Chapter 535 Stress

  Jian Heng didn't pay too much attention to the matter of whether Sixiu was in a daze, so Mr. Yao just talked to Jian Heng. Although the conversation was relaxed, both of them felt that Sixiu was no longer fit to stay in the ranch, and as for the rest, it was naturally arranged by Mr. Yao.

  Mr. Yao returned to Zi's house after dinner, and called Gong Ming and his wife into his room, and closed the door with a snap.

   "Uncle, what's the matter?" Gong Ming's daughter-in-law couldn't help asking when she saw the movement.

  Master Yao said: "The day after tomorrow, you take Sixiu back to the valley, and when you come back, go to the hospital again to see how the old man is doing. If possible, the two of you will come back with him as a companion."

   "Why? Sixiu won't come back with us?" Gong Ming couldn't understand. He didn't know why all of a sudden this uncle asked him and his wife to take Sixiu back to the valley.

  " Sixiu won't come back with you, and after returning, let your uncle give her to get rid of her demons." Master Yao couldn't help sighing when he said this.

  Gong Ming's daughter-in-law thought for a while, and immediately understood the twists and turns: "Is this related to Jian Heng?"

  "Well, I think this girl is a little bewildered, and she might do something stupid if she continues like this," the old man Yao said.

   Gong Ming said: "Are you afraid that he will hurt Jian Heng?"

  Master Yao shook his head: "I'm not afraid that she will hurt Jian Heng, I'm afraid that Jian Heng will hurt her! Taking her out of here is the best choice now."

   "Afraid that Jian Heng will hurt her? Sixiu is no ordinary girl." Gong Ming's daughter-in-law didn't understand.

Mr. Yao nodded and said: "It is because she is not an ordinary girl that I did this. Don't look at Jian Heng's usual dick, but if necessary, he will definitely eliminate all dangers. In the bud".

Seeing Gong Ming's daughter-in-law's expression, Mr. Yao said: "Don't underestimate his determination, and don't underestimate his courage. Let me tell you, he is very courageous. If he thinks that Sixiu would endanger the barley and wheat and what do you think he's going to do?"

   "Isn't it possible?" Gong Ming's daughter-in-law felt chills down her spine when Mr. Yao said it.

"It will be too late at that time. With Jian Heng's temperament, even if it is a verbal threat, as long as he feels the danger, then he will definitely try to get rid of the danger. If it involves barley and wheat, I am afraid that it will directly touch you." When it comes to his reverse scale, there is no room for negotiation." When Mr. Yao said this, his eyes were full of vertical determination, and he seemed to be very firm in his judgment.

  Gong Ming said puzzledly: "He is not afraid of revenge if we find out?"

  Master Yao looked at Gong Ming and said calmly: "Do we need him, or does he need us?"

  " Isn't your side very popular, he won't take into account..." Gong Ming still didn't understand, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the raised hand of Mr. Yao.

"My side is very popular in the ranch, but at least half of my credit is due to the incense he provided. If I change someone, it will definitely not have such an effect. As long as you talk about it, you may not be able to find someone in the rivers and lakes." To replace me, even if someone else can’t, he can’t do it himself? So these are false and can’t threaten him. Now the best way is to bring Sixiu back and let your uncle enlighten her properly, girl! It's a demon, it's not serious now, let it develop, it will be hard to say later, "Mr. Yao said.

  Gong Ming and his wife nodded in agreement: "I respect my uncle's words, and we will take little sister Sixiu back to the valley the day after tomorrow."

   "Well, then you go back!"

  Master Yao waved his hands at the couple, then walked to the window sill, stretched out his hand and opened the window, staring at the huge full moon above his head, in a daze.

For Sixiu being sent away, Jian Heng breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Jian Heng has been thinking about the scene of that night for the past two days. As said, it is really troublesome for Jian Heng's small brain to work together to create free testimony.

   Fortunately, Sixiu was sent away, and a small stone in Jian Heng's heart fell to the ground safely.

To say that the most enviable person in the ranch these days is not Jian Heng, nor Zhang Jialiang who has moved to a new house, but Simon. Now this guy eats every day when he opens his eyes, and he has a rib or a piece of meat in his hand anytime, anywhere. A pork knuckle, or a sausage with big ingredients, in short, eat whatever is greasy.

Jian Heng is taking Heidou for a walk here, and just ran around, and Heidou's body is covered with sweat, so Jian Heng took off the saddle pad, untied the bridle and let Heidou let the sweat dry on his body As soon as it was drying, it was drying, and met Simon who came over.

  Now this kid is holding a bunch of skewers in his hand, such as grilled squid, grilled kidneys, and fried chicken drumsticks, the guy is full of them.

   "Yo, it's quite rich." Jian Heng joked with a smile.

  Simon stood beside Jian Heng, and stretched out a large string of strings in his hand to Jian Heng: "Would you like a string?"

Just as Jian Heng was about to reach out his hand, he saw a **** shadow covering him from the side. When he looked sideways, he found that the black bean's big horse face was staring at the skewer in Simon's hand, thinking it was something delicious. Yes, so I leaned over and sniffed it, before I stretched my face over, I immediately took two steps back from the pungent smell of spices, and then slapped my nose loudly.

   "Good guy!"

  Simon suddenly backed away from the black bean's loud snort. He was about to be hit right in front of the skewer in his hand, but it would be all over. With the saliva of the black bean, how could the skewer be edible. Besides, such a big string is wasted, Zhao Changshan will also kill people.

  "Teacher, my weight hasn't changed these days. I eat like this every day, and I can't get fat no matter what. I just weighed myself and found that I lost four pounds," Simon said.

These days, Simon's task is to eat every day and keep talking every day, but his weight has not increased, not only has he lost a few pounds, so Simon is a little anxious, and he is leaving to film the pilot episode. The time was getting closer, and Simon always felt a little weak and empty in his heart.

Jian Heng didn't care about such a situation, he opened his mouth and said: "This is due to the inertial effect of the previous drink, and it should be almost the same in two days, and the matter of gaining fat can't make you gain dozens of catties all at once. , even if you can really grow so much meat, your body organs like the heart can't accept it. Anyway, don't worry, just take your time. I can't guarantee 100% to achieve the effect in the photo, but as long as According to my plan, then I guarantee that after the course is over, there will be at least 90% of the effect on the photo... ".

  Simon said after hearing Jian Heng's explanation: "I'm just a little anxious!"

  " I see, it's the first time to play the leading role, and it's still the number one male. I'm a little worried about gains and losses, right?" Jian Heng asked with a smile.

Simon nodded, and then thought for a while: "It's not all because of this, I'm afraid of disappointing those who care about me, like Mr. Peter, who gave me and Sean such a good opportunity, in case we What should I do if I can’t meet everyone’s expectations? What if the ratings of the three-episode pilot drama are generally cut off?… ".

  "Stop, stop, stop!" Jian Heng heard that Simon was a little bit cornered.

   "There are so many contingencies, you pushed yourself a bit hard, is Xiao En the same as you?" Jian Heng asked.

Simon shook his head: "This is what I have always envied about Sean. He is a person who belongs to the big scene, and his ability to withstand pressure is very good. Now as long as he is free, he can still fall asleep with his head tilted. I can't. Every time I think about the possible failure, sometimes I feel my hands shaking. I know I'm too nervous, but I can't help thinking about the consequences."

   After hearing this, Jian Heng waved at him: "Come on, come with me, you go get a horse, and I'll take you to a place."

  Simon didn't say anything when he heard it, and walked towards the stable while holding the string in his hand. When Simon came back on horseback, he still hadn't cleared up all the skewers in his hand.

  Jian Heng took Simon directly on the horse and went to the depths of the ranch. Now the territory of Jian Heng's ranch is bigger, and O'Brien's ranch is also included.

  After riding for about ten minutes, Jian Heng found a big rock by the stream, lay down on it first, and then let Simon lie on another one.

  " Don't think about anything, just wait for a few days, then go and describe to me what the sky looks like in your eyes." Jian Heng tried to slow down his tone of voice.

  "It's beautiful, the Montana sky always is"

  "How beautiful, describe it to me"

   "It's all blue, pure blue..." Simon said.

After talking for a while, Simon began to worry again in his mind, but he soon felt a little sleepy again, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he held on desperately for a while, the worry in his mind and The sleepiness lingered for a while, and finally Simon couldn't take it anymore and just fell asleep like this.

   After Simon fell asleep for about half an hour, Jian Heng snuffed out the burning incense. Waiting for Simon, who was in the downwind, to wake up.

   "Why did I fall asleep?" Simon sat up straight as soon as he opened his eyes.

   Jian Heng was clasping his hands behind his head, humming cheerfully with a grass stalk in his mouth. Seeing that Simon was asleep, he turned his head and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

   "It's much better!" Simon felt that he felt much better.

"Don't worry too much about things, do what you can do well, and leave the rest to God. Don't push yourself so hard. How bad can it be for you?" Jian Heng nodded. He didn't say a word back.

  Simon murmured after hearing this: "Yeah, no matter how bad it can be, it's not like I haven't experienced it before."

  It sounds like it's actually Simon teaching himself.

   "Well, some people will come to pick blueberries at home the day after tomorrow, and you just feel the lively atmosphere together." Jian Heng issued an invitation.

   "I'll be there on time," Simon said.

  (end of this chapter)

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