the cowshed. How many successful conceptions means how much income he has, and one more cow is more A head of money, old Walsh is not a **** like Jian Heng who raises cattle, he mainly relies on this to make a living, so he can't help himself.

   "What's the matter?" Remington frowned when he saw his old man answered the phone and left, so he asked with concern.

  Old Walsh said: "It's nothing serious, it's just that Old Thomas said he would come to our house to have a look."

"What are they doing here?" Remington was also surprised. His family and these families are not enemies, but they don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times, and the pastures of these families are not close to each other. There is a difference of about 20 minutes between them. What about the driving time, what are these people doing here when they have nothing to do?

   "Couldn't they come to examine our cattle?" Remington said.

Old Walsh shook his head: "The matter of cattle has long since ended this year, and the thousands of places have been emptied, so they can get what they want. Besides, if there is such a thing, can Gene not go first?" Know?"

   "Then wait for them to come." Remington didn't bother to think about it now.

  Old Walsh also nodded when he heard the words, and continued to do the work he was doing after humming.

Old Thomas came very quickly. After entering the pasture, they saw that the chickens of Old Walsh's family were completely different from those raised by their own family. The most joyful ones dug out a long earthworm from the ground, and immediately a group of chickens gathered around to grab the food.

When several ranchers were curiously observing, there was a sound of propellers above their heads. These ranchers looked at the chickens on the ground again, and they didn't respond to each other. It's as if the helicopter doesn't exist.

   "That's true! What kind of chicken breed is this, why haven't we seen it before?"

"I haven't caught it either. Could it be that a new breed of chicken has entered the vicinity without us getting any news? No, we won't be notified of this kind of thing. I'm still a commissioner of the association... "

   "I've never seen it before. You see, the crown is really red, and the feet and beak are golden yellow. The feathers look beautiful too. It's not like the chicken breed we used to feed."

   Just as these ranchers were discussing, Old Walsh greeted him: "Why do you have time to come to my side today?"

  They are all ranchers. Although they are nodding acquaintances, they are straightforward and will not make any detours. As soon as Old Walsh stops talking, someone opens his mouth.

   "The chickens on your ranch weren't affected by the plane?"

  Old Walsh didn't understand why these people came to the chickens in his pasture as soon as they came up, so he looked at these people with a puzzled expression.

At this time, Thomas explained the cause and effect, and then said: "We heard from Gene that your pastures were not affected, so we came over to take a look, and now we see that it is indeed the case. By the way, the farms you are raising now What breed is this? Where did you get the chicks?"

Only then did Old Walsh understand the purpose of these people, so he said with a smile: "You still come to my place to see, in fact, these chickens are a new breed produced by crossing a big rooster from Jean's family with a group of hens native to China , It is true that they are not very afraid of airplanes, not only airplanes, but birds of prey are also not very afraid. These chickens are bold and wild, and when they are dispatched in a large group, they are aggressive by nature, and they can unite against the enemy. If more than a dozen go out, encounter Raising a single fox in the world doesn't necessarily hurt you, it's a bit like a bison's temperament, relying on the strength of the collective."

   "Is it really that powerful?"

   Hearing what Old Walsh said, half of the ranchers thought that Old Walsh was bragging. How can there be such a chicken, how to deal with the fox? Everyone has been raising chickens for decades, and I have never heard of chickens daring to fight against a fox.

  Old Walsh didn't care whether these people believed or not, believing had no conflict of interest with him, and whether or not believing had nothing to do with him.

  Now the old Walsh's chicken eggs are only for the ranch guests to eat, and they can't sell them out, because there are no leftovers. As for expanding the scale of chicken farming? The ownership of the chicken breed is not owned by his Walsh family, and he doesn't want to worry about it. It is only right to raise good cattle honestly.

  Seeing that Old Walsh just smiled and didn't speak, anyone who knew him knew that this matter couldn't go away!

   "This was bred by Jean?"

  Old Walsh said: "It used to be, but now these chicken breeds are sold to biological companies. It seems that they are also supplying chicks to outsiders. I don't know the specific price very well."

The chickens in the old Walsh ranch have their own uniqueness. All companies with intellectual property rights can only use them for their own use and cannot sell them. All the chickens in the nearby pastures that raise Jian Heng’s chickens do so. Fortunately, Americans know that The price of breaking the law, everyone did not think about taking the risk of going to jail to make such black-hearted money.

  So this group of people got Wu Yong's phone number from Old Walsh, they looked at the chickens around, got to know them carefully, and then they all went back.

  After these ranchers went back, they approached Wu Yong one after another, and began to order chicken seedlings. Jian Heng didn't expect that the planes of the National Guard would promote the promotion of chicken breeds.

  (end of this chapter)

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