Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 549: building magic

  Chapter 549 Building Magic

In the early morning of the next day, it was just dawn, and Jian Heng was about to go for a walk on his fancy horse. He saw Mr. Guan leading a group of old men in a stance, and each of them was carrying a big Yellow canvas bags, some people can vaguely see the most famous slogan of Taizu's old man, serve the people, on some people's bags, I don't know what year it is.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, Jian Heng remembered for no reason the nursery rhyme that he often sang when he was a child, and he didn't know where it came from. Anyway, seeing these old men, Jian Heng couldn't help humming in his heart Get up: Sunday morning is foggy, old people picking up dung lined up, men wear pigtails, women shave their heads...

   I don't know why, so I just sang like this, until these old men walked in front of me.

  " Boss Jane, why are you in a daze?" Professor Guan asked.

  Jian Heng shook his head, and then came back to his senses and expelled the **** song in his heart from his head: "It's nothing, it's just that you are going to work so early?"

   Zheng Gong said with a smile: "As you get older, if you go to bed early, you will naturally get up early, so everyone wakes up before dawn, just in time for activities!"

   "It's still more than an hour before dinner, I asked the restaurant to prepare some warm things for you to cushion?" Jian Heng said.

  Professor Guan waved his hand: "Forget it, we are used to it here, so we don't bother others."

Professor Guan also asked last night, the meal time here is 7:30, and there are usually only two people busy in the morning. Although Zhao Changshan also came to help, but there is really no way for them to open a row of seats at 6 o'clock. Make four meals.

  Jian Heng thought about it for a while, and felt that these old men got up too early, and it seemed a bit sorry for them to go to work on an empty stomach. In fact, Jian Heng has always thought that he has grown into a capitalist. From this point of view, he is still far from a capitalist. The capitalist only cares about the cost, and he will not consider some 'unreasonable' things.

  "I didn't think about this matter today, but can I prepare hot beef soup for everyone overnight?" Jian Heng said.

  Don’t look at the midsummer of the year, the weather in Montana is only about ten degrees in the morning. It’s really cold if you don’t exercise when you get out of the house.

  "No trouble, right?"

  Suddenly came here from the furnace-like country. A group of old men were not used to it on the first day. When they heard the hot beef soup, they immediately looked forward to it.

  " What's the trouble with this, it's the beef slices boiled with water and chopped green onions, and I don't have the ability to eat the authentic Huainan beef soup," Jian Heng said with a smile.

  Professor Guan glanced at the old buddies around, and said to Jian Heng: "Then trouble Boss Jian."

   "Where is it!" Saying that, Jian Heng turned his horse's head and returned to his house to start cutting beef and cooking soup.

It is the first time to cook beef soup. The method is really from Baidu. There is no shortage of beef in Jian Heng's house. Whether it is cooked or raw, it is enough for several people. This is no problem. First, put the beef Put it in the microwave to thaw, then cut into two-finger-wide meat strips and put them in the pot to burn. During the cooking process, use a spoon to remove the foam from the soup, wait for the beef to be cooked, and then add coriander to the pot Goji berries, ginger, etc. The best thing to do is take out the beef and slice it. What Jian Heng cuts here is not called beef slices, it is more appropriate to call it beef strips. The amount he prepares for one person is enough to sell several domestic Lanzhou ramen restaurants. Ten bowls of beef.

I just used a small stainless steel bucket and put all the soup in it, then went out to find a four-wheeled scooter, hung it on a small cart, went back to the front of the house, and then put the bucket on the two ears from the house. On the back bucket, he took the bowls and chopsticks and ran directly to the construction site.

When we arrived at the construction site, a group of old men had already started to move the stone drum for the pillars. They said that some people might not understand that the stone drum was used for wooden pillars in old buildings. To put it bluntly, it was a pillar. Some of the seats have shallow depressions, like those made by Jianheng, and they are not about two centimeters deep.

   "Here we come!" Jian Heng yelled on this side, and the old man on the other side put down their work.

   If you come to Jian Heng, I will serve a bowl here, and the beef in each bowl of soup will show the soup noodles, which is full and unambiguous at all.

   Zheng Gong took the bowl, scooped it up with chopsticks, and smiled at Jian Heng: "Your bowl will be dropped by at least dozens in China, and the beef alone is worth the price!"

  Jian Heng laughed and said: "This is not in China, come to work here, beef and mutton are all you need, and I don't have any objections when it's the staple food!"

   "Then we will not be polite!" Everyone said after hearing this.

  Jian Heng said: "You are welcome, just eat more if you like it. If you don't prepare it today, I will let the restaurant cook it for you tomorrow. This thing is simple anyway, it just takes time."

   "This beef is good. Although it is a bit difficult to eat, it can still be chewed!" Zhou Gong praised Jian Heng's beef.

Jian Heng listened and smiled. As a foodie, Jian Heng’s beef is naturally good. How can it be cooked without a pressure cooker? It tastes like biting a pimp, not to mention that it melts in the mouth. It is okay to be able to bite off the meat fiber, so although a bunch of old teeth are not very good, there is no problem with eating, but after eating, it is inevitable to clean the mouth with a toothpick.

   "I didn't make it spicy, I added it myself if I liked it, there's chili powder and chili oil here, you can do whatever you want." Jian Heng finished delivering the soup, and then remembered that he had brought the ingredients.

  After putting it out, I realized that I forgot to bring vinegar, so I had to apologize to everyone.

   After eating half a bowl of soup full of beef in the first pot, who cares about the lack of vinegar? After they were full, the old men rested for a quarter of an hour and immediately started working again.

   Waiting for Jian Heng to go around, go home and finish his meal, and then turn to work, he finds that the old men are having breakfast

What a coincidence, the restaurant also prepares beef soup. Zhao Changshan's cooking is more sophisticated than Jian Heng's. Originally, he thought so, so the soup is off-white, and he uses a few large beef bones to match it. The broth made from pork ribs is not the broth that is often sold as dog meat in China. There are not many of them that are not mixed with water. Zhao Changshan’s side is real broth, and Montana’s beef is cheap. Ox bones and pork bones are naturally cheaper, so why is Zhao Changshan reluctant to put them away?

  The soup that has been hung overnight, served with green shallots, sprinkled with coriander powder, and there is a basin of beef slices on the cart next to it. Add this thing yourself! You can put as many as you want, as long as you eat up!

In addition to beef soup, there are big meat buns with onion flavor. They are really big meat buns. Each bun is as big as a small bowl. Even an adult can only grab one bun with one hand. The ratio of skin and filling is moderate, so you can bite down There is a meaty taste in the noodles, and the second mouthful is oily.

  The first meal in the morning finally made these old men feel the "proudness" of the ranch. In the words of a few old men, it was like falling into the cattle pen here, and the meat seemed to be free of money!

  Only Zheng Gong smiled wryly in his heart. For the first time, he felt that he was not completely sure of winning the bet with Jian Heng. The old man knows that Americans eat beef, but he doesn't know that in pastoral areas in the United States, beef is the staple food for small local tyrants like Jian Heng.

After eating and resting for half an hour, Ceresto came early with his Mexican engineering team, dozens of people, divided into four minibuses, plus two pickup trucks with leather tools, and a crane. Forklifts and so on, the engineering trucks that were available drove into the ranch.

   Reaching the ground, the first words Ceresto jumped out of the car made everyone stunned.

   "I thought we were the first to arrive today!"

   "How dare you say that at eight o'clock? We started working at six o'clock!" Some of the senior engineers had good English, but of course most of them didn't speak English or knew a little bit of Russian.

  Ceresto said: "At eight o'clock, I am already very early. This is the United States. Now it is early to start work at ten o'clock in the morning. You Chinese are really workaholics!"

   Two or three old men who understood English were dumbfounded by Ceresto's words, and then translated the words to their companions. Now all the old engineers from China began to smile wryly and shook their heads.

  Big tools have come, such as cranes and forklifts, so the labor intensity has been greatly reduced. With the crane and the steel claw machine, the wooden pillars one meter thick and several meters high can be easily erected. Each wooden pillar is made according to the old man's drawings, and it fits the grooves on the stone drum perfectly. Difference.

  When a pillar was erected, a group of three old men who were good at Chinese and English, including Professor Guan, each had a division of labor and directed the construction machinery to connect the two pillars with wooden components.

  When the third pillar rises and connects with the previous two pillars, the big machinery will not have much effect. At this time, Celesto expresses his opinion.

   "This won't work. Although your connection is ingenious, the pillar must be unstable. How can it be stable if it is a quadrilateral structure!" Ceresto said, shaking his head.

  Professor Guan smiled and only replied: "Let's wait until all the pillars are erected!".

Soon, when the sixth pillar came up, Celesto was a little dumbfounded. Because of his architectural knowledge, all quadrilaterals can shake, but now the six pillars do not use a single iron nail, Only relying on a few magical small wooden pegs, the pillar was firmly locked on the trough, breaking his directional thinking all at once.

   "Amazing! You guys are so smart".


A group of Mexican workers, many of whom came here with the heart of watching the excitement, their confidence in Western architecture, their sense of superiority has been rooted in their bones, although he has not created any Gothic, Bohemia Wind, but they feel that they are Americans, and everything is the best and most amazing in the West.

They have never seen that without iron nails, it is completely made of wood by digging a strange hole in one root, and digging out an arrow-like pillar on the other, so that the two pieces of wood can be completely locked and spliced ​​together to form a single piece of wood. Aniseed.

   "Building Magic!"

   A group of old Mo praised.

  (end of this chapter)

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