Chapter 523 Shocked

   After regaining his senses, Liu Fang immediately turned around and started looking for Li Ming.

"Li Suo, Li Suo!" Liu Fang searched around, only to see Li Ming on the side of the road, his own deputy director Li was squatting in front of a pretty little daughter-in-law, asking questions solemnly Woolen cloth.

  Taking Xiao ran, Liu placed behind Li Ming, and whispered: "Li Suo! Li Suo!"

   "What's the matter? You're in such a hurry. Didn't you see that I'm asking the injured people about the situation!" Li Ming said a little unhappy.

The villagers are bastards, but I have to say that the daughter-in-laws they marry are more beautiful than the other ones. Li Ming is a little angry when he sees it: I am such a promising young man. Mother-in-law, these **** all married beautiful daughters-in-law, is there any reason for this?

   Fortunately, Director Li thinks that the woman in front of him is beautiful, but the shortcoming is also obvious, that is, lack of heart, which is commonly known as stupidity!

On this night, she actually swears to Li Ming that the people who attacked the village and injured them were cavalrymen. She said that the cavalrymen are already strange, and she kept saying that they were cavalrymen in heavy armor, and they all wore ghost masks. It's like killing gods from hell.

  Deputy Director Li didn't even think about it, and came up with a two-word conclusion in his heart: nonsense!

  Because there has never been such a cavalry in China since ancient times, full body armor, and it is still that kind of integral type, even the vest is integral, let alone this thing can be moved by a horse.

Just say that the thing sounds like a European Chinese style thing, and it is possible to have one or two here. There is no imitation in the world now. As a policeman, you have to have this kind of loose thinking, but it’s a thousand Even if you beat Li Ming to death, you don't believe it. Who can keep a thousand such heavy cavalry in captivity?

To say that although Li Ming's police style is not very good, but I think he came out of a serious police academy back then, and he still has a certain level of knowledge. I know that even in the Middle Ages in Europe, there were only a thousand knights in heavy armor. European powers such as France and the United Kingdom can afford to support them with all their efforts. What kind of local tyrants and wealthy countries are there in the country that can be compared with the European powers in the Middle Ages?

   You must know that every such heavy knight is a nobleman. These people have been trained since childhood and have sufficient nutrition. It takes several years of teaching to become a heavy knight.

Liu Fang doesn't know that the deputy director of his family is entertaining himself now, and he also knows that his deputy director has only a little hobby, the so-called being unable to control his crotch, seeing beautiful women go Do not move the road. Otherwise, with his educational background, he would be at least at the level of the county bureau, and he would not be reduced to a deputy in a rural police station.

  But now is not a good time for Liu Fang to despise his own leader in his heart, because what Liu Fang discovered is a big thing, so big that Liu Fang dare not take the credit for himself.

Seeing Liu Fang winking and gesturing at him, Li Ming finally stood up and followed Liu Fang to the side. Before leaving, he nodded to the young woman with his hand holding a cigarette: "I'll come back later to continue Understand the situation! Those people are really beasts, even a weak woman like you is not spared! It's too much"

   Liu anxiously stretched out his hand to pull Deputy Director Li.

   "What are you doing, what are you doing! Is the sky falling?" Li Ming followed Liu Fang to the corner, reached out and patted Liu Fang's hand and said annoyedly.

After finally finding a coquettish girl who was having a good time chatting, and suddenly being let go of a good thing by Liu Fang, Li Ming is very upset now, if Liu Fang doesn't give a good reason, Li Ming has already thought about something It's time to give him a little shoe to wear.

   "Li Suo, I discovered a huge case!" After Liu Fang finished speaking, he leaned into Li Ming's ear and whispered.

If it was normal, when Liu Fang leaned over like this, Li Ming would have pushed him aside, and then dug his ears and said that he didn't brush his teeth this morning, and his mouth tasted something, but this time he just forgot. After seeing this, I was frightened and stupid.


  Li Ming heard what Liu Fang said clearly, the cigarette in his hand fell directly to the ground, and asked in a voice: "Really?"

   Seeing Liu Fang nodded, Li Ming immediately said: "Quick, take me there!"

   Just like that, the two quickly returned to the side of the van, stretched their heads to look into the compartment, and saw a piece of plastic faintly exposed under the straw mat! Gently stretching out his arm, Li Ming was suddenly startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

   "Fuck!" Li Ming subconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed it on the holster on his waist, looking vigilantly at the villagers huddled on both sides of the road, cold sweat broke out from his forehead instantly.

Li Ming saw the gun. It was a serious real gun, not an imitation, because when he saw the gun, he also saw the same yellow bullets. The gun was equipped with bullets, and it felt cold to the touch. Even ordinary people can make correct judgments, let alone a policeman.

   Now not only Li Ming, but also Liu Fang's forehead is also sweating. You know, it's just a slight lift, and what is exposed is a few magazine clips, which seem to be full of bullets!

  This is amazing! Just one car, if it is in the hands of a well-trained person, what is the purpose of this car? This is exactly the rhythm of overthrowing the regime, otherwise, who would save this thing?

  Thinking of the fact that three of them have two guns but they are in a den of bandits, Li Ming can't wait to slap his own ears, scolding himself for why he owes so much, and insists on coming here to watch the fun! Now it's all right, nine out of ten I'm going to show myself to "watching the fun" to death!

"Who else knows?" Li Ming was a bit courageous. When things got to this point, he couldn't do whatever he wanted. Now there is only one way, and that is to play by ear and wait for help. Hope, as for running, it is not Li Ming's first choice now.

run? Play hide-and-seek with the mountain people in the mountains? Isn't that Guan Gong playing big swords at the door!

   As for resistance? There are only two small guns on my side. Although I can **** these guns, there are only three people on my side who are full of fights. Facing a big village with more than a thousand people, there is no chance to even listen to the fight. With so many guys in the car, who knows if there are any other places?

   "It seems to be me now!" Liu Fang continued to tremble.

  Li Mingdao: "Let's spread out, don't stand here, but monitor here, I'll call for help when I see the opportunity!"

   "Why don't you, Director, let's run away" Liu Fang couldn't hold back his urge to urinate.

Li Ming wanted to complain angrily when he saw this, but he lowered his voice when the words came to his lips: "Run? Can you outrun these people? With our Popsang who can't even outrun a motorcycle? There is only one way now, and that is first Stabilize them and wait for reinforcements! Be smart, or today will be our memorial day next year"

As Li Ming said, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight in the car, looked around like a thief, and took a few photos quickly, signaling Liu Fang to stand over there, while he was about ten feet away from the pickup truck. Laimi, while pressing the guy on his waist, squatted in a gable corner and started sending messages to his close colleagues in the institute, asking him to report his findings as soon as possible.

   The power should be urgent, which is the best way Li Ming can think of now. As for whether it is reasonable or correct, it is good to not panic at this time.

  At first, the person who received the news thought it was a joke, but after a few words, he realized how serious the matter was. The most important thing is that the pictures have the truth! This one doesn't believe that Li Ming dares to make fun of this matter, unless he doesn't want to live anymore!

Not to mention the entire county bureau was dumbfounded, from the bureau chief, senior political officials, to the three teams in the county, all woke up within five minutes, and then spread to the city and province, a large group of people in less than fifteen minutes People who were shocked by this news were thrown off their feet!

When it comes to guns, there is nothing to say, and it is not an ordinary pistol. It is a standard high-power weapon, so there is nothing to say. It only takes a few minutes to ask for instructions and then mobilize the elite troops. First, the nearest garrison gathers urgently. Drive towards Qianjin Village at the same speed.


  The suffering of the villagers is both physically and mentally. The body is broken hands and feet, the pain is piercing, and the heart is eagerly looking forward to the ambulance but it will never come!

Li Ming and Liu Fang's torment is purely spiritual. They are afraid that the villagers will find out that the two of them have 'discovered' their hidden weapons. Others are lying in the open air and will be cooled by the mountain wind at night. These two have to wipe it off from time to time. The sweat on the forehead is like taking a sauna.

   Neither the villagers nor Li Ming and Liu Fang waited too long, and soon a large group of well-armed soldiers appeared in the village, and they were still very rude.

   "Everyone..." Village Chief Lu was about to speak when he was hit by the **** of a gun in the face, and then a black muzzle pointed at Village Chief Lu's head.

   Li Ming and Liu Fang were relieved, and immediately said to the officer leading the team: "Here, here!"

  The officer knew who the two men were by looking at their police uniforms: "Take us to have a look!"

  Four or five people came to the side of the van, and now Li Ming directly opened the back door of the car, lifted the straw mat, and all the guns underneath were exposed at once.

The five people present were stunned for a moment. In addition to long guns, there were also some pistols. Although the guns were a bit miscellaneous, they were all famous brands. Colt, Browning seven or eight brands, a dozen or so , but also equipped with bullets.

   "I x! The equipment of Lao Tzu's army is better than that of Lao Tzu's army," an officer said angrily.

   "Look at everyone!" The leading officer immediately gave an order: "If you encounter resistance, you can kill them directly!"

Fortunately, the resistance that the officers were worried about never happened. The villagers of the whole village were in a daze. They didn't know that their side was just called an ambulance. The difference between soldiers and PLA soldiers, not to mention that almost everyone has a gun in front of them!

  (end of this chapter)

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