Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 539: play in water

  Chapter 539 Playing in the water

  The kid from Zhao Changshan’s family ran over at this time, and it seemed that something was wrong, but seeing so many people sitting together in the lonely sky seemed to make him a little shy, so he stood four or five meters away from everyone and began to twitch.

  The little guy's movements happened to be away from Zhao Changshan's sight, but Jian Heng looked straight at him: "What can I ask your dad for?"

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Zhao Changshan turned around and realized that he had come over at some point, so he opened his mouth and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "Dad, I also want to go swimming in the lake!" The boy said in a low voice.

  Zhao Changshan originally planned not to let him, but seeing that the kid from Wu Yong's family was still playing with water in the water, he nodded: "Don't play too crazy!"

   "Don't go to deep water to play!" Seeing his kid turn his head and run away, Zhao Changshan gave another instruction from behind.


   Not long after, Ma Wan's youngest son also called out eagerly.

  Ma Wan’s words here don’t count, he and his son looked at his wife eagerly. Ma Wan’s daughter-in-law is not different from other families at this time. Whatever you say makes your child look precious, so he just nodded.

   "Why don't you go and watch the children, they can't count the children playing, what if something happens?" Ma Wan's wife sent him a task.

Jian Heng heard this, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, it's okay, I'll find something to protect them! Even if it's all over the lake, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's much safer than people watching. People can only rely on their eyes. It's based on feel"

  Speaking, Jian Heng stood up and patted the grass stalks on his buttocks, then turned his head and walked home.

   A group of old men thought that Jian Heng was going home to get swimming rings for the children, but they didn't expect that when Jian Heng came back, he was carrying the big female snake, Xie Li, on his shoulders.

   "What's the use of this guy?" Wu Yong said with a smile.

   Jian Heng said: "Don't underestimate Xie Li, even if you have a physique like yours that fell into the water, it can save you! Don't talk about those children."

   Now Xie Li has grown to a weight of several tens of kilograms and several meters long. It is a bit difficult for ordinary people to carry it. Naturally, there are not many things that can hurt such a long python, let alone Xie Li is not an ordinary python.

   Talking, Jian Heng walked to the lake and put Xie Li into the water.

  She Li was still a little unhappy when she got in the water, but after Jian Heng yelled twice, she entered the water lazily, and swam towards the place where the boys were tossing.

The light blue body of the snake meanders and swims in the clear lake water, giving people a very strange aesthetic feeling. The snake swims in an S shape, swinging back and forth. Generally, snakes are black and not slippery, which looks creepy. , but because Xie Li's whole body is light blue, she has beautiful scales. When she was young, there was a little bit of green, but now the scales have begun to have a metallic color, which is very beautiful under the lake water and the sun. This kind of beauty makes Xie Li's swimming posture not so scary. Of course, it may be that Jian Heng's perception is wrong. Xie Li's swimming is as disgusting as ordinary snakes. It's just that Jian Heng brags that his own things are good.

  As soon as Xie Li entered the water, there was a ripple. Just when Xie Li was about to get close to the children, another ripple appeared in the lake, and soon a big silver fish emerged from the water.

When Pooh saw that the silver fish and Shelly had entered the water, he finally couldn't help it anymore. He raised his legs and rushed into the lake. After Pooh overcame the fear in his heart, the water was too big for a bear. It was nothing to say, and soon the chubby Weineng floated on the water, pawing at the water with his four fat paws, and humming Guo Haw while pawing, which was very annoying.

When Instant Noodles saw Pooh into the water, how could it stay on the shore, so it quickly followed Pooh into the water. This guy can be said to be a snack in the waves. Swimming is his survival instinct. , the little paw followed Pooh after a few paws and pulls.

Except for the children of Ma Wan's family, all the others have been here before. They know the silver carp in the lake and have seen Xie Li, so the two boys from the two families are not afraid. One is holding the silver carp and the other is Xie Li. Li's body, the boy from Ma Wan's family saw Pooh's fat neck with his arms, so the three boys were having fun playing here.

  The boys in the lake were having fun, and the three little girls on the shore were greedy, and each of them found their own mothers and began to act like a baby.

  Let’s not talk about the girls, even a few adults are envious: swimming with Xiong Mang, even in the zoo, there may not be such a performance, how can people not be tempted!

  Wheat is so generous and said directly: "Let's go back to the house to change our swimsuits and come over to play in the lake, shall we?"

   "We didn't bring it!" Wu Yong's daughter-in-law said with a little embarrassment.

  Wheat said: "We have, the new one has not been dismantled, we bought it for relatives at home."

What Xiaomai was talking about was the swimsuits bought by relatives, such as Jane’s father, Jane’s mother, Mai’s father, and Mai’s mother. There are dozens of them in the family, large and small. I didn’t expect it to play a role today. I can't say how well it fits, but it's fine if you can wear it. This is not a public bathing place.

  Everyone immediately applauded when they heard it, and everyone walked towards the house with their baskets on their hands without picking the blueberries.

   "What are these women doing? Like beating wolves," Jian Heng asked curiously.

  Wu Yong took a look: "Who knows, let them go, as long as they don't make trouble, we will do it!"

   Jian Heng heard the same thing, so he kept silent and continued to discuss things with a few gentlemen. After a while, he saw a group of people and suddenly pulled them out. Only then did he know that this group of people was also ready to swim.

  The swimsuits prepared for the family, especially the ones like Jian Ma and Jian Anan, are too sexy, so they are all one-piece. There is no such thing as a bikini, anyway, the old-fashioned tightness is right.

   "Didn't these people come to pick berries, why did they pick them in the lake?" Wu Yong said helplessly.

   "Let them go, just like what you said just now, as long as we don't make trouble," Zhao Changshan said.

   Just like this, the men chatted around the shore, and the women took the children to play in the lake.

The lake in this area is not deep, and there are not many aquatic plants. There is only a shallow layer of silt at the bottom, and the silt is still very moist. When you step on it, it feels warm and cool when you step on it. The foot-to-heart transmission gives people a particularly comfortable feeling, making adults and children feel very comfortable.

At this time, if someone looks at the bottom of the lake, they will definitely find a strange scene, that is, no matter how these adults and children step on it, the mud at the bottom of the lake does not mean to come up at all. There was a slight cloud of mud smoke.

   "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Mai Mai shouted to indicate that it was her turn to pick up the silver carp, so she walked towards the silver carp with joy.

  The silver carp seemed to have heard the voice of Mai Mai, and swam towards Mai Mai with its tail, so the silver carp came to the side of Mai Mai before even taking two steps.

  " After all, it is our own pet, we all walked over, and he came up by himself," Wu Yong's daughter-in-law said with a smile.

  When other people want to take advantage of the strength of the silver carp or swim with the silver carp, they always go to the silver carp. When Xiaomai shouts, the silver carp automatically swims to Xiaomai's side, which makes everyone very envious.

  "Ashley, call out to see if the big fish will come to you?" Wheat was also quite surprised, so she asked her sister, Big Mai, to call out.

  Balley was playing here. Hearing the words, he turned around and asked something. After hearing wheat repeating it once, he yelled at the silver carp: "Big fish, come here!"

  I saw the silver carp wagging its tail a few times beside the wheat, and seeing that the wheat didn't respond, as expected, it swam towards the barley.

   "I really understand it!" Mai Mai shouted in surprise.

  Wheat's voice alarmed a group of gentlemen on the shore.

Mr. Yao and Ma Wan thought it was normal for such strange things. In their eyes, Jian Heng's master of the clan, although his gender was a bit different from what they thought, but he had heard the legend of driving tigers and wolves since childhood. What's the deal? It's not surprising that Jian Heng would let the ants move, not to mention that fish can understand people's greetings.

   Only Wu Yong and Zhao Changshan were surprised.

   "This fish is also obedient?" Wu Yong said.

  "If you feed a fish every day, I guarantee that the fish will come over after a year as long as it sees you coming to the lake and shouts." Jian Heng said.

There is nothing strange about this in itself, even if it is not a silver carp, Jian Heng once saw on the Internet that a person raised fish and fed it like this every day, so when he got out of the water, all the fish gathered around his feet, it was still the same. A very ferocious fish.

   "Really? Fish still have IQ? Didn't it mean that the memory of fish is only seven seconds?" Wu Yongbiao didn't believe it himself.

   "Nonsense! This is not true at all. You fished yourself, right? Have you ever caught a fish and raised it, and then caught it again with a hook?" Jian Heng asked.

  "I've already caught it and I'll catch it again, am I not stupid!" Wu Yong laughed.

"Fish can remember things for a long time. Some scientists teach fish to hide from electric shock rods in order to test their memory. After a few months, the fish can still remember. When they see the electric shock rods inserted into the water, they immediately know how to run," explained Jian Heng. Said.

   "You're a good fish, get me one when the cubs are born." Wu Yong finished and scratched his head: "I remember I mentioned this before, right?"

  Jian Heng said: "If you see small silver fish in the lake, you can fish whatever you want, as many as you want, and I won't say anything!"

   "I always feel that you are fooling me!" Wu Yong scratched his forehead again after hearing this.

  Jian Heng was speechless, gave Wu Yong a supercilious look and then sat without saying a word.

   "I had a lot of fun," Zhao Changshan said.

Jian Heng looked into the lake with everyone, and saw a group of people yelling in the lake, either picking up fish or holding pythons. The most interesting thing was the little girl from Wu Yong's family, who was lying on the Pooh On the back, it looks like a little princess sleeping on a bear skin.

  (end of this chapter)

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