Chapter 534 Dinner

  The focus of barley and wheat cooking is not on whether it tastes good or not, let alone what is being cooked. The focus is on making a word, which has nothing to do with other things at all.

When the things were put on the table, even Pooh and Pao Bao were a little unhappy. Their two little faces looked like Changbai Mountain. They have always been used to the orthodox Chinese food cooked by Jian Heng. Now a bear and a raccoon are a bit different. Adapted to American tastes.

To be honest, the food cooked by the two sisters, Barley and Wheat, is not delicious, but it is by no means that bad. In Jian Heng’s eyes, American food is sweet and sour, and Americans like it, so the food prepared by Barley and Wheat Dinner is also the same way, blueberry bread with salad, and some ancestral sauce made by the two of them, it must be edible for Americans, but for Jian Heng, Jian Heng even has the heart to wipe his neck.

   Ouch! Jian Heng's meal was quite uncomfortable.

  The uncomfortable point is not eating, but pretending to be delicious while eating, and at the same time explaining in simple terms why the food they make is so delicious.

   Fortunately, they have lived together for more than a year, and now Jian Heng will open his mouth if he doesn't want to: "I never thought that the two of you are really good at cooking."

  Jian Heng doesn't know whether a piece of meat sandwiched in bread, served with a little sauce, and then pasted with a few slices of lettuce is considered a dish, anyway, just boasting.

  Just as Jian Heng said this, the instant noodles jumped off the chair and walked straight to the door.


  Pooh growled in the way of instant noodles: Where are you going?

  The instant noodle side looked back at Pooh, and responded with a few squeaking voices: I'll check in the restaurant, see if Denver has finished eating, if not, I'll go get something to eat.

Roar! Pooh also fell off the chair he was squatting on: go together, go together!

  Jian Heng looked longingly at Pooh and Instant Noodles who were walking towards the door, and paid attention reluctantly for a long time before turning his eyes away.

  Mait naturally also saw it, and opened his mouth and said: "Pooh and Instant Noodles don't like our food!"

  Barley looked at Wheat's expression a little disappointed, but said comfortingly: "They are all carnivorous animals, and what we make is a bit too vegetarian. They will definitely like it next time we barbecue!"

  "Yes!" Jian Heng immediately said: "Next time you barbecue, don't do these things, don't be hungry."

   "Is it really that bad?" Wheat looked at Jian Heng and asked.

Jian Heng immediately straightened his face: "How is it possible? The taste is nothing to say, and Michelin is nothing more than that, but you also know the situation here. If you don't kill a few catties of meat every day, you seem to feel that there is no work today. Over like ".

   "Okay, let's roast the meat next time, but these things have to be eaten." After hearing this, Xiaomai happily assigned Jian Heng a task.

  Jian Heng has something to say, eat it, and throw some into the space secretly.

Anyway, after a meal, there is no shadow on the side of barley and wheat, and Jian Heng is left to wash the dishes at home. This is also a normal phenomenon. The one who cooks the rest washes the dishes. This division of labor has always been Jian Heng. fine traditions of the family.

After tidying up the kitchen, Jian Heng secretly prepared to go to the restaurant for a while, because this morning, Jian Heng saw that Zhao Changshan was assigning Zhao Wei to take care of the remaining hair of the pig's trotter, so don't think about it, it will definitely be stewed at noon at the latest Come on, if you are not familiar with it now, there are still ghosts.

   In addition, Jian Heng is not full yet, so he wants to go to the tooth-dashing festival.

  He went out humming a little tune and headed towards the restaurant. When he was still 100 meters away from the restaurant, Jian Heng decided to enter through the back door in order to be safe, took a trotter and hid aside to eat.

  Following this train of thought, Jian Heng walked to the door, opened the door, and was about to say something in a low voice, when he was suddenly confused by what he saw.

Pooh, Denver, and Instant Noodles squatted and gnawed pig bones. Jian Heng was not surprised at all. The strange thing was the barley and wheat. Now they each sat on a small bench, each with a pig's hand, and the corners of his mouth were gnawed. It's all oily.

   "Aren't you full, why are you still eating pork knuckles in the restaurant?"

  In an instant, Jian Heng's plan changed from stealing pig knuckles to scolding the two sisters, Barley and Wheat. Although he himself came to eat pig knuckles, he hasn't eaten them yet, so he naturally has the face to criticize others.

  Wheat was stunned for a moment, and then asked back: "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I came here to catch you. I have an insider telling me that you are stealing pig's knuckles here. Didn't you just say that you are full? Why is everyone holding a big pig's trotter and gnawing non-stop? Hmm !” Jian Heng asked seriously.

  Balley is much smarter. He ignored Jian Heng's pretentiousness and opened his mouth and said, "If you want to eat, sit down and eat. If you don't, then don't delay our study session with Ningning!"

  "Reading club?" Jian Heng was quite strange: "What kind of reading club?"

  Balley stretched out his hand, and Jian Heng realized that there was an IPAD in front of the two sisters. On the screen, his little sister was holding a big watermelon, eating it like a little ground mouse.

   "Why didn't you go to school?" Jian Heng asked.

  Ning Ning said on the other end: "Brother, you are stupid, today is Saturday, we don't go to school!"

   "Oh! Then are you at home today or how?" Jian Heng asked.

   "Aren't I at home? I'm chatting with Sister Damai and Sister Wheat!" Ning Ning said.

   At this moment, a little girl's head moved to the front of the screen: "Let me see, let me see, this is your brother!"

   "Well, this is my brother, not as good-looking as my two sister-in-laws!" Ning Ning directly made up for it.

   "..." Jian Heng doesn't know what to say about his own girl, the words are really annoying, why add the second sentence as long as the first sentence is enough.

   Barley and wheat are very happy.

  Jian Heng decided to ignore his own sister, the little traitor, and asked with his mouth open, "Where are there so many children?"

  Ning Ning said: "They are all my classmates, knowing that I want to chat with my sisters-in-law, their parents sent them over...".


  Jian Heng understood when he heard it. The trend of learning English among the whole people has not dissipated. Hearing that Ning Ning wants to chat with his sister-in-law in the United States, a group of people sent their children here.

What Jian Heng didn't know was that Ning Ning's spoken English now, the English teachers in the kindergarten didn't talk as fast as she said, children, as long as they learn the language in the right way, they can make progress quickly, like Ning Ning is doing now. Learning to buy English is just jumping out words from the small brain, unlike when you are an adult and learning a language, you just do the work of "translation" at the beginning.

  With Ning Ning in front of her, the other parents naturally rushed to send their children here.

It's not easy for Jian Heng to leave now. He came here to eat pork knuckles, but now he hasn't eaten them, so his stomach can't be empty. Besides, the pork knuckles are still hot at this time, and they won't taste good when they are eaten later. Who knows? I know how long the two women and Ning Ning will talk.

So Jian Heng himself took out an iron rake and stretched it into the pot. From the bottom, he fished out one that looked delicious, and the biggest one was the ex-pork trotter, and put it in the empty plate next to it to cool down for a while. eat again.

While waiting for the pig's hands to cool down, Jian Heng pricked up his ears and listened to the content of the conversation between Damai and Ningning. He had to say every sentence more than twice, one in Chinese and one in English. At first, he found it interesting, but After listening to it for a while, I became a little sleepy.

  Feeling that the pig's knuckle was almost cold, Jian Heng pushed the door open with the pig's knuckle in his hand, and walked aimlessly while nibbling on the pig's knuckle.

   "Brother Jian Heng!"

He was gnawing on the pig's knuckle happily, and suddenly a woman's voice made Jian Heng feel bad. As soon as he heard this voice, Jian Heng knew it was Sixiu, and now only this little girl calls herself brother Jian Heng .

   With a little smile on his face, Jian Heng turned his face away: "Sixiu is here, why are you here so late today? Master Yao hasn't returned yet?"

  Sixiu looked at Jian Heng and said, "Why do you keep avoiding me?"

"Actually, I didn't avoid you." After thinking for a while, Jian Heng said again: "Okay, I am avoiding you, I just think we two are really not suitable, you are still young, and you have seen few men, wait When you're older, you'll know that the streets are full of men like me..."

If it weren't for Selina and Blakely, or the group of brats in the space, Jian Heng really might not be able to resist the seduction of a handsome, beautiful and pure girl for so long. It's not normal to turn over and get on the horse.

It's just that I'm not willing to mess with Sixiu anymore. My children can't be fed by just adding a ladle of water to the pot. When the time comes, I will kick my legs and don't fight with the children again because of property matters. It's because Sixiu didn't have this idea, and it's hard for others to say. The most reliable thing is that all the children come from barley and wheat. It may not be the end of the fight, but it's better. As the old saying goes, whether a child's education is good or not depends on the mistress of the family. Jian Heng believes that Barley and Wheat will be a good mother.

  Sixiu said: "I just want a child, and you are the suzerain of the clan, I think it is very suitable to give me a child, I don't want to marry someone else too much, and I don't want to find a stupid husband like others...".

   "I understand you, really, but this is not okay. I am not the only one who has the final say on the child's affairs. I have barley and wheat now," Jian Heng said seriously.

  Sixiu didn't have any sad expression on her side, she said oh, and then suddenly changed the subject: "It's getting late, I should go back, or Grandpa Yao will be in a hurry again!"

   After speaking, without waiting for Jian Heng's answer, he turned his head and left humming a little tune.

Looking at Sixiu's back, Jian Heng suddenly felt that this little girl was a little weird, making him feel goosebumps all over his body, so now he didn't have the heart to eat the pig's knuckle, holding the pig's knuckle for a long time, looking at Sixiu The back figure was stunned for a few minutes, and then he suddenly let out a long sigh.

  Suddenly the old man's voice came over: "This girl is a little bewildered!"

  (end of this chapter)

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