Chapter 566 Alcohol is not intoxicating

  The two talked nonsense and chatted for almost half an hour. They only felt the cold wind at the door tightened. When they looked up, they saw Jimmy pushed open the door and walked in.

   "How is it?" Jian Heng asked.

  Jimmy came in, stomped his feet first, and then patted the snow dregs on his body: "There are little snowflakes floating in the sky again, I wonder if I can go hunting tomorrow!"

   "It's falling again?" Jian Heng stood up, stretched his head and looked out through the small window that almost reached the roof, only to see that the outside of the house was gray and white, and there was no sign of snow falling.

   "It's not big, just a little snowflakes!" Jimmy said to Wu.

The bodyguard finally came into the room at this moment. In front of him was a fat Pooh and instant noodles with a thick layer of hair. Both Pooh and instant noodles were wearing red vests. It also looks conspicuous at this time. Needless to say, this product is naturally made by Barley and Wheat. It may be because I got used to wearing it last winter. I seem to like these two items very much and I don’t want to take them off once I put them on.

  Jian Heng hummed to show that he knew: "Sit down, dinner is ready, and I'm just waiting for you to come back!"

While talking, he picked up the spoon, opened the lid, and immediately a fragrant beef smell flooded the whole room. There was no response, and Pooh immediately turned his head and took his own basin, eating instant noodles Naturally, he was behind the bear, and quickly picked up his little basin with his little black paws, and stood in front of Pooh first.

   As far as smartness is concerned, Pooh is a little short. Pooh has a simple and honest temper. Even if someone beats him, he seldom gets angry, unlike guys like Da Niu Qianlong, who are easy to touch. It's not like a high-ranking official, as long as it doesn't bully people or bully other animals for a day, it will hurt.

  Pooh didn't know to put his basin next to the fire, but the instant noodles knew it.

Jian Heng looked at the little black hand that was almost reaching his face and the small rice bowl, picked up a spoon and made a portion of instant noodles, and when he arrived at Pooh, there were two spoons of meat and a big beef bone, and then It was served with a full three-day spoonful of soup and two pancakes, and threw it into its basin.

  It is impossible for Pooh to hold a basin, it has not yet evolved to this point, so Pooh's dining table is next to Jian Heng's bench. As for the fat eagle, Jian Heng and Wu Yong had already fed it when they were chatting just now, and now this guy is standing on the shelf and taking a nap, and it looks like he is about to fall asleep.

  The animals’ food and drink have been settled, and the rest is for humans. There is a spoonful and a half of beef and potatoes in each pot, and each person has a cup of seaweed egg soup. Everyone finds a place to sit and prepare to eat.

  Jimmy found a bottle of wine in his luggage at this time, and Jian Heng knew it was whiskey at a glance, and it seemed to be the very famous kind.

  Jimmy said while twisting the lid: "Everyone, try my collection! The top-quality whiskey that rarely appears on the market was brewed in 1936, and there are less than 100 bottles of whiskey in the same period...".

  Jian Heng likes whiskey very much. Hearing what Jimmy said, he immediately raised his head and drank the seaweed soup in his cup. After wiping his mouth, he stretched out the cup in front of Jimmy.

  Jimmy poured some wine into the glass, Jian Heng retracted his hand, put the glass to his nose, smelled it, and then tasted it.

"Great wine!" Jian Heng took a small sip, and felt that Jimmy hadn't fooled himself. The wine was indeed good wine, and it was not just a good wine. The taste is full of wine aroma.

  Jimmy smiled and said, "If you like it, I can give you a box!"

  Jian Heng immediately said: "We Chinese have a saying that the elders dare not resign, so I thank you."

  Jimmy originally wanted to give it away. When the Americans were not so polite, they heard that Jian Heng accepted it, so they nodded.

It's not a formal occasion, so everyone is very casual. No one thinks that whiskey and goulash are out of class. Everyone chats while eating, mainly about how to do activities tomorrow. Jimmy's arrangement is in the morning. I went to the small lake to break the ice for fishing. At noon, everyone was eating grilled fish. In the afternoon, we went hunting. We could eat whatever we hunted for dinner, whether it was hare, deer, or pheasant.

  Jian Heng had no objection, Wu Yong followed the trend, and as for the bodyguards, they still wore telephone poles and said nothing, so everyone quickly decided to follow Jimmy's thinking.

The four of them got together, and soon a bottle of whiskey was exhausted. Eight hundred milliliters of wine, 40 degrees, was nothing to Jian Heng and Wu Yong. Jian Heng saw that everyone hadn't After drinking it, I turned around and took another bottle of Yanghe Meng Liu and poured it for everyone.

   Neither Jimmy nor the bodyguard drank baijiu for the first time, but they still couldn’t get used to the taste of baijiu. It’s actually like the first time a Chinese drink whiskey. They always feel that the taste is weird and not as pure as baijiu. This is almost the same experience for foreigners drinking baijiu. They will think wow, Chinese people drink alcohol!

  Jimmy took a small sip, and then wrinkled his whole face together: "I really don't know why you Chinese like to drink this kind of wine, it has no other taste except alcohol."

   "You just have to get used to it. It's the first time I drink whiskey and I think it has a strange taste. This kind of wine needs to be tasted carefully to have a taste." Jian Heng laughed.

   After drinking white wine, this guy served it with goulash. Both Jian Heng and Wu Yong felt like ducks to water. After a while, two pots of goulash poured into their stomachs.

Jian Heng and Wu Yong killed more than half of the one-kilo bottle of M6. Jimmy and the bodyguard drank less than four taels together. look like. As soon as they put down the bowl, the two went to bed and climbed into their sleeping bags and fell asleep, and they snored after a while.

  Wu Yong glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile: "It's really bad for these foreigners to drink! And there is no atmosphere yet."

   Having said this, Wu Yong raised his hand to touch the tea mug with Jian Heng, drank the remaining wine in the cup in one gulp, and felt the strength of the wine with a hiss: "Is there any more?"

   "Drink less," Jian Heng said.

   "It's only half a catty of wine. What's more, the whiskey is still 40%! Let's have a little more," Wu Yong urged.

  Jian Heng heard the same thing, half a catty of wine for one person is really nothing, so he turned around and took another bottle, opened the same Meng Liu, and both of them drank it.

After drinking for a while, the bottle was controlled by Wu Yong, and Jian Heng didn't care, anyway, Jian Heng stopped after drinking about two or two more, feeling a little flustered, and realized that his little wine was It's the best drink ever.

Putting the empty bowls and cups on the wooden platform on the wall, Jian Heng picked up his sleeping bag and got in, and slept on the side near the door, and got into the sleeping bag, Jian Heng was very dazed. Soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly I felt a particularly bad smell in my nose. I opened my eyes and saw a huge fluffy head next to me, and it was very disgusting. Dripping his saliva, he smelled nothing but the waste gas of Winnie the Pooh.

   "I'm drunk because of you!"

Smelling the smell of alcohol in Pooh's mouth, Jian Heng looked at the wine bottles on the ground again, and found that two of them were empty. There should have been three bottles on the ground, but now there are four, two M6. The bottle, and two bottles of whiskey, turned to look at Jimmy's luggage, and it was obviously turned over by the instant noodles.

  Jian Heng didn't have time to think about it, he got out of the sleeping bag, stretched out his legs and kicked Pooh's big head off the edge of the bed, and then got back into the sleeping bag and continued to sleep on his big head.

   "My wine!"

   While Jian Heng was sleeping in Zhengmei, he suddenly heard a wail. He opened his confused eyes and saw Jimmy squatting on the ground, with an empty bottle in each of his left and right hands, and his entire face was almost tangled together.

   Jian Heng saw nothing serious, and he drank a lot last night, so he closed his eyes and shrank his head into his sleeping bag and continued to sleep.

  I fell asleep and didn’t hear anything. When I opened my eyes again, I found that Jimmy was clinking glasses with Pooh as if he was insane.

  Seeing that Jane woke up lazily, Jimmy said to his son-in-law: "Hey, Jane, look at Pooh and he likes to drink!"

  Seeing that his family's always serious and serious old man now had two big lumps of rural red on his face, and was drinking with Pooh shoulder to shoulder, several black lines immediately hung on Jian Heng's forehead.

  (end of this chapter)

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