Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 552: step on shit

  Chapter 552 Stepping on shit

  Jian Heng put the empty glass on the table softly, tapped lightly on the bar table, and the bartender knowingly added another glass of wine to Jian Heng.

  Just picked up the wine glass, Jian Heng heard the door of the bar squeak, turned around and saw a face that he didn't like very much appeared at the door.

  Jian Heng doesn't like him, and he doesn't like Jian Heng either, the eyes of the two moved away like lightning, one walked to the bar, the other turned his head and sipped the wine in his hand.

   "How's the case?" asked an old cowboy.

  “It won’t be over in a while. The government wants to reconcile, but the conditions proposed are too far from ours. We can’t accept it...”.

   As soon as the one who just came in sat down, he talked freely.

I don't like this person, but Jian Heng is still very concerned about what he said. It's a pity that the old guy only said half of it, and then a group of people drank wine and talked about the coming winter. The readiness of the ranch. Everyone has put in all their energy early this year, trying not to let the embarrassing events of last year push them into bankruptcy again.

  Jian Heng was not interested in how these people prepared. After listening for a while, he saw that the lawsuit was not mentioned, so he closed his ears. If no annoying old guy comes in, Jian Heng is going to have another drink, but there is this one in Jian Heng who decides to leave after drinking in his arms, so as not to worry about seeing that old face drinking.

Just after half of the wine in the wine glass, Old Walsh's voice sounded at the door. Catherine's eldest son, Sean, also came. Sean was a lawyer by profession and also worked in Kalispell. A good lawyer, now Jian Heng's lawyer Daniel, is a bit more famous than him.


  Seeing Jian Heng sitting on the edge of the bar, the two of them walked over naturally, sat down next to Jian Heng, took off their hats, and Sean also took off his dark blue suit.

   "Who are you?" Jian Heng asked casually.

  Old Walsh said: "I'll talk to Sean about the will!"

When Jian Heng heard that, he was a little bit entangled. During this period of time, people always mentioned these things related to disability. People from China mainly called to get coffins. Thinking about that, Jian Heng didn't even show a good face. Now that the domestic affairs have just ended, he went to the bar to sit with Old Walsh and talked about the will again. It seems that this period of time is a bit unlucky.

   "What about you, why come here for a drink when you have time, and didn't see your mansion?" Old Walsh said with a smile.

  Jian Heng said: "There is a Hao house there, and it's all for the guests. By the way, why are you wearing a cowboy hat?"

In the past, the cowboys near the town rarely wore cowboy hats. They were usually baseball caps. Unless there was a cowboy competition, most of the cowboys would wear cowboy hats. This stuff In the vicinity of the town, it is like leather chaps, which belong to cowboy clothing, but few people wear it like this now.

  Old Walsh said: "There is no way. My family is in the business of tourists. They must feel the ranch life. If you wear a baseball cap, they feel that they have come to the wrong place!"

Sean laughed after hearing this: "My mother, too, struggled at home for a whole afternoon before she changed out her favorite baseball cap, Gene, your point of view is a bit behind now! "

  Jian Heng smiled and said, "I don't care. I'm not a big fan of cowboy hats, nor a diehard fan of baseball caps. As long as there is something to protect my head from the wind and rain, that's fine."

The town has indeed changed. Now more and more cowboy hats appear on everyone's heads. The main reason is that there are more strangers. Many pastures suffered disasters last year, and they are afraid of offending the wolf king. If wolves covet their own pastures, bounty hunters cannot earn money for accommodation. Only reporters can earn money, and there are more and more strangers.

   There are quite a few reporters in the small town, some twenty or so, and there are also many twenty or thirty fans. From Jian Heng's point of view, most of them are not wealthy, and most of them bring their own tents.

   But how many oddballs are there? There are a total of one or two hundred people, and there is an increasing trend now. These strangers come here to see the wolf king, and to experience life on the ranch. When they enter the ranch, they don’t even see a cowboy hat. Satisfied.

   "Really?" Old Walsh asked with a smile.

  Jian Heng said with a straight face, "I'm telling the truth!"

Old Walsh turned his head to a white man in his forties who was sitting in the corner and said, "Digger, do you still have a hat? Give me one. I want to replace the baseball cap on this guy's head." !"

  Jian Heng was a little confused when he heard it, and turned his body to look at the middle-aged man who was talking to Old Walsh.

  When the middle-aged man heard it, he immediately smiled and said, "Of course, I just don't know what style Jean likes?"

While talking, the middle-aged man came over, stretched out his hand and squeezed the cowboy hat on his head, and then introduced himself to Jian Heng: "Jin, hello, my name is Digger, and I have a piece of land on the opposite side now. , ready to sell hats".

   "Selling hats, isn't it a small store? When I came in, they told me it was a small store, and I would go to a grocery store." Jian Heng stretched out his hand and shook him.

  The bartender said: "Can you also sell hats?"

   Jian Heng had no way to refute it when he heard it. Indeed, whoever stipulated that grocery stores cannot sell hats. It is not surprising that grocery stores in the United States sell cars.

   "An ordinary hat will do!" Jian Heng said.

  Digger looked at Jian Heng carefully, and then said: "I have one that will definitely suit you!" After speaking, this man turned his head and left the bar.

Jian Heng was opening his mouth to ask what this man was doing, and saw him pushing the door and walking in, holding an ivory white cowboy hat, the brims of the dkv on both sides were quite high, like two The wings and the finger pit on the top of the hat are also quite distinctive, a little pointed, and the whole cowboy hat looks a little uninhibited, with a little romantic atmosphere.

  Old Walsh nodded as soon as he saw the hat: "Not bad, it is suitable for a cowboy like him who does not do ranch work but can make a lot of money. Now he only needs a suit and a pair of shiny half-height riding boots."

  Shawn couldn't help laughing along with Old Wash.

  Dig held the hat in front of Jian Heng with both hands. Jian Heng couldn't be lazy for a while, so he stuck the cowboy hat on his head.

  The bartender here brought a small mirror as a joke for Jian Heng to take a picture.

   "Not bad, very good!" Jian Heng felt that it was okay, it didn't count as making himself look good, but it didn't ruin his handsomeness.

  Old Walsh reached out his hand and took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a bill and put it in Digger's hand, and then took away Jian Heng's hat that was on the table.

   He took a look in his hand and said, "Remington has wanted a hat of this brand for a long time!"

  Jian Heng originally wanted to go back, but he was too embarrassed to ask for it after hearing what the old man said. The hat he had worn for more than a year was replaced with a new one. What else could Jian Heng say, so he could only shrug his shoulders.

   "By the way, how did you come up with the idea of ​​changing your will?" Jian Heng changed the topic to the normal channel, and didn't worry about the hat issue anymore.

  Digger didn't leave either, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit down on the empty stool next to Sean and joined the conversation. For Digger, he is a newcomer in the town. If he wants to integrate into the town, he must know how to observe. After his understanding, the best way in the town is that he is neither the owner of the North African Eagle Ranch, nor The owner of Wen-Harrison-Marcus Ranch Company, these few people are probably going crazy by the wolf competition now, so they don't have any prestige.

Even if he was not driven crazy by the wolf king, people would not see him selling hats on the street, at most they would give him a smiley face. The reputation of helping others, although helping others requires money, but this matter is very normal in the United States. At that time, Britain and France were almost like pants in World War II. Well, Jian Heng here is taking advantage of a few fields of barley to sell pasture grass, which is the most correct American logic.

So, Digger decided to have a good relationship with this guy in front of him. As for whether it would make other ranchers here unhappy, Digger didn't want this to happen, but he couldn't do anything about it. , but also know that there are bonuses only if you stand in the right team.

   "My uncle has a ranch in Texas, and there is an oil well in the ranch. He passed away a few days ago. As his heir, I want to redistribute the inheritance..." Old Walsh said.

  Jian Heng immediately understood when he heard it. It turned out that not only did he make a fortune in this short period of time, but the old Walsh built an oil well and a pasture without saying a word!

   "Didn't I hear you say that you have an uncle?" Jian Heng said.

   "It's not my real uncle, it's my mother's second cousin! I didn't even know there was such a person. He passed away suddenly without a will. I'm the closest family member who is still alive," Walsh Sr. explained.

  Jian Heng scratched his head and said in his heart: I'm going to go, why can you keep an oil well if you can't hit your relatives? Old Walsh's luck is obviously better than his own! It's not luck, but serious strength!

  I was wondering whether to congratulate the old man for getting the inheritance, or to be sorry to hear that the old man had passed away, when the phone in his pocket rang, and it was still the voice of a WeChat video request.

  Finding it out, he found that it was He Ye who called, and he still used his very private mobile phone number.

   After pressing the switch, a big face of this kid appeared on the screen, and he seemed to have just gotten up from the bed.

"What's up?"

   "Is it easy to talk around?" He Ye asked.

As soon as Jian Heng heard it, he immediately felt that it was a big deal, so he nodded apologetically at Old Walsh and the others, put on a new cowboy hat and left the bar, called the big flowered horse and congratulated him on the way back to the ranch. business calls.

   "Damn, did I step on shit? Who the **** is so boring!" Jian Heng couldn't help being angry when he heard it.

  (end of this chapter)

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