Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 509: Mixed fish and dragons

  Chapter 509 Mixed fish and dragons

  Jian Heng waited by the bar for a while, then got into a seat and sat down. He had just had two sips of wine when he heard someone arguing again.

   "You people are cowards, a wolf scared you so much that you shrank your heads, and you didn't even dare to lend us your place of residence. I'm ashamed of you!"

  A drunk man didn't know whether he was kicked out by the landlord, or he had resentment in his heart. After drinking a few cups of cat urine, he immediately fired a map cannon at all the ranchers in the bar.

The rancher is not a good boy, how could he not fight back when he was beaten, before the strong man finished speaking, a middle-aged rancher stood up and said, "Keep your mouth shut, this is not the place in the city." Little girls, let you break in and get caught!"

  The profession of bounty hunter sometimes has more power than the police.

  The companion on the strong man's side immediately stood up and tried to laugh, and persuaded the beam to pass.

  Who knows that the strong man may have accumulated grudges for too long, gently pushed his companion away, and asked loudly at the rancher who stood up: "Am I not right?"

After finishing speaking, he asked loudly to the surroundings again: "There is nothing wrong with what I said! You people are afraid of a wolf or an animal, and even set up offerings for it. I don't think it will take long. , you should kneel down for it, kiss its feet, and call it master, have you even forgotten that you are human?”

What the strong man said was extremely harsh. Originally, no matter whether it was a rancher who made a confession or not, there was a little lump in his heart. People who confessed made excuses for themselves to cover up their helplessness. Of course, there was another point The meaning of self-pity is in it, and there is no confession, and I also murmur in my heart, because it is not certain that the wolves will descend on his family's pasture one day.

  It's all right now, the strong man's words directly tore the already fragile nerves of the ranchers.


Immediately, a rancher stood up: "Are you bounty hunters very powerful? Why haven't you found even a wolf hair these days? You brought so many dogs and so many people. Who has seen it? The shadow of the wolf king? You are the mice played by the cat. Can you have other skills besides being tough? You people have been able to pass the Rocky Mountains for as long as holding hands. You say you What did you find?"

   "How could they not have found it? There were more than a dozen bounty hunters declaring bankruptcy last month. They Wolf King didn't find it, but they found the word bankruptcy!" A sitting rancher interface continued to sneer.

Now all the bounty hunters can't hold back their faces anymore, and these words have hit their sore spots. Now almost all the bounty hunters in the United States, especially those who are good at hunting animals, are all in front of the wolf king. After being devastated, four or five of them were still in the lottery. One of them was the most vicious wolf killer before.

"shut your mouth!"

"shut your mouth!"

  Several people on both sides stood up at the same time, none of them were polite people, and they were all people who believed in the bar.

   At first it was a couple of couples, and then it quickly developed into a group fight of about 20 people.

  Jian Heng didn't get involved. He wasn't interested in being on the side of the rancher, let alone on the side of the bounty hunter. He just sat by the bar, watching the fight and sipping wine.

  There were people yelling at the scene, and the one who yelled the most was Xiao Lizi. Jian Heng never thought that such a big star would be a master of booing, he was so happy that he was almost dancing.

The group fight looks powerful, but in fact, no one even used the beer bottles. You punched me and kicked me like watching a very tasteless fighting match. After watching it for a while, Jian Heng felt a bit like Americans like to watch it. The kind of wrestling show that was too fake to be fake, after watching it for a while, I lost interest and concentrated on drinking a small drink.


  Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and everyone in the bar shrank their necks almost at the same time, and some even reached out and touched the holsters around their waists. The individuals who fought all fell to the ground almost at the same time.

  Facts have proved that both the bounty hunters and the cowboys are 'well-trained'. If some bad guys come here and want to do something, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

  However, when everyone found out who the shooter was, many stood up immediately, including Jian Heng.

"If you guys want to fight, get the **** out of here, and pay me for the damaged tables and benches..." Sara looked like a female shooter in a western movie, holding a rifle in her hand. Gun, still smoking lightly from the muzzle.

   "Wow! That's exciting"

  Jian Heng looked in the direction of the voice, saw a handsome and chubby face, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: Who would have thought of a superstar like you!

What are the two groups of people playing now? They took out money from their pockets one after another, and each of them contributed a little to compensate the money for the tables and chairs. Then everyone sat down again and drank again as if nothing had happened. Well, if you take it too seriously, you lose.

   After drinking a glass of wine, Jian Heng heard three groups of people asking the bartender where they could live, or if there was a place to camp.

  The campsites here in the United States are not places with bare boards. Generally speaking, they have water and electricity, and the kind where you park a trailer and have everything. Although it is not as comfortable as a hotel, it is definitely much better than sleeping in the wild.

  Seeing Sarah coming, Jian Heng teased her about what happened just now, and then asked, "Why are so many people looking for a place to live?"

  Sara said: "How can a rancher dare to let a bounty hunter stay overnight, unless he has nothing at home!"

"Boss, nothing is impossible. Even the melon fields of the Francis family were bitten by wolves. Overnight, dozens of acres of corn were directly bitten by wolves and cut off their roots. I heard that the investigators from the insurance company also It is determined that it may be man-made damage, and I don’t know if I will get compensation,” said the bartender while he was busy.

  Sara listened, stunned for a while and sighed: "These wolves are real. If anyone wants to say that animals have low intelligence in the future, I will definitely use these examples to refute him."

   "No one is willing to stay overnight?" Jian Heng asked curiously.

Sarah shook her head: "Anyway, there are no ranchers here, from Marion, Kira to Batavia, who are willing to rent their ranch rooms to bounty hunters. Many bounty hunters simply live in campsites for convenience. , and some people stayed in Kalispell, and I heard that the hotel prices in Kalispell have directly increased by 20%.

   "I'm going, it's so serious!" Jian Heng didn't expect that the impact of wolves on ranchers has reached the point of panic.

  Sara shrugged her shoulders and made a very helpless expression.

  Jian Heng was wondering if he should ask the bank again, otherwise, if the O'Brien family's ranch didn't fall into his pocket, he would inevitably feel a little uneasy.

   Just when Jian Heng wanted to expand the area of ​​his ranch, there was a burst of protest outside.

   "Those people are here again!" Sarah looked helpless.

As soon as he heard the slogans of outsiders, Jian Heng understood that these people were the so-called animal protectionists, who would organize them from time to time, shouting slogans all the way down, like this kind of American-style ghost master, no one cares, anyway As long as they have time and energy, they are legally allowed to shout.

   "You are murderers!"

   "Wolves also have the freedom to live!"


   Without going out to look, Jian Heng knew that these animal protectionists were shouting at the bounty hunters outside.

   "Please don't hurt them!"

   "They are also life"


There are still people in this group who are ready to be courteous and emotional, but they don't know that most of these bounty hunters are in debt. If they can't make money this time and go back, then they may Really troublesome. This is not just something they can shake by shouting a few slogans. To some extent, the bounty hunters are more determined than them.

The whole town has entered the **** mode again, Jian Heng is not in the mood to stay in the bar any longer, he takes out his wallet to settle the bill, and also gives the waiting student a satisfactory tip, Jian Heng leaves the bar and prepares to go back home pasture.

  (end of this chapter)

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