Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 550: This also has a big flow?

  Chapter 550 There is also a big flow?

  Jian Heng looked at the watch in his hand, and couldn't help saying: "Why do I think it won't be snowing, don't these three houses have to be settled in a month at most?".

In less than one morning, six pillars have been erected, and the relationship between the six pillars is almost the same in Jian Heng's view. This is the first day of work. The veteran masters from China and a group of old Mo's The cooperation is still not perfect, if it is mature, it will not be more than one building a week.

Professor Zheng happened to go to Jian Heng's side to get the materials, and when he heard Jian Heng's words, he smiled and replied: "The fine work hasn't come yet, the shelf is built quickly, but it will be slow when it comes to the window room, and the name of the roof is added. This kind of protection takes time, but now there are a lot of new materials, it is strange to build such a large building for a year or two before putting it aside, or using the old methods for building ancient buildings.”

   Jian Heng was about to reply when he turned his head and saw Mr. Yao walking towards him in a hurry.

   Zheng Gong saw that someone from Jian Heng's side was coming to talk about something, so after he took the things, he continued to do his own work, leaving Jian Heng and Mr. Yao who hurried over.

   "I heard that all you use here is Jinshen?" Mr. Yao came to Jian Heng, and he opened his mouth to ask without even breathing.

  Jian Heng saw the old man's appearance, smiled and joked: "What are you doing, you are so anxious to go home to catch the rape?"

   "Get out, you kid, answer my question quickly!" Mr. Yao was not in the mood to run the train with Jian Heng talking at this time.

Jian Heng nodded and replied: "Yeah, I didn't know at first, who knew that these old men came over and said that the materials I prepared to be used as pillars here are all golden nanmu, and that's when I knew it was golden nanmu." .

   "Is there a lot?" Elder Yao asked anxiously again.

Jian Heng looked at the old man curiously: "You don't plan to use the extra materials to make furniture, do you? Let me tell you that's not possible, I used the remaining materials, and I'm going to make a set of eight treasures for me , Mr. Master, I have asked Professor Guan to contact me."

  Master Yao waved his hand and said: "I don't want such a small material, I just ask you, do you have any big material, enough to make a pair of longevity materials."

   "Shoucai? What..." Just about to ask what Shoucai is, Jian Heng suddenly understood, this thing is a coffin, and it is a Shoucai to put it bluntly.

   "Is someone from your family gone?" Jian Heng scratched his head and said, "This is too coincidental. With Jinsinan on my side, someone in your family died?"

After thinking about it, I think this is not right, this thing is not cheap, use golden silk to make a pair of our old-fashioned standard coffins in China, if it is not worth a few million, don’t open this mouth, I think Yuan Shikai hung up in a hurry back then, and I was not prepared to think about it. It took a lot of effort to find a golden nanmu coffin that matched the status of the king of God. Why did the old man ask himself to open his mouth to beg for his relatives?

But thinking about it again, people like the old man have a lot of good things in their homes, and Jinsinan is precious to them, but it is nothing to Jian Heng. If Jinsinan can be exchanged for Tang Bohu in their hands, Zhu Zhishan's writing is also a safe and profitable business.

   "What are you thinking, kid?" Seeing Jian Heng's pensive face, Mr. Yao raised his small eyebrows from time to time, and felt that this kid didn't think of anything good, maybe he was thinking of how to trick himself.

  After regaining his senses, Jian Heng smiled sweetly at Old Man Yao, and the smiling Old Man was almost shocked by Huo.

   "I said, old man, I'm going to make pillars to build a house here, and you're going to make this material for birthday materials. Why do I think this house is a little uncomfortable to live in in the future?" Jian Heng's face looked sad.

  Old Master Yao laughed and said, "Get out, you kid, if you want to open your mouth like a lion, just say it. At my age, I still have the same knowledge as you, a kid who has just grown up?"

   "Well! Who are you preparing for?" Jian Heng was going to ask clearly, and then decide whether the knife should be heavy or light.

The old man Yao said: "Who else can I give it to? I am not anyone's son. With this kind of filial piety, I prepared it for myself. After a hundred years, I will also sleep with Jinsinan's birthday material, the same as the emperor's old son." treatment!"

   "..." Jian Heng felt quite speechless.

  Suddenly remembered: "Are you going to be buried here?"

  Mr. Yao couldn’t help hesitating for a moment when Jian Heng asked him such a question, and looked at Jian Heng with a puzzled face: "What am I going to bury here? I am not an American, so I will naturally be buried in the cemetery of my sect."

  Jian Heng asked: "Internal burials are not allowed in the country, aren't they replaced by urns now?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter! Just tell me if you have it, and I won't let you suffer. I will exchange it with you for a manuscript. However, I want the whole material of Jinshen. The longevity material can't be combined, and the other can't be connected. Don't worry. , what I exchanged will definitely be no worse than your Jinsinan," Mr. Yao said confidently.

Jian Heng's knives have been sharpened, and now he is a little dumbfounded when he hears that the old man used it himself. He looked at the old man and asked: "I said, what kind of fun are you doing, and I will give you a woman who is thirty-something just for your body , you can respond to the call of the country, have three children and see your grandson marry a wife. Don’t worry, the old saying is good, good people don’t live long, and evil can live for thousands of years. If you don’t live to be over a hundred years old, God will not agree. Alright, stop making trouble!"

   "You're getting more and more serious, old man, I'm going to tell you something serious!" Mr. Yao was dumbfounded by Jian Heng.

Jian Heng thought for a while and said: "Let's do it this way, I gave you your auxiliary life material, but I don't want anything from you, as long as you teach me here, and the day you can't move it will be repaid, okay?" it is good?"

  Master Yao was stunned for a moment, looked him up and down a few times, Jian Heng asked a few times, are you sure?

  Jian Heng was a little annoyed when he heard it: "I have so many things to do and you have nothing to do, and you are so boring? I am a few thousand a minute, and I will give it if I say it!"

  Master Yao laughed heartily twice, and said, "Success!"

   After finishing speaking, the old man strode back without looking back.

  Jian Heng looked at the back of the old man Yao and said a little unhappy: "This old man is getting more and more rude, and he doesn't even have a thank you for giving him such a valuable thing!"

  Master Yao left, and no one listened to Jian Heng's complaints. When he looked up and saw Zhao Changshan driving a small pickup truck, he realized that it was almost time for lunch before he knew it.

Jian Heng naturally wants to go home for lunch, not to mention whether he is hungry or not, besides barley and wheat, there are also Pooh and instant noodles at home, not to mention that Xie Li has been exercising a lot these days. What used to be two chickens a week has now become three chickens a week, and the energy stored in the body has been taken to the lake by those students and used up.

  Back home, I just put on my apron and was about to cook, when I suddenly heard Wu Yong's voice, this guy was howling at the door.

   "Is there anyone in the house?"

  Jian Heng stood by the window, although he couldn't see anyone, he still replied, "Yes, in the kitchen!"

  Wu Yong pushed open the door, went to the kitchen and saw that Jian Heng was really cooking, so he said aloud: "Hey, are you really cooking?"

  Jian Heng started talking nonsense as soon as he heard him come in, and immediately understood that this guy must have something to do, and what he is talking about now is to draw out the topic he wants to talk about.

   "Say what you have to say directly, don't go around for me, I'm right here," Jian Heng said.


   Seeing that Wu Yong didn't speak, Jian Heng said engraved: "Yo, this matter seems to be not small. No, you didn't come here to try to trick me, did you?"

   "Hey, how do you know?" Wu Yong laughed.

   "Tell me, what are you going to use for it?" Jian Heng asked.

Wu Yong said: "I don't want you for nothing, let's go according to the price change, I just want some materials for my old man and Lao Niang to make a pair of. By the way, I want to ask, your Jinsinnan is ordinary The golden nan, or do you mean the purple nan used by the royal family in the past, that is, the golden silk purple nan material?"

   "Zi Nan, of course it's Zi Nan's golden nanmu" Jian Heng felt a little speechless when asked by this guy, and thought to himself: How about using secondaries as shoddy ones?

   Another question came to mind, and I couldn't help asking: "I said, why do you all like to use golden nanmu to make this thing! Is there a lot of things used in the underworld?"

  Wu Yong asked curiously: "Who else?"

  While asking, he took two steps and reached out to open the refrigerator in the kitchen, took out a bottle of mineral water from it, unscrewed the lid and drank it.

  "Master Yao, he said he was going to make a pair of longevity materials, and he was going to exchange something with me. He said what kind of post, a pair of longevity materials just specified that the whole material could not be spliced ​​or connected...".


  Wu Yong almost choked himself to death with a sip of water!

Arching his waist and wiping the water stains on his clothes, he said: "Damn, the old man is going to heaven, he is not afraid of burying himself, and there will be grave robbers digging the grave in a few days. This is Zinan Jinsi Nan is still an old stuff that takes at least two or three hundred years to grow, what is the old man thinking, he is afraid that he will sleep in peace, right?"

  Wu Yong originally came to ask for an urn by himself, which was already too much. Who knows that he is not even a witch compared to the old man. What Wu Yong didn't know was that he was going to buy it with money, and the old man was going to exchange it for posts. Jian Heng didn't open his mouth to ask what posts. It is more than enough to replace Jinsinan's longevity material, and no one will say that the old man is taking advantage of it when it is put on the bright side.

   It's just that Jian Heng thought that if the old man had worked here for the rest of his life, it wouldn't matter if he gave him a pair. It was a rare treasure for others, but for Jian Heng, he only needed one word: cut! No need to do anything, someone will chop it up and give it to the tribute, and there will be a steady stream.

  (end of this chapter)

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