Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 565: what to do with money

  Chapter 565 What to do with money

   It took a whole day and almost a broad daylight before a group of four arrived at Old Walsh's hunting lodge. Since it is called a hut, it is naturally not too big, about 30 square meters, anyway, it is less than 40 square meters. There are pots, bowls, stoves, and of course the most important thing is the bed.

  There is no such thing as a kang here in Montana. It is just a wooden bed, which is not an ordinary standard. It is a bit like a Japanese tatami thing. The good guy occupied almost a third of the room at once.

  No one has been in the room for a long time. When the four of them arrived, they naturally had to clean up and reorganize the room to prevent any dirty things from living in the room. This is a common thing for a forest lodge, and if it is summer, you have to think about how to deal with mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are basic. Maybe you have to face poisonous snakes living in the house. In short, anything can happen in a small house where people don't live often. It's better in winter, but maybe there will be a bear or something nesting in the house.

  Jian Heng took over the job of cooking, first checked the stove, and found that it was empty without any animals or other things, and then turned out of the house to see where the firewood was. Soon Jian Heng found a stack of firewood on the side of the gable. Lifting off the cover above, I found that there was a pile of firewood neatly piled up almost one person's height.

  The firewood has obviously been placed for a long time. Except for the upper layer which is a little damp, the middle part is very dry and suitable for fire.

  Pick up the wet firewood on the top, and specially take the dry firewood on the bottom. In a minute or two, Jian Heng got a whole bag of firewood and carried it into the house.

  As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wu Yong walking towards him with a hedgehog covered in thorns between two wooden sticks.

   "Are you old enough to play this?" Jian Heng asked shamelessly.

  Wu Yong said with a smile: "What do you mean by playing this, I just take it outside!"

"You man, a hedgehog won't do anything. It must be a family hibernating in this place. You have nothing to do with them. You put them back. If you throw them out now, He froze to death within a few hours. God has the virtue of good life, so do something good!"

   "Hey! I can't tell, you still have such a compassionate heart!" After speaking, Wu Yong lifted the hedgehog in his hand, and said to the hedgehog who was still curled up: "You are lucky here!"

   After speaking, Wu Yong put the army back in a corner of the corner with the hedgehog in his arms.

   "Where are the two of them?" Jian Heng asked Wu Yong curiously as soon as he entered the door and found that Jimmy and his bodyguard were not in the room.

After thinking about it, I understood why Wu Yong was able to play with hedgehogs here. If Jimmy was there, he would definitely not let Wu Yong throw the hedgehog outside the house, although there is no saying that there is a good life on Lao Mei’s side. , but the reason is the same, they will not kill wild animals at will if it is not necessary.

Wu Yong was pouting and putting the hedgehog back into the small nest in the corner, when Jian Heng asked without turning his head and said, "They said they went to look around before it was completely dark. According to the situation, it seems that we are preparing for fishing tomorrow morning."

   "Oh!" It's enough for Jian Heng to know where they are going. The two of them are not there, Pooh and Instant Noodles are also not there, and there is only the fat eagle turning his head foolishly in the room. What should Jian Heng worry about? Not to mention anything else, the bears in this mountain are not necessarily as big as Pooh.

Walking to the side of the stove, Jian Heng threw the firewood on the ground with a snap, took two pieces of firewood and stacked them on the bottom of the stove, and then built another layer of dry branches and leaves on top, and placed them on top of the dry branches and leaves. A few twigs were used to light the fire with a nodding device. When the twigs and leaves were burned out, the thicker branches were also burned. Once this branch ignited, it meant that the fire was officially ignited. Woke up.

   took a pot and put it on the fire, then poured water into the nest, covered the lid and boiled the water first.

Waiting for his ex-husband to be roasted, Jian Heng began to prepare today's dinner. The staple food is still beef, but it is not eaten in a Western style, nor in the American countryside, but in a Chinese style, which may not be called a Chinese style. I heard that This way of eating was passed down from the Soviet Union: beef with potatoes!

Wu Yong had already checked the whole house at this time, and found no other guests in the house except the hedgehog family, so he lay down on the bed, propped his upper body up against the wall, and looked at the house boredly. Jian Heng asked, "What shall we have for dinner tonight?"

   "Potato beef, eat as much as you want!" Jian Heng said while peeling potatoes quickly.

Wu Yong licked his lips when he heard Potato Roasted Beef, then his Adam's apple made a thud, thought for a while and said, "Can you make some stir-fried vegetables today, it doesn't need to be complicated, let's stir-fry vegetables! Shanghai It is said that there is no green vegetables for three days, and green smoke is coming out of the throat, we have not eaten green vegetables for more than two days."

   "Where can I get you green vegetables in this place?" Jian Heng looked up at Wu Yong who was lazily lying on the bed and asked. Jian Heng didn't bring a lot of green vegetables. He cooked some soup on the road and eaten it up. Now the soup is usually seaweed egg soup. Whether it's Jian Heng and Wu Yong, or Jimmy and his bodyguards, they all think it tastes good.

   "Is there any way?" Wu Yong suddenly wanted to eat green vegetables.

  Jian Heng thought for a while: "Yes!"

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, Wu Yong suddenly sat up from the bed: "What?"

   "Raw bean sprouts!" Jian Heng said relaxedly.

  Wu Yong was a little confused when he heard this, and said after a while: "You actually brought beans?"

  Wu Yong didn't expect that, not only would Jian Heng bring any beans if Wu Yong didn't have space, it was because of the treasure house of space that Jian Heng could 'bring everything'.

  Stand up and turn around to go out. When he turned back again, Jian Heng had a small cloth bag in his hand, which contained about two or three catties of mung beans.

   Entered the house and poured all the beans into the pot, then added water and put it near the fire, and continued to peel his potatoes.

Wu Yong watched anxiously as Jian Heng finished all these tasks, sighed and said, "If you were a woman, I would definitely marry you home! This is too powerful. You are like a robot cat. ".

  The three characters Doraemon immediately exposed his age. In the past, Wu Yong’s Doraemon was still called Doraemon when he was a child, but it was not Doraemon later. The protagonist was also called Yasuo, not Daxiong.

  Jian Heng listened and joked: "It's okay now, but I'm pretty good at being a man. You can go to Thailand to reform and come to our house to be my housekeeper!"

   Speaking of this, Jian Heng looked back at Wu Yong: "Forget it, you should not change. Even if you become a woman, you are still an older young woman, so don't waste money."

  Wu Yong didn't want to talk to Jian Heng when he heard it. He tilted his body like this, and changed a comfortable position to lie down.

Not long after closing his eyes, Wu Yong opened them again. Sleeping on this bed without a sleeping bag is not a good experience. Even if there is a fire in the room, the room is still very cold and not suitable for sleeping. A beautiful little sleep.

   "By the way, Jian Heng, let me ask you, what would you do if you were rich?" Wu Yong lay sideways on the bed, resting his head on one hand and looking at the busy Jian Heng.

   "If you are really okay, go and chop some firewood for me. I saw a wooden stake in the corner, and an ax hanging on the wall in your left hand!" Jian Heng is not in the mood to discuss this with Wu Yong now. What are you doing with money? Now that I am quite rich, I can't live my life day by day, and I still eat three meals a day?

  Wu Yong turned up and took the ax off the wall and walked out of the house. Unexpectedly, this guy came back with the ax in less than three minutes after going out.

  Not only did he come back, but he also shamelessly said to Jian Heng: "I see that there is still a lot of firewood over there, and there is no need to chop it at all!"

  Jian Heng was really a little speechless, and said to him: "That was when the last person came to stay for the night, you have a little self-knowledge, okay! This is the rule!"

Generally speaking, such a small house can be rented overnight, because most of the owners of such wilderness places are willing to provide a little convenience to the traveling guests, and the money is not required. Generally speaking, the guests will chop some firewood in return, and many Dry wood can provide great convenience for the next guest or host, just like Jian Heng can use it to start a fire now, but if you want to start a fire with wet wood, it will be troublesome.

  Wu Yong has already hung the ax on the wall, even after hearing Jian Heng's words, he didn't want to move anymore, and continued to lie back on the bed: "Talk about it, what do you want to do if you have money?"

   This guy hasn't forgotten this topic after walking around outside.

  Jian Heng: "...".

   "Say it! Anyway, there is nothing to do now, let's chat and brag!" Wu Yong was quite enthusiastic.

  After thinking for a while, Jian Heng said, "Buy land!"

"and then?"

   "Buy another land!" Jian Heng said.

  Wu Yong asked in surprise: "Why buy so much land?"

   "Landlord, what are you doing? Think about how awesome I would be if I rode a horse for three days without leaving my house!" Jian Heng thought for a while and said.

  Wu Yong heard this and said: "You are crazy, you can't get to the side after running for three days, how big is the land, even a state is not enough for you!"

   "Didn't you say bragging!" Jian Heng laughed.

   "That's right! Do you know what I want to do?" Wu Yong turned over and asked Jian Heng.

   "Raising mistresses, lots of mistresses!" Jian Heng joked.

Wu Yong said: "You are too vulgar, besides, I am so old, I don't know how many beautiful skins I have seen, what can I do? Ten thousand or twenty thousand or one hundred thousand million? I have long been tired of playing. I most What I want to do is to fly a 787, the super luxurious one. I have to land at my own airport, you say this guy is so energetic."

   "You really show off!" Jian Heng said after hearing this.

  (end of this chapter)

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