Chapter 522 is annoying

  Boom boom boom!

"Come in!" Li Ming, as the deputy director on duty, heard someone knocking at the door, sat up from the small folding bed in his office, picked up the bedside hat and put it on his head, and at the same time squeaked at the door. With a sound.

Soon, a young policeman in his twenties opened the door and walked in. Seeing Li Ming open his mouth, he said, "Li Suo, someone from Qianjin Village called the police, saying that their entire village was killed by a group of people on horseback." If they were beaten, the severe ones would have their arms and legs broken, and the light ones would have a bruised nose and a swollen face..."

Li Ming waved his hand: "Jianjin Village? The man who was still riding a horse was beaten? What the **** are you making an ancient costume film? Who reported this fake case? Only their village can still be beaten? The whole town is the most in their village. To stab the head, if you don’t beat others, you will burn high incense and be beaten! Without the endorsement of the mayor and senior officials, who is free to provoke them now! Go check, who called the police, and write down the phone number if you have a phone number. Dare to report to the false police, now these **** are the most courageous!"

When he heard that the people in Shengli Village had been beaten, and they were beaten and injured by horseback riding, Li Ming's first realization was that he didn't believe it. To be honest, as a policeman at a grassroots police station, Li Ming felt that his People like this don't want to see the grandchildren in Qianjin Village, let alone ordinary people. There is no nearby village that has not fought with Qianjin Village, and there is no one who has not lost. This has created the arrogance of Qianjin Village today. Will their village be beaten by the crowd? Who would believe it!

Hearing this, Li Ming retracted his hand that was pressing on the button, raised his hand and started to take off the hat on his head again, and then continued to sleep in his cage. Last night, he played mahjong for half the night and lost With the bottom up, Li Ming is not in a very good mood now.

"Director, it's true, I'm sure, Qianjin Village was indeed beaten, and it was beaten quite badly! If I'm not sure, where would I come to bother you! To be honest, I wish those grandchildren were beaten It’s better to be beaten to death!” The little policeman said immediately when he saw that his director was about to lie down again.

Hearing this, Li Ming, who was about to lie down, suddenly stopped, and asked curiously: "You said that the people in Qianjin Village were beaten, or did they fight together? Did they get hurt? The people who beat them Or a gang on horseback?"


Seeing the stern expression on the little policeman's face, Li Ming put away the doubts in his heart, and sat up straight: "Then I have to go and have a look, even if it's not for other reasons, I can vent my anger in my heart. Finally, someone Let these grandchildren suffer! Xiao Wang, call Liu Fang, let's go for a trip!"

  The little police officer immediately said: "Okay!"

   But at the door, the little policeman stopped and turned his head.

   "Anything else?" Li Ming asked.

   "Li Suo, do you want to bring someone? I'm afraid of those people..." The little policeman turned around and asked.

   "What the guy?"

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and opened his mouth to say what he was doing with that thing, but he thought that he was going to Qianjin Village, and he was prepared for any danger. Come on, Liu Fang and I will each have one!"

Although there are not many police stations here, most of them have to deal with mountain people, so each station is equipped with pistols, because many mountain people in this mountain have earthen cannons and guns in their hands. It is being carried out, but the results are not great. Now there are a small number of local guns and cannons left in every village.

  Just walking for ten minutes, the three of them drove a Popsang all the way along the mountain road to Qianjin Village.

   It took a full 55 minutes from reporting the case to dispatching the police, and Li Ming arrived at Qianjin Village with two other police officers.

  As for Jian Heng and a group of knights, they had already run away and disappeared. The knights naturally entered the space. Even Jian Heng has already got on the highway and is rushing all the way back to the hotel. He has already run more than half of the way.

  As soon as he entered the village, Li Ming was stunned, because the situation at the scene was really miserable! From entering the village to the wheat drying field in the village, there are people lying on both sides of the road in disorder, each with broken arms or legs. Almost no one saw it.

  As for why the ambulance hasn’t come yet, it’s not that people in the village didn’t call 120, but that no hospital in the entire county is willing to send an ambulance so far.

In the past, none of the ambulances that could fight the ambulances of other doctors in order to pull patients wanted to go to Qianjin Village. The helper is troublesome. Even the hospital that claims to be a wallet slaughterhouse doesn't want to touch it, which shows how annoying this Qianjin Village is usually!

Li Ming had a serious face at this time. At first glance, he thought it was because of the seriousness of the scene and he was frowning and thinking. In fact, he was very happy in his heart, and he kept muttering in his heart: You grandsons are also very special. What a day! Let you be arrogant, let you be frightened, after a long journey, you finally encountered a ghost, and you know which village did it, and the attack is ruthless. But it’s okay to do a good job, relieve your anger!

   "Deputy Director Li, Deputy Director Li, you have to decide for us." An old man lying on the side of the road immediately yelled loudly when he saw Li Ming, not only yelling, but also seemed to want to fight.

  When Li Ming heard this, he felt a surge of shock in his heart, and thought, "Who the **** is this, who can't speak so much!" Why are you shouting that Li Neng can lose you a few catties?

Turning his head and looking in the direction of the sound, Li Ming was so hung up that he didn't recognize it. After looking at it for more than a minute, he looked at the old man on the side of the road who was swollen like a pig's head. His front teeth were missing and his arms were limp. Hanging down: "Mr. Lu? Is it you? How did you get beaten up like this?"

  The concern on the lips is actually dancing in the heart.

Village head Lu is not in the mood to argue with Li Ming about this now. Almost all the old and young men in the village are injured. It has been fifty minutes since he didn't even see an ambulance. If this is delayed until tomorrow In the morning, there may be a disabled person or something in one of the houses.

  Village Chief Lu doesn’t seem to be usually domineering, but he doesn’t dare to joke about this matter, because these rascals in the village are his confidence to speak, without these rascals, Village Chief Lu is a fart.

  If it was a different occasion, for a small director like Li Ming, in the words that Village Chief Lu usually talked about, it would be: a small director is nothing, I don’t have time to **** this guy.

  But now it is different, Village Chief Lu has to keep a smile on his face, because at this time, this small director who usually looks down on him is able to call an ambulance for the whole village.

"It's hard to say! Li Suo, hurry up and call an ambulance for everyone. My surname Lu and Qianjin Village will never forget your kindness." Village head Lu sat on the ground and cupped his hands at Li Ming. .

  Although this surnamed Lu is in trouble now, Li Ming still doesn't dare to mess with others openly. Who knows what these rascals can do after they get well? There is an old saying that it is better to mess with a gentleman than a villain. These people are not just villains, they are all low-brows, and there is no good guy in the whole village.

  Li Ming smiled and said, "That's fine!"

Speaking of which, Li Ming took out his mobile phone and started to call 120. After making a few calls, Li Ming was even more surprised, because no hospital was willing to come, and each one of them either used the excuse of an ambulance to go out, or the excuse of an ambulance. It's bad, anyway, when I heard about Qianjin Village, the person at the other end didn't even say a few words, just explained and hung up the phone.

  Holding the phone, Li Ming was speechless. He has never seen a village that can annoy all the doctors in the county. Now Qianjin Village is proud to do this.

Village Chief Lu looked at the silent Li Ming, who was also embarrassed, and didn't say anything else. Last month, an old man in Qianjin Village died in the hospital. It was Village Chief Lu who brought people to make trouble. Literally extorted more than 70,000 yuan from the hospital. He was originally an old man who would never die. He could still have a chance of life after surgery. It is normal to fail in the end. In this way, Qianjin Village used his own name to extort the money back. , and now it is finally published.

   After thinking about it for a while, Li Ming finally called the county bureau. It wasn't that Li Ming had a sense of justice. In fact, it would be kind of kind for these rotten people to feed dogs according to Li Ming's thoughts.

But today he was the one who went to the police, and he had to go through the procedures that should be followed. So many people were injured and it was impossible not to call an ambulance. At the same time, this matter is not in the charge of him, a deputy of the small police station. Since the matter is confirmed to be correct, then report it. The county bureau is also required.

  As soon as Li Ming reported it, the county bureau also had the same reaction as Li Ming did at the beginning, thinking that this is not nonsense, and that people in rotten villages will be beaten one day? In the end, after repeated confirmation, a deputy director on duty even asked Li Ming to call the police on the phone. After checking, it was confirmed that this was the real thing.

  Since this matter is true, the county bureau is doing business and cannot handle the case according to its own preferences, at least not on the surface. Arrange for people to come here, and then arrange for the hospital to send an ambulance to pick them up.

  However, the county bureau was still shut down at the hospital, and finally had to ask the deputy county magistrate in charge to call and roll their names one by one, which led the doctor to send out the so-called 'joint medical team'.

  At first, I thought it was just this little thing, but Li Ming soon discovered a big thing, so big that Li Ming almost sat down on the ground in fright.

  After Li Ming finished calling the county bureau, the rest of the task was easy for him. It was Li Ming's greatest responsibility to protect the scene as soon as possible.

  So Li Ming turned his head around the village by inspecting the 'scene', saying that the inspection was actually to appreciate the miserable appearance of these villagers. Like Li Ming, there are also two policemen who came with him. They also hate Qianjin Village in their hearts. They are not far away. It is inevitable that there will be relatives and friends who have suffered from Qianjin Village. It's logical, so when they saw the bear appearance of the people in this village, they felt happier and happier the more they looked at it.

Liu Fang turned to the front of a small bread by accident. Liu Fang was surprised that the small bread had no license or license, and a piece of the window was broken, so he inadvertently put his head in and took a look. What Liu Fang looked at was that his liver and gallbladder were torn! My legs are shaking!

  (end of this chapter)

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