Chapter 540 Lectures

  The three families came here, originally they said they were picking berries, but in the end they turned into playing in the water, and they became more interested in playing. When the sun was about to set, these people came out of the lake.

  At this time, if we have dinner again, Wu Yong’s family will have to fly back in a panic. Flying at night is not as safe as flying during the day, so seeing his wife and children ashore, Wu Yong urged him.

  Wu Yong shouted at the child: "Go, change your clothes and go home!"

"Dad, let's play another day and go back tomorrow night. Anyway, I have finished my homework." The kid from Wu Yong's family is a little bit reluctant to come here, because there are not only Pooh and others here, but also two more friends. This little friend also has the same skin and eyes as him, which looks much more pleasing to the eyes than those classmates with golden hair and blue eyes. Everyone has a natural sense of intimacy, which is really rare for the boys.

  Wu Yong said with a smile: "You are still addicted to playing. Just the little homework in your school is not enough for your father and I to do it for an hour when I was young. Is there still merit after finishing it?"

As the host, Barley and Wheat, who just learned about Chinese customs, felt that he had to be polite, so he opened his mouth and said at the same time: "If you have nothing to do tomorrow, please stay. Anyway, the children just made new friends and get along happily. It just so happens that everyone It's so lively."

  Wu Yong's sons and daughters immediately showed a look of anticipation when they heard this, clasping their hands together and begging their mother endlessly.

Wu Yong's wife didn't know what to do anymore, so she had to turn her head to look at Wu Yong. She was quite willing to stay and play. In the past, at home, she either watched TV, rode a horse, or played on the computer. How could she be happy here? Chatting with others, and accompanied by such interesting animals, the circus is not as exciting as Jian Heng's house.

  Wu Yong thought for a while: "Then I will trouble you."

  Hearing what their father said, the two children cheered immediately, shouting long live, long live.

  If Wu Yong's family doesn't leave, then the original plan will be changed, and it is naturally impossible for Zhao Changshan and Ma Wan's family to go back at this time. So everyone got together again at night, this time it was still the same as at noon, but the formal dinner was changed to a barbecue mode. In addition to these three families, there were staff members of the ranch such as Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong. He didn't go home, and several students from the ranch joined in, a total of twenty or so people, and turned the dinner into a small party.

  Beside the barbecue pit outside, Zhao Changshan couldn't stop turning over the grilled steaks. Whenever someone came over, he would pick up a piece with tongs and put it on the visitor's tray, and then asked how his cooking was.

  The honest Huang Xiaodong is now playing tricks on Zhao Changshan.

   Outside, everyone was chatting, but now I don’t know who turned on the stereo in the truck at the door, opened the door and played music.

  Americans have food, drink and music, so how can they do it without dancing? So one person swayed his body to the music, and other people were quickly infected. A group of people, no matter what celebrities, politicians or ordinary ordinary people, began to sway their bodies to the music.

Soon everyone moved their bodies along with the music, no matter whether they could dance or not, they were all so happy, even Zhao Changshan, who was doing the barbecue, would sway his body from time to time, which was a bit carefree. Yan brother's style, if it is photographed, it must have the potential to become an Internet celebrity.

  Everyone became happy, and those who were a little bit shy gradually let go of their restraint. Later, even Ma Wan's daughter-in-law swayed slightly to the music like everyone else.

Jian Heng and Damai Wheat had already started dancing, and after the end of the song, they were about to come to the second part, when they heard Wu Yong calling him, and turned around to see that this guy was standing under the porch and waving at him. proceed.

   "I'll go and have a look, this guy has a lot of problems! Once I get to the ranch, I can't even dance with An Sheng!" Jian Heng smiled at Barley and Wheat.

  At this time, Jian Heng realized that Wu Yong was not only calling himself, but also Zhao Changshan.

  Balley also said happily: "Next time, you can't use your Chinese polite words indiscriminately!"

   "Maybe because we are Americans, he thinks we are sincere!" Wheat found a reason for himself and Barley.

  Jian Heng laughed and said: "That's not the case. Originally, Wu Yong wanted to stay and join in the fun. Even if it was you and him saying politely, he would find an excuse to stay and play!"

It can’t be said that Barley and Wheat have no intention of keeping customers, but they didn’t expect that Wu Yong didn’t even have a word of politeness here, and he got off the donkey by taking advantage of the two of them. According to the Chinese habits they learned to buy, it’s okay. There was a process of turning down the two invitations, which was the so-called Chinese-style politeness. How could Wu Yong save it.

  As soon as Jian Heng left Damai and Wheat, a shameless student immediately came to invite Damai to dance with him. After a while, Zhang Jialiang also came to invite Mai to dance.

   "What the **** are you going to do?" Jian Heng walked up to Wu Yong and asked jokingly.

Wu Yong said: "Master Yao has brought a brush and paper, and is going to let Ma Wan write two characters for everyone to see. I didn't think you were uneducated, so I came to greet you and take you there to educate you. It might as well improve your taste."

   "I have green hair and say that others are monsters. I have always learned a lot, and you are the only one who is ignorant." While chatting with Wu Yong, they met Zhao Changshan, and the three of them walked into the house together.

As soon as he entered the room, he found that Ma Wan had already set his posture, holding a pen in his hand, and pressing the edge of the table with his left hand. A pair of quarto papers was placed on the table. On both sides of the paper were two iron bars. Chopsticks seem to be used as paperweights.

As soon as Jian Heng entered the room, he felt Ma Wan's aura. The person who had some minor defects actually showed a special sense of concentration when he picked up the pen, as if he was a master, staring at his eyes calmly. The white paper seems to be an idea.

Mr. Yao stood beside him, folded his hands and said, "Just write a few characters. They probably have limited attainments in calligraphy. Maybe they have to take pictures and ask experts or something. How much do you write?" It will be difficult for them to shoot, so let’s just come up with such a poem, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days!”

  After the old man said this, Ma Wan's eyes moved with the pen, the pen followed his heart, and he started to write like a dragon and a snake.

   I have to say that the writing posture is very beautiful, but it is a pity that Jian Heng does not understand the written characters except for nine characters.

"this is?"

   "It's suspected that the Milky Way is falling for nine days. Didn't Mr. Yao tell you all about it!" Wu Yong said, full of garlic, stretching out his finger and pointing at the paper.

  Before Wu Yongxian finished showing off, Mr. Yao said: "Calligraphy is from right to left, and from top to bottom. You are completely wrong."

  Wu Yong moved his finger to the correct position without blushing and panting, and read it again: "It is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days!"

   "Okay, don't talk about the rest, how dare you praise your character if you don't know anything? Do you know it? I only know one nine characters anyway," Jian Heng said.

  Zhao Changshan shook his head when he heard it: "I can also see the word nine, which is too sloppy!"

   "What are the grass afraid of? Look at how powerful the writing is!" Wu Yong boasted.

  As soon as Wu Yong finished speaking, he immediately received two blank stares from Zhao Changshan and Jian Heng.

  Master Yao said: "Cursive script is the real chapter! Find someone to see if Ma Wan is worth one hundred dollars per hour!"

   After speaking, Shi Shiran pulled Ma Wan up and walked towards the door.

Jian Heng and the three were in the room, and after looking at it for a while, they didn't see any clues. First, none of them had practiced calligraphy, and they didn't know what kind of characters were good or bad. For the three of them, It is said that as long as the handwriting is elegant and the writing is correct and makes people look comfortable, then it is good, and other handwriting is not considered good handwriting.

   "Really good?" Jian Heng was a little confused.

  Wu Yong replied bluntly at this time: "How do I know, why don't you ask Mr. He and ask him to find someone to ask for you?"

  Jian Heng looked at the time: "At this time, he is still awake, why are you asking!"

   "Then shall I find someone?" Wu Yong said after hearing this.

"Do you still know these calligraphers?" Jian Heng asked curiously. In Jian Heng's heart, Wu Yong is the kind of person who is very shrewd in business, and the kind of person who is a little bit unprofitable. You will also meet people from the cultural circle.

   "Calligraphers also have to eat, or who do you think bought their works? It's not us businessmen." Wu Yong was a little proud, then left and dialed the phone.

  After chatting for a few words, Wu Yong took a photo of the word on this side and sent it over. The people on the other end were full of praise immediately, and all of them said that they wanted to find an opportunity to visit the person who wrote this word.

   After rambling for a while, Wu Yong put down the phone.

"That's right, not to mention one hundred dollars a day, even two hundred dollars a day is worth it. Do you know who I called just now? A vice chairman of the Provincial Book Association, he is full of praise, This price is equivalent to the price of relatives and friends. It is set like this. From now on, two bear children from our family will come to learn four characters every week.”

   "Isn't that giving you another chance to come to me to cheat for food and drink?" Jian Heng didn't scratch his head.

  Wu Yong said: "When the time comes, we won't stay with you, let's go to the farm!"

  "It's as if the farm is not mine!" Jian Heng said again.

  Wu Yong was at a loss for words. He held back for a long time before he said: "Stingy!"

  So the calligraphy teacher decided on it.

The party didn’t take long, just an hour or so. Everyone went home after a while of excitement, and those who went back to the dormitory went back to the dormitory. Damai, Wheat and Jian Heng packed up two guest rooms for Wu Yong’s family. , resettled the family.

  (end of this chapter)

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