Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 551: new community

  Chapter 551 New Community

Wu Yong's request is naturally nothing to Jian Heng, and with such a big and small box, the leftovers here can satisfy him, so Jian Heng naturally has no reason to accept Wu Yong's money. This is not the way to be a friend.

Everything went smoothly afterwards. The cooperation between the masters brought by Professor Guan and a group of old Mo got better and better, and the speed of construction became faster and faster. About half a month passed, and the whole The small building complex already has a rough outline, not to mention others, even Jian Heng himself is a little fascinated by these simple Chinese-style buildings. There are no red walls and golden tiles like Zijin City, and no gorgeous carved dragons and phoenixes. There are only log-colored pillars and small gray roofs, which are hidden among the green trees and Qiongzhi. temperament.

  Jian Heng's current pleasure is to appreciate his small courtyard from the ground, the air, and from several angles, the more beautiful it looks.

Mr. Yao also came back from China. Although he leaned on his legs when he went, he leaned on a wheelchair when he came back, but no matter what, he brought back a little nurse who was nearly twenty years younger than him. He said that the little nurse might be a little wrong. , that is the nurse who is not slipping.

Jian Heng walked around the construction site and rode his big fancy horse to the town. When he passed the intersection, he found that someone had given a land of about two acres to the north of the road, that is, the side close to his pasture. The shovel has been leveled, and it seems that something is going to be built, and there are still people in the open space who are constantly measuring something with a ruler.

   None of the people Jian Heng knew, and they didn't look like the old residents nearby. After making eye contact, they just smiled at each other, and then went about their own business.

  Not only this side, the original T-shaped intersection, only the top of the T-shaped intersection has buildings. Now not only the right side of the T-shaped intersection, but also the left side seems to have signs of investigation. Maybe one day when Jian Heng comes out, someone will start construction.

I rode a horse and carefully crossed the road. Now it is not the same as before. I haven’t seen a car for half a year. Now there are only two bars in the town, a small restaurant, and a gas station. Although there are only two A refueling machine, but it is much better than the original one without that. At least in the future, you don't have to go to a town twenty miles away to refuel.

The only advantage of the countryside is that the place is big and there is no difficulty in parking the car. Naturally, there is no difficulty in stopping the horse. Jian Heng's big flowered horse also does not need to be hitched. After patting the horse's butt, the big flowered horse knew to go into the simple stable to graze.

Although a new bar has been opened, Sarah’s business is not as hot as before, but now Sarah’s business is still not bad. It’s only three o’clock in the afternoon, and most of the dozen or so small round tables on the verandah outside are old. drinker.

With the construction of the new bar, the alcoholics in the town are clearly divided into two parts. Those who like to stay in the new bar are all the new residents of the town, such as bounty hunters, most of the entertainment reporters, and There are Wolf King fans, these people usually drink in the new bar.

The old bar on Sarah’s side is mainly composed of former ranchers, cowboys, some paparazzi, and some animal protectionists. As for why there are animal protectionists, because they don’t deal with bounty hunters, the two are together Naturally, it is easy to cause conflicts. These bounty hunters are not very good-tempered. When they fight, these animal protectionists are no opponents. The two fights are like two groups of football hooligans fighting. The bounty hunters are Russian football hooligans and the animal rights activists are British football hooligans, and the bounty hunters are one against ten.

Sarah's old bar has also undergone some renovations. Not only is the place bigger, but also a large porch has been added. This season can be opened, and when it comes to winter, the surroundings can be sealed with glass and ventilated. It has become a unique glass house.

Many drinkers like to sit outside, firstly because the air is good, and secondly, there are many small games to play, of course, these small games are all cowboy style, such as throwing axes, playing lasso and so on. As for the jukebox, there is no difference between these and the inside.

  But Jian Heng doesn't like it. He still maintains his old habit of sitting on the edge of the bar when he comes alone, drinking two cups of whiskey, listening to people talk about things, or asking questions while drinking. Leave after drinking, up to three glasses, and never drink more than the fourth glass of wine.


Now there are not many people in the small town who don't know Jian Heng, and there are few who don't know the skills of this rancher. For the people in the small town, or for Americans, they appreciate the ability to start from scratch People like Jian Heng currently meet such requirements. From the past farm workers, without a prominent father, they have come all the way to today by themselves. Even Hollywood stars are scrambling to come to the ranch to spend money. In the eyes of Americans, this is skill and success!

   Jian Heng smiled and raised his hand at everyone, and kept replying: "Good afternoon, everyone."

   If there is someone you know, add the person's name at the end.

   After a short greeting, Jian Heng pushed open the door of the bar and walked in.

At this time, the bar really had a taste, not as deserted as it was at the beginning, nor as noisy as before. Western songs were playing from the jukebox, and an unknown country singer was using a hoarse voice. In a low voice, he recounted the tragic life of his dog being hit and killed by a car after being abandoned by his girlfriend, accusing the injustice of the world, and women's dislike of the poor and love of the rich.

The tables in the room are not full, just the best 70% full, neither deserted nor noisy, the bartender can hear the farthest guests asking for drinks, and they don’t have to talk to their friends, it’s just right for a small gathering Small talk.

"same as usual?"

  The bartender standing behind the bar saw Jian Heng push the door in, and asked with a smile.

  Jian Heng nodded, leaned his **** to an empty seat, took off his baseball cap at the same time, put it on the bar, and stretched out his hand to scratch the top of his head first.

  The bartender's movements were swift, and the glass and ice poured the wine and pushed it in front of Jian Heng.

   Picked up the wine and put it to his lips Jian Heng paused: "Hey, where's Sarah?"

   "I just went out, and I'm going to deal with the drink situation. There are too many people here, and the supply of drinks in several bars is a bit tight," the bartender laughed.


  Jian Heng suddenly heard someone calling him, and turned his head to see that it was an old rancher, so he gestured to him with the wine glass in his hand.

  The old ranch said: "Jin, how is your new pasture?"

Jian Heng felt how the old man cared about the new grass in his pasture. He thought so in his heart, but he still said politely: "I don't know the specific situation. Whether it can survive the winter will have to be seen again. Your pasture Have you planted new grass yet?"

  The old rancher said: "No, I haven't made up my mind yet. I want to wait and see. If the pasture you planted is good, I will switch to the variety on your pasture. The popular one is good, and I will plant that kind!"

   "Good idea!" Jian Heng said with a smile.

   "Is the hay stored?" The old ranch asked again: "Is your pasture growing fast...".

  Jian Heng said: "It grows faster, much faster than alfalfa, but the height is not high, and the tallest is no more than a horse's belly. As for the evaluation of nutrients, the group of scientific research is not bad...".

Here, Jian Heng briefly talked about the situation of the mixed forage grass in his pasture. This is because Jian Heng pockets everything, but the more people plant this thing, the bigger Jian Heng's pockets are. Now that he has taken it out, If it doesn't make money, there's something wrong with it.

   "It looks very good now, this data!" said the old ranch.

When Jian Heng was talking here, the whole bar fell silent, and most of the ranchers turned their ears up. Although some people didn't have a good relationship with Jian Heng, as a rancher, no one would want to miss out on good pasture. .

  Hearing what the old rancher said, Jian Heng put on airs: "It's a bit early to say anything now, let's see if we can survive the cold for a few more days."

   "That's right!" The old rancher agreed with Jian Heng's statement.

  The conversation between the two of them was over. Jian Heng turned around and asked the bartender casually: "What are you planning to build at the intersection? I think such a large piece of land has been split."

   "A car facility, and a small convenience store, next to the small store is a laundry," said the bartender.

   "There are still shops?" Jian Heng was a little surprised now.

  The bartender smiled and said, "Huh!"

At this time, a man dressed as a cowboy in his thirties said: "That's not counting. Old Oliver has already bought the land of the Brown family and plans to build a small community of more than 20 houses. He How courageous you are!"

   "Isn't that a bad thing?" The cowboy next to him couldn't believe it.

   Building a small store here is big news, building a community? In everyone's eyes, it looks like it's different from playing with money. Does anyone here look like someone who buys a pure house? Not to mention anything else, what will you live on after you buy it!

   Perhaps Jian Heng was the only one in the audience who didn't think that way. He was now marveling at who has such good eyesight! Can actually see business opportunities from it.

Everyone understands that the wolf king is the direct driving force for the growth of popularity here. The legend of the wolf king's immortality will always exist. Naturally, more and more people will come to explore the wonders. If some people have consumption, it will naturally drive economic development, but As long as the wolf king is dead and killed, the prosperity shown by the town is just a flash in the pan.

  The bold ones are betting that the wolf king will not die or the popularity here will not be weak, and the timid ones who dare not bet on the sidelines will naturally lose the opportunity to make big money.

Anyway, Jian Heng did not expect that someone really chose to build a community here at this time, and there were more than 20 buildings when they came up. To put it simply, if these 20 buildings are completed and full of people, the town will be full of people. The fixed population on the Internet has at least five times.

  Five times may seem scary, but the original resident population in the town is too small, at most twenty or so people.

  (end of this chapter)

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