Chapter 588 which one comes out

  It was getting late, and Jian Heng was preparing to make dinner. Wu Yong walked into the kitchen and knocked on the door next to him, attracting Jian Heng's attention.

   "I'm leaving!" Wu Yong said to Jian Heng with a smile.

Jian Heng raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist: "Let's go after eating, it's about half an hour, and now you can't eat when you go back? What's the matter, sister-in-law is cooking dragon meat for you at home? It's so fast Go back."

   "No, I'm going to go with those cowboys, take it a little late tonight, and fight for the mountain pass, so that even Xiaoxue tomorrow will be easy to deal with," Wu Yong said seriously.

Hearing what Wu Yong said, Jian Heng reached out and picked up the towel at hand to wipe his hands, and then asked: "Why do you want to go with them quickly, you are not idle, you have traveled such a long way like the boss, Walk with the cowboys for a few days?"

"It's not been a few days!" Wu Yong said with a wry smile: "This is a problem that fell in the past. I have to follow the big things. There is a saying that once you are bitten by a snake for ten years, you are afraid of the well rope. Forget it, I won't talk about it. Let's go. !"

   Without waiting for Jian Heng to answer, Wu Yong stretched out his hand and patted the door frame of the kitchen, turned around and walked towards the door with strides.

  When I reached the door, I was about to reach out to pull the door, but when I saw the door was open, I immediately took a step back.

"Yo, is Damai and Xiaomai back?" Wu Yong looked up and found that the two sisters of Damai and Xiaomai had returned. He saw that Xiaomai was still holding a golden bus buckle with a soaring eagle on it. A line of words: the words of the champion of the one-man carriage event in the rodeo in XX, so he congratulated him aloud.

   "Mait, it's fine, you are much better than Jian Heng. Neither of his two horses could bring back a championship, and your horse won one, okay, good!" Wu Yong said with a smile.

  Xiaomai was very proud of himself. Hearing Wu Yong's praise, he said with a smile: "I told him to buy a new horse, but he just didn't believe it. Look...".

"Yumutou, don't be as knowledgeable as him, this person is not good enough! Okay, then you three can enjoy the three-person world at home, and I'm leaving." Wu Yong waved his hand at Barley and Wheat, turned his head and left the room , when he passed the new horses of Barley and Wheat, he stopped involuntarily, looked around carefully for a while, and it took almost two or three minutes before he left the room with a sigh.

When Da Mai arrived in the kitchen, Mai Mai took back his buckle and put it on the dressing table in the bedroom in a serious manner. After moving it a few times, he was satisfied with both the position and the angle, and then he came out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. So he wanted to yell at Jian Heng that he would starve me to death or something.

But as soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw that Damai and Jian Heng were very close, and they seemed to be whispering something, so he immediately forgot about his hunger, and walked behind them on tiptoe, and suddenly said: "What are you talking about?" ?”

   This sudden sentence startled both Jian Heng and Damai, and Jian Heng almost threw the half-cooked vegetables in the pot onto the stove.

  Balley clutched his chest all of a sudden: "What are you doing!"

  Mait stretched out his hand and pointed at the two of them in turn: "Are you talking bad about me?"

  Jian Heng stretched out his hand to hug Mai Mai, and patted his buttocks twice: "Let you scare me!"

  After the snapping was over, the wheat was put down again.

  As soon as he landed on the ground, Mai Mai suddenly jumped up and fell on Jian Heng's back: "Why are you talking bad about me, so softly!"

   "Who has time to talk about you, we're talking about the biological company?" Damai said.

   "Biological company? What's the matter with the biological company?" At this point, Mai slid off Jian Heng's back: "Isn't it ready to sell part of the shares?"

  Wheat is not very interested in this matter. Unlike Barley, who is serious and responsible in doing these things, Wheat is willing to know some furs, and most of the time he doesn't even want to know furs.

   Sure enough, as soon as Damai explained a few sentences, Maimai became a little impatient and waved his hand: "Forget it, tell me, I'm going to play with Pooh."

  So Barley and Jian Heng were left in the kitchen to discuss matters about the biological company.

As soon as the meal is ready, the three of them finish their meal, and everyone digests their food. Now Da Mai and Mai like to sit and meditate in the quiet room, while Jian Heng walks slowly for half an hour to consume some food in his stomach, and then he is good. Turn the rest of the energy into heat and radiate it from your body in the weight room.

  The next day was light snow again, and after the light snow, it was moderate snow. After two days of moderate snow, the entire Rocky Mountains ushered in sunny days again.

  Wu Yong led the cowboys to drive the 800 horses to the ranch, turned around and took a car over and drove his plane back, and everyone was busy in their own time.

  As the days went by, Jian Heng would soon have to leave the ranch and go to Los Angeles to attend the premiere of the film produced by Peter the Great, the leading actors of which were the first batch of people who came to the ranch to receive muscle-building training.

   "Barley, hurry up, or you won't be able to catch the plane at this time." Jian Heng stood at the door of the room, anxiously urging the barley and wheat in the room.

Attending the premiere ceremony, Damai and Mai are very fancy about this, so they showed extra caution in choosing evening dresses. Originally, they all had several evening dresses, but each of them compared them for a long time. Unsatisfied, he continued to gesture with clothes while muttering something.

   Originally, Jian Heng thought that the two sisters were the kind of women who didn't pursue dressing too much, but he didn't expect that when he heard that he was going to participate in the premiere of a blockbuster movie at the China Grand Theater, he immediately became entangled.

Zhao Changshan couldn't wait outside at this time, pushed open the door and walked in, and asked Jian Heng: "How long will it take? Hurry up, if there is something else on the way, it may be late The plane is gone."

  It is snowing now, and the road workers in the United States are surprisingly lazy. They are not as diligent as domestic sanitation workers at all. The snow has stopped for a few days and the roads have not been completely shoveled. Guan Jian is that these grandsons can’t urge them. If you urge them, a group of trade unions will jump out and accuse you of ignoring workers’ rights. In short, if you make these Americans tired, it will be a’big crime’.

   "Who knows, it's been a long time since the comparison, and there is no one in the picture." Jian Heng said helplessly.

   Zhao Changshan heard it, thought for a while and said something in Jian Heng's ear.

   After listening, Jian Heng looked at Zhao Changshan curiously with disbelief.

Zhao Changshan smiled and raised his hand. Unexpectedly, Jian Heng came according to his proposal. Zhao Changshan could see that Damaimai was not dissatisfied with his few dresses, but wanted new dresses, so this side made gestures. I hope Jian Heng, a fool, will bring it up by himself.

  Don’t ask Zhao Changshan how he knew it, just look at his wife’s wardrobe of clothes.

  Jian Heng opened his mouth and said to Barley and Wheat: "Honey, let's stop looking. These evening dresses are a bit old. I suggest that we find a gift shop in Los Angeles and order two sets."

   As soon as the words fell, Barley and Wheat looked like they had been enchanted. They raised their heads at the same time, looked at each other and said, "Hey! Why didn't I think of it!"

   "Let's go, let's go, you have to go shopping with us when we arrive in Los Angeles!" Wheat and Barley said at the same time again.

   "Okay, okay! Let's get off the plane and go to the hotel to salute, okay?" Jian Heng said while making a gesture of admiration to Zhao Changshan behind his back.

   Just like that, Jian Heng saw that Barley and Wheat each took their handbags and walked out of the room.

Zhao Changshan sent the three of Jian Heng to Kalispell's airport. When the three got on the plane and flew to Los Angeles, Zhang Jialiang was already looking around at the exit. Very unexpected people, one is He Ye, it can be regarded as a small accident, the other one is really a big accident, it is Hu Chengzhi, who has been playing the role of the second generation of unlearned and incompetent officials in Shanghai, if it is the Wei Wenzheng who came Even Jian Heng is not that strange, it would be strange if Jian Heng who came here didn't blame him.

  Out of the aisle and in front of the three of them, Zhang Jialiang had already put his luggage on the luggage cart.

  He Ye waved his hand at Jian Heng, smiled and said nothing.

On the other hand, Hu Chengzhi said straightforwardly: "What happened last time was my fault, and I shouldn't play black and white. This time I came to apologize, and at the same time, I would like to formally introduce myself to you, Hu Chengzhi, who is now in Jiangnan Province. Government work, I am here on behalf of the Jiangnan provincial government..."

   "..." Jian Heng didn't know what to say.

  As a member of some Montana travel group and one of the organizers, I never expected to encounter such a situation.

   "Are you mistaken? I'm just an ordinary member here. Even if you value it, you shouldn't pay attention to me?" Jian Heng said.

   "The work is not big or small, and since I have accepted the task, I must fully listen to your opinions and suggestions. In this way, our reception will be targeted..."

  Hu Chengzhi not only said, but also stretched out his hand to take the luggage cart in front of Zhang Jialiang while he was talking. How can you see half of the arrogance he had when he was in Shanghai.

   "Which song is this?" Jian Heng pointed at Hu Chengzhi.

  He Ye shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't bring it, he came with me, and he was like a tail along the way, and he couldn't shake it off."

   "Your whereabouts are not a secret, I also know two people in Montana." Hu Chengzhi said with a warm smile,

   咱! Once Jian Heng thinks about it, don't bother here, let's go back to the hotel early, there are still a lot of things to do here, the most important of which is to let out a sigh of relief, that made Jian Heng a street rat The big V of the big V has also arrived in Los Angeles now, and lives in the same hotel as Jian Heng.

   Of course this is not a coincidence, if Jian Heng knew that this person lived in this hotel, he would have booked this hotel.

  Zhang Jialiang wanted to **** the luggage trolley from Hu Chengzhi's hand, but he failed to **** it after a couple of snatches.

   Seeing this situation, Jian Heng said loudly: "Don't grab it, give Mr. Hu a chance! It's so fun that I haven't pushed four small wheels since I was a child!"

  (end of this chapter)

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